NSA To Provide Proof Tomorrow Obama Spied On Trump

'Incidental' my ass! In spycraft-speak, 'incidental' means reverse-targeting.

NSA To Provide "Smoking Gun" Proof Obama Spied On Trump | Zero Hedge

That term "incidental collections" was carefully crafted. It focuses the attention on the REAL source of the data and not "a wiretap".. Because they are 2 different animals. In both legal and technical terms.

So Nunes did America a big favor in hinting at the source of those "flynn transcripts" and other actual Intel COLLECTED data.

And the culprit is that PATRIOT Act inspired Big Brother system who's ONLY mission is supposed to be stopping the Islamic hordes from blowing up America. But APPARENTLY -- it was weaponized for politics and taken for a test drive.
I think in the end, there will be a few people fired/jailed. Nothing as extreme as what the partisans are foaming at the mouth about.
And the culprit is that PATRIOT Act inspired Big Brother system who's ONLY mission is supposed to be stopping the Islamic hordes from blowing up America. But APPARENTLY -- it was weaponized for politics and taken for a test drive.
A government agency misusing investigative data for personal gain, political purposes, or to masturbate a dozen times a day?

Oh, say its not so!

I think in the end, there will be a few people fired/jailed. Nothing as extreme as what the partisans are foaming at the mouth about.

Absolutely. If that Domestic spying operation is the source of all this leaking and it was hijacked for political purposes, citizens won't hear much more about this at all. Because 96% of DC leadership love Big Brother and will defend that PATRIOT Act shit to the death.

If it was the Dems that hijacked it -- they can count on the dumb-ass Repubs to keep that knowledge from the public to salvage that favorite "anti-terror" toy. And the real ONLY hope for justice and reform is that they pissed off Trump just enough to take the toy away from political hijinks or severely restrict the use of Intel Agencies to spy on EVERYTHING we do...
And the culprit is that PATRIOT Act inspired Big Brother system who's ONLY mission is supposed to be stopping the Islamic hordes from blowing up America. But APPARENTLY -- it was weaponized for politics and taken for a test drive.
A government agency misusing investigative data for personal gain, political purposes, or to masturbate a dozen times a day?

Oh, say its not so!


I agree on the irony. But seriously -- not a laughing matter. Biggest breach of TRUST in our Intel capabilities EVER. And dangerous as all get out.
If Trump wasn't "wiretapped" how did all of this information get out there?

It would appear that even the looniest of the loons on the left are become aware of the truth of your statement. I see now that Pelosi and Elija Cummings have both gone on record bemoaning the fact that an independent investigation hasn't already been launched into smearing Nunes. I'm sure it is flowing from their deep undying patriotism in ascertaining the truth, setting aside all bias in pursuit of objectivity on the house investigation[/QUOTE]
The info got out there because someone probably hacked Trump's twitter account or spied on him through his "smart" TV just as they are looking and listening at your ass right now!
They apparently used their ability to surveil foreigners as a means to spy on Trump.....
That is how you use reverse targeting. You request warrants for the acquaintances or business people who contact him. There is never a target warrant.

You think that the whole Russia ruse was not fully thought through ? It adds up really nice if you think about it logically and like a spy. Go right around federal laws and US citizen rights then claim they were incidental captures..
I'm going to break this down to the simplest of terms.
If Trump wasn't "wiretapped" how did all of this information get out there?
A very credible source called my office today and told me that Pence is the White House leaker and leader of the "Silent Coup" against Tramp.
It's very dangerous to think that domestic political spying is OK just because you don't like the target of the political espionage. It can come back to bite you in the ass.

The US Government intellligence agencies should NOT be used to damage domestic political enemies by anyone and against anyone. PERIOD.
'Incidental' my ass! In spycraft-speak, 'incidental' means reverse-targeting.

NSA To Provide "Smoking Gun" Proof Obama Spied On Trump | Zero Hedge
Well if ZERO HEDGE says so it must be true. Lol

Nunes told you that. Might be the last clue Americans ever get. Because that capability is DEFENDED by most every politician in DC. You need to listen VERY CAREFULLY to the carefully crafted comments coming out of the CLASSIFIED meetings. Because there's no substance at all to the PUBLIC hearings. Never will be on this.

If you know the terminology and the nuances -- it's not hard at all to figure all this out. If the leaks on Flynn were to have come from the NORMAL NSA foreign spying program (applies to foreign diplomats in country as well) it would have required separate Judicial review and FISA warrants. Which would NEVER be issued for Flynn because he was recently the Head Spy for DIA and the Pentagon. He's been "probed" more than a female Kardashian and is not dirty in any way..

So all those partial transcripts of his convos came from the PATRIOT program Domestic program with has a standing FISA for ALL it's ongoing data collection and storage. No additional judicial review required to collect and store. The CRIME and high treason would be QUERYING that database, analyzing it, transcripting it and distributing it without justifying the need in terms of PATRIOT Act provisions. And that seems to be where this is heading.

Time to actually probe Podesta and his lobbying for the Russian MegaBank that holds 30% of all assets in Russia. He renewed contact with them in October of the election year. Wonder why THOSE "Russian connections" are not as interesting as what we've learned so far about "The Russians are Coming" saga on the other side.
And to imagine this, that all these 17 some odd intell agencies got these reports with Trump, Pence and the rest of Trumps team's names unmasked and activities given in full, according to Nunez on Hannity's show, and EVERY GAWD DAMNED ONE OF THEM LIED TO CONGRESS SAYING THAT THEY SAW NO EVIDENCE OF TRUMP BEING SURVEILLED WHEN THEY HAD THE REPORTS! ! !

This is reckless treason and criminality and heads need to roll!

I think the weasel words were still focused on the false premise of a "wiretap". Not the same thing. NO evidence "Trump Tower wires were tapped".. That's the out for the Comey "lying". But the fact IS -- Team Trump WAS spied on.. The Trump tweet about him being "wiretapped" was put in quotes -- just like I just did. Because at that point, Trump was taunting the press and the embedded insurgency that was leaking. Even "quote marks" are significant when listening to this. Because Comey and the Dems are tip-toeing around -- relying on the ignorance of the public and the collusion of the press to not EXPLAIN the difference between terms of art like "wire tap" and authorized "Bulk Domestic Collection". That's where the meat is at..
It's very dangerous to think that domestic political spying is OK just because you don't like the target of the political espionage. It can come back to bite you in the ass.

The US Government intellligence agencies should NOT be used to damage domestic political enemies by anyone and against anyone. PERIOD.
Neither should the IRS... But then we all know how that one turned out.
'Incidental' my ass! In spycraft-speak, 'incidental' means reverse-targeting.

NSA To Provide "Smoking Gun" Proof Obama Spied On Trump | Zero Hedge
If this is such obvious common sense then why is the guy that Trump appointed to run the NSA saying that there is NO EVIDENCE to back up Trumps tweets? You are off the rails dude
FBI, NSA, and DOJ have no evidence to support Trump’s wiretap allegations
I'm going to break this down to the simplest of terms.

If Trump wasn't "wiretapped" how did all of this information get out there?
The Russians were "wiretapped". Trumps team called the Russians. The communications were intercepted. Trumps team lied about meeting with the Russians. There lies were exposed through illegal leaking. Any questions?
No one lied about meeting the Russians..
Really? Why did Flynn get fired again?
'Incidental' my ass! In spycraft-speak, 'incidental' means reverse-targeting.

NSA To Provide "Smoking Gun" Proof Obama Spied On Trump | Zero Hedge
When the NSA releases this info I expect the DOJ to demand a special prosecutor.

When the NSA releases this info I expect the DOJ to demand a special prosecutor.
Both the NSA and the DOJ through Comey testified that there was no surveillance at TT.

WTF are you talking about?
And the culprit is that PATRIOT Act inspired Big Brother system who's ONLY mission is supposed to be stopping the Islamic hordes from blowing up America. But APPARENTLY -- it was weaponized for politics and taken for a test drive.
A government agency misusing investigative data for personal gain, political purposes, or to masturbate a dozen times a day?

Oh, say its not so!

That's the thing, what personal gain?
And to imagine this, that all these 17 some odd intell agencies got these reports with Trump, Pence and the rest of Trumps team's names unmasked and activities given in full, according to Nunez on Hannity's show, and EVERY GAWD DAMNED ONE OF THEM LIED TO CONGRESS SAYING THAT THEY SAW NO EVIDENCE OF TRUMP BEING SURVEILLED WHEN THEY HAD THE REPORTS! ! !

This is reckless treason and criminality and heads need to roll!

I think the weasel words were still focused on the false premise of a "wiretap". Not the same thing. NO evidence "Trump Tower wires were tapped".. That's the out for the Comey "lying". But the fact IS -- Team Trump WAS spied on.. The Trump tweet about him being "wiretapped" was put in quotes -- just like I just did. Because at that point, Trump was taunting the press and the embedded insurgency that was leaking. Even "quote marks" are significant when listening to this. Because Comey and the Dems are tip-toeing around -- relying on the ignorance of the public and the collusion of the press to not EXPLAIN the difference between terms of art like "wire tap" and authorized "Bulk Domestic Collection". That's where the meat is at..

I agree with most posters that most of the evidence will never be made public. A fall guy will be named for public consumption, probably someone we never heard of so as the government can keep one of their favorite toys intact.

A deal will be cut, but Trump is no fool! To let this go, a bunch of people will be let go from various agencies, along with a piece of legislation that HE wants will be enacted WITH heavy Democratic support! In other words---> the Dems are going to not only capitulate; but openly support something the do not want-)

And Dems, may not be the best outcome politically for us, but probably the best for the country moving forward.

In advance-----> thanks for your support on OUR agenda-)

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'Incidental' my ass! In spycraft-speak, 'incidental' means reverse-targeting.

NSA To Provide "Smoking Gun" Proof Obama Spied On Trump | Zero Hedge

Not in this or any other reality. :cuckoo:

You must have some pretty high connections.

Yep, they're called brain cells. Apparently many more connections than you.

How can the NSA release anything when the director of that organization has already stated under oath that no such evidence exists?

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