NSA To Provide Proof Tomorrow Obama Spied On Trump

Any day now... any day.
Maybe this will happen on the same day Trump proves 3-6 million illegals voted?
Remember that giant boner ?
Or the same day the name of the BC forger is "fixing" to be exposed!
Forger Of Obama's Birth Certificate Has Been Located And Fixing To Be Exposed

MAY 21, 2011
This is fixing to explode like Watergate. Obama coming out at his press conference releasing the certificate was a bad move because he now has attached himself to the forgery which is a crime. Nixon did the same thing. The person that did the forgery works in the media and will be exposed next week. This is going to be horrible for the White House.

Corsi Will Reveal Details On Media Person Who Helped Forge Obama's Birth Certificate
Of course there was no "wiretap" or surveillance at "trump tower". Again, these are carefully crafted words for the PUBLIC hearings. But there WAS surveillance. All of it funneled into that brand new CITY in the middleofnowhere Utah that NSA got for implementing PATRIOT Act Domestic Bulk Collection.

I am sure that the "incidental" electronic surveillance also covered conversation at Trump Tower, but not exclusively Trump Tower.

No one has to go to Trump Tower and hook into a phone line to do electronic surveillance on anyone any more.
'Incidental' my ass! In spycraft-speak, 'incidental' means reverse-targeting.

NSA To Provide "Smoking Gun" Proof Obama Spied On Trump | Zero Hedge
When the NSA releases this info I expect the DOJ to demand a special prosecutor.

When the NSA releases this info I expect the DOJ to demand a special prosecutor.
Both the NSA and the DOJ through Comey testified that there was no surveillance at TT.

WTF are you talking about?

Of course there was no "wiretap" or surveillance at "trump tower". Again, these are carefully crafted words for the PUBLIC hearings. But there WAS surveillance. All of it funneled into that brand new CITY in the middleofnowhere Utah that NSA got for implementing PATRIOT Act Domestic Bulk Collection.

People who care about their country -- need to listen MORE carefully to ways that things are phrased to PROTECT and PRESERVE the Big Brother system..

We didn't have full blown DOMESTIC SPYING for decades prior to 9/11. Shouldn't have it now. It's gonna kill this country eventually if it's abused.
The US has a redundant fiber optic backbone. It passes through at least 17 data collection units in the western US alone. The ones nearest me are Cheyenne, Denver, Orem/Provo, Billings, and several more on the west coast and in Tulsa and San Antonio.

If these people only knew what is being stored...

Just like in the days of the ATT monopoly, the Intel agencies have actual offices at some of biggest content, voice, data providers. In fact, under the PATRIOT act -- these providers are PROHIBITED from acknowledging their cooperation and accommodations to these "well-springs" of information. This ain't no state secrets I'm spilling here. -- it's all been "open-source" in the media and journals.

If you remember, the Post 9/11 frenzy brought out this concept of an "Office of Total Awareness". No shit. They even had a logo and a mission statement. But SCREAMS from true Libertarians canned that roll-out. Now it's just not an "office".


Ain't that cute? Make you feel "SAFE" ???
Manafort voluntarily wants to speak with intel committee, wants to be the first to make a deal and throw everyone else under the bus. We talk with them next Tuesday.
'Incidental' my ass! In spycraft-speak, 'incidental' means reverse-targeting.

NSA To Provide "Smoking Gun" Proof Obama Spied On Trump | Zero Hedge

Who is denying that Trump and his surrogates weren't spied upon? FBI Director James Comey, under oath this week stated that intelligence agencies were "spying on Trump and his surrogates since July of 2016."


Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com
Manafort voluntarily wants to speak with intel committee, wants to be the first to make a deal and throw everyone else under the bus. We talk with them next Tuesday.
I wonder whether he's given any statement to the FBI? They'll talk to guys, but when they are really considering charging them, they'll say so. Then guys can take the 5th. And if the FBI wants, they'll lay out some of their evidence and way "let's make a deal."

But, I don't think there will really be a showing of collusion between Trump and Putin. Some yuuuuugely embarrassing ties, though
'Incidental' my ass! In spycraft-speak, 'incidental' means reverse-targeting.

NSA To Provide "Smoking Gun" Proof Obama Spied On Trump | Zero Hedge
Well 24 hours later, where's the proof?

Don't bust my balls. After weeks and weeks of false Russian collusion allegations, with still no there, there; you have the audacity (more likely ignorance) to criticize a mere 24 hours???

Indeed, liberalism is a mental disorder...........:smoke:.
Manafort voluntarily wants to speak with intel committee, wants to be the first to make a deal and throw everyone else under the bus. We talk with them next Tuesday.
I wonder whether he's given any statement to the FBI? They'll talk to guys, but when they are really considering charging them, they'll say so. Then guys can take the 5th. And if the FBI wants, they'll lay out some of their evidence and way "let's make a deal."

But, I don't think there will really be a showing of collusion between Trump and Putin. Some yuuuuugely embarrassing ties, though

If they had anything else, they would have already made it public.

You got nothing.
This whole "Obama tapped my phones" bullshit is right up there with Pizzagate. :lol:
'Incidental' my ass! In spycraft-speak, 'incidental' means reverse-targeting.

NSA To Provide "Smoking Gun" Proof Obama Spied On Trump | Zero Hedge
Well 24 hours later, where's the proof?

Don't bust my balls. After weeks and weeks of false Russian collusion allegations, with still no there, there; you have the audacity (more likely ignorance) to criticize a mere 24 hours???

Indeed, liberalism is a mental disorder...........:smoke:.

You dumbfuck -- what did you think was gonna happen when you started this thread and nothing turned up when you said it would??

Obama was born in Kenya.

The Jews blew up the World Trade Center.

Sandy Hook was a hoax.

Obama ordered Trump's phones tapped.

Welcome to the crazy world of Trump's Chumps.

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