Obama is most admired American for the 10th year running

• "It just came to me within the past few weeks, y'all, why so many folks are hating on Barack Obama. He doesn't fit the model. He ain't white, he ain't rich, and he ain't privileged. Hillary fits the mold. Europeans fit the mold, Giuliani fits the mold. Rich white men fit the mold. Hillary never had a cab whiz past her and not pick her up because her skin was the wrong colour.
Controversial comments made by Rev Jeremiah Wright
MORE proof that blacks are so obsessed with race that it warps common sense thinking
Guess what? You never forget your people were enslaved, even after it ends.
You can deny black Americans have a different American experience as you all you want -- no one cares. :dunno:

THat is not what I said, as you well know.

Does it not strike you as strange that you felt you had to lie to respond to my post?

My point stands.

Would you like to respond to what I actually said, or are you a lying coward?

Only a liar or a fool would claim that 21st century America thought that "people of color had gone away".

My "opinion" is based on actual recent history, while yours is based on utter nonsense.

Your excuses for the Rev Wright's racism, hate and anti-Americanism are refuted and dismissed.

Obama lied about not knowing what his friend and pastor of twenty years was.

It is absurd to pretend otherwise.

THe Obama that won that poll, is a fiction, created by the real Obama and sold by the vile media.
Who cares that's not what you said? It explains why you say what you say. Realize it or not ... accept it or not ... black Americans have a different American experience than you. You can't understand theirs which is why you spew the rhetoric you do. Which is why no one gives a shit about your mindless rants which are spurred by nothing but pure unadulterated butthurt over trump being the first elected president to be snubbed the most admired man accolade during his inaugural year since it's been recognized.

You're nothing if not entertaining though, I'll give you that.

I addressed a point he said. I pointed out that it was bullshit.

NOthing you have said, has given any explanation or support to Wright's moronic claim, ie that 21st century white America thought that "people of color had gone away".

I've repeatedly and seriously and honestly addressed the various claims of Rev Wright and the challenges, such as they have been, in this thread.

YOu have done nothing to defend Wright, Obama, or your points of view other than repeating the your initial and completely refuted initial position.
Like I said earlier -- my post explains yours. It matters not if you're incapable of comprehending that. :eusa_naughty:

You said that, but it is obviously NOT true.

Wright was lying when he said that that 21st century white America thought that "people of color had gone away".

That was utter bullshit.

Also, might I point out, he is talking about what he claims WHITE AMERICA has done,

but his experience is valid while mine is not?

Do you realize how utterly dishonest and cowardly you are?
Well he certainly has valid reasons for harboring bitterness towards whites. I have no idea what you think makes your perspective valid.

So why you have to lie so much to defend him?
That’s not defending Obama, it’s giving him props for being the most admired man since Eisenhower. Trump can’t buy that.
• "It just came to me within the past few weeks, y'all, why so many folks are hating on Barack Obama. He doesn't fit the model. He ain't white, he ain't rich, and he ain't privileged. Hillary fits the mold. Europeans fit the mold, Giuliani fits the mold. Rich white men fit the mold. Hillary never had a cab whiz past her and not pick her up because her skin was the wrong colour.
Controversial comments made by Rev Jeremiah Wright
MORE proof that blacks are so obsessed with race that it warps common sense thinking
Guess what? You never forget your people were enslaved, even after it ends.
THat is not what I said, as you well know.

Does it not strike you as strange that you felt you had to lie to respond to my post?

My point stands.

Would you like to respond to what I actually said, or are you a lying coward?

Only a liar or a fool would claim that 21st century America thought that "people of color had gone away".

My "opinion" is based on actual recent history, while yours is based on utter nonsense.

Your excuses for the Rev Wright's racism, hate and anti-Americanism are refuted and dismissed.

Obama lied about not knowing what his friend and pastor of twenty years was.

It is absurd to pretend otherwise.

THe Obama that won that poll, is a fiction, created by the real Obama and sold by the vile media.
Who cares that's not what you said? It explains why you say what you say. Realize it or not ... accept it or not ... black Americans have a different American experience than you. You can't understand theirs which is why you spew the rhetoric you do. Which is why no one gives a shit about your mindless rants which are spurred by nothing but pure unadulterated butthurt over trump being the first elected president to be snubbed the most admired man accolade during his inaugural year since it's been recognized.

You're nothing if not entertaining though, I'll give you that.

I addressed a point he said. I pointed out that it was bullshit.

NOthing you have said, has given any explanation or support to Wright's moronic claim, ie that 21st century white America thought that "people of color had gone away".

I've repeatedly and seriously and honestly addressed the various claims of Rev Wright and the challenges, such as they have been, in this thread.

YOu have done nothing to defend Wright, Obama, or your points of view other than repeating the your initial and completely refuted initial position.
Like I said earlier -- my post explains yours. It matters not if you're incapable of comprehending that. :eusa_naughty:

You said that, but it is obviously NOT true.

Wright was lying when he said that that 21st century white America thought that "people of color had gone away".

That was utter bullshit.

Also, might I point out, he is talking about what he claims WHITE AMERICA has done,

but his experience is valid while mine is not?

Do you realize how utterly dishonest and cowardly you are?
Well he certainly has valid reasons for harboring bitterness towards whites. I have no idea what you think makes your perspective valid.

He did not say he was bitter, he stated an opinion on what "21st century white America" was doing.

An opinion disputed by recent history, that we should all be aware of.

Also, as his stated opinion was about what White America was doing and thinking,

And as a member of WHITE AMERICA, who was here during the time that Wright was commenting on,

my experience as PART of white American is far more valid than his.

What part of that is hard for you to understand?
• "It just came to me within the past few weeks, y'all, why so many folks are hating on Barack Obama. He doesn't fit the model. He ain't white, he ain't rich, and he ain't privileged. Hillary fits the mold. Europeans fit the mold, Giuliani fits the mold. Rich white men fit the mold. Hillary never had a cab whiz past her and not pick her up because her skin was the wrong colour.
Controversial comments made by Rev Jeremiah Wright
MORE proof that blacks are so obsessed with race that it warps common sense thinking
Guess what? You never forget your people were enslaved, even after it ends.
Who cares that's not what you said? It explains why you say what you say. Realize it or not ... accept it or not ... black Americans have a different American experience than you. You can't understand theirs which is why you spew the rhetoric you do. Which is why no one gives a shit about your mindless rants which are spurred by nothing but pure unadulterated butthurt over trump being the first elected president to be snubbed the most admired man accolade during his inaugural year since it's been recognized.

You're nothing if not entertaining though, I'll give you that.

I addressed a point he said. I pointed out that it was bullshit.

NOthing you have said, has given any explanation or support to Wright's moronic claim, ie that 21st century white America thought that "people of color had gone away".

I've repeatedly and seriously and honestly addressed the various claims of Rev Wright and the challenges, such as they have been, in this thread.

YOu have done nothing to defend Wright, Obama, or your points of view other than repeating the your initial and completely refuted initial position.
Like I said earlier -- my post explains yours. It matters not if you're incapable of comprehending that. :eusa_naughty:

You said that, but it is obviously NOT true.

Wright was lying when he said that that 21st century white America thought that "people of color had gone away".

That was utter bullshit.

Also, might I point out, he is talking about what he claims WHITE AMERICA has done,

but his experience is valid while mine is not?

Do you realize how utterly dishonest and cowardly you are?
Well he certainly has valid reasons for harboring bitterness towards whites. I have no idea what you think makes your perspective valid.

He did not say he was bitter, he stated an opinion on what "21st century white America" was doing.

An opinion disputed by recent history, that we should all be aware of.

Also, as his stated opinion was about what White America was doing and thinking,

And as a member of WHITE AMERICA, who was here during the time that Wright was commenting on,

my experience as PART of white American is far more valid than his.

What part of that is hard for you to understand?
Moron. You're not arguing your experience is more valid than his. You're arguing his is not valid. Given the way blacks were treated in America -- his is valid. No one gets over that quickly.
Controversial comments made by Rev Jeremiah Wright
MORE proof that blacks are so obsessed with race that it warps common sense thinking
Guess what? You never forget your people were enslaved, even after it ends.
I addressed a point he said. I pointed out that it was bullshit.

NOthing you have said, has given any explanation or support to Wright's moronic claim, ie that 21st century white America thought that "people of color had gone away".

I've repeatedly and seriously and honestly addressed the various claims of Rev Wright and the challenges, such as they have been, in this thread.

YOu have done nothing to defend Wright, Obama, or your points of view other than repeating the your initial and completely refuted initial position.
Like I said earlier -- my post explains yours. It matters not if you're incapable of comprehending that. :eusa_naughty:

You said that, but it is obviously NOT true.

Wright was lying when he said that that 21st century white America thought that "people of color had gone away".

That was utter bullshit.

Also, might I point out, he is talking about what he claims WHITE AMERICA has done,

but his experience is valid while mine is not?

Do you realize how utterly dishonest and cowardly you are?
Well he certainly has valid reasons for harboring bitterness towards whites. I have no idea what you think makes your perspective valid.

He did not say he was bitter, he stated an opinion on what "21st century white America" was doing.

An opinion disputed by recent history, that we should all be aware of.

Also, as his stated opinion was about what White America was doing and thinking,

And as a member of WHITE AMERICA, who was here during the time that Wright was commenting on,

my experience as PART of white American is far more valid than his.

What part of that is hard for you to understand?
Moron. You're not arguing your experience is more valid than his. You're arguing his is not valid. Given the way blacks were treated in America -- his is valid. No one gets over that quickly.

I am not arguing that his experience is not valid.

I am pointing out the Truth that his claim is utter bullshit.

21st century white America NEVER thought that "people of color had gone away".

YOur justifications for his hateful racist Anti-Americanism is noted and held against you.

So why you have to lie so much to defend him?
That’s not defending Obama, it’s giving him props for being the most admired man since Eisenhower. Trump can’t buy that.

It was a reference to his many lies in this thread, in defense of Obama.

Nah, it was just "Most Admired Man"

YOu are telling me what my post was in reference to?

Why are you being such a prick?

Good thing the POTUS has term limits. He sure was bombing a lot of countries. I am sure many Nations were pleased to see him go. You know, so their innocent children wont get blown up from a predator drone or something.
I didnt think war mongers hell bent on societal and military destruction were admired.
Standards sure have been shot to shit..

well said,what drugs is this OP guy on?:haha: He must be black the fact he is so ignorant of the crimes against humanity unable to look past the color of his skin to see what a mass murderer off millions of innocent women and children around the world with his drone attacks on them.:haha:

He clueless Obozo worshipper,take two hours of your lifetime to get off that deserted island you been living on and get educated here in this video.oh and dont do what all obama apologists and worshiipper do everytime,run off with your tail between your legs refusing to watch this vide that nobody has ever debunked.:rolleyes:

So why you have to lie so much to defend him?

Nobody has to lie to defend the Great Obama

Now........Lying Donnie......that's another story
You should know

And yet, you have, over and over again.

And he did himself.

HIs own campaign was saved by huge, thinly veiled lies, as I pointed out to you and you dodged over and over again.

Your claim that no one has to lie to defend "great obama" is pretty feeble in the face of all those lies.

How stupid would Obama have to be, for his lies to be the Truth? THat he did not notice, for over twenty years, that his friend and pastor and spiritual adviser, was a raving, racist anti-American?

I don't think he was that stupid.

I don't believe that you think he was that incredibly fucking stupid.

We both know that he is a vile liar.

And so are you.

So why you have to lie so much to defend him?

Nobody has to lie to defend the Great Obama

Now........Lying Donnie......that's another story
You should know

And yet, you have, over and over again.

And he did himself.

HIs own campaign was saved by huge, thinly veiled lies, as I pointed out to you and you dodged over and over again.

Your claim that no one has to lie to defend "great obama" is pretty feeble in the face of all those lies.

How stupid would Obama have to be, for his lies to be the Truth? THat he did not notice, for over twenty years, that his friend and pastor and spiritual adviser, was a raving, racist anti-American?

I don't think he was that stupid.

I don't believe that you think he was that incredibly fucking stupid.

We both know that he is a vile liar.

And so are you.

You have spent two years defending the biggest liar to ever hold the office of President

You have some audacity to attack the Great Obama

So why you have to lie so much to defend him?

Nobody has to lie to defend the Great Obama

Now........Lying Donnie......that's another story
You should know

And yet, you have, over and over again.

And he did himself.

HIs own campaign was saved by huge, thinly veiled lies, as I pointed out to you and you dodged over and over again.

Your claim that no one has to lie to defend "great obama" is pretty feeble in the face of all those lies.

How stupid would Obama have to be, for his lies to be the Truth? THat he did not notice, for over twenty years, that his friend and pastor and spiritual adviser, was a raving, racist anti-American?

I don't think he was that stupid.

I don't believe that you think he was that incredibly fucking stupid.

We both know that he is a vile liar.

And so are you.

You have spent two years defending the biggest liar to ever hold the office of President

You have some audacity to attack the Great Obama

Being overly dramatic is not a defense.

And yet, you have, LIED over and over again.

And he did himself.

HIs own campaign was saved by huge, thinly veiled lies, as I pointed out to you and you dodged over and over again.

Your claim that no one has to lie to defend "great obama" is pretty feeble in the face of all those lies.

How stupid would Obama have to be, for his lies to be the Truth? THat he did not notice, for over twenty years, that his friend and pastor and spiritual adviser, was a raving, racist anti-American?

I don't think he was that stupid.

I don't believe that you think he was that incredibly fucking stupid.

We both know that he is a vile liar.

And so are you.
but his experience is valid while mine is not?

I am not arguing that his experience is not valid.

Sell stupid elsewhere, I'm not buyin'.

21st century white America NEVER thought that "people of color had gone away".

You can't even get that quote right. He didn't say white America never thought people of color had gone away -- he said the opposite, how 9.11 proved that White America ignored people of color as though they had gone away...

"people of color had not gone away, faded into the woodwork or just 'disappeared' as the Great White West went on its merry way of ignoring Black concerns."

And that has nothing to do with the most admired man in America who disagreed with wright.

So why you have to lie so much to defend him?
That’s not defending Obama, it’s giving him props for being the most admired man since Eisenhower. Trump can’t buy that.

It was a reference to his many lies in this thread, in defense of Obama.

Nah, it was just "Most Admired Man"

YOu are telling me what my post was in reference to?

Why are you being such a prick?


What an easily triggered little boy you are. I was talking about the reason rightwinger posted that; not the reason for your response. :eusa_doh:
but his experience is valid while mine is not?

I am not arguing that his experience is not valid.

Sell stupid elsewhere, I'm not buyin'.

21st century white America NEVER thought that "people of color had gone away".

You can't even get that quote right. He didn't say white America never thought people of color had gone away -- he said the opposite, how 9.11 proved that White America ignored people of color as though they had gone away...

"people of color had not gone away, faded into the woodwork or just 'disappeared' as the Great White West went on its merry way of ignoring Black concerns."

And that has nothing to do with the most admired man in America who disagreed with wright.

I wasn't quoting him there, you moron, I was disagreeing with him.

Are you even aware that you have not attempted to support his claim in any fashion, nor to even address my disagreements with it?

And Obama did not join that church because he disagreed with Wright, but because he "found his message so attractive".
So why you have to lie so much to defend him?
That’s not defending Obama, it’s giving him props for being the most admired man since Eisenhower. Trump can’t buy that.

It was a reference to his many lies in this thread, in defense of Obama.

Nah, it was just "Most Admired Man"

YOu are telling me what my post was in reference to?

Why are you being such a prick?


What an easily triggered little boy you are. I was talking about the reason rightwinger posted that; not the reason for your response. :eusa_doh:

Standard lefty asshole game.

Act like an asshole and then act as though it is wrong of people to be annoyed with you for you being an asshole.

Fuck that stupid shit. And you.
but his experience is valid while mine is not?

I am not arguing that his experience is not valid.

Sell stupid elsewhere, I'm not buyin'.

21st century white America NEVER thought that "people of color had gone away".

You can't even get that quote right. He didn't say white America never thought people of color had gone away -- he said the opposite, how 9.11 proved that White America ignored people of color as though they had gone away...

"people of color had not gone away, faded into the woodwork or just 'disappeared' as the Great White West went on its merry way of ignoring Black concerns."

And that has nothing to do with the most admired man in America who disagreed with wright.

I wasn't quoting him there, you moron, I was disagreeing with him.

Are you even aware that you have not attempted to support his claim in any fashion, nor to even address my disagreements with it?

And Obama did not join that church because he disagreed with Wright, but because he "found his message so attractive".
How sad, looks like I have to educate you you...

When you speak of someone’s “claim,” followed by words in quotes, you’re quoting them. And when you put words in those quotes which are not actually there, as you did — you’re misquoting them.

And just so ya know, a quote looks like “

As far as that quote and your idiocy about how Obama didn’t join his church because he disagreed with him... as far as the quote you mangled, Obama did disagree with it.
That’s not defending Obama, it’s giving him props for being the most admired man since Eisenhower. Trump can’t buy that.

It was a reference to his many lies in this thread, in defense of Obama.

Nah, it was just "Most Admired Man"

YOu are telling me what my post was in reference to?

Why are you being such a prick?


What an easily triggered little boy you are. I was talking about the reason rightwinger posted that; not the reason for your response. :eusa_doh:

Standard lefty asshole game.

Act like an asshole and then act as though it is wrong of people to be annoyed with you for you being an asshole.

Fuck that stupid shit. And you.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

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