Obama, campaigning again, blames D.C. mess on pols campaigning too much


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
all Obama does is travel around the country campaigning AND attends many many fundraisers to raise money for the DEMOCRAT PARTY...
what a friggen gig ON OUR DIME...who the hell is running our Government? and what about that 7.6%-8% UNEMPLOYMENT you've had for five years?

An amazing scene in Boston yesterday.

Barack Obama returned to the city of one of his biggest triumphs (his 2004 Democrat convention speech) and one of his worst political spankings (the 2010 repudiation by Massachusetts Senate voters of his candidate).

Those were tough days for the ex-state legislator, you may remember. Virginia voters had just rejected Obama's choice for governor. New Jersey voters had just rejected Obama's choice for governor.

Both setbacks were indicators of the rising tide of dissatisfaction over Obama's preoccupation with ObamaCare when what voters really wanted was Joe Biden's three-letter word, "J-O-B-S."

Americans are still waiting for Obama's employment extravaganza. But meantime later in 2010, they turned the House over to Republicans in an historic surge. Obama now says his big goal is to get that speaker's gavel back in the more compliant hands of Nancy Pelosi.

In January, 2010, Massachusetts voters were filling Ted Kennedy's Senate seat, a seat occupied by Democrat bottoms since 1952. As in the middle of last century. Nine years before Obama was born you-know-where.

Hours before polls opened, Obama went up to Boston to campaign for and with Democrat Martha Coakley, as he'd done with his chosen ones in New Jersey and Virginia. Coakley had been slipping in the polls. And the White House wanted to give her one last push across the finish line.

Bay State Democrats responded to the president's special, special-election attention by electing lowly state legislator Scott Brown. Oh, look! He was a Republican.

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Obama, campaigning again, blames D.C. mess on pols campaigning too much by Andrew Malcolm - Investors.com
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