NY Post Story on Hunter Biden quickly unraveling.

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I told you this Hunter Biden story was garbage.

“The New York Post’s front-page article about Hunter Biden on Wednesday was written mostly by a staff reporter who refused to put his name on it, two Post employees said.

Bruce Golding, a reporter at the Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid since 2007, did not allow his byline to be used because he had concerns over the article’s credibility, the two Post employees said, speaking on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retaliation.

Coming late in a heated presidential campaign, the article suggested that Joseph R. Biden Jr. had used his position to enrich his son Hunter when he was vice president. The Post based the story on photos and documents the paper said it had taken from the hard drive of a laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden.

Many Post staff members questioned whether the paper had done enough to verify the authenticity of the hard drive’s contents, said five people with knowledge of the tabloid’s inner workings. Staff members also had concerns about the reliability of its sources and its timing, the people said”.


Let me put this in plain English for Trumpist simpletons: The Reporter did not want to have his name used in the by-line because he knew this story about Hunter Biden was a lie.

Only friggin idiots would consider Steve Bannon, a man now being prosecuted for fraud, and Rudy Guiliani, a known Russian useful idiot, credible sources.

It is an obvious lie...

How do we know? Because if it was true the Hard Drive would be in the FB I hands right now... This is a simple dirty trick...

The real question is did the Russians help? The FBI should add this to there investigations of Rudy...
The HARD DRIVE is in the FBI's hands right now supposedly assuming that they didn't destroy it to cover for Biden. Along with the HARD DRIVE is also Hunters Cell phone--------------which also has the images, the emails, the video, and the pictures of Hunter among other things violently raping chinese underage girls.
It’s really sad for a Trump devotee like you to pump lies in the middle of these BS.
You did NOT see a video or pictures of Hunter raping Chinese underage girls. NON of us see any. YOU ARE LYING.
Yet you are here arguing about Hunter. Trump trained you well. What is the credibility of what you are saying?

If any of you wants to talk about the emails, Hunter and lap top. Talk straight but do NOT pump any of these BULLSHIT that are not true. Sickening. YOU GOT DAT?
If a weather forecast isn’t accurate for the next two weeks, do you say it’s worthless? Obviously not. It’s just not 100% accurate.
pretty much. most of the time 180 degrees wrong.
Facts state Biden should win and you said his win would be a miracle? You're not entitled to your own facts unless of course the polls are meaningless. If so then sure we can go from there. Cannot have it both ways. You're formulating your opinion based on your personal biases and conspiracy theories.
Outside of polls, what facts state that Biden should win?

I’m not so binary. Just because something may not be perfectly accurate doesn’t mean it’s meaningless. That’s not rational.

I don’t harbor conspiracy theories.
To your credit, I think you are on of the more rational libs here.
You seem to state your case, present reasons for why you believe the way you do, actually look at other posts/links that disagree with your position and ACTUALLY give them a little thought (unlike many, who are completely close minded).

I think we a bit different politically, but I feel a rational discussion can be had with you, and middle ground on some things could probably be found if it was a negotiation type situation.

off topic, I know. But just thought I should take a second to acknowledge that and give you your credit. You don’t come off like a close minded NPC, unlike moonbat or whatever her name is, and that one man hater that smells like catpiss (was it faun, or that other dingbat that posted about republicans hating women).
Really? Because I don't see that. I'll try and look harder.
Comparing him to the other Biden apologists and libs here?
Dude is head and shoulders above them.
Facts state Biden should win and you said his win would be a miracle? You're not entitled to your own facts unless of course the polls are meaningless. If so then sure we can go from there. Cannot have it both ways. You're formulating your opinion based on your personal biases and conspiracy theories.
Outside of polls, what facts state that Biden should win?

I’m not so binary. Just because something may not be perfectly accurate doesn’t mean it’s meaningless. That’s not rational.

I don’t harbor conspiracy theories.
To your credit, I think you are on of the more rational libs here.
You seem to state your case, present reasons for why you believe the way you do, actually look at other posts/links that disagree with your position and ACTUALLY give them a little thought (unlike many, who are completely close minded).

I think we a bit different politically, but I feel a rational discussion can be had with you, and middle ground on some things could probably be found if it was a negotiation type situation.

off topic, I know. But just thought I should take a second to acknowledge that and give you your credit. You don’t come off like a close minded NPC, unlike moonbat or whatever her name is, and that one man hater that smells like catpiss (was it faun, or that other dingbat that posted about republicans hating women).
Thank you. I try to back up my argument as best as possible. I do get a little annoyed by some people who don’t seem interested in serious conversation or who can’t reciprocate.
I try to back up my argument as best as possible.

You argued there was "overwhelming evidence" to disprove this story. When asked to back it up you ran away.
He then asked outside of polls what makes Biden the favorite?!?!?!? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?

And said a Biden win would be a "miracle"
Are the people involved in the emails lying when they say its true?

No, but Fox is being less than honest.

So let's review. They contacted someone who is CC'd in an email... and they can remember the exact contents of an email they got 6 years ago? Really?

Which email were they shown? The ones that were kind of routine, or the supposedly 'incriminating' ones.
And they can't name them.

So, I gather now, you don’t believe that Trump called troops “suckers, and losers?”
I don't know if he did or didn't.

Well there's plenty of people saying he didn't...
So? That still provides no clue if he said it or not.
you thought the media was gonna dig into it? here's what they're busy doing...

Fuck me. Talk about a grilling by the press!
With all this hunter and Hoe Hidin corruption email scandal going on, one would think the media would be jumping all over him at every opportunity.
Who am I kidding? Hoe hidin is a Democrat.
That is different and you used the word, not I.

Take a step back. Do you agree that Biden is the favorite? Yes or no? As of today.
“That’s different”? No, it’s not. You do what you attack people for doing. It isn’t the first time either.

I’ve said repeatedly I don’t think Biden is the favorite. If you are still asking this question, you’re not reading what I’m writing. Doesn’t this fit your special definition of trolling?

USA TODAY average of averages: Biden 51.9%, Trump 42.1% (Biden +9.8)

Last week: Biden 52.1%, Trump 42.0% (Biden +10.1)

Net change: Trump +0.3

  • RCP: Biden 51.3%, Trump 42.4%
  • FiveThirtyEight: Biden 52.5%, Trump 41.7%
At this point in 2016: Clinton +6.5

You either trolling or you're inept in mathematics.
And what do polls taken today have to do with an election 2 weeks from now?
They show Biden as the favorite.

If I told you that a Biden win would be a miracle. What would your response to me be?
I quoted the Director of the DNI?!?!?!?!? And his statements were corroborated. Miracle? Biden is THE favorite in every single poll. Why would it be a miracle. Please explain this one to me.
It’d be a miracle because the Trump base is completely captured by Trump. They don’t listen to anything that contradicts their beliefs (they call it fake news or any number of excuses).

They play dirty, hence Giuliani and Bannon leading this charge. And they have Russia pulling for them. And they control the government which they’ve filled with political appointees who have demonstrated willingness to use government to help Trump get re-elected.

It’s an absolutely uphill battle and it’ll be a miracle if Biden wins.
You accuse the Trump group of behaving like the dems really are. It has to end. There is nothing nor was there ever anything between Trump and Russia---this was a lie a stunt by the dems to get Trump and you keep repeating this game as though it is truth when you know now better. Giuliani plays dirty? BASED ON what? Bannon did what no report foriegn income on his taxes--hardly evil. Given how the dems and their corrupt FBI targeted Trump and everyone around him for harassment--accusing them of being the ones abusing to government to harass others is especially sick. They haven't gone after anyone but criminals----
and the fbi never looked at any DNC server. still to this day. 45 million dollars wasted on a story. made up, concocted to attempt a coup on a legally elected president.
I told you this Hunter Biden story was garbage.

“The New York Post’s front-page article about Hunter Biden on Wednesday was written mostly by a staff reporter who refused to put his name on it, two Post employees said.

Bruce Golding, a reporter at the Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid since 2007, did not allow his byline to be used because he had concerns over the article’s credibility, the two Post employees said, speaking on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retaliation.

Coming late in a heated presidential campaign, the article suggested that Joseph R. Biden Jr. had used his position to enrich his son Hunter when he was vice president. The Post based the story on photos and documents the paper said it had taken from the hard drive of a laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden.

Many Post staff members questioned whether the paper had done enough to verify the authenticity of the hard drive’s contents, said five people with knowledge of the tabloid’s inner workings. Staff members also had concerns about the reliability of its sources and its timing, the people said”.


Let me put this in plain English for Trumpist simpletons: The Reporter did not want to have his name used in the by-line because he knew this story about Hunter Biden was a lie.

Only friggin idiots would consider Steve Bannon, a man now being prosecuted for fraud, and Rudy Guiliani, a known Russian useful idiot, credible sources.

It is an obvious lie...

How do we know? Because if it was true the Hard Drive would be in the FB I hands right now... This is a simple dirty trick...

The real question is did the Russians help? The FBI should add this to there investigations of Rudy...
The HARD DRIVE is in the FBI's hands right now supposedly assuming that they didn't destroy it to cover for Biden. Along with the HARD DRIVE is also Hunters Cell phone--------------which also has the images, the emails, the video, and the pictures of Hunter among other things violently raping chinese underage girls.
It’s really sad for a Trump devotee like you to pump lies in the middle of these BS.
You did NOT see a video or pictures of Hunter raping Chinese underage girls. NON of us see any. YOU ARE LYING.
Yet you are here arguing about Hunter. Trump trained you well. What is the credibility of what you are saying?

If any of you wants to talk about the emails, Hunter and lap top. Talk straight but do NOT pump any of these BULLSHIT that are not true. Sickening. YOU GOT DAT?
Nor do I want to see them if they exist. Hopefully that part of the story is false.
Country gain may also be personal gain. Happens frequently. If the President makes a peace deal in the Middle East it benefits him politically but also the country. Happens all the time. Hence why life long Democrat, Alan Dershowitz defended Trump. I believe Him over you, Brit.
Dershowitz also defended Epstein. I bet you believed him then too. What you believe isn’t based in reality. It’s based in ego.

Dershowitz also defended oj simpson.
Country gain may also be personal gain. Happens frequently. If the President makes a peace deal in the Middle East it benefits him politically but also the country. Happens all the time. Hence why life long Democrat, Alan Dershowitz defended Trump. I believe Him over you, Brit.
Dershowitz also defended Epstein. I bet you believed him then too. What you believe isn’t based in reality. It’s based in ego.

Dershowitz also defended oj simpson.
Yes. He defends the constitution and it wasn't until he defended Trump did the Left suddenly turn on him. WOW!!! Dana, STFU.
I told you this Hunter Biden story was garbage.

“The New York Post’s front-page article about Hunter Biden on Wednesday was written mostly by a staff reporter who refused to put his name on it, two Post employees said.

Bruce Golding, a reporter at the Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid since 2007, did not allow his byline to be used because he had concerns over the article’s credibility, the two Post employees said, speaking on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retaliation.

Coming late in a heated presidential campaign, the article suggested that Joseph R. Biden Jr. had used his position to enrich his son Hunter when he was vice president. The Post based the story on photos and documents the paper said it had taken from the hard drive of a laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden.

Many Post staff members questioned whether the paper had done enough to verify the authenticity of the hard drive’s contents, said five people with knowledge of the tabloid’s inner workings. Staff members also had concerns about the reliability of its sources and its timing, the people said”.


Let me put this in plain English for Trumpist simpletons: The Reporter did not want to have his name used in the by-line because he knew this story about Hunter Biden was a lie.

Only friggin idiots would consider Steve Bannon, a man now being prosecuted for fraud, and Rudy Guiliani, a known Russian useful idiot, credible sources.

It is an obvious lie...

How do we know? Because if it was true the Hard Drive would be in the FB I hands right now... This is a simple dirty trick...

The real question is did the Russians help? The FBI should add this to there investigations of Rudy...
The HARD DRIVE is in the FBI's hands right now supposedly assuming that they didn't destroy it to cover for Biden. Along with the HARD DRIVE is also Hunters Cell phone--------------which also has the images, the emails, the video, and the pictures of Hunter among other things violently raping chinese underage girls.
It’s really sad for a Trump devotee like you to pump lies in the middle of these BS.
You did NOT see a video or pictures of Hunter raping Chinese underage girls. NON of us see any. YOU ARE LYING.
Yet you are here arguing about Hunter. Trump trained you well. What is the credibility of what you are saying?

If any of you wants to talk about the emails, Hunter and lap top. Talk straight but do NOT pump any of these BULLSHIT that are not true. Sickening. YOU GOT DAT?
My brain hurt reading your hamfisted post.
Just to make sure it wasn’t me, I read it out loud and a grammar and English composition book on my shelf burst into flames.
I quoted the Director of the DNI?!?!?!?!? And his statements were corroborated. Miracle? Biden is THE favorite in every single poll. Why would it be a miracle. Please explain this one to me.
It’d be a miracle because the Trump base is completely captured by Trump. They don’t listen to anything that contradicts their beliefs (they call it fake news or any number of excuses).

They play dirty, hence Giuliani and Bannon leading this charge. And they have Russia pulling for them. And they control the government which they’ve filled with political appointees who have demonstrated willingness to use government to help Trump get re-elected.

It’s an absolutely uphill battle and it’ll be a miracle if Biden wins.
You accuse the Trump group of behaving like the dems really are. It has to end. There is nothing nor was there ever anything between Trump and Russia---this was a lie a stunt by the dems to get Trump and you keep repeating this game as though it is truth when you know now better. Giuliani plays dirty? BASED ON what? Bannon did what no report foriegn income on his taxes--hardly evil. Given how the dems and their corrupt FBI targeted Trump and everyone around him for harassment--accusing them of being the ones abusing to government to harass others is especially sick. They haven't gone after anyone but criminals----
What difference does it make devotee like you? You don’t even know the difference?
But let me enlighten you.

Russia is heavily involved interfering in this country election including 2016 and now 2020 election.
They are harassing us with their fighter jet planes and military ships out there in the international waters and air. They were caught numerous times in our Alaskan coast several times this year. There is a bounty head of US soldiers in Afghanistan by Putin.
Trump is a puppet has not said a single word condemning against Putin. NON. Why? Because he is a TRAITOR and weakling useful idiot.

Biden sent a strong warning.
Oh please!

the whole October Surprise stinks of rotten eggs!

First, Giuliani has had the laptop since July of 2019....
Why didn't he give it to AG Barr? That is what a law abiding citizen would do.

And Barr is in the bag for Trump, so there would be no reason not to do this...

And then, why in the hell would this computer shop owner, decide to give this lap top to Giuliani.... of all people??? Seriously!!!

Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!

And then you have the impeachment, with Giuliani head deep in the shenanigans back in the late summer and fall of 2019....while he had the laptop already? And didn't come to the defense of Trump, in the impeachment nor the impeachment trial????

come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!! wake up!

And then we have the year long investigation in the Senate on it..... and the R Senate investigation in to the Hunter/Joe thingy and they supposedly have the lap top, and then clear Joe Biden of any wrong doing, though lots of negative on Hunter?

and this shop owner is allegedly legally blind so he doesn't know who dropped the laptop off, yet he says he called the person to come pick it up, and another yet, is he claims he saw something disturbing so he gave a copy to the FBI, but when questioned about child porn on the lapto this guy claims "He saw NONE of that..."?

So why did he give the laptop copy to the FBI?

And what was he doing snooping through Hunter Biden's lap top in the first place? That's NOT part of retrieving a hard drive.....? So what was it specifically that made him give a copy to the FBI and then out of the blue, choose Rudy Giuliani to give it to?

And this guy did not see child porn, and is legally blind, additionally an excuse for not knowing who dropped off the laptop, yet he sees well enough to read Hunter's emails and see something to make him want to turn the coPy of the laptop to the FBI?

Then Giuliani holds on to ALL OF THIS INFO, letting the alleged child sex abuse continue on and on and on and on, while he holds on to the laptop for over a year's time, without giving it to AG BARR,

only to drop the laptop in to the new National Enquirer helper for Trump, the New York Post tabloid, to drop the story two weeks out from the election.... and Giuliani says he gave it to the tabloid because he was afraid a legitimate news paper would be required to check the sources BEFORE printing the story,and 'this would be too late'..... too late to serve HIS PURPOSE of an October surprise.....

Come onnnnnnnnnnnn again!

Sorry, this stinks to high heaven of trumpery!
Your timeline is wrong. Want to try to not spin nonsense?

The FBI was given the hard drive in December after they subpoened it---------which means Barr would have or should have been informed then---but the clinton corrupt FBI sat on and hid this evidence even though Trump was being impeached over Burisma and the computer held evidence that was pertinent to the hearing. Guilliani wasn't informed of the computer till this year-------after the FBI had the computer.
Nope! That's all fake news dear one! The shop owner said he gave the laptop to the FBI after Hunter did not show up to pick it up..... that was early summer 2019? so is the story changing?

And then the subpoena that is showing by the GatewayPundit as a subpoena for Hunter Biden to show up at a grand jury, DOES NOT HAVE HUNTER'S NAME ON IT..... whomever was being subpoenaed...the name was blacked out.... the one that is claimed to have some agent named Wilson bled thru on it ....who works on child sex trafficking.....does not name Biden as the person being subpoenaed, and does not say that the person being subpoenaed has to bring any electronic data with him, as claimed by the GatewayPundit......

Snowflakes are being snowed!
So you think the people that confirmed the emails are liars?
What people? Name them...
Your momma, bitch.
You know who i am referring to
No, I don't. And neither do you or you would name names. You're not because you can't.
Of course I cant. Do you think Fox News is making it up? Or do you think the people are lying?
Who knows. Maybe they did. Maybe the emails were "confirmed" by someone falsely claiming to be a recipient. Who knows? You don't.
and you dont know either if it was the other way around.
No I don't. So no one knows if it's true or not yet that doesn't stop you yahoos from spreading it as though it's true.
Two words. Brett Kavanaugh. Hypocrisy 101
Who's hypocritical?
You and your fellow leftists. That is who. You believed Blasey Ford with zero evidence. Here you have more.
Retard, while the Kavanaugh hearing was taking place, I said I didn't believe Ford.

Are you ever not a retard, ShortBus?

Link it. If you did, my apologies. Why do you hate kids with special needs?
I don't hate you, I pity you.

As far as those links... apologize, ShortBus...

For one, because then they would have to start the whole process of nominating/confirming all over again and they want someone to take Kennedy’s seat before the election. For another, there’s no proof corroborating the accusations levied against Kavanaugh.
And you are not a very good source for verification as your inability to be objective led you astray, wrongly believing I probably believed Ford’s accusation of Kavanaugh.
Pity? because I turned 40? Thank you.
No, because you're a rightard.
better than being a scum demonrat retard
Ooh, another I know you are but what am I, spitball. How can I recover from that?

Biden sent a strong warning.
I thought he was a citizen? what's he doing sending warnings to Russia? I mean, he can't tell a governor and mayor of Portland to take care of their citizens. but he can post warnings to Russia? wow. BTW, what was it he warned them of?
Oh please!

the whole October Surprise stinks of rotten eggs!

First, Giuliani has had the laptop since July of 2019....
Why didn't he give it to AG Barr? That is what a law abiding citizen would do.

And Barr is in the bag for Trump, so there would be no reason not to do this...

And then, why in the hell would this computer shop owner, decide to give this lap top to Giuliani.... of all people??? Seriously!!!

Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!

And then you have the impeachment, with Giuliani head deep in the shenanigans back in the late summer and fall of 2019....while he had the laptop already? And didn't come to the defense of Trump, in the impeachment nor the impeachment trial????

come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!! wake up!

And then we have the year long investigation in the Senate on it..... and the R Senate investigation in to the Hunter/Joe thingy and they supposedly have the lap top, and then clear Joe Biden of any wrong doing, though lots of negative on Hunter?

and this shop owner is allegedly legally blind so he doesn't know who dropped the laptop off, yet he says he called the person to come pick it up, and another yet, is he claims he saw something disturbing so he gave a copy to the FBI, but when questioned about child porn on the lapto this guy claims "He saw NONE of that..."?

So why did he give the laptop copy to the FBI?

And what was he doing snooping through Hunter Biden's lap top in the first place? That's NOT part of retrieving a hard drive.....? So what was it specifically that made him give a copy to the FBI and then out of the blue, choose Rudy Giuliani to give it to?

And this guy did not see child porn, and is legally blind, additionally an excuse for not knowing who dropped off the laptop, yet he sees well enough to read Hunter's emails and see something to make him want to turn the coPy of the laptop to the FBI?

Then Giuliani holds on to ALL OF THIS INFO, letting the alleged child sex abuse continue on and on and on and on, while he holds on to the laptop for over a year's time, without giving it to AG BARR,

only to drop the laptop in to the new National Enquirer helper for Trump, the New York Post tabloid, to drop the story two weeks out from the election.... and Giuliani says he gave it to the tabloid because he was afraid a legitimate news paper would be required to check the sources BEFORE printing the story,and 'this would be too late'..... too late to serve HIS PURPOSE of an October surprise.....

Come onnnnnnnnnnnn again!

Sorry, this stinks to high heaven of trumpery!
Your timeline is wrong. Want to try to not spin nonsense?

The FBI was given the hard drive in December after they subpoened it---------which means Barr would have or should have been informed then---but the clinton corrupt FBI sat on and hid this evidence even though Trump was being impeached over Burisma and the computer held evidence that was pertinent to the hearing. Guilliani wasn't informed of the computer till this year-------after the FBI had the computer.
Nope! That's all fake news dear one! The shop owner said he gave the laptop to the FBI after Hunter did not show up to pick it up..... that was early summer 2019? so is the story changing?

And then the subpoena that is showing by the GatewayPundit as a subpoena for Hunter Biden to show up at a grand jury, DOES NOT HAVE HUNTER'S NAME ON IT..... whomever was being subpoenaed...the name was blacked out.... the one that is claimed to have some agent named Wilson bled thru on it ....who works on child sex trafficking.....does not name Biden as the person being subpoenaed, and does not say that the person being subpoenaed has to bring any electronic data with him, as claimed by the GatewayPundit......

Snowflakes are being snowed!
So you think the people that confirmed the emails are liars?
What people? Name them...
Your momma, bitch.
You know who i am referring to
No, I don't. And neither do you or you would name names. You're not because you can't.
Of course I cant. Do you think Fox News is making it up? Or do you think the people are lying?
Who knows. Maybe they did. Maybe the emails were "confirmed" by someone falsely claiming to be a recipient. Who knows? You don't.
and you dont know either if it was the other way around.
No I don't. So no one knows if it's true or not yet that doesn't stop you yahoos from spreading it as though it's true.
Two words. Brett Kavanaugh. Hypocrisy 101
Who's hypocritical?
You and your fellow leftists. That is who. You believed Blasey Ford with zero evidence. Here you have more.
Retard, while the Kavanaugh hearing was taking place, I said I didn't believe Ford.

Are you ever not a retard, ShortBus?

Link it. If you did, my apologies. Why do you hate kids with special needs?
I don't hate you, I pity you.

As far as those links... apologize, ShortBus...

For one, because then they would have to start the whole process of nominating/confirming all over again and they want someone to take Kennedy’s seat before the election. For another, there’s no proof corroborating the accusations levied against Kavanaugh.
And you are not a very good source for verification as your inability to be objective led you astray, wrongly believing I probably believed Ford’s accusation of Kavanaugh.
Pity? because I turned 40? Thank you.
No, because you're a rightard.
better than being a scum demonrat retard
Ooh, another I know you are but what am I, spitball. How can I recover from that?

wrong again. i never typed anything like that, oh btw, you are wrong . honestly, who gives 2 shits if you ever recover? nobody, not even the leaders of the evil,vile scum bag demonrats. so now what?
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