NY Times admits: Obamacare is principally a redistribution of wealth scheme


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
What conservatives have known for years, has now even become apparent to the New York Times, only three years after it was signed into law.

The main function of Obamacare is not health care - we already had that. It is redistribution of wealth - taking money away from people who earn more, and giving it to people who earn less. Health care is merely the excuse.

If the Obamanites had told the truth about their signature program, would it have ever been passed by the House and Senate?

For that matter, would Obama have even been re-elected in 2012?

In fact, if he had told the truth about what he wanted to impose on the country... would he have been elected the first time, in 2008?

The American people have never wanted his or any other brand of socialism. And the liberals knew it. But that didn't stop them. Ruling against the will of the people is the only way they could impose their agenda on us.

And lying, hiding their agenda, and making promises they had no intention of keeping, is the natural exension of this fundamental truth about the people who have done this to us.


NYTimes Spills The Beans: ObamaCare Isn?t Health Care, It?s Redistribution Of (Your) Wealth | The Natural Truth

NYTimes Spills The Beans: ObamaCare Isn’t Health Care, It’s Redistribution Of (Your) Wealth

Posted on 11/24/2013

These days the word [redistribution] is particularly toxic at the White House, where it has been hidden away to make the Affordable Care Act more palatable to the public and less a target for Republicans, who have long accused Democrats of seeking “socialized medicine.” But the redistribution of wealth has always been a central feature of the law and lies at the heart of the insurance market disruptions driving political attacks this fall.

“Americans want a fair and fixed insurance market,” said Jonathan Gruber, a health economist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who advised Mr. Obama’s team as it designed the law. “You cannot have that without some redistribution away from a small number of people.”…

For those nervous about potential changes, the president promised stability. “If you like your current insurance, you will keep your current insurance,” Mr. Obama said the day he signed the legislation in March 2010, a promise he made repeatedly as the Oct. 1 opening day of the online health insurance marketplaces approached.Hiding in plain sight behind that pledge — visible to health policy experts but not the general public — was the redistribution required to extend health coverage to those who had been either locked out or priced out of the market.
This one is in the echo chamber......you are not the first nutter to post that paragraph here. Nice try though!
Yeah it's a total fantasy. Even the Goose steppers like Bob Beckel are still toeing the line....not.
I knew that eventually the Right would get around to being honest about why they hate Obamacare.

Despite all the yakking and nitpicking about everything else in Obamacare, what really pisses the Right off is that Obamacare makes healthcare more affordable for many people of lower income.

Yes, that is a re-distribution of wealth. So is public education.

If you want to live in a country where you only get an education or healthcare if you have the money to pay the same price for it as everyone else,

you're probably out of place in America. Not to mention the rest of the civilized world.
what really pisses the Right off is that Obamacare makes healthcare more affordable for many people of lower income.

Yes, that is a re-distribution of wealth. So is public education.


Like public education healthcare is reserved to the people / States.

10th amendment and all.
I knew that eventually the Right would get around to being honest about why they hate Obamacare.

Despite all the yakking and nitpicking about everything else in Obamacare, what really pisses the Right off is that Obamacare makes healthcare more affordable for many people of lower income.

Yes, that is a re-distribution of wealth. So is public education.

If you want to live in a country where you only get an education or healthcare if you have the money to pay the same price for it as everyone else,

you're probably out of place in America. Not to mention the rest of the civilized world.

Affordable must mean more expensive to you. :lol:

Most people don't need another house payment right now.
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I knew that eventually the Right would get around to being honest about why they hate Obamacare.

Despite all the yakking and nitpicking about everything else in Obamacare, what really pisses the Right off is that Obamacare makes healthcare more affordable for many people of lower income.

Yes, that is a re-distribution of wealth. So is public education.

If you want to live in a country where you only get an education or healthcare if you have the money to pay the same price for it as everyone else,

you're probably out of place in America. Not to mention the rest of the civilized world.

Affordable must mean more expensive to you. :lol:

Most people don't need another house payment right now.

Not sure who "most people" are. Only about 5 million are losing worthless plans that no longer qualify, and they even have another year to enjoy them.

But the nice thing about big insurance, eventually, they'll see oppurtunities to screw their competitors by offering qualifying plans to the people who were rejected.
I knew that eventually the Right would get around to being honest about why they hate Obamacare.

Despite all the yakking and nitpicking about everything else in Obamacare, what really pisses the Right off is that Obamacare makes healthcare more affordable for many people of lower income.

Yes, that is a re-distribution of wealth. So is public education.

If you want to live in a country where you only get an education or healthcare if you have the money to pay the same price for it as everyone else,

you're probably out of place in America. Not to mention the rest of the civilized world.

Affordable must mean more expensive to you. :lol:

Most people don't need another house payment right now.

Not sure who "most people" are. Only about 5 million are losing worthless plans that no longer qualify, and they even have another year to enjoy them.

Joe is the Nancy Pelosi of USMB

From NBC:

Obama administration knew millions could not keep their health insurance - Investigations

Four sources deeply involved in the Affordable Care Act tell NBC News that 50 to 75 percent of the 14 million consumers who buy their insurance individually can expect to receive a “cancellation” letter or the equivalent over the next year because their existing policies don’t meet the standards mandated by the new health care law. One expert predicts that number could reach as high as 80 percent. And all say that many of those forced to buy pricier new policies will experience “sticker shock.”
I knew that eventually the Right would get around to being honest about why they hate Obamacare.

Despite all the yakking and nitpicking about everything else in Obamacare, what really pisses the Right off is that Obamacare makes healthcare more affordable for many people of lower income.

Yes, that is a re-distribution of wealth. So is public education.

If you want to live in a country where you only get an education or healthcare if you have the money to pay the same price for it as everyone else,

you're probably out of place in America. Not to mention the rest of the civilized world.

Affordable must mean more expensive to you. :lol:

Most people don't need another house payment right now.

Not sure who "most people" are. Only about 5 million are losing worthless plans that no longer qualify, and they even have another year to enjoy them.

But the nice thing about big insurance, eventually, they'll see oppurtunities to screw their competitors by offering qualifying plans to the people who were rejected.

Only 5 million.

Worthless plans.

Depending on the state many of them will lose them Jan 1.

5 million people is close to how many Jews went into the ovens during the Holocaust.
Obama calls plans that were affordable and gave people the coverage they needed "Worthless". They were worth alot to the people involved, but they didn't cover everything Obama feels is of value, like sex-change operations, birth-control pills for men or Catholics who don't believe in it. It doesn't cover people who are below a specific age and out of work. Fact: If you can't pay you don't get Obamacare. A population roughly the size of Texas still won't be able to get health care under Obamacare.

Obamacare Won't Cover Everyone - Business Insider
Sure it is.

ACA redistributes more wealth from the working younger uninsured (and that was fine with them) people of the USA to Insurance corporations.

CLEARLY such a wealth distribution is a form of socialism/

The FASCIST kind of socialism where the government works on behalf of the corporations.

Mussolini would be so proud.
Sure it is.

ACA redistributes more wealth from the working younger uninsured (and that was fine with them) people of the USA to Insurance corporations.

CLEARLY such a wealth distribution is a form of socialism/

The FASCIST kind of socialism where the government works on behalf of the corporations.

Mussolini would be so proud.

Young people are all for that until they see the sticker price.

Then they become law-breakers.

It'll be like smoking pot. Everyone will be cheating on their insurance but they don't want the government to find out.

Nobody wants to pay a large portion of their salary to something they feel they'll never use.

Only 5 million.

Worthless plans.

Depending on the state many of them will lose them Jan 1.

5 million people is close to how many Jews went into the ovens during the Holocaust.
Obama calls plans that were affordable and gave people the coverage they needed "Worthless". They were worth alot to the people involved, but they didn't cover everything Obama feels is of value, like sex-change operations, birth-control pills for men or Catholics who don't believe in it. It doesn't cover people who are below a specific age and out of work. Fact: If you can't pay you don't get Obamacare. A population roughly the size of Texas still won't be able to get health care under Obamacare.



Please, guy, this is getting kind of tiresome, isn't it?

It isn't the features people won't use that will cost them money, it's the ones they are likely to, such as pre-existing conditions and no lifetime caps, which are why the cut-rate, no coverage policies aren't qualifying.

These policies were LIES to start with.

Only 5 million.

Worthless plans.

Depending on the state many of them will lose them Jan 1.

5 million people is close to how many Jews went into the ovens during the Holocaust.
Obama calls plans that were affordable and gave people the coverage they needed "Worthless". They were worth alot to the people involved, but they didn't cover everything Obama feels is of value, like sex-change operations, birth-control pills for men or Catholics who don't believe in it. It doesn't cover people who are below a specific age and out of work. Fact: If you can't pay you don't get Obamacare. A population roughly the size of Texas still won't be able to get health care under Obamacare.



Please, guy, this is getting kind of tiresome, isn't it?

It isn't the features people won't use that will cost them money, it's the ones they are likely to, such as pre-existing conditions and no lifetime caps, which are why the cut-rate, no coverage policies aren't qualifying.

These policies were LIES to start with.

'These policies were lies to begin with"? Perhaps you should tell that to the people who had them? These policies weren't 'cut-rate, no coverage policies' either. Keep your prevarications to yourself. Admit this law is a failure. Stop hawking it. Nobody in this universe or the next will touch it. Nobody would touch it if given a choice. Well, if they had a choice.
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Only 5 million.

Worthless plans.

Depending on the state many of them will lose them Jan 1.

5 million people is close to how many Jews went into the ovens during the Holocaust.
Obama calls plans that were affordable and gave people the coverage they needed "Worthless". They were worth alot to the people involved, but they didn't cover everything Obama feels is of value, like sex-change operations, birth-control pills for men or Catholics who don't believe in it. It doesn't cover people who are below a specific age and out of work. Fact: If you can't pay you don't get Obamacare. A population roughly the size of Texas still won't be able to get health care under Obamacare.



Please, guy, this is getting kind of tiresome, isn't it?

It isn't the features people won't use that will cost them money, it's the ones they are likely to, such as pre-existing conditions and no lifetime caps, which are why the cut-rate, no coverage policies aren't qualifying.

These policies were LIES to start with.

Whatever you say. Coverage is coverage and it all costs.

Fact is, people are applying that are refused coverage. That isn't what was promised.

Oh, and Beck has been off the air on Fox for years. Talking about beating a dead horse.
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'These policies were lies to begin with"? Perhaps you should tell that to the people who had them? These policies weren't 'cut-rate, no coverage policies' either. Keep your prevarications to yourself. Admit this law is a failure. Stop hawking it. Nobody in this universe or the next will touch it. Nobody would touch it if given a choice. Well, if they had a choice.

Well, it's a good thing they don't, then.

Those policies were shit. The thing is, most people didn't figure out that they were until they tried to make a claim and found out that their cancer was a "pre-existing condition", or that the $100,000 max payout disappears pretty quickly when you are talking about Stage 2 Cancer.

Now here's the thing.

We did EXACTLY what you Repukes wanted. We kept private insurance involved instead of just putting in a public option people could buy into.

And now you are all whelping and moaning that the insurance companies are STILL pulling the same shit they were pulling before ObamaCare.
Mark Halperin: Obamacare Contains "Death Panels" | Video | RealClearPolitics

A little late for the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM to wake up. Not that I care. Because I don't. They're scumbags of the first order. They KNOWINGLY covered for obama, they lied for him, they omitted evidence against him, they refused to look into the (correct) accusations that Republicans were making against him and his namesake legislation the ACA, they re scumbags, they lie, and now they're finally admitting, after calling Michele Bachman and Sarah Pain and Ted Cruz every name in the book....

They finally admit we were right all along?

Eat shit, LSM. And all you people who LIED and got down on all fours begging obama, "Thank you, sir. May I have another" while dirtying your laundry can eat shit as well. Lying scumbags

Mark Halperin: Obamacare Contains "Death Panels" | Video | RealClearPolitics

Time Mag Rag's Mark Halperin: Obamacare Contains "Death Panels"

NEWSMAX: The Affordable Care Act contains provisions for "death panels," which decide which critically-ill patients receive care and which won't, according to Mark Halperin, senior political analyst for Time magazine.

"It's built into the plan. It's not like a guess or like a judgment. That's going to be part of how costs are controlled," Halperin told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.

H/T Ace of Spades HQ

Yes... and all of this was knowable, and reportable, four years ago as well, but it only recently became fashionable to tell the American people the truth about Obamacare.

And that point only came when people could see with their own eyes it was a disaster and a lie-- only at that point did the media begin confessing the obvious.

Halperin's right -- this is all in the law. It's right there. You can read it.

As you could have four years ago.

As the media, particularly, could have four years ago.

Skip to 4:27, where Malzberg asks Halperin if he knew Obama was lying through his teeth for four years. He once again that Mitt Romney's 2012 candidacy caused the press to not ask difficult questions about Obamacare in 2010.

The death panels comments comes at 8:17.
Was there ever any doubt that it was a wealth redistribution scheme?

Democrats will be lucky to be the minority party by 2016. People are already losing their employer group insurance. The Democrats have fucked this up real good. Not that anything less was expected from the "going on a feeling" crowd.
The Obamacare success stories you haven't been hearing about

I wonder why? Not a good media narrative I guess. If it bleeds it leads. People's happiness and success stories just don't garner headlines. Shame...

The admininstration can't tout these success stories, because they are a net drain on the overall system, they need healthy people to pony up to cover the excess costs created by the unhealthy people signing up in droves, for both medicaid and Obamacare proper.

So what you will get is increased medicaid costs, a decrease in revenues because most people who will sucessfully sign up will get subsidies, and a huge bill 1-2 years from now that Obama will punt to future generations by borrowing shamelessly.
The Obamacare success stories you haven't been hearing about

I wonder why? Not a good media narrative I guess. If it bleeds it leads. People's happiness and success stories just don't garner headlines. Shame...

Why should we sugar coat a pile of shit?
Millions of people lose their insurance and you guys want to wheel out a couple of "success" stories?


As for the 5 million others, tough shit, right? Fuckem. Let them eat cake. We want to look good here.

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