Obama has seen the light on social security and medicare

Obama has seen the light and he is finally willing to begin phasing out social security and medicare along with the other government handouts loved by the liberals. He is open to cutting funds to those particular leeches and this will help the Republicans eventually put an end to many of the costly entitlement programs funded by the tax payers. Taking millions of people off the government dole will quickly eliminate the deficit and let the country begin to repay the nearly $17 trillion run up by the democrats and the Obama administration.

Obama renews offer to cut social safety nets - Yahoo! Finance

1) No where in your link does it say SS will be "phased out" (eliminated).

2) SS is not and never has been a "handout".

So fuck you and your idiot lies.

(PS...Are you still spreading the lie that Obama is a muslim?)

You're nothing more than a lying piece of shit that gets no respect from nearly anyone on this board. Go fuck yourself.
"You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, a lot of them -- like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they've gone through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. So it's not surprising then that they get bitter, and they cling to guns, or religion, or antipathy toward people who aren't like them, or anti-immigrant sentiment, or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations"
This is your signature. Correct!
Then explain why all of the jobs have left this country, with your own thoughts.
It is with certain that political policy did and still does have an affect on the economy, but what are the reasons, including policy, that jobs have moved away from the United States?
trust me when I say Social Security is not being touched, no way.

Why is it Republicans are so against people paying into a system that will eventually pay them back, god willing. Whats the main malfunction here Republicans?

There are so many other areas to cut before SS, and any half witted goober head knows this. Dream on GOPers. And keep digging that hole, 2014 is right around the corner.

Nothing against someone VOLUNTARILY paying in... they could choose social security (even though I don't think it should be IN government, I have LESS of an opposition if it is a VOLUNTARY program and not forced)...

Any smart person, however, would invest on their own.. SS is a horrible retirement plan

So where were all these "smart people" before SS? They were living in poverty...


Leave it the fuck alone.

Before social security those people were committing suicide. Look at deaths back before 1935 and you see suicide was high.
CBO | How Have CBO's Projections of Spending for Medicare and Medicaid Changed Since the August 2012 Baseline?
The Recent Changes in CBO’s Baseline Reflect Trends That Have Developed Over the Past Few Years

In recent years, health care spending has grown much more slowly both nationally and for federal programs than historical rates would have indicated. For example, in 2012, federal spending for Medicare and Medicaid was about 5 percent below the amount that CBO had projected in March 2010.

In response to that slowdown, over the past several years CBO has made a series of downward adjustments to its projections of spending for Medicaid and Medicare. For example, from the March 2010 baseline to the current baseline, technical revisions—mostly reflecting the slower growth in the programs’ spending in recent years—have lowered CBO’s estimates of federal spending for the two programs in 2020 by about $200 billion—by $126 billion for Medicare and by $78 billion for Medicaid, or by roughly 15 percent for each program.

Growth In Medicare Spending Per Beneficiary Continues To Hit Historic Lows | ASPE
Expenditures per Medicare beneficiary increased by only 0.4% in fiscal year 2012, substantially below the 3.4% increase in per capita GDP (Exhibit 1).1 The very slow growth in Medicare spending in fiscal year 2012 follows slow growth in 2010 and 2011. In 2010, spending grew at only 1.8% per beneficiary, and in 2011 at 3.6 %. Over the three year period from 2010-2012, Medicare spending per beneficiary grew an average of 1.9% annually, or more than 1 percentage point more slowly than the average annual growth of 3.2% in per capita GDP (that is, at GDP-1.3).
The slow growth in spending per beneficiary from 2010 to 2012 combined with the projections of spending growth at GDP+0 for 2012-2022 is unprecedented in the history of the Medicare program. If sustained, the slower growth would improve Medicare’s ability to meet its commitments to seniors and persons with disabilities in future generations.


It has fallen because Medicare's fee schedules have been reduced and the death rate has increased from 2.4 to 2.5 million which the majority of those deaths occur after 65.
trust me when I say Social Security is not being touched, no way.

Why is it Republicans are so against people paying into a system that will eventually pay them back, god willing. Whats the main malfunction here Republicans?

There are so many other areas to cut before SS, and any half witted goober head knows this. Dream on GOPers. And keep digging that hole, 2014 is right around the corner.

I shouldn't be forced to pay into a system. The returns are paltry and the govt keeps me from my own money through my working life and I can't even pass it on to my loved ones besides my spouse. I could easily make 10 times the pittance the govt doles out to me after 40 years and I can't even take the lump sum of all the money that I have earned. People like you want to say this is a good deal? Maybe for some who need govt to take care of them.

SS should be an opt in or out deal.

I couldn't agree more. Same goes for Medicare.

SS would be all right if they took it out of the General Fund and put it back where it was before LBJ put it in same. BTW LBJ was a Dem.

Personally I would take every dime I have in both SS and Medicare and invest my money myself. I can take better care of my money that some Clown in DC.

If when I started working in 1968 I'd LOVE to have 10% going into investments I control!

NO RISKY stock market (actually yes because there is NO risk over 50 years DJI average 7%),
but I have the choice instead of my payroll taxes being part of the $2.6m going to China to study why prostitutes drink on the job or $1.4m to study Vietnamese male prostitutes!

It would be all mine... NOT the government AND also the Government would have NO responsibility for Social Security /Medicare...
I'm a big boy and can take care of myself... with the $935,000 accumulation!!
trust me when I say Social Security is not being touched, no way.

Why is it Republicans are so against people paying into a system that will eventually pay them back, god willing. Whats the main malfunction here Republicans?

There are so many other areas to cut before SS, and any half witted goober head knows this. Dream on GOPers. And keep digging that hole, 2014 is right around the corner.

Nothing against someone VOLUNTARILY paying in... they could choose social security (even though I don't think it should be IN government, I have LESS of an opposition if it is a VOLUNTARY program and not forced)...

Any smart person, however, would invest on their own.. SS is a horrible retirement plan

So where were all these "smart people" before SS? They were living in poverty...


Leave it the fuck alone.
False argument. It presupposes two things.

1. That it is the responsibility of government to ensure that people are protected from the choices they make in life.

2. That this is still the beginning of the 20th century and that people do not have the access to investment opportunity.

What we lack is the necessary education of the young into the necessity of saving all their life.

Instead, we get condoms on broomsticks.
The government would have never gotten so big if we never had to pay social security and Medicare. They have been spending the surpluses for years and now with lower employment (their fault) there are no more surpluses and they have to start paying up on all those IOU's and that is why they want to get rid of it now.
Obama has seen the light and he is finally willing to begin phasing out social security and medicare along with the other government handouts loved by the liberals. He is open to cutting funds to those particular leeches and this will help the Republicans eventually put an end to many of the costly entitlement programs funded by the tax payers. Taking millions of people off the government dole will quickly eliminate the deficit and let the country begin to repay the nearly $17 trillion run up by the democrats and the Obama administration.

Obama renews offer to cut social safety nets - Yahoo! Finance

Social Security is 100% self funded by the payroll tax. Medicare is 60% funded by the payroll tax.

That would be true if those taxes taken from our paychecks went directly in that fund but they don't all taxes go into the general fund first and then a percentage of that gets earmarked for social security. If those earmarked funds end up paying out less for that year, it is viewed as a surplus and the government then borrows that surplus which becomes part of the deficit.
I shouldn't be forced to pay into a system. The returns are paltry and the govt keeps me from my own money through my working life and I can't even pass it on to my loved ones besides my spouse. I could easily make 10 times the pittance the govt doles out to me after 40 years and I can't even take the lump sum of all the money that I have earned. People like you want to say this is a good deal? Maybe for some who need govt to take care of them.

SS should be an opt in or out deal.

I couldn't agree more. Same goes for Medicare.

SS would be all right if they took it out of the General Fund and put it back where it was before LBJ put it in same. BTW LBJ was a Dem.

Personally I would take every dime I have in both SS and Medicare and invest my money myself. I can take better care of my money that some Clown in DC.

If when I started working in 1968 I'd LOVE to have 10% going into investments I control!

NO RISKY stock market (actually yes because there is NO risk over 50 years DJI average 7%),
but I have the choice instead of my payroll taxes being part of the $2.6m going to China to study why prostitutes drink on the job or $1.4m to study Vietnamese male prostitutes!

It would be all mine... NOT the government AND also the Government would have NO responsibility for Social Security /Medicare...
I'm a big boy and can take care of myself... with the $935,000 accumulation!!

That's right. If the gov't wants to be involved ---- fine! Then they should make you invest that amount into a PERSONALLY held retiremetn account. They should keep their filthy hands off of our money. They prove time and time again that they can't manage money yet they insist on managing the biggest industries in America.

They need to get out of medicine and "security". Have people invest a percentage of earnings into private accounts - fine - but they can't be trusted to hanfle our money themselves!!
To drive a car (at least in most states), the vehicle must be insured. Is that considered 'forced'? Really, as the state issues drivers' licenses and license plates, insurance should also be included instead of government creating an insurance company profit center. At any rate, participation in the social activity of driving requires universal insurance. Otherwise, bicycle or walk or take public transport.

In order for rhe SS system to function, universal participation is necessary, but no one is forced. Simply find another way to live than being involved. No one is forcing anyone to remain in the social fabric.
trust me when I say Social Security is not being touched, no way.

Why is it Republicans are so against people paying into a system that will eventually pay them back, god willing. Whats the main malfunction here Republicans?

There are so many other areas to cut before SS, and any half witted goober head knows this. Dream on GOPers. And keep digging that hole, 2014 is right around the corner.

Good post. The right wing trash loves people paying into the system, then stealing their money to bankroll the snot out of their corporate cronies.
The GOP doesn't trash the people paying in. They trash the people spending the money they pay in to fund other programs designed to make other people beholding to government, thus reliable Liberal voters.
Yes we favor trashing the system and replacing it with one where the US Treasury has no control of the funds.
And no. No one that has paid into the system will be left without benefits.

So! You chickened out and opted out of the rep system... Coward! Don't worry. If you ever wonder how others have regarded you here since you joined USMB, I saved a screen shot of your header while you were banned last time. \/ \/ \/
To drive a car (at least in most states), the vehicle must be insured. Is that considered 'forced'? Really, as the state issues drivers' licenses and license plates, insurance should also be included instead of government creating an insurance company profit center. At any rate, participation in the social activity of driving requires universal insurance. Otherwise, bicycle or walk or take public transport.

In order for rhe SS system to function, universal participation is necessary, but no one is forced. Simply find another way to live than being involved. No one is forcing anyone to remain in the social fabric.

Yes we are forced to give to SS. Where is the option to opt out on the IRS form?
To drive a car (at least in most states), the vehicle must be insured. Is that considered 'forced'? Really, as the state issues drivers' licenses and license plates, insurance should also be included instead of government creating an insurance company profit center. At any rate, participation in the social activity of driving requires universal insurance. Otherwise, bicycle or walk or take public transport.

In order for rhe SS system to function, universal participation is necessary, but no one is forced. Simply find another way to live than being involved. No one is forcing anyone to remain in the social fabric.

Yes we are forced to give to SS. Where is the option to opt out on the IRS form?

Thats easy. There is none. We are forced to contribute to both SS and Medicare. We have no say in the matter.

More bs brought to you by the Democratic Party of America.
trust me when I say Social Security is not being touched, no way.

Why is it Republicans are so against people paying into a system that will eventually pay them back, god willing. Whats the main malfunction here Republicans?

There are so many other areas to cut before SS, and any half witted goober head knows this. Dream on GOPers. And keep digging that hole, 2014 is right around the corner.

Well maybe SS was designed for 1930s population that almost no one lived to 65 whereas in 2013 over 65 is one of the fastest growing age group!

And remember half that money paid in to SS was NOT the workers!

I truly believe the majority of people do not realize their employers contribute MORE to the workers SS/Medicare and unemployment!

And with the current administration totally against any "profits" by any business, they don't seem to understand without profits no employees!
Without profits, no income taxes!

Your employer pays into SS and Medicare as part of your compensation for the work you do.
trust me when I say Social Security is not being touched, no way.

Why is it Republicans are so against people paying into a system that will eventually pay them back, god willing. Whats the main malfunction here Republicans?

There are so many other areas to cut before SS, and any half witted goober head knows this. Dream on GOPers. And keep digging that hole, 2014 is right around the corner.

Well maybe SS was designed for 1930s population that almost no one lived to 65 whereas in 2013 over 65 is one of the fastest growing age group!

And remember half that money paid in to SS was NOT the workers!

I truly believe the majority of people do not realize their employers contribute MORE to the workers SS/Medicare and unemployment!

And with the current administration totally against any "profits" by any business, they don't seem to understand without profits no employees!
Without profits, no income taxes!

Your employer pays into SS and Medicare as part of your compensation for the work you do.
And if you don't think that is taken into account when your salary is stated or negotiated, you got another thing coming
Obama has seen the light and he is finally willing to begin phasing out social security and medicare along with the other government handouts loved by the liberals. He is open to cutting funds to those particular leeches and this will help the Republicans eventually put an end to many of the costly entitlement programs funded by the tax payers. Taking millions of people off the government dole will quickly eliminate the deficit and let the country begin to repay the nearly $17 trillion run up by the democrats and the Obama administration.

Obama renews offer to cut social safety nets - Yahoo! Finance

Over half of the National Debt was incurred by Republicans, dumb ass.
To drive a car (at least in most states), the vehicle must be insured. Is that considered 'forced'? Really, as the state issues drivers' licenses and license plates, insurance should also be included instead of government creating an insurance company profit center. At any rate, participation in the social activity of driving requires universal insurance. Otherwise, bicycle or walk or take public transport.

In order for rhe SS system to function, universal participation is necessary, but no one is forced. Simply find another way to live than being involved. No one is forcing anyone to remain in the social fabric.

Yes we are forced to give to SS. Where is the option to opt out on the IRS form?

Thats easy. There is none. We are forced to contribute to both SS and Medicare. We have no say in the matter.

More bs brought to you by the Democratic Party of America.

Some are linguistically challenged.

First, I have nothing to do with either of the parties of dictatorship.
Second, the option is to find another way to support yourself than participating with all your fellow citizens. If you don't want to participate in the protection of everyone, find another way to work. No one is forcing anybody to stay in the sstem, or even to stay in the US.

Go away!
Yes we are forced to give to SS. Where is the option to opt out on the IRS form?

Thats easy. There is none. We are forced to contribute to both SS and Medicare. We have no say in the matter.

More bs brought to you by the Democratic Party of America.

Some are linguistically challenged.

First, I have nothing to do with either of the parties of dictatorship.
Second, the option is to find another way to support yourself than participating with all your fellow citizens. If you don't want to participate in the protection of everyone, find another way to work. No one is forcing anybody to stay in the sstem, or even to stay in the US.

Go away!

Yes, we are being forced. I do not have an option to opt in or out of this legalized ponzi scheme.
trust me when I say Social Security is not being touched, no way.

Why is it Republicans are so against people paying into a system that will eventually pay them back, god willing. Whats the main malfunction here Republicans?

There are so many other areas to cut before SS, and any half witted goober head knows this. Dream on GOPers. And keep digging that hole, 2014 is right around the corner.

I shouldn't be forced to pay into a system. The returns are paltry and the govt keeps me from my own money through my working life and I can't even pass it on to my loved ones besides my spouse. I could easily make 10 times the pittance the govt doles out to me after 40 years and I can't even take the lump sum of all the money that I have earned. People like you want to say this is a good deal? Maybe for some who need govt to take care of them.

SS should be an opt in or out deal.

Social security should be eliminated along with all of the other liberals give aways that steal from hard working conservatives to pay lazy liberals not to work.
trust me when I say Social Security is not being touched, no way.

Why is it Republicans are so against people paying into a system that will eventually pay them back, god willing. Whats the main malfunction here Republicans?

There are so many other areas to cut before SS, and any half witted goober head knows this. Dream on GOPers. And keep digging that hole, 2014 is right around the corner.

Good post. The right wing trash loves people paying into the system, then stealing their money to bankroll the snot out of their corporate cronies.
The GOP doesn't trash the people paying in. They trash the people spending the money they pay in to fund other programs designed to make other people beholding to government, thus reliable Liberal voters.
Yes we favor trashing the system and replacing it with one where the US Treasury has no control of the funds.
And no. No one that has paid into the system will be left without benefits.

So! You chickened out and opted out of the rep system... Coward! Don't worry. If you ever wonder how others have regarded you here since you joined USMB, I saved a screen shot of your header while you were banned last time. \/ \/ \/

Have you even paid into social security? As a long time self admitted gang member, you made a career off of robbing people, selling drugs, and possibly even murder.

It's ironic that you complain about people spending other's money, when you did just that :eusa_think:

If you want to talk about cowardliness, if you were a real man, you would turn yourself into the police for the crimes you committed to give closer to the people's lives you destroyed, rather than hiding waiting for them to come for you,...
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