Obama Creates an Education Office for Blacks...Discrimination Much???

many blacks do well in school, do not commit felonies, don't walk out on their families, hold down jobs and are decent human beings.

Are they oppressed by society too?

No, they're Uncle Tom oreos.

Strawman. No one calls an educated black person a uncle Tom for being successful. Idiot. Not one definition of uncle Tom describes it as being someone who is educated. But you know that already, that's why you had to build that strawman.
One of the reasons we still see differences is that those differences are constantly shoved in our face by the same people who tell us not to notice the differences. Constantly, daily, hourly, relentlessly. I wonder if anyone is getting sick of it.
And how has that Political Correctness/Identity Politics thing been working out for American blacks over the last 10, 20 years? We have a black man in the White House, and race relations are at least as bad as they were 20 years ago.
Maybe it's time for a radical new tactic, treating everyone the same. But I'm not holding my breath on that one, because there are too many people with too much invested in telling blacks they need more government to make life "fair".


Ok, I'll ask again. Throughout the entire human history, people have always seem differences. Even Romans dislike groups of other white people. So why do you believe people can stop seeing differences now when it has never ever happened through hundreds of years of human history?
One of the reasons we still see differences is that those differences are constantly shoved in our face by the same people who tell us not to notice the differences. Constantly, daily, hourly, relentlessly. I wonder if anyone is getting sick of it.
And how has that Political Correctness/Identity Politics thing been working out for American blacks over the last 10, 20 years? We have a black man in the White House, and race relations are at least as bad as they were 20 years ago.
Maybe it's time for a radical new tactic, treating everyone the same. But I'm not holding my breath on that one, because there are too many people with too much invested in telling blacks they need more government to make life "fair".


Ok, I'll ask again. Throughout the entire human history, people have always seem differences. Even Romans dislike groups of other white people. So why do you believe people can stop seeing differences now when it has never ever happened through hundreds of years of human history?

I don't expect people to stop seeing differences in either direction. There will always be thoughtless bigots in all races, obviously. What I would like to see is us change minds and hearts via cultural change. Marginalize those who can only see the differences over time, culturally. Expect more from each other and hold everyone to it. It's heavy lifting, but it would be worth it.

Making blacks feel helpless from the day they're born is no way to treat people. And blacks have suffered more than enough, I think.

So basically we should get rid of the thing that is making it a level playing field and sing kumbaya until people stop being...well, people. Sounds like a great plan except it's not a plan, it's a dream. A good dream...I like it....but possible? Human history tells us that ain't gonna happen.
So basically we should get rid of the thing that is making it a level playing field and sing kumbaya until people stop being...well, people. Sounds like a great plan except it's not a plan, it's a dream. A good dream...I like it....but possible? Human history tells us that ain't gonna happen.

Frist I dont sing kumbaya, homo liberals do. Second you cant kill all racism.....it's going to exist forever.....SO what do we do....well we make all laws apply to people equally, we dont favor anyone over another and we let people do their thing.

NOW if you need to aska question, jusat answer these, since you think republicans are racist, how many blacks have been elected in white disctrics that are:
3) and what is the percentage of those to how many were elected overall?

Now how many black republicans have been elected in majority black districts?

See liberals think blacks vote black and whites vote white, those are your racists, in MEmphis we have a white jew democrat eleted in a majority black district.

NOW there is a small minority of blacks in the town that think it should be electing blacks, ok they should wear sheets on their heads just like the Klan, while most do not think that way, hence Steve Cohen is still elected.

That doesnt mean you cant vote for a black or a white of the same race you are, it just means you have to be able to vote for the best candidate and dont desceiminate on that. And republicans do that as well, hence blacks get elected in majority white districts more as republicans than democrats....SHOCKER!!!!!!!!!!
Go play buckeye, I was talking to Mac. You've proven yourself incapable of having a relevant thought in that cardboard box-like thing on your shoulders.
One of the reasons we still see differences is that those differences are constantly shoved in our face by the same people who tell us not to notice the differences. Constantly, daily, hourly, relentlessly. I wonder if anyone is getting sick of it.
And how has that Political Correctness/Identity Politics thing been working out for American blacks over the last 10, 20 years? We have a black man in the White House, and race relations are at least as bad as they were 20 years ago.
Maybe it's time for a radical new tactic, treating everyone the same. But I'm not holding my breath on that one, because there are too many people with too much invested in telling blacks they need more government to make life "fair".


Ok, I'll ask again. Throughout the entire human history, people have always seem differences. Even Romans dislike groups of other white people. So why do you believe people can stop seeing differences now when it has never ever happened through hundreds of years of human history?

I don't expect people to stop seeing differences in either direction. There will always be thoughtless bigots in all races, obviously. What I would like to see is us change minds and hearts via cultural change. Marginalize those who can only see the differences over time, culturally. Expect more from each other and hold everyone to it. It's heavy lifting, but it would be worth it.

Making blacks feel helpless from the day they're born is no way to treat people. And blacks have suffered more than enough, I think.



It is ironic...
The basic core of racism is the idea that the individual is meaningless and that membership in the collective, in this case race, is the only source of value.

Thus the radical left's 'diversity' and identity politics entails exactly the same premise as racism -- one's political worth is determined by race or ethnic heritage.

The left is very racist; it is just racism they can live with,
"Progressive Approved"

One of the reasons we still see differences is that those differences are constantly shoved in our face by the same people who tell us not to notice the differences. Constantly, daily, hourly, relentlessly. I wonder if anyone is getting sick of it.
And how has that Political Correctness/Identity Politics thing been working out for American blacks over the last 10, 20 years? We have a black man in the White House, and race relations are at least as bad as they were 20 years ago.
Maybe it's time for a radical new tactic, treating everyone the same. But I'm not holding my breath on that one, because there are too many people with too much invested in telling blacks they need more government to make life "fair".


Ok, I'll ask again. Throughout the entire human history, people have always seem differences. Even Romans dislike groups of other white people. So why do you believe people can stop seeing differences now when it has never ever happened through hundreds of years of human history?

OMG we're kind of on the same page....Here's the thing, the problem is what Sowell says here: He states taht liberals want to elimnate ALL racism, and that conservative arent that naieve, there will always be some racism, but there are tradeoffs and that you do the best you can. Some people call me a giant racist for pointing these things out, I'm glad you understand this point. People like groups and rankings, so you'll always have that, the only way to ever get rid of racism totally will be when an alien lifeform attacks Earth, then we'll not worry about any of that stuff, but I'm not counting on that.

One thing is you shouldnt force it, when you do you create resentment and backlash, that's why people have mentiond in the south self segregation is much less than in the north. That has to do with the fact that people feel more comfortable around other people of the same race. That's not racism, that's normal. Most of my friend are white, but I do have asians, blacks, muslims, ect, it helps to have your dad as a professor in that case, never had racism in the house and never want it.
Back to self segregation, it occurs because people like what they know, it's why chain restaurants are so popular, new to LA, where to eat, oh McDonalds...BING!

Same with being new to work, I'm black, so there's anther brother, I'm gonna hang with him, but what's interesting is in the south it's LESS prevelent because there are many more blacks and whites near each other so you hang around them alot, and it becomes comfortable.

So I think the main thing is do thing right and quit forcing it. I grew up in the whitest city in America, Worthington, Ohio, we had ONE black person in the whole school in my grade, the whole time I went to school, but I didnt see alot of racism, he was just another guy.

Here is the Sowell clip:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KHdhrNhh88]The Difference Between Liberal and Conservative - YouTube[/ame]
many blacks do well in school, do not commit felonies, don't walk out on their families, hold down jobs and are decent human beings.

Are they oppressed by society too?

No, they're Uncle Tom oreos.

Strawman. No one calls an educated black person a uncle Tom for being successful. Idiot. Not one definition of uncle Tom describes it as being someone who is educated. But you know that already, that's why you had to build that strawman.

your strawman misses the point that black people can and are successful and are not victims of society.
Obama creating African-American education office

Why an African American Education Office? The Department of Education was just for whites? Were they ignoring the the black population? I don’t recall the Department of Education being called the White Department of Education. That would be discriminatory, just as the African American Education office certainly is!

This is supposed to be for ill prepared blacks to become better prepared for future education? Is the a dilemna only peculiar to blacks? There are disadvantaged whites and other minorities around as well! The Department of Education cannot meet their needs and should we have a White Education office, a Hispanic Education Office? An Asian Education Office?

The president's COLOR is really showing! Or is he shoring up a voting base?

News from The Associated Press

I'm voting white for the rest of my life.

we knew that already...but thanks for making it public
Go play buckeye, I was talking to Mac. You've proven yourself incapable of having a relevant thought in that cardboard box-like thing on your shoulders.

Check my post babove...you think government can solve it, IT Cant, it's from inside, you cannot force it, just like you cant force people to be straight, correct? And I do not think racism nor homosexuality are genetic, they can be changed, but it's in you, I cant force you do do it, same thing with being a christian, I dont belive in forcing it on people, I can talk to you and either you agree or you dont. And I was trying to be nice. SHEESH
many blacks do well in school, do not commit felonies, don't walk out on their families, hold down jobs and are decent human beings.

Are they oppressed by society too?

In some ways they are. But they've managed to make it. Simply making it isn't proof that discrimation doesn't exist dummy. You must believe that oppression doesn't happen because some make it. I bet, you won't say it tho...because you don't even believe that bullshit.

somehow i knew you would make the ' they made it in spite of racism' comment.

you believe your own bullshit that all blacks are oppressed.

None are oppressed. It's just one more of your lame excuses.
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Obama clan are Racist,all about blacks


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many blacks do well in school, do not commit felonies, don't walk out on their families, hold down jobs and are decent human beings.

Are they oppressed by society too?

In some ways they are. But they've managed to make it. Simply making it isn't proof that discrimation doesn't exist dummy. You must believe that oppression doesn't happen because some make it. I bet, you won't say it tho...because you don't even believe that bullshit.

somehow i knew you would make the ' they made it in spite of racism' comment.

you believe your own bullshit that all blacks are oppressed.

None are oppressed. IIt's just one more of your lame excuses.

Again closed you cant eliminate all of it, Jackie Robinson faced far more descrimination than any person now, or lets talk about descrimination, Jesse Owens faced a SHIT LOAD in the US but he still did it, that is an excuse.

Now if I wanted to score cheap political points I could show:
I wonder what the 2 Presidents and Jesse Owens all had in common.......
Jesse Owens: A Short Biography - Yahoo! Voices - voices.yahoo.com

In 1976, President Gerald Ford bestowed the Medal of Freedom on Jesse Owens , the highest civilian honor the United States government can award.
Owens, one of the more remarkable Americans to grace the world stage, died on March 31, 1980 in Phoenix, Arizona from complications of lung cancer, likely caused by his pack-a-day cigarette smoking habit. He was buried in Oak Woods Cemetery in Chicago, Illinois. He was 66 years old.
Jesse Owens had married his high school sweetheart, Ruth Solomon, in 1935, and they had three daughters together. His memory is kept alive by his widow Ruth and his daughter Marlene, who operate the Jesse Owens Foundation, which provides financial assistance and support to deserving young people s from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Honors continued to come to Owens, even after death, testament to his greatness as a figure to overcoming horrible adversity. In 1984, a street in Berlin was named after him, and a school was renamed Jesse Owens Realschule/Oberschule (secondary school).
On March 28, 1990, Jesse Owens was posthumously awarded a Congressional Gold Medal, which was presented to his family by President George H. W. Bush
No, they're Uncle Tom oreos.

Strawman. No one calls an educated black person a uncle Tom for being successful. Idiot. Not one definition of uncle Tom describes it as being someone who is educated. But you know that already, that's why you had to build that strawman.

your strawman misses the point that black people can and are successful and are not victims of society.

There are plenty of successful black people that have also been victims of society. Your strawman says that because someone is successful they have never or will never experience discrimination or oppression. That is false.
Strawman. No one calls an educated black person a uncle Tom for being successful. Idiot. Not one definition of uncle Tom describes it as being someone who is educated. But you know that already, that's why you had to build that strawman.

your strawman misses the point that black people can and are successful and are not victims of society.

There are plenty of successful black people that have also been victims of society. Your strawman says that because someone is successful they have never or will never experience discrimination or oppression. That is false.

so you are saying that no white person has ever been victim of society?

That any white person never has or never will experience discrimination or oppression?

and all blacks are victims? what a load of.............
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