Obama Creates an Education Office for Blacks...Discrimination Much???

Obama creating African-American education office

Why an African American Education Office? The Department of Education was just for whites? Were they ignoring the the black population? I don’t recall the Department of Education being called the White Department of Education. That would be discriminatory, just as the African American Education office certainly is!

This is supposed to be for ill prepared blacks to become better prepared for future education? Is the a dilemna only peculiar to blacks? There are disadvantaged whites and other minorities around as well! The Department of Education cannot meet their needs and should we have a White Education office, a Hispanic Education Office? An Asian Education Office?

The president's COLOR is really showing! Or is he shoring up a voting base?

News from The Associated Press

We already have a dept of Ed. that is supposed to be supervising the appropriate resources to assist in doing precisely this (from the article);

ensure that African-American youngsters are better prepared for high school, college and career.

Understanding this requires breaking it down, you need to key in on the statement is in the preface to the 'gubermint is here to help' line... ;

coordinate the work of communities and federal agencies to ensure that African-American youngsters are better prepared for high school, college and career.

its a pay off to community orgs that will get out the vote, via the patronization apparatus which will equal street money for the election, plain and simple.
Well Trajan here in NJ the push for vouchers and more charter schools is coming from black leaders. Wouldn't it be ironic if Obams sells out the unions to actually promote real educational reform? He won't be needing them after the election.

Food for thought.
If blacks don't have the upper hand what the fuck are you guys crying about? An equal playing field? Programs to promote an equal playing field? You want it to be unequal again? You guys are bitching about nothing.

The idea that America in general is racist against black people was completely blown to shit when Obama got re-elected. So, IMO, the mere feeling that a certain group of able bodied, able minded individuals (black people, in this instance) would need special considerations, aid, assistance, etc to succeed is racist.

What the fuck did I miss? What year is this?
Idiot, continually pandering to black people and throwing money their way to fix their own internal problems based on culture is unfair to others.

We're not catering to Asians, in fact the UC system in California now discriminates against Asians for being too smart by limiting their admissions into UC schools in favor of blacks with lower grades/SATs.

Why the fuck should some B student black kid get into college above an Asian with As?

If blacks don't have the upper hand what the fuck are you guys crying about? An equal playing field? Programs to promote an equal playing field? You want it to be unequal again? You guys are bitching about nothing.
No one is getting into college over someone else idiot. The reason AA exists is because the playing field wasn't equal. Now your solution is to go back and hope everything has changed. Nope, history doesn't agree with you.

It's not fair to other people? Ok, but the reason it had to be implemented in the first place is because it wasn't equal to begin with. Don't like it? Blame society for that. The blacks didn't make it unequal. Society did.
I stated a FACT where UC schools were limiting Asians into their schools for "diversity" reasons. They denied Asians with better grades for other students not Asian, most times black and hispanic.

So now you're claiming the playing field is unfair for blacks in regards to Asians? You scumbags are now turning the tables on Asians for the plight of blacks?

Oh, this constant whining about life being unfair for blacks is a joke to me given my experience. I grew up a middle class kid in a military family with blacks, hispanics, asians, etc all living aroung me in military housing and going to the same schools. The majority of black males that I graduated from high school with didn't go to college like me. Why is that? My dad made the same money their dad's made in the military.

Come on dumbfuck, explain them not excelling in life like me...

No one is getting into college over someone else idiot. The reason AA exists is because the playing field wasn't equal. Now your solution is to go back and hope everything has changed. Nope, history doesn't agree with you.

It's not fair to other people? Ok, but the reason it had to be implemented in the first place is because it wasn't equal to begin with. Don't like it? Blame society for that. The blacks didn't make it unequal. Society did.
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No one is getting into college over someone else idiot. The reason AA exists is because the playing field wasn't equal. Now your solution is to go back and hope everything has changed. Nope, history doesn't agree with you.

It's not fair to other people? Ok, but the reason it had to be implemented in the first place is because it wasn't equal to begin with. Don't like it? Blame society for that. The blacks didn't make it unequal. Society did.


it's so much easier to blame someone else for your failures
Aside from the obvious racism here, it's a stupid waste of money. Clinton started the Federal Education Program and our education hasn't gotten any better, just more expensive.
No one is getting into college over someone else idiot. The reason AA exists is because the playing field wasn't equal. Now your solution is to go back and hope everything has changed. Nope, history doesn't agree with you.

It's not fair to other people? Ok, but the reason it had to be implemented in the first place is because it wasn't equal to begin with. Don't like it? Blame society for that. The blacks didn't make it unequal. Society did.

So blacks aren't part of our society?
That's exactly what blacks do when they get worse grades than whites and asians, it's not their fault.....it's racism, slavery, unfair playing field, society, the boogeyman, All in the Family, etc.

Oh, I'd say it's rap music, black culture, laziness, welfare, liberals, TV shows/movies, BET, black politicians, the Department of Education, etc.

No one is getting into college over someone else idiot. The reason AA exists is because the playing field wasn't equal. Now your solution is to go back and hope everything has changed. Nope, history doesn't agree with you.

It's not fair to other people? Ok, but the reason it had to be implemented in the first place is because it wasn't equal to begin with. Don't like it? Blame society for that. The blacks didn't make it unequal. Society did.


it's so much easier to blame someone else for your failures
No.....blacks live in their own reality, when bad things happen in society then none of it can be pinned on them and when bad things happen to blacks then it is someone else's fault.

Getting hooked on drugs, having babies before 20 years old, doing a felony crime, etc is someone's else fault.....like that white guy living in Iowa living in his $100,000 home with no clue they exist on this planet.

No one is getting into college over someone else idiot. The reason AA exists is because the playing field wasn't equal. Now your solution is to go back and hope everything has changed. Nope, history doesn't agree with you.

It's not fair to other people? Ok, but the reason it had to be implemented in the first place is because it wasn't equal to begin with. Don't like it? Blame society for that. The blacks didn't make it unequal. Society did.

So blacks aren't part of our society?
Obama creating African-American education office

Why an African American Education Office?
The Department of Education was just for whites? ....

This is supposed to be for ill prepared blacks to become better prepared for future education?

In 1976, the DOE was created mainly for Blacks, who after desegregation were doing horribly in public school.

Since 1976, blacks still do horribly in public school (average black ACT scores are consistantly about 4 points below average white scores (21)). The good news is that there are many more blacks taking the test, so at least QUANTITY is improving.
The average white American with a brain doesn't have sympathy for blacks constantly complaining about their problems in life when we see blacks doing most criminal acts in this country, having the most out of wedlock babies, glorifying immoral behavior in their rap/hip-hop music, treating school as some " being white" club, etc.

These white Americans see some blacks accept the American dream and take advantage of it, while the majority of blacks don't do it but continue to blame their decisions on others. Then these White Americans see Obamination and his goons continue to make excuses for blacks and continue to waste taxpayer money on them, while blaming white Americans for blacks' problems.

This crying wolf bullshit is old, so shove it and your racist claims up your ass no matter what color you are, liberal.

When you're told from Day One that you're a victim and that all is hopeless without government help, it doesn't take long before you start believing it and acting like it.

When your "leaders" don't maintain high expectations for you, such as simply expecting a father to actually stay with his family, you are less likely to do so.

When a specific group of people is constantly having standards lowered for them to make things "fair", that group of people are at some point going to start lowering expectations on themselves.

When a specific group of people are consistently told that they need help from someone else, at some point their own dignity and self-worth are going to be irreparably damaged and they WILL need that help. Self-fulfilling prophecy.

many blacks do well in school, do not commit felonies, don't walk out on their families, hold down jobs and are decent human beings.

Are they oppressed by society too?
No one is getting into college over someone else idiot. The reason AA exists is because the playing field wasn't equal. Now your solution is to go back and hope everything has changed. Nope, history doesn't agree with you.

It's not fair to other people? Ok, but the reason it had to be implemented in the first place is because it wasn't equal to begin with. Don't like it? Blame society for that. The blacks didn't make it unequal. Society did.

Ok it's still a stupid policy, so if someone isnt getting in over another, what is the point of AA?
That's exactly what blacks do when they get worse grades than whites and asians, it's not their fault.....it's racism, slavery, unfair playing field, society, the boogeyman, All in the Family, etc.

Oh, I'd say it's rap music, black culture, laziness, welfare, liberals, TV shows/movies, BET, black politicians, the Department of Education, etc.

No one is getting into college over someone else idiot. The reason AA exists is because the playing field wasn't equal. Now your solution is to go back and hope everything has changed. Nope, history doesn't agree with you.

It's not fair to other people? Ok, but the reason it had to be implemented in the first place is because it wasn't equal to begin with. Don't like it? Blame society for that. The blacks didn't make it unequal. Society did.


it's so much easier to blame someone else for your failures

Uh telling the truth will get you called a racist by the left.....oh no!!!!!!!
They continue to expect blacks to underperform and dont hold them to the same standards and we're racist......It must really suck to have white guilt.....because apparently white guilt makes you a moron!

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