Number of Americans living paycheck to paycheck jumps 7 percent, report shows

Maybe they did when you were in school but not today

The high school my kids went to has a mandatory class called "Consumer Education" and it covers practical, usable knowledge from which the students can benefit as they move into the rigors and demands of independent adult living. Students will examine and research major buying decisions such as auto, housing, furniture, etc. Consumer Education provides training in insurance buying, credit buying, banking activities, investments, budgeting, and decision-making.
Maybe they did when you were in school but not today. Back when I was in school they called it civics, and only part of the course was in economics and nothing when it came to investments. When my nephew was in college going for his masters he thought he wasn't paying interest on his credit card. I asked him to show me a statement which he did. His dumb truck driving Uncle had to show him how wrong he was and explain the bill in detail.
The other thing is that people are very short-sighted. I remember someone bought a car when interest rates werecon the high side, and he waltzed into work bragging about what a good deal he got, compared to me - who had just bought one a couple of months earlier. This was the conversation:

Him: I got a great deal om a brand new car - only $300 a month! That’s a lot less than YOU paid, and it’s the same model!
Me: What was the price of the car?
Him: I don’t know.
Me: How long a term is it?
Him: I think it was either four years or five. Maybe six. Don‘t remember.
Me: Well, what was the interest rate?
Him: Look, I don’t know all the details. All I know is that I got a better deal than you did.

Many years ago, I made sure mortgage(rent), council tax, and utilities were paid per month, then I lived on what was left.

A mate used to work in a bank and clients would come in for an interview why they were struggling with the mortgage payments, whilst smoking a cigarette. He gave them no sympathy.

If people struggle to cover the necessities in life, they need help. Those who claim to struggle and buy non necessity items/services, walk on by.
We have given many decades for programs. The successes have peaked out. And to varying degrees depending on them some decades ago was when it happened. All we have to go is back up ten per cent or so again depending on every agenda to let us all breathe. From extreme feminism to the endless racism improvements will come for most ways but those who promote the edges will be quieted a bit.
None of you will admit we have a wages problem. Some want american workers to make the same products as china does for Chinese wages. We have been going backwards since Reagan took office. But you are silent on the issue. Hypocrites
None of you will admit we have a wages problem. Some want american workers to make the same products as china does for Chinese wages. We have been going backwards since Reagan took office. But you are silent on the issue. Hypocrites
The expected wage in the West is higher because the standard of living is higher. People object against China, but continue to buy Chinese junk. Unfortunately, you sometimes can't get away from Chinese junk, even iPhones are made in China.

Western red tape prevents competition with China.
I said Both parties suck at balancing the budget. Guess you missed that one. VA went red. SF is recalling school board members and the DA. The Democrats moved too far left. The fact that you cannot see it is mind boggling since usually you do present a modicum of logic on this board.
I said the Dems aren’t perfect but their policy is much more palatable for the average American than the republicans. I could do without the virtue signaling on the left but it happens in spades on the right. It doesn’t help that the right won’t debate the real issues but instead make up culture arguments to distract. It’s like arguing with a 3 year old. Entirely pointless since it’s about how they feel.
I said the Dems aren’t perfect but their policy is much more palatable for the average American than the republicans

That is a 100% total bullshit lie.

Democrats are the party of Socialism, Sodomy (gay marriage), Infanticide (late term abortion), not allowing Conservative free speech on Youtube and elsewhere, Antifa and BLM Marxist thugs and bullies burning cities, defunding police, Fascist lockdown, voter fraud, and more. Democrats are the enemy of Liberty.

You have a sick twisted view of morals and of the average American
Number of Americans living paycheck to paycheck jumps 7 percent, report shows

(The Center Square) – A growing number of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck despite increasing wages, a newly released report found.
PYMNTS and Lending Club released the report, which says that 61% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, an increase of 7 points since May 2021. The report also found 54% of Baby Boomers and seniors are living paycheck to paycheck.

OP comment: Thanks Joe, you keep ruining Americans lives a home and abroad.

How exactly is Joe Biden ruining American lives? Be specific. What laws has be passed, or policies has he implemented which are causing this damage?

Your comment is just a general FuckBoi assertion with absolutely NOTHING to back it up, as usual.

60% of Americans have been living paycheck to paycheck for generations. Why wasn't it "destroying lives" when it was happening under Republicans?
The high school my kids went to has a mandatory class called "Consumer Education" and it covers practical, usable knowledge from which the students can benefit as they move into the rigors and demands of independent adult living. Students will examine and research major buying decisions such as auto, housing, furniture, etc. Consumer Education provides training in insurance buying, credit buying, banking activities, investments, budgeting, and decision-making.

That's certainly a help but not a fix. I think our schools should go further than that.
That is a 100% total bullshit lie.

Democrats are the party of Socialism, Sodomy (gay marriage), Infanticide (late term abortion), not allowing Conservative free speech on Youtube and elsewhere, Antifa and BLM Marxist thugs and bullies burning cities, defunding police, Fascist lockdown, voter fraud, and more. Democrats are the enemy of Liberty.

You have a sick twisted view of morals and of the average American
The government has taken no action on any social media access. None. Zippo. If you have a link to a policy from the government post it.

No policy is proposed or linked to defunding the police. There are like two municipalities that had a person saying that. It isn’t policy of the Democratic Party. Spending on policing is UP in 2021. Most 2020 funding that went down shifted to non policing functions for non police activities.

Socialism is a boogie man. List your feared policies. Infrastructure is governing not socialism. There hasn’t been one socialist movement from Biden at all. You are just being cowardly.

Gay marriage is settled. It wasn’t the government. It was private companies and corporations providing benefits to partners that pushed it over the goal line. Support skyrocketed once that happened. Hillary was against it until it was mainstream popular. Thanks corporations.

You have no idea what Marxism is. Next.

Not a single democrat supported violence. Biden condemned it a dozen times. Unlike the moronic right wing narrative trying to tell you Jan 6 was patriotic.

There is zero voter fraud. Your inability to understand how counting occurs after the polls close isn’t fraud… it’s ignorance from imbeciles. Congrats for being stupid.

Facist lockdowns ignores the facts of the last 2 years. Every state including Texas and Florida had mask and operating restrictions. Every one of them. It was liberals. It was a normal reaction to an epidemic. Liberals came out on the side of vaccines and PPE. Conservatives came out on the side of “fuck it, get sick and see if you don’t die, if you don’t you’re immune”. That has led to 96% of Covid deaths being unvaxed.

You are listing nonsense easily disproven and creating your own reality. Take the blue pill and come out of the magic fake world you live in.
The government has taken no action on any social media access. None. Zippo. If you have a link to a policy from the government post it.

No policy is proposed or linked to defunding the police. There are like two municipalities that had a person saying that. It isn’t policy of the Democratic Party. Spending on policing is UP in 2021. Most 2020 funding that went down shifted to non policing functions for non police activities.

Socialism is a boogie man. List your feared policies. Infrastructure is governing not socialism. There hasn’t been one socialist movement from Biden at all. You are just being cowardly.

Gay marriage is settled. It wasn’t the government. It was private companies and corporations providing benefits to partners that pushed it over the goal line. Support skyrocketed once that happened. Hillary was against it until it was mainstream popular. Thanks corporations.

You have no idea what Marxism is. Next.

Not a single democrat supported violence. Biden condemned it a dozen times. Unlike the moronic right wing narrative trying to tell you Jan 6 was patriotic.

There is zero voter fraud. Your inability to understand how counting occurs after the polls close isn’t fraud… it’s ignorance from imbeciles. Ingrate for being stupid.

Facist lockdowns ignores the facts of the last 2 years. Every state including Texas and Florida had mask and operating restrictions. Every one of them. It was liberals. It was a normal reaction to an epidemic. Liberals came out on the side of vaccines and PPE. Conservatives came out on the side of “fuck it, get sick and see if you don’t die, if you don’t you’re immune”. That has led to 96% of Covid deaths being unvaxed.

You are listing nonsense easily disproven and creating your own reality. Take the blue pill and come out of the magic fake world you live in.

All you do is lie. Move along Nazi boy
How exactly is Joe Biden ruining American lives? Be specific. What laws has be passed, or policies has he implemented which are causing this damage?

Paying people to stay home instead of work is one of them. That caused a labor shortage we still have today and people can't buy the products they wish to buy. Spending and the labor shortage caused record inflation which most everybody suffers. Trying to get more people government dependent only hurts the economy. Dementia increased food stamps the most since the program started encouraging people to work less.

It's a mess out here.
Paying people to stay home instead of work is one of them. That caused a labor shortage we still have today and people can't buy the products they wish to buy. Spending and the labor shortage caused record inflation which most everybody suffers. Trying to get more people government dependent only hurts the economy. Dementia increased food stamps the most since the program started encouraging people to work less.

It's a mess out here.
No one is payed to stay home. What is the current shortage? Unemployment benefits are down. Unemployment is almost record low.
I said the Dems aren’t perfect but their policy is much more palatable for the average American than the republicans. I could do without the virtue signaling on the left but it happens in spades on the right. It doesn’t help that the right won’t debate the real issues but instead make up culture arguments to distract. It’s like arguing with a 3 year old. Entirely pointless since it’s about how they feel.
The left is all about virtue signaling. Thanks for agreeing. I am happy to discuss policy but first I need to reveal my preferred pronouns and kneel for the anthem it seems.

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