Instead of the constant defenders admitting that it is true and this happens. They (you) get upset that they are now proving it happens more than you think so you brand them as cop haters.

You can look around and you will see threads where I have berated bad cops.
For instance, in the Eric Garner case I repeatedly stated the cops were obviously wrong and were the ones that escalated the situation to the extreme, same for the idiot cop that tazed a 72 year old man who was only trying to tell him that he had dealer plates on a car.
At the same time, I am tired of seeing the media - and threads on this forum, that post/report the "cops are bad story of the day".
There are bad cops, but overwhelmingly the police are made up of people making AMAZING sacrifices and risking their lives every single day to protect you.
Instead of the constant defenders admitting that it is true and this happens. They (you) get upset that they are now proving it happens more than you think so you brand them as cop haters.

You can look around and you will see threads where I have berated bad cops.

Not you specifically, this seems to be the pattern. Deny it happens or justify why it happened. Then when shown other cases they scream "enough already" or say you "hate cops" because you spoke about their abuses.

At the same time, I am tired of seeing the media - and threads on this forum, that post/report the "cops are bad story of the day".
There are bad cops, but overwhelmingly the police are made up of people making AMAZING sacrifices and risking their lives every single day to protect you.

I agree but I fail to see why posting stories about bad cops get you angry at the story tellers and not the stories themselves. You're seriously skipping a step in the outrage dept
I agree but I fail to see why posting stories about bad cops get you angry at the story tellers and not the stories themselves. You're seriously skipping a step in the outrage dept

Perhaps, you might be getting "guilt by association".
My point was on this forum as a whole, and lately in the media, we are seeing more of these stories. Too many.
If you haven't already, I encourage you to view the last video I posted here. The Captain's little rant there was outstanding and very much needed to be said.
Great little speech no matter one's opinion on police.
I agree but I fail to see why posting stories about bad cops get you angry at the story tellers and not the stories themselves. You're seriously skipping a step in the outrage dept

Perhaps, you might be getting "guilt by association".
My point was on this forum as a whole, and lately in the media, we are seeing more of these stories. Too many.

I agree but I say its too many because its happening too much. You're saying too many because the incidents are being reported too much.

If there was no incident, they wouldnt have anything to report.

If you haven't already, I encourage you to view the last video I posted here. The Captain's little rant there was outstanding and very much needed to be said.
Great little speech no matter one's opinion on police.

I heard him and he did the normal side step routine. The topic is police brutality and the constant defenders response is "speaking of black on black crimes" huh? We're talking about police crimes arent we? Its interesting that when someone says the police are being brutal the first thing they want to discuss is not crimes....its BLACK CRIMES. Not others, just blacks. Now why would you only single out one segment of society's crimes? To be fair? As a response to police misconduct?

No, we all know why
I heard him and he did the normal side step routine. The topic is police brutality and the constant defenders response is "speaking of black on black crimes" huh?.....

It wasn't a side step in this case.
What they are commenting on was he was at a protest gathering where most of the signs and comments were about police shooting/discriminating against blacks. He talked to some of the people there, and took a few questions. At some point while some guy was yelling nonsensical garbage at him, he was reading texts on his phone. The media saw him do this, and of course started railing on about how disrespectful he was by texting while people were trying to talk to him. In this video he lined their asses out about why he was looking at his phone, and then went into a tirade about the real problems in Milwaukee. You have to remember this was right in the middle of the Wilson/Brown turmoil.
I heard him and he did the normal side step routine. The topic is police brutality and the constant defenders response is "speaking of black on black crimes" huh?.....

It wasn't a side step in this case.
Yes, yes it was. Its a side step in every case unless black crime is the topic, which it wasnt.

What they are commenting on was he was at a protest gathering where most of the signs and comments were about police shooting/discriminating against blacks.

Ok, topic is police shooting and discrimination against blacks, got it.

He talked to some of the people there, and took a few questions. At some point while some guy was yelling nonsensical garbage at him, he was reading texts on his phone. The media saw him do this, and of course started railing on about how disrespectful he was by texting while people were trying to talk to him. In this video he lined their asses out about why he was looking at his phone, and then went into a tirade about the real problems in Milwaukee. You have to remember this was right in the middle of the Wilson/Brown turmoil.

Yeah I know, so again the topic is police shooting and he responds with black crime? Why? Does that explain the police shooting and abuses? No....So again, what on earth reason would the common response always involve crimes...only from ONE segment of society. Why did he feel compelled to bring it up?
Reporter: Do you have a comment on the story about the dog biting the man

Angry dog hater: Why dont ya'll talk about how nasty pit bulls are! Not other dogs but specifically Pit Bulls! They stink and bite all the time!
The shootings once again raised questions about the police use of firearms in crowded areas and drew comparisons to a shooting a year ago, when officers struck nine bystanders in front of the Empire State Building when they killed an armed murder suspect.

Initially Mr. Broadnax was arrested on misdemeanor charges of menacing, drug possession and resisting arrest. But the Manhattan district attorney’s office persuaded a grand jury to charge Mr. Broadnax with assault, a felony carrying a maximum sentence of 25 years. Specifically, the nine-count indictment unsealed on Wednesday said Mr. Broadnax “recklessly engaged in conduct which created a grave risk of death.”

“The defendant is the one that created the situation that injured innocent bystanders,” said an assistant district attorney, Shannon Lucey.
Dont worry guys. Slowly but surely the cops are standing down. They'll soon only respond to very serious crimes.

You all.get to fend for yourselves the rest of the time.


Oh please! Spare us this passive-aggressive bullshit. Are you honestly going to sit there and say this man should be charged because the bullets missed him and hit bystanders???? Really??

And what you are really saying in your post is "Let cops do whatever the fuck they want, or they won't do anything at all!", which is crass and obnoxious.
Dont worry guys. Slowly but surely the cops are standing down. They'll soon only respond to very serious crimes.

You all.get to fend for yourselves the rest of the time.

In the case of those cops, it might be safer.
Only when good cops are actively and publicly involved in getting rid of bad cops will the trouble end.
I'm sure once he files a complaint it'll all go away
Only when good cops are actively and publicly involved in getting rid of bad cops will the trouble end.

Its dangerous for anyone who dares to cross the blue line.
Only when people start dropping the hammer on bent cops and those that cover for them will anything change.

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