NSA To Provide Proof Tomorrow Obama Spied On Trump

'Incidental' my ass! In spycraft-speak, 'incidental' means reverse-targeting.

NSA To Provide "Smoking Gun" Proof Obama Spied On Trump | Zero Hedge
If this is such obvious common sense then why is the guy that Trump appointed to run the NSA saying that there is NO EVIDENCE to back up Trumps tweets? You are off the rails dude
FBI, NSA, and DOJ have no evidence to support Trump’s wiretap allegations
I'm going to break this down to the simplest of terms.

If Trump wasn't "wiretapped" how did all of this information get out there?

You do understand that there are two ends of a phone conversation, don't you?
The NSA director just testified there was nothing indicating surveillance on Trump.

You fools are so freaking easy.[/QUOTE]

I'm tired of going down this road... so briefly because you already know, I'm sure... Oct. was the latest, narrower NSA application leading to raw 702 masked data of Trump and associations of his in the hands of the NSA, one of the 20 at the NSA passed it on (under new law) to the 16 other agencies, bla bla bla later Flynn's name is somehow unmasked and illegally leaked
So the head of The Congressional Intelligence Commitee is Lying?

The NSA director just testified there was nothing indicating surveillance on Trump.

You fools are so freaking easy.

I'm tired of going down this road... so briefly because you already know, I'm sure... Oct. was the latest, narrower NSA application leading to raw 702 masked data of Trump and associations of his in the hands of the NSA, one of the 20 at the NSA passed it on (under new law) to the 16 other agencies, bla bla bla later Flynn's name is somehow unmasked and illegally leaked[/QUOTE]
The NSA director just testified there was nothing indicating surveillance on Trump.

You fools are so freaking easy.

I'm tired of going down this road... so briefly because you already know, I'm sure... Oct. was the latest, narrower NSA application leading to raw 702 masked data of Trump and associations of his in the hands of the NSA, one of the 20 at the NSA passed it on (under new law) to the 16 other agencies, bla bla bla later Flynn's name is somehow unmasked and illegally leaked[/QUOTE]

That's not surveillance on trump or his people. It was leaked because the leaker knew the freaking Nations Security Advisor was lying to America. Was it illegal? Sure. I'd give the guy a medal. "All enemies. Foreign and domestic".
Obama is a piece of dog shit… Always has always will be.
'Incidental' my ass! In spycraft-speak, 'incidental' means reverse-targeting.

NSA To Provide "Smoking Gun" Proof Obama Spied On Trump | Zero Hedge
If this is such obvious common sense then why is the guy that Trump appointed to run the NSA saying that there is NO EVIDENCE to back up Trumps tweets? You are off the rails dude
FBI, NSA, and DOJ have no evidence to support Trump’s wiretap allegations
I'm going to break this down to the simplest of terms.

If Trump wasn't "wiretapped" how did all of this information get out there?
The Russians were "wiretapped". Trumps team called the Russians. The communications were intercepted. Trumps team lied about meeting with the Russians. There lies were exposed through illegal leaking. Any questions?
No one lied about meeting the Russians..
NSA set to release logs of incidental collections during wire tapping and produced transcripts including who ordered the unmasking of Trump and his team. Information has come to light, provided by the NSA, that the Obama admin ordered the collection, correlation, and dissemination of raw data including the logs showing who was given the information...

This is scheduled to be released to Chairman Nunes tomorrow.

IF this is true, you now have cold hard evidence of treason, illegal surveillance of an opponent, the president elect and the opposition political party.

This is about to get very ugly. Proof of INTENTIONAL felonies by Obama and democrats..
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When will the media question the wiretapper and chief? Where is Obama anyway?
President Trump was exactly right about Obama ordering surveillance on him and his transition team.
And the evidence is now coming to those in authority to do something about it.

NSA To Provide "Smoking Gun" Proof Obama Spied On Trump | Zero Hedge
Nunes said that he had briefed the president about his concerns over the "incidental" collection of data, adding that the president "needs to know" that these intel reports exist, and adding ominously that "some of what I've seen seems to be inappropriate."
Nunes also said that Trump, others in the transition team were put into the intelligence report and asked if Trump should be in these "normal" reports.
But what was perhaps most troubling in Nunes presser is that in the aftermath of Monday's Congressional hearing with James Comey in which the FBI director said on the record there had been no surveillance of Trump, is the House Intel Commission chair's statement that the FBI is not cooperating with the investigation.
"We don’t actually know yet officially what happened to General Flynn," Nunes said of how communications from Gen. Flynn's calls were leaked to the press. "We just know that his name leaked out but we don't know how it was picked up yet. That was one of the things that we asked for in the March 15th letter, was for the NSA, CIA, and FBI to get us all the unmasking that was done."
"And I'll tell you, NSA is being cooperative," Nunes continued, "but so far the FBI has not told us whether or not they’re going to respond to our March 15th letter, which is now a couple of weeks old.”
Nunes also reported that as of now, he "cannot rule out" President Obama ordering the surveillance.​
And to imagine this, that all these 17 some odd intell agencies got these reports with Trump, Pence and the rest of Trumps team's names unmasked and activities given in full, according to Nunez on Hannity's show, and EVERY GAWD DAMNED ONE OF THEM LIED TO CONGRESS SAYING THAT THEY SAW NO EVIDENCE OF TRUMP BEING SURVEILLED WHEN THEY HAD THE REPORTS! ! !

This is reckless treason and criminality and heads need to roll!
They apparently used their ability to surveil foreigners as a means to spy on Trump.....

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