Obama Creates an Education Office for Blacks...Discrimination Much???

No.....blacks live in their own reality, when bad things happen in society then none of it can be pinned on them and when bad things happen to blacks then it is someone else's fault.

Getting hooked on drugs, having babies before 20 years old, doing a felony crime, etc is someone's else fault.....like that white guy living in Iowa living in his $100,000 home with no clue they exist on this planet.

No one is getting into college over someone else idiot. The reason AA exists is because the playing field wasn't equal. Now your solution is to go back and hope everything has changed. Nope, history doesn't agree with you.

It's not fair to other people? Ok, but the reason it had to be implemented in the first place is because it wasn't equal to begin with. Don't like it? Blame society for that. The blacks didn't make it unequal. Society did.

So blacks aren't part of our society?

Now wait if you speak english, get a job, act responsible, go to school, and dont fuck everyone you see, well that's what whitey wants you to do, and you will be acting white and called a house ****** or an oreo, for the "non racist" left.

When you're told from Day One that you're a victim and that all is hopeless without government help, it doesn't take long before you start believing it and acting like it.

When your "leaders" don't maintain high expectations for you, such as simply expecting a father to actually stay with his family, you are less likely to do so.

When a specific group of people is constantly having standards lowered for them to make things "fair", that group of people are at some point going to start lowering expectations on themselves.

When a specific group of people are consistently told that they need help from someone else, at some point their own dignity and self-worth are going to be irreparably damaged and they WILL need that help. Self-fulfilling prophecy.

:clap2::clap2: Well put! That is exactly what has happened. Once they feel that they are inferior, the seek some sort of identity that feels comfortable, so comes the rap, gangs and black groups that say you are "owed something" with nothing to earn.

When you're told from day one that you're a victim and that all is hopeless without government help, it doesn't take long before you start believing it and acting like it.

When your "leaders" don't maintain high expectations for you, such as simply expecting a father to actually stay with his family, you are less likely to do so.

When a specific group of people is constantly having standards lowered for them to make things "fair", that group of people are at some point going to start lowering expectations on themselves.

When a specific group of people are consistently told that they need help from someone else, at some point their own dignity and self-worth are going to be irreparably damaged and they will need that help. Self-fulfilling prophecy.

:clap2::clap2: Well put! That is exactly what has happened. Once they feel that they are inferior, the seek some sort of identity that feels comfortable, so comes the rap, gangs and black groups that say you are "owed something" with nothing to earn.

true dat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A good example is if you speak ebonics and white you're a racist, yet if your black it's accpeted because liberals dont think they can do better.....
many blacks do well in school, do not commit felonies, don't walk out on their families, hold down jobs and are decent human beings.

Are they oppressed by society too?
Is that so? I guess that 72% of black babies are born out of wedlock means nothing?

I think it is a very sad, sad day for black people.

*After reviewing government data, the Associated Press reported last week that an astonishing 72 percent of African American babies are born to unwed mothers. The Black out-of-wedlock figures far exceed those of any other segment of the population. According to the report, the Black female 72 percent out-of-wedlock figure compares to 17 percent for Asian American women; 29 percent for white women; 53 percent for Hispanic women; and 66 percent for Native American women.

A wide range of studies suggest that children born and raised in single parent homes tend to do more poorly in school and have greater developmental problems than those raised in two-parent households.

Why do so many Black women have children out-of-wedlock. No one appears to know for sure. But some have accused the welfare and social service systems which tend to drive men out of home and eliminate the need for marriage as an economic institution. (source: Journal & Times)
That would tend to say what Republicans have been saying all along: welfare begets more welfare.
Imagine if George Bush had created an education program strictly for underprivileged white children?
Just imagine the outrage.
Obama... The Racist in Chief.
many blacks do well in school, do not commit felonies, don't walk out on their families, hold down jobs and are decent human beings.

Are they oppressed by society too?

In some ways they are. But they've managed to make it. Simply making it isn't proof that discrimation doesn't exist dummy. You must believe that oppression doesn't happen because some make it. I bet, you won't say it tho...because you don't even believe that bullshit.
No.....blacks live in their own reality, when bad things happen in society then none of it can be pinned on them and when bad things happen to blacks then it is someone else's fault.

Getting hooked on drugs, having babies before 20 years old, doing a felony crime, etc is someone's else fault.....like that white guy living in Iowa living in his $100,000 home with no clue they exist on this planet.

So blacks aren't part of our society?

Now wait if you speak english, get a job, act responsible, go to school, and dont fuck everyone you see, well that's what whitey wants you to do, and you will be acting white and called a house ****** or an oreo, for the "non racist" left.
Blacks already speak English.

When you're told from Day One that you're a victim and that all is hopeless without government help, it doesn't take long before you start believing it and acting like it.

When your "leaders" don't maintain high expectations for you, such as simply expecting a father to actually stay with his family, you are less likely to do so.

When a specific group of people is constantly having standards lowered for them to make things "fair", that group of people are at some point going to start lowering expectations on themselves.

When a specific group of people are consistently told that they need help from someone else, at some point their own dignity and self-worth are going to be irreparably damaged and they WILL need that help. Self-fulfilling prophecy.

:clap2::clap2: Well put! That is exactly what has happened. Once they feel that they are inferior, the seek some sort of identity that feels comfortable, so comes the rap, gangs and black groups that say you are "owed something" with nothing to earn.

I'm pretty sure blacks already had an identity as an insular group before they came out with rap. I really hope you don't teach history.
many blacks do well in school, do not commit felonies, don't walk out on their families, hold down jobs and are decent human beings.

Are they oppressed by society too?
Is that so? I guess that 72% of black babies are born out of wedlock means nothing?

I think it is a very sad, sad day for black people.

*After reviewing government data, the Associated Press reported last week that an astonishing 72 percent of African American babies are born to unwed mothers. The Black out-of-wedlock figures far exceed those of any other segment of the population. According to the report, the Black female 72 percent out-of-wedlock figure compares to 17 percent for Asian American women; 29 percent for white women; 53 percent for Hispanic women; and 66 percent for Native American women.

A wide range of studies suggest that children born and raised in single parent homes tend to do more poorly in school and have greater developmental problems than those raised in two-parent households.

Why do so many Black women have children out-of-wedlock. No one appears to know for sure. But some have accused the welfare and social service systems which tend to drive men out of home and eliminate the need for marriage as an economic institution. (source: Journal & Times)
That would tend to say what Republicans have been saying all along: welfare begets more welfare.

Poor people have sex more.
these are just white trash people that are scared that minorities have groups to gain power so they can have equality.
without these groups how is equality going to happen with all the white people in the world
Imagine if George Bush had created an education program strictly for underprivileged white children?
Just imagine the outrage.
Obama... The Racist in Chief.

since when are white people minorities

white people are such clowns about racism
without these groups how is equality going to happen with all the white people in the world

That's what they can't explain. Funny thing is they know how black people are raised, what they are taught and how they feel...all without asking one black person...they just know aka assume.

Then they blame a history of discrimation, prejudice and other things on rap? Remember before Rappers delight everything was cool? Yeah me neither.

None of these guys will say that blacks have the upper hand which is proof they don't believe the outrage they are displaying
many blacks do well in school, do not commit felonies, don't walk out on their families, hold down jobs and are decent human beings.

Are they oppressed by society too?
Is that so? I guess that 72% of black babies are born out of wedlock means nothing?

I think it is a very sad, sad day for black people.

*After reviewing government data, the Associated Press reported last week that an astonishing 72 percent of African American babies are born to unwed mothers. The Black out-of-wedlock figures far exceed those of any other segment of the population. According to the report, the Black female 72 percent out-of-wedlock figure compares to 17 percent for Asian American women; 29 percent for white women; 53 percent for Hispanic women; and 66 percent for Native American women.

A wide range of studies suggest that children born and raised in single parent homes tend to do more poorly in school and have greater developmental problems than those raised in two-parent households.

Why do so many Black women have children out-of-wedlock. No one appears to know for sure. But some have accused the welfare and social service systems which tend to drive men out of home and eliminate the need for marriage as an economic institution. (source: Journal & Times)
That would tend to say what Republicans have been saying all along: welfare begets more welfare.

Poor people have sex more.

And WHY is that? I mean they have public school programs, oh that's right the families broken, no father for alot of them, and liberals will not try and help with teenage sex, because....I'm not sure why. They say people have sex and that's it, but as you said poor folks have MORE Sex, so that means others dont....hmmmmm
without these groups how is equality going to happen with all the white people in the world

When we stop identifying people by the color of their skin and apply the same expectations and standards equally to everyone.

Unless you think blacks can't handle that.

I know they can.


The entire reason AA was put into place is because blacks were not treated fairly in the first place. You are blaming the fire instead of the arsonist. Annnnd, you can't name one time in history when people didn't see differences. So how do you think it can happen now despite the fact it has never ever happened before? You can't answer and that's why your "solution" isnt a solution at all.
without these groups how is equality going to happen with all the white people in the world

When we stop identifying people by the color of their skin and apply the same expectations and standards equally to everyone.

Unless you think blacks can't handle that.

I know they can.


The entire reason AA was put into place is because blacks were not treated fairly in the first place. You are blaming the fire instead of the arsonist. Annnnd, you can't name one time in history when people didn't see differences. So how do you think it can happen now despite the fact it has never ever happened before? You can't answer and that's why your "solution" isnt a solution at all.

One of the reasons we still see differences is that those differences are constantly shoved in our face by the same people who tell us not to notice the differences. Constantly, daily, hourly, relentlessly. I wonder if anyone is getting sick of it.

And how has that Political Correctness/Identity Politics thing been working out for American blacks over the last 10, 20 years? We have a black man in the White House, and race relations are at least as bad as they were 20 years ago.

Maybe it's time for a radical new tactic, treating everyone the same. But I'm not holding my breath on that one, because there are too many people with too much invested in telling blacks they need more government to make life "fair".

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