Nugents been cleared whoooooo hoooo

Just because he was cleared doesn't make him any less of a loud mouth asshole.

And your point is?

It's pretty obvious that is point is that Nugent is a loud mouth asshole.

There are a lot of lot mouth assholes out there on both sides


Stop crying.

Just who has been crying, Art? Seems all the screaming is coming from the liberals in this thread. They get their feelings hurt when there messiah is being verbally attack. :D
Just who has been crying, Art?

That would be you crying and expressing your butthurt over someone having the nerve to call an asshole an asshole and thinking it requires a disclaimer that there are assholes everywhere.
Just who has been crying, Art?

That would be you crying and expressing your butthurt over someone having the nerve to call an asshole an asshole and thinking it requires a disclaimer that there are assholes everywhere.

Really? Here, I thought I was just stating the obvious.
You on the other hand, sound like the butthurt boy who found out the Uncle Ted didn't get his ass thrown in jail. just an observation, Art...just an observation.
Really? Here, I thought I was just stating the obvious.

So was Mr. Clean.

But he was attacking your Messiah™ so I get why it bothered you.

You are well as you should be, Art. If I was a liberal, I would be too. Have a good day. If you want to say you won this pissing match...go ahead, I have broader shoulder than you do. :D

So now the left lost all traction with mean o' Uncle Ted's words, they have to move on to a wildlife violation?
Let's talk about another Ted....Ted Kennedy Killing a young aid and being able to keep his job. Lets talk about that, okay?

Aw, ya wanna talk about another Ted. How wingnutty of you...

Hey man, there a like.... Ted's on both sides, you know.

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