Number of Americans living paycheck to paycheck jumps 7 percent, report shows

I said Both parties suck at balancing the budget. Guess you missed that one. VA went red. SF is recalling school board members and the DA. The Democrats moved too far left. The fact that you cannot see it is mind boggling since usually you do present a modicum of logic on this board.

Well that's a brain dead comment if ever there was one. You're supposed to be the budget professional here and that's the best you can do? That's no kind of argument at all.

Republicans continue to cut taxes, without funding tax cuts. Each time a Republican has been elected over the past 40 years, they've passed unfunded tax cuts, and ballooned the deficit with massive spending increases along with the tax cuts. And every time Republicans do this, there is a massive economic crash which follows.

Democrats "tax and spend", but the "taxing" is meant to cover the "spending". Republicans come along and cut the taxes, and then blame Democrats for "out of control social spending". Also, Democrats have NEVER crashed the American economy. There have been recessions, which are normal in a capitalist society, but not the severe economic crashes which displace workers and result in massive transfers of wealth to the top, like those in 1987, 2008, or 2020.

Democrats have always funded their programs with taxes, and they've developed programs which have lifted millions out of poverty, reducing the overall poverty rate in America. Republican policies have increased poverty at every turn.
The left is all about virtue signaling. Thanks for agreeing. I am happy to discuss policy but first I need to reveal my preferred pronouns and kneel for the anthem it seems.

Bullshit. Apparently, whatever money was spent on your business degree was pissed away on beer and getting fat.

You're supposed to be a "business consultant" and you can't even make an economic argument that doesn't quote Republican culture wars.
I said Both parties suck at balancing the budget. Guess you missed that one. VA went red. SF is recalling school board members and the DA. The Democrats moved too far left. The fact that you cannot see it is mind boggling since usually you do present a modicum of logic on this board.
Agreed with everything except the last line.
Tax cuts do not need to be "funded".
That propaganda assumes spending must remain in a permanent growth cycle.
Cut taxes and cut spending.
No funding necessary.

I know, right? Dragonlady is such a liar and moron.

Taxes are OUR MONEY. No funding necessary. Just don't take our money. Period.

Now ask DragonSkank about cutting spending and fraud and waste. First you will get a stupid blank stare, then you will get a bunch of Marxist propaganda bullshit.
Well that's a brain dead comment if ever there was one. You're supposed to be the budget professional here and that's the best you can do? That's no kind of argument at all.

Republicans continue to cut taxes, without funding tax cuts. Each time a Republican has been elected over the past 40 years, they've passed unfunded tax cuts, and ballooned the deficit with massive spending increases along with the tax cuts. And every time Republicans do this, there is a massive economic crash which follows.

Democrats "tax and spend", but the "taxing" is meant to cover the "spending". Republicans come along and cut the taxes, and then blame Democrats for "out of control social spending". Also, Democrats have NEVER crashed the American economy. There have been recessions, which are normal in a capitalist society, but not the severe economic crashes which displace workers and result in massive transfers of wealth to the top, like those in 1987, 2008, or 2020.

Democrats have always funded their programs with taxes, and they've developed programs which have lifted millions out of poverty, reducing the overall poverty rate in America. Republican policies have increased poverty at every turn.
I said BOTH suck at it. No one sucked more than GWB. And not always as BHO was horrible at it too.
Bullshit. Apparently, whatever money was spent on your business degree was pissed away on beer and getting fat.

You're supposed to be a "business consultant" and you can't even make an economic argument that doesn't quote Republican culture wars.
What are you talking about? It’s simple. Spend less than you earn. It’s not overly difficult. I d begin by banning lobbyists.
Tax cuts do not need to be "funded".
That false premise propaganda assumes spending must remain in a permanent growth cycle.
Cut taxes and cut spending.
No funding necessary.
Dragonlady the supporter of taking peoples dogs and killing them doesn’t realize that cutting taxes doesn’t necessarily equate to cutting revenues.
Well that's a brain dead comment if ever there was one. You're supposed to be the budget professional here and that's the best you can do? That's no kind of argument at all.

Republicans continue to cut taxes, without funding tax cuts. Each time a Republican has been elected over the past 40 years, they've passed unfunded tax cuts, and ballooned the deficit with massive spending increases along with the tax cuts. And every time Republicans do this, there is a massive economic crash which follows.

Democrats "tax and spend", but the "taxing" is meant to cover the "spending". Republicans come along and cut the taxes, and then blame Democrats for "out of control social spending". Also, Democrats have NEVER crashed the American economy. There have been recessions, which are normal in a capitalist society, but not the severe economic crashes which displace workers and result in massive transfers of wealth to the top, like those in 1987, 2008, or 2020.

Democrats have always funded their programs with taxes, and they've developed programs which have lifted millions out of poverty, reducing the overall poverty rate in America. Republican policies have increased poverty at every turn.

They must have not funded them enough because DumBama put us 10 trillion more in the hole in his two terms as President.
What more would you like to see them teach?

I'd like to see them teach more about investments, you know, like the stock market, real estate, running your own business, the commodities market and so on. I would like to see kids lose this myth that the only way for financial success is to be born in the right family.
No one is payed to stay home. What is the current shortage? Unemployment benefits are down. Unemployment is almost record low.

Yes, the Communists did pay people to stay at home. They passed the bill in February and it expired in September. unemployment is at 3.9% but that's hardly at record low.
Yes, the Communists did pay people to stay at home. They passed the bill in February and it expired in September. unemployment is at 3.9% but that's hardly at record low.

That number is fake, totally fake. Not your fault, I know that is the number, but I know that you know it is fake.

The real unemployment rate (U-6) was 7.3% in December 2021. This was much higher than the reported unemployment rate (U-3) of 3.9%.

A better phrase than “paying people not to work” would be “giving out so many handouts that people who previously had to work now don’t have to,” which of course is a recipe for failure not only on the individual level but in the national level.
That number is fake, totally fake. Not your fault, I know that is the number, but I know that you know it is fake.

The real unemployment rate (U-6) was 7.3% in December 2021. This was much higher than the reported unemployment rate (U-3) of 3.9%.

U-6 is not what we really go by and no matter what administration, that U-6 number is always way higher.

I have no problem with the unemployment numbers, I have a problem with his cronies giving Dementia credit for them. Those jobs have been there almost a year, and it wasn't until the fun money stopped in September people had to start taking them. That's what bothers me. After the vaccines came out people started to go back to work under Trump. When Dementia signed that pork bill, people figured why should I work? I make more staying home! So what they are actually doing is giving Dementia credit for what Trump did.
These numbers are always staggering to me but I think they have more to do with people having poor spending habits.

Too many people don’t have the self-discipline to save money. Whatever they make they’re going to spend.
It would be a huge help to the nation if young working peoe lived with their parents, worked, didn't marry, didn't have kids, and saved. There, someone said the truth.
These numbers are always staggering to me but I think they have more to do with people having poor spending habits.

Too many people don’t have the self-discipline to save money. Whatever they make they’re going to spend.

Absolutely. What were considered luxuries before people now categorize as necessities.

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