Obama care penalty... GONE!!!!!!

Loserterianism Franco is based on the worship of the rich barons ruling over everyone else...This means they deserve all the wealth, healthcare and resources while everyone can just fucking die. What a bunch of sick fucks.

Instead of dying you could just get a job like the rest of well bodied Americans.

But then again, that's probably worse than death if you are a leftist.
Loserterianism Franco is based on the worship of the rich barons ruling over everyone else...This means they deserve all the wealth, healthcare and resources while everyone can just fucking die. What a bunch of sick fucks.

Obama care penalty... GONE!!!!!!

Fuck Obama care, and by the way the drill baby drill…

GOP tax cut bill slashes rates and kills Obamacare penalty | Daily Mail Online


The bill is not yet voted on.
We can only hope... Because Obamacare is a abomination. LOL

Obamacare is not going anywhere silly, all this bill does is remove the mandate. Which was the only incentive for people to get insurance instead of abusing the system by waiting until they get sick to get a policy insurance company HAS TO provide.

Party of BAD ideas.

Obama care penalty... GONE!!!!!!

Fuck Obama care, and by the way the drill baby drill…

GOP tax cut bill slashes rates and kills Obamacare penalty | Daily Mail Online


The bill is not yet voted on.
We can only hope... Because Obamacare is a abomination. LOL

Obamacare is not going anywhere silly, all this bill does is remove the mandate. Which was the only incentive for people to get insurance instead of abusing the system by waiting until they get sick to get a policy insurance company HAS TO provide.

Party of BAD ideas.
What is wrong with people getting a policy after they get sick? It’s only going to hurt the insurance companies that’s a good thing… LOL

Yep, and leaves in place every fucked up regulation and even more fucked up reimbursement system that ObamaCare added to hospitals that are causing rural hospitals to close and larger ones to spend more time and money on dumb shit than on the patients.

This is why ObamaCare needs to go, not because of some penalty that less than 1o% of the country paid.

But this remains unchanged while everyone cheers about the cool shiny object they are being distracted by.

Yep, and leaves in place every fucked up regulation and even more fucked up reimbursement system that ObamaCare added to hospitals that are causing rural hospitals to close and larger ones to spend more time and money on dumb shit than on the patients.

This is why ObamaCare needs to go, not because of some penalty that less than 1o% of the country paid.

But this remains unchanged while everyone cheers about the cool shiny object they are being distracted by.
Socialized medicine has always been a fuck up and always will be a fuck up, it does not take a fucking village
Let's get this straight... all the top industrialized countries in the world have universal healthcare... EXCEPT the United States. It works when it is done right, and the country cares about everyone.

Not really.
You are ignoring the massive subsidies they receive from the US. Without them, they could not have those plans, which btw....are not as stellar as you'd like to believe.
Obama should have fought for straight up single payer. It works everywhere it it tried and would have fixed the goddamn cluster fuck that is called the American healthcare system.

Now we're going to go back to the third world shit we had before.

We didn't have third world shit before, 80% of people were happy with their h/insurance. If they wanted to fix the problem they could have by addressing those who weren't insured. Instead, the damn leftists upended the entire system, screwed up h/insurance plans for millions, knowing it would collapse on itself so they could then usher in single payer. Which you're drooling for so we can all have the same quality experience that those in the VA have. NO. They also increased demand (newly insured) without increasing supply (medical professionals) and demanded that certain things must be covered. Gee, I wonder why prices skyrocketed.

Get fed gov't out of it.
Get rid of 'essential benefits'.
Bring back catastrophic plan options.
Stop having so many damn things covered by insurance in the first place!
Stop tying health insurance to employment, make it portable.
They were happy with their insurance till they got cut off when they got seriously sick
... There is Medicaid for the poor and then something has to be done about the cost of healthcare which is 100% more than anywhere else. Obamacare at least gave a framework for a solution. And you are ignorant if you don't know that high-deductible catastrophic insurance was the way things were going anyway....

That's what obozo care is just catastrophic insurance...who the fuck has 6 grand lying around year after year?
It also included many tests and $6,000 was also the limit for how much you could pay out of pocket. That is called catastrophic insurance and it also was the framework for a solution to the healthcare cost that are the problem after 40 Years of the GOP scam.

Uhm it's called a deductible..

You have to pay 6 grand out of pocket before the insurance kicks in.

Who the hell goes to the doctor for check ups unless you are a woman.

Actually, things like doc visits and rx are covered right away without having to reach that deductible.
And they couldnt hide it in a skinny bill..they treated it like a tax and repealed it ...

The biggest upset ever if it gets to Trump's desk ..

This is my favorite part of the whole thing! They insisted it wasn't a tax, Roberts ignored them and said it was a tax, and because of that it's easy peasy to just get rid of the tax and therefore, the mandate! I LOVE that people will not be penalized for choosing to forego insurance (ftr: foregoing insurance is a dumb ass thing to do, imo). Dems idiocy, biting them in the ass daily! :lol:
And they couldnt hide it in a skinny bill..they treated it like a tax and repealed it ...

The biggest upset ever if it gets to Trump's desk ..

This is my favorite part of the whole thing! They insisted it wasn't a tax, Roberts ignored them and said it was a tax, and because of that it's easy peasy to just get rid of the tax and therefore, the mandate! I LOVE that people will not be penalized for choosing to forego insurance (ftr: foregoing insurance is a dumb ass thing to do, imo). Dems idiocy, biting them in the ass daily! :lol:
Idiocy as always is the Republican want and their dupes... Now we go back to a scam with 45,000 people dying a year... We finally had a chance to fix our pathetic health non system... that Is the ridiculous costs after years of the Republican non-plan which are the real problem.
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And they couldnt hide it in a skinny bill..they treated it like a tax and repealed it ...

The biggest upset ever if it gets to Trump's desk ..

This is my favorite part of the whole thing! They insisted it wasn't a tax, Roberts ignored them and said it was a tax, and because of that it's easy peasy to just get rid of the tax and therefore, the mandate! I LOVE that people will not be penalized for choosing to forego insurance (ftr: foregoing insurance is a dumb ass thing to do, imo). Dems idiocy, biting them in the ass daily! :lol:
Idiocy as always it's the Republican want and they're dupes... Now we go back to scam with 45,000 people dying a year... We finally had a chance to fix our pathetic health non system... Is the ridiculous costs after years of the Republican non-plan.

Oh so obozo care prevented all those deaths these past few years what did the Messiah do use pixidust?
And Obamacare goes down OH SNAP!! :laugh: Trump's tax reform bill also opens Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil and gas drilling MAGA!
And they couldnt hide it in a skinny bill..they treated it like a tax and repealed it ...

The biggest upset ever if it gets to Trump's desk ..

This is my favorite part of the whole thing! They insisted it wasn't a tax, Roberts ignored them and said it was a tax, and because of that it's easy peasy to just get rid of the tax and therefore, the mandate! I LOVE that people will not be penalized for choosing to forego insurance (ftr: foregoing insurance is a dumb ass thing to do, imo). Dems idiocy, biting them in the ass daily! :lol:
Idiocy as always it's the Republican want and they're dupes... Now we go back to scam with 45,000 people dying a year... We finally had a chance to fix our pathetic health non system... Is the ridiculous costs after years of the Republican non-plan.

Oh so obozo care prevented all those deaths these past few years what did the Messiah do use pixidust?
Well in Most states Medicaid and free test for colonoscopies and other tests saves a lot of lives like my best friend. Obviously GOP obstruction means that not all those lives were saved. You know it would help if you people knew anything at all about the real world LOL
Health insurance is not healthcare you dumbass motherfucker… LOL

You can't have healthcare in the U.S. without Health insurance. People CAN NOT afford to pay the high costs related with out of pocket costs.

There is no coincidence that there is a "Me" in the middle of America. So many fucking people that only care about themselves.

Hey how about you lay off those cheeseburger's and start exercising..

You want to take risk and live an unhealthy lifestyle go for it...don't expect me to pay for it, pull your panties up and pay for it your self

Hey how about you know what the fuck you are talking about and stay out of the casinos and take better care of your money?

My back is fucked from a car accident that WASN'T my fault... and it was done because the driver who was a retired GM factory worker was under-insured and didn't have the money to pay for my surgery. I could have sued the guy, made a lawyer rich, and made the fucking old guy homeless...

And now I am surrounded by shit for brains that always think something is the fault of the individual, and just make assumptions.

I have money to burn and never ever ever tell me some one had a car "accident" it's called a car "crash"

I have not had a car crash in like 35 years, you WERE NOT PAYING ATTENTION..

No. You don't even have a clue what you are talking about...

The old man turned in front of me across a 2 lane road, and even slamming my brakes I hit him. I won a lawsuit against him, but it barely covered my lawyer fees and past due medical bills... because of his level of insurance. I've dealt with a fucked back since 2005, and for many years because of pre-existing conditions, doctor visits were 100% out of pocket.
The old man was a dumbass Democrat too....
Health insurance is not healthcare you dumbass motherfucker… LOL

You can't have healthcare in the U.S. without Health insurance. People CAN NOT afford to pay the high costs related with out of pocket costs.

There is no coincidence that there is a "Me" in the middle of America. So many fucking people that only care about themselves.

Hey how about you lay off those cheeseburger's and start exercising..

You want to take risk and live an unhealthy lifestyle go for it...don't expect me to pay for it, pull your panties up and pay for it your self

Hey how about you know what the fuck you are talking about and stay out of the casinos and take better care of your money?

My back is fucked from a car accident that WASN'T my fault... and it was done because the driver who was a retired GM factory worker was under-insured and didn't have the money to pay for my surgery. I could have sued the guy, made a lawyer rich, and made the fucking old guy homeless...

And now I am surrounded by shit for brains that always think something is the fault of the individual, and just make assumptions.

I have money to burn and never ever ever tell me some one had a car "accident" it's called a car "crash"

I have not had a car crash in like 35 years, you WERE NOT PAYING ATTENTION..

No. You don't even have a clue what you are talking about...

The old man turned in front of me across a 2 lane road, and even slamming my brakes I hit him. I won a lawsuit against him, but it barely covered my lawyer fees and past due medical bills... because of his level of insurance. I've dealt with a fucked back since 2005, and for many years because of pre-existing conditions, doctor visits were 100% out of pocket.

Going to fast huh? Trying to find a good rap song to listen to?

Munching on a cheeseburger?

I remember when I had this little Chevy breeze I am on a two lane road not paying much attention to the road was looking at my girl friend..the car in front puts on the brakes..

Mine didn't work , I hooked it to the right , went off roading ..a tree was coming up I guned it

Passed both cars and back on the road I was ..

On my merry way to get my brakes fixed...

That's another reason why I believe in God ...

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