NSA To Provide Proof Tomorrow Obama Spied On Trump

A mass attack by Obama-fluffers!

Be patient, grasshoppers. Obie spying proof will eventually be forthcoming; if not today, proof will come before some hackneyed conspiracy over Russian collusion.

Please resume your fluffing............
ZeroHedge is the source, dumbass.

Colin Lokey said that he earned more than $100,000 in compensation from Zero Hedge in 2015, but departed from the site over a disagreement with editorial vision, expressing dissatisfaction with what he believed to be the website's turn toward clickbait as well as its pro-Hezbollah, Russian, Iranian, Chinese, and Trump positions.
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ZeroHedge is the source, dumbass.

Colin Lokey said that he earned more than $100,000 in compensation from Zero Hedge in 2015, but departed from the site over a disagreement with editorial vision, expressing dissatisfaction with what he believed to be the website's turn toward clickbait as well as its pro-Hezbollah, Russian, Iranian, Chinese, and Trump positions

Obambibitch is going down kid.
A mass attack by Obama-fluffers!

Be patient, grasshoppers. Obie spying proof will eventually be forthcoming; if not today, proof will come before some hackneyed conspiracy over Russian collusion.

Please resume your fluffing............
Does it bother you in the least that whatever source told you that "evidence was coming tomorrow" was completely wrong? Does it give you any pause or skepticism of reliability?
ZeroHedge is the source, dumbass.

Colin Lokey said that he earned more than $100,000 in compensation from Zero Hedge in 2015, but departed from the site over a disagreement with editorial vision, expressing dissatisfaction with what he believed to be the website's turn toward clickbait as well as its pro-Hezbollah, Russian, Iranian, Chinese, and Trump positions

Obambibitch is going down kid.
You'll be going down on Obama before he goes down.
A mass attack by Obama-fluffers!

Be patient, grasshoppers. Obie spying proof will eventually be forthcoming; if not today, proof will come before some hackneyed conspiracy over Russian collusion.

Please resume your fluffing............
Does it bother you in the least that whatever source told you that "evidence was coming tomorrow" was completely wrong? Does it give you any pause or skepticism of reliability?
That they've been duped yet again (twice on Friday alone) means nothing to them because they never learn. They'll get duped again tomorrow.
NSA To Provide Proof Tomorrow Obama Spied On Trump

That headline makes no sense at all. The Director of the NSA sat before Congress and said expressly that there was no such evidence. I haven't read the article you linked. Does it assert that the NSA Director perjured himself before Congress?
ZeroHedge is the source, dumbass.

Colin Lokey said that he earned more than $100,000 in compensation from Zero Hedge in 2015, but departed from the site over a disagreement with editorial vision, expressing dissatisfaction with what he believed to be the website's turn toward clickbait as well as its pro-Hezbollah, Russian, Iranian, Chinese, and Trump positions.
Why should I give a fuck what some disgruntled snowflake says about the site?
ZeroHedge is the source, dumbass.

Colin Lokey said that he earned more than $100,000 in compensation from Zero Hedge in 2015, but departed from the site over a disagreement with editorial vision, expressing dissatisfaction with what he believed to be the website's turn toward clickbait as well as its pro-Hezbollah, Russian, Iranian, Chinese, and Trump positions

Obambibitch is going down kid.
You do know that the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.investigating Trump has stated they have damning evidence against him with his treasonous behavior with Russia don't you. Of course you don't. Sean Hannity would never tell you that.
ZeroHedge is the source, dumbass.

Colin Lokey said that he earned more than $100,000 in compensation from Zero Hedge in 2015, but departed from the site over a disagreement with editorial vision, expressing dissatisfaction with what he believed to be the website's turn toward clickbait as well as its pro-Hezbollah, Russian, Iranian, Chinese, and Trump positions

Obambibitch is going down kid.
You do know that the intelligence committee investigating Trump has stated they have damning evidence against him with his treasonous behavior with Russia don't you. Of course you don't. Sean Hannity would never tell you that.
They have said no such thing, dumbass.
ZeroHedge is the source, dumbass.

Colin Lokey said that he earned more than $100,000 in compensation from Zero Hedge in 2015, but departed from the site over a disagreement with editorial vision, expressing dissatisfaction with what he believed to be the website's turn toward clickbait as well as its pro-Hezbollah, Russian, Iranian, Chinese, and Trump positions

Obambibitch is going down kid.
You do know that the intelligence committee investigating Trump has stated they have damning evidence against him with his treasonous behavior with Russia don't you. Of course you don't. Sean Hannity would never tell you that.
They have said no such thing, dumbass.

Sean Hannity would never tell you a lie like that, but CNN apparently would.
Manafort voluntarily wants to speak with intel committee, wants to be the first to make a deal and throw everyone else under the bus. We talk with them next Tuesday.
Manafort is smart enough to know that the US intelligence agencies have been spying on him for years!
He has nothing to hide. He'll testify before the committee and answer all their questions they already have the answers to. And he knows they know he knows they know.
He's testifying to put another of the fucking LIB claims that he was somehow involved with the Russians stealing "The Precious" from Hillary's paw to rest once and for all.
Same goes for the other Trump people who have asked to testify.
If any of them were complicate the last thing they would do is offer to sit in front of a hostile bunch of DEM lunatics in deep denial about why Hillary lost.
The dimshits are digging into the deepest hole ever dug by scum shit. They are PROVING what worthless shit they are along with a lot of pretend Republicans. It is time to flush both. The proof is in the DOING, and the Republicans who wont do the will of the people should be flushed along with all of the dimocrats and the Rand Paul "If not us then we stop the presses" consortium too.
ZeroHedge is the source, dumbass.

Colin Lokey said that he earned more than $100,000 in compensation from Zero Hedge in 2015, but departed from the site over a disagreement with editorial vision, expressing dissatisfaction with what he believed to be the website's turn toward clickbait as well as its pro-Hezbollah, Russian, Iranian, Chinese, and Trump positions

Obambibitch is going down kid.
You do know that the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.investigating Trump has stated they have damning evidence against him with his treasonous behavior with Russia don't you. Of course you don't. Sean Hannity would never tell you that.
When are they going to make this "damning evidence" public?????????
Some day soon?
Not sure when?
Could happen?
"Well the committee might have had something"?
President Trump secretly bribed the committee not to reveal the "damning evidence".
Cheney and Bush were seen stealing the "damning evidence"?
You're a fucking idiot!
Hey right wing morons, was the O/P's "TOMORROW" a couple of days ago? LOL
ZeroHedge is the source, dumbass.

Colin Lokey said that he earned more than $100,000 in compensation from Zero Hedge in 2015, but departed from the site over a disagreement with editorial vision, expressing dissatisfaction with what he believed to be the website's turn toward clickbait as well as its pro-Hezbollah, Russian, Iranian, Chinese, and Trump positions

Obambibitch is going down kid.
You do know that the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.investigating Trump has stated they have damning evidence against him with his treasonous behavior with Russia don't you. Of course you don't. Sean Hannity would never tell you that.

Sure they do.
ZeroHedge is the source, dumbass.

Colin Lokey said that he earned more than $100,000 in compensation from Zero Hedge in 2015, but departed from the site over a disagreement with editorial vision, expressing dissatisfaction with what he believed to be the website's turn toward clickbait as well as its pro-Hezbollah, Russian, Iranian, Chinese, and Trump positions.
Why should I give a fuck what some disgruntled snowflake says about the site?
Oh you shouldn't. You wouldn't be the brain-dead conservative you are if you gave a shit about the credibility of your sources.
NSA To Provide Proof Tomorrow Obama Spied On Trump

That headline makes no sense at all. The Director of the NSA sat before Congress and said expressly that there was no such evidence. I haven't read the article you linked. Does it assert that the NSA Director perjured himself before Congress?

Anybody who THINKS they are following closely, but neglects to understand the important differences in terms of art and what EXACTLY is being discussed, is hopelessly mired in spin and carefully crafted PUBLIC statements as to what exactly happened here. No chance of understanding the nuisances and games being played with words and phrasings.

Key moments from hearing with FBI Director Comey

Both Comey and Rogers told the committee that they knew of no evidence that former President Obama had wiretapped Trump Tower -- an unsubstantiated allegation that Trump tweeted more than two weeks ago.

“I have no information that supports those tweets, and we have looked carefully inside the FBI," said Comey. "We have no information that supports them."

ALL of that was regarding Trump's tweets and not the standing FACT that Team Trump was spied on and dumps of highly classified privileged conversations had been traitorously made public.

In those tweets, Trump put the "my wires had been tapped" in quotes and latter explained the significance of that. Because there's an important DIFF between a "wiretap" and pre-authorized BULK Domestic Intel collections done under the auspices of the PATRIOT Act with a BLANKET warrant. It is assumed to be legal -- but should not be IMO. HE KNOWS what the exact method and source those leaks came from --- and it was NOT a wiretap as the NY Times boasted on the front page of the street edition on Jan 20th.. NOR is this action in any way tied to Obama at this point. But given the fact that all this spying and leaking came from the PATRIOT Act monster collection system -- only VERY FEW people were approved to TASK that system or demand analysis and distribution of collections.

The larger game being played here is that the govt LOVES that Big Brother system. And both sides -- including maybe Trump, is bound and determined to keep any ABUSES of that system out of the PUBLIC discussions.

Listen more carefully for the context and the spinning designed to PROTECT that system.
NSA To Provide Proof Tomorrow Obama Spied On Trump

That headline makes no sense at all. The Director of the NSA sat before Congress and said expressly that there was no such evidence. I haven't read the article you linked. Does it assert that the NSA Director perjured himself before Congress?

Anybody who THINKS they are following closely, but neglects to understand the important differences in terms of art and what EXACTLY is being discussed, is hopelessly mired in spin and carefully crafted PUBLIC statements as to what exactly happened here. No chance of understanding the nuisances and games being played with words and phrasings.

Key moments from hearing with FBI Director Comey

Both Comey and Rogers told the committee that they knew of no evidence that former President Obama had wiretapped Trump Tower -- an unsubstantiated allegation that Trump tweeted more than two weeks ago.

“I have no information that supports those tweets, and we have looked carefully inside the FBI," said Comey. "We have no information that supports them."

ALL of that was regarding Trump's tweets and not the standing FACT that Team Trump was spied on and dumps of highly classified privileged conversations had been traitorously made public.

In those tweets, Trump put the "my wires had been tapped" in quotes and latter explained the significance of that. Because there's an important DIFF between a "wiretap" and pre-authorized BULK Domestic Intel collections done under the auspices of the PATRIOT Act with a BLANKET warrant. It is assumed to be legal -- but should not be IMO. HE KNOWS what the exact method and source those leaks came from --- and it was NOT a wiretap as the NY Times boasted on the front page of the street edition on Jan 20th.. NOR is this action in any way tied to Obama at this point. But given the fact that all this spying and leaking came from the PATRIOT Act monster collection system -- only VERY FEW people were approved to TASK that system or demand analysis and distribution of collections.

The larger game being played here is that the govt LOVES that Big Brother system. And both sides -- including maybe Trump, is bound and determined to keep any ABUSES of that system out of the PUBLIC discussions.

Listen more carefully for the context and the spinning designed to PROTECT that system.
Pure bullshit!

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