Obama has seen the light on social security and medicare

I would love to see the rubes who think they could manage their retirement savings better than Social Security do so. I would be laughing my ass off when they are ripped off by Wall Street and find themselves having to work until they are 80. :lol:

Most people are absolutely clueless how to invest their money wisely and would fall for every trick in the book.

When you look at average returns of money markets over a long period of time, you are ignoring that if you are completely wiped out at any point along the way, the average returns mean fuck-all.
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Obama has seen the light and he is finally willing to begin phasing out social security and medicare along with the other government handouts loved by the liberals. He is open to cutting funds to those particular leeches and this will help the Republicans eventually put an end to many of the costly entitlement programs funded by the tax payers. Taking millions of people off the government dole will quickly eliminate the deficit and let the country begin to repay the nearly $17 trillion run up by the democrats and the Obama administration.

Obama renews offer to cut social safety nets - Yahoo! Finance

You have a serious reading comprehension problem, as well as a complete detachment from reality. Obama has never indicated he is willing to phase out Social Security and Medicare.

Also, the $16 trillion dollar debt was not all run up by Obama. He has run up $6 trillion, while Bush ran up $5 trillion.
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trust me when I say Social Security is not being touched, no way.

Why is it Republicans are so against people paying into a system that will eventually pay them back, god willing. Whats the main malfunction here Republicans?

There are so many other areas to cut before SS, and any half witted goober head knows this. Dream on GOPers. And keep digging that hole, 2014 is right around the corner.

Only 5.6 percent of Americans were over 65 when SS was enacted. Life expectancy was 60. Today, over 13 percent are over 65.

We are living decades longer than our ancestors, and only a lazy leech on society would believe we should be retiring at the same age our ancestors did. The SS and Medicare eligibility ages should be raised to at least 70, and indexed to 9 percent of the population going forward.
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Obama has seen the light and he is finally willing to begin phasing out social security and medicare along with the other government handouts loved by the liberals. He is open to cutting funds to those particular leeches and this will help the Republicans eventually put an end to many of the costly entitlement programs funded by the tax payers. Taking millions of people off the government dole will quickly eliminate the deficit and let the country begin to repay the nearly $17 trillion run up by the democrats and the Obama administration.

Obama renews offer to cut social safety nets - Yahoo! Finance

Ain't gonna happen, buddy. In fact, given what the GOP is engaged in right now, we are going to see, after 2014, a whole new approach to taxes. And the very wealthy are not going to like it.

The only things you are going to see, after 2014, are new excuses about why the economy fails to grow, and why prices on gas and food products are so high. The very wealthy are fully capable of taking care of themselves, taxwise and otherwise. They are far smarter than you are, and are able to hire people who are even smarter than they are. And, they are not forced to live in America, or even be Americans. Why is that so hard for you wanna-be socialists to comprehend?
Obama may have finally realized that Keynesian Economics does not work.

However, he is yet to understand that you don't raise taxes during bad economic times.

You create jobs when people have more money to spend and higher tax revenues are

Rudy proved it in NYC. Mario Cuomo proved that a tax and spend policy puts you deeper in debt. Too many businesses left NY for business friendly states. California businesses are going to Texas. There is no corporate income tax and there is no over regulation.
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Thats easy. There is none. We are forced to contribute to both SS and Medicare. We have no say in the matter.

More bs brought to you by the Democratic Party of America.

Some are linguistically challenged.

First, I have nothing to do with either of the parties of dictatorship.
Second, the option is to find another way to support yourself than participating with all your fellow citizens. If you don't want to participate in the protection of everyone, find another way to work. No one is forcing anybody to stay in the sstem, or even to stay in the US.

Go away!

Yes, we are being forced. I do not have an option to opt in or out of this legalized ponzi scheme.

Sorry, my post was aimed at English speakers. What language would you prefer?
Obama may have finally realized that Keynesian Economics does not work.

However, he is yet to understand that you don't raise taxes during bad economic times.

You create jobs when people have more money to spend higher tax revenues are

Rudy proved it in NYC. Mario Cuomo proved that a tax and spend policy puts you deeper in debt. Too many businesses left NY and for business friendly states. California businesses are going to Texas. There is no corporate income tax and there is no over regulation.

Actually, the past four years have been a pretty good argument for Keynes, and a repudiation of a austere central bank polciy like the EU has tried. Though, Obama did pass a tax hike with Obamacare ... which is not Keynesian.

Still, having historic deficits while and economy is acutally growing is not sustainable.
Obama may have finally realized that Keynesian Economics does not work.

However, he is yet to understand that you don't raise taxes during bad economic times.

You create jobs when people have more money to spend and higher tax revenues are

Rudy proved it in NYC. Mario Cuomo proved that a tax and spend policy puts you deeper in debt. Too many businesses left NY for business friendly states. California businesses are going to Texas. There is no corporate income tax and there is no over regulation.

Keynesian economics dictate that taxes be raised during times of prosperity, not during economic downturns. During downturns, the government is supposed to lower taxes and increase spending to make up the difference in suppressed private sector spending.

So according to Keynes, Bush should have raised taxes and decreased spending. Bush did the exact opposite.
Obama may have finally realized that Keynesian Economics does not work.

However, he is yet to understand that you don't raise taxes during bad economic times.

You create jobs when people have more money to spend and higher tax revenues are

Rudy proved it in NYC. Mario Cuomo proved that a tax and spend policy puts you deeper in debt. Too many businesses left NY for business friendly states. California businesses are going to Texas. There is no corporate income tax and there is no over regulation.

Keynesian economics dictate that taxes be raised during times of prosperity, not during economic downturns. During downturns, the government is supposed to lower taxes and increase spending to make up the difference in suppressed private sector spending.

So according to Keynes, Bush should have raised taxes and decreased spending. Bush did the exact opposite.

Exactly, which is why the economy tanked under W. Keynesian did work under Obama as you can see we were in a complete downfall, then the economy stabilized very quickly one the stimulus was passed.
I would love to see the rubes who think they could manage their retirement savings better than Social Security do so. I would be laughing my ass off when they are ripped off by Wall Street and find themselves having to work until they are 80. :lol:

Most people are absolutely clueless how to invest their money wisely and would fall for every trick in the book.

When you look at average returns of money markets over a long period of time, you are ignoring that if you are completely wiped out at any point along the way, the average returns mean fuck-all.

Exactly why we need an option to opt in or out of SS. Many people do know how to invest with greater returns and they dont always involve the stock market. I trust myself more than a federal govt that runs deficits on a yearly basis and massive debt yearly.
Why is it Republicans are so against people paying into a system that will eventually pay them back, god willing. Whats the main malfunction here Republicans?

If you're referring Social Security, I don't think most Republicans are. Libertarians are opposed to it pretty consistently, but we're not opposed to people "paying into a system" voluntarily. We're opposed to the state extracting the payments from them by force.
Why is it Republicans are so against people paying into a system that will eventually pay them back, god willing. Whats the main malfunction here Republicans?

If you're referring Social Security, I don't think most Republicans are. Libertarians are opposed to it pretty consistently, but we're not opposed to people "paying into a system" voluntarily. We're opposed to the state extracting the payments from them by force.

Libertarians are against it, just like anything that isn't absoutly necessary just like bankrolling the rich and funding the military industrial complex.

The GOP only wants to go after things that help the middle class and the poor, while keeping programs that help the rich safe, and expanding on them even more.
It has fallen because Medicare's fee schedules have been reduced and the death rate has increased from 2.4 to 2.5 million which the majority of those deaths occur after 65.

The slower growth in the fee schedule over the next decade was incorporated into the August 2010 CBO projections, since their projections reflect current law (and the ACA was already law by then). The subsequent reductions have been due to the slowing growth of Medicare spending, which is occurring on top of the ACA's mandatory slower growth.

That is to say:
Remember that the Affordable Care Act was signed by President Obama in March 2010. That law deliberately triggered about $449 billion in Medicare saving and reductions between 2010 and 2019. In August, 2010 the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) put out Medicare spending projections for that 10-year period documenting the near half trillion in savings triggered by the ACA. Between August 2010 and February 2013, the CBO redid its estimates. The Center for Budget and Policy Priorities now finds, based on the newer CBO analysis, that Medicare spending will, in fact, drop by an additional $511 billion more than estimated in the 2010 calculation.

Remember that the total net federal cost of the ACA between 2010 and 2019 was about $950 billion. The rest of the $500B price tag was paid primarily with tax increases on wealthier Americans and on drug, device and insurance companies. Turns out, surprisingly, that the Medicare deceleration alone would have been sufficient to finance the total ten-year cost of the ACA.

Indeed, as noted, the per capita spending growth last year was only 0.4%, a number that's purposefully decoupled from enrollment numbers (i.e. not affected by people aging into the program or dying, etc).
Why is it Republicans are so against people paying into a system that will eventually pay them back, god willing. Whats the main malfunction here Republicans?

If you're referring Social Security, I don't think most Republicans are. Libertarians are opposed to it pretty consistently, but we're not opposed to people "paying into a system" voluntarily. We're opposed to the state extracting the payments from them by force.

Libertarians are against it, just like anything that isn't absoutly necessary just like bankrolling the rich and funding the military industrial complex.

The GOP only wants to go after things that help the middle class and the poor, while keeping programs that help the rich safe, and expanding on them even more.


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