Obama mans up and apologizes for his misstatement on keeping insurance

The worst part is his low information supporters believe absolutely anything he tells them even when it's an absolute lie

The problem is THIS time Obama's defrauded millions of us, and more and more of them will become personally effected by his lies.

I figure by the middle of next year at least 15 million of us will have lost their health insurance and won't be able to find anything that is compatible with what they lost. That is a recipe for disaster for liberals.
That's not true. There are plenty of people who had BETTER coverage and are losing it because of Obamacare. Here's one.....Loyal Obama Supporters, Canceled by Obamacare - ProPublica

Time for some new pom-poms....:cuckoo:
Policies that are being cancelled don't mean the minimum requirements of the law. Most of the plans that are being cancelled either do not meet the out of pocket yearly maximums or include life time maximums. About 75% already included the 10 essential benefits.

if you read that article and thats your answer, don't bother responding to my previous post back to you, you're a sheep...nothing more.


I prefer lemmings...

Despite the "mass suicide" myth...
The worst part is his low information supporters believe absolutely anything he tells them even when it's an absolute lie

What's even more amazing is when you come across an Obama supporter who never knew how the new health care law would impact them, or even know they must comply to a mandate. Charisma, the ability to charm through a speech, and how they carry themselves, are all more impressionable qualities to many OVER what issues they stand for or the little details behind a new government policy they want to implement. Educating themselves on the issues seems to always take a back seat, until they find out too late how a new policy or law will now "personally" effect them.
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Obama on health plan cancellations: 'I am sorry' | MSNBC

“I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based, based on assurances they got from me. We’ve got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and we are going to do everything we can to deal with folks who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this.”

This was the right thing to do.
I agree that this was the right and 'manly' thing to do under the circumstances; possible motivation(s) notwithstanding.

But, as the old maxim goes: "Sorry don't feed the bulldog."

These circumstances should never have arisen in the first place.

And, of course, the real question is: Was this outcome known in advance?

And, if the answer to that question is 'yes', then, even worse, the next question becomes: Was that advance-knowledge 'covered up' as a tactic to ensure the passage of the ObamaCare bill?

If the answer to that second question is also 'yes', then, I think we move into the realm of a Chief Executive deliberately acting against the best interests of a majority of his constituency.

And, if that logical progression also proves accurate, then I think the country may be in for a rough (political) ride in the coming months.

I smell trouble in the air over this.
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Policies that are being cancelled don't mean the minimum requirements of the law. Most of the plans that are being cancelled either do not meet the out of pocket yearly maximums or include life time maximums. About 75% already included the 10 essential benefits.

if you read that article and thats your answer, don't bother responding to my previous post back to you, you're a sheep...nothing more.


I prefer lemmings...

Despite the "mass suicide" myth...

well, you know, some woman who has not ovulated in 5 years needs Maternity care, Pediatric newborn services because the Great Leader has decreed the "10 Essential Benefits" ...Sounds like a passage from the Red Book..:lol:
Policies with less benefits are being cancelled and replaced or upgraded with policies with more benefits. Why should anyone be surprised. We've known policies would either be upgraded or replaced since the law was passed. The cost of the policies are based on the ones ability to pay. The wealthy are outraged of course. Cancellation letters before the ACA was certainly a reason to panic but not now. No one will be rejected that applies for coverage.

Those who paid attention knew this. However, most don't pay attention to nuances and Obama didn't spell out that part of it.

When the dust settles, most Americans will be happy about it but the GOP will do what it can to make sure the dust doesn't settle--as it should; politically it's exactly what I would do.

They run the risk, however, of criticizing what is going to be (and is with a lot of Americans) a popular program. Medicare Part D was not funded, had this incredibly stupid Donut Hole but was popular as hell with Seniors. You didn't hear a lot of people running against Med Part D.

liberals and crystal balls...most Americans will be happy with it...they just KNOW THAT
show them just how happy you are people at the voting booth when the time comes
vote the bastards in the Democrat party OUT...they are a Danger to your lives, families and Freedoms
the Obama Stooges in this thread is shining

Ask President Romney about your ability to predict things....:lol:
The worst part is his low information supporters believe absolutely anything he tells them even when it's an absolute lie

The problem is THIS time Obama's defrauded millions of us, and more and more of them will become personally effected by his lies.

I figure by the middle of next year at least 15 million of us will have lost their health insurance and won't be able to find anything that is compatible with what they lost. That is a recipe for disaster for liberals.

According to another member of the "we're so fucked" brigade, the number is 93,000,000


You should get your song and dance together before hitting the road.
"...Great Leader has decreed the "10 Essential Benefits" ...Sounds like a passage from the Red Book..."
Unnecessarily provocative, and just too damned funny...
it was meant sarcastically but , I have to say; whenever someone from the gov. dives into the deepest recesses of a citizens health and financials on a level so minute and so very important to each person in his/er family, and says they 'know better' , I get antsy.
The MSM ran cover for the lying, POS, Kenyan Obama in 08 and 12! Other factors enter in of course, but allowing Obama to delay Obamacare until after the 12 election was purely criminal!
Apologize yeah, but he should use the same executive order pen he used to exempt Congress from Obamacare to get people their actually affordable insurance back. Or better yet, just trash the whole train wreck. If Obamacare is such a good deal, why does it force people to buy it. And then there's the little problems of identity fraud on the site. I guess that's just gravy, putting all those felons on the employment roles.

Oh sure, HaHa. Your wingnuts in the House don't have enough brains or support to repeal Obamacare after like 50 tries so you think Obama should "trash" it.

That's funny.

and that's all you care about isn't it?
you Obama cult worshippers could care less if this law IS NOW hurting the very people it was sold as going to HELP
just because they aren't buying into the lies they were fed of how they would be able TO KEEP WHAT THEY HAD, they are wingNUTS to you people...You all have selective caring for others and if you didn't have that you wouldn't have any caring
You haven't made yourself look good at all in this thread...it's been rather pathetic actually

Do you think I should care about you or your lies? How is Obamacare hurting people? The junk insurance these people had is what is hurting them. Everyone knew Obamacare was to take effect after the first of the year so if your insurance company decided to cancel you now, it's their fault that you are hurting, right?

Glad I could help you with reality once again, Steph.
Those who paid attention knew this. However, most don't pay attention to nuances and Obama didn't spell out that part of it.

When the dust settles, most Americans will be happy about it but the GOP will do what it can to make sure the dust doesn't settle--as it should; politically it's exactly what I would do.

They run the risk, however, of criticizing what is going to be (and is with a lot of Americans) a popular program. Medicare Part D was not funded, had this incredibly stupid Donut Hole but was popular as hell with Seniors. You didn't hear a lot of people running against Med Part D.

liberals and crystal balls...most Americans will be happy with it...they just KNOW THAT
show them just how happy you are people at the voting booth when the time comes
vote the bastards in the Democrat party OUT...they are a Danger to your lives, families and Freedoms
the Obama Stooges in this thread is shining

Ask President Romney about your ability to predict things....:lol:

:) They're not that good at it, are they.
Oh sure, HaHa. Your wingnuts in the House don't have enough brains or support to repeal Obamacare after like 50 tries so you think Obama should "trash" it.

That's funny.

and that's all you care about isn't it?
you Obama cult worshippers could care less if this law IS NOW hurting the very people it was sold as going to HELP
just because they aren't buying into the lies they were fed of how they would be able TO KEEP WHAT THEY HAD, they are wingNUTS to you people...You all have selective caring for others and if you didn't have that you wouldn't have any caring
You haven't made yourself look good at all in this thread...it's been rather pathetic actually

Do you think I should care about you or your lies? How is Obamacare hurting people? The junk insurance these people had is what is hurting them. Everyone knew Obamacare was to take effect after the first of the year so if your insurance company decided to cancel you now, it's their fault that you are hurting, right?

Glad I could help you with reality once again, Steph.

Awesome, again, Sarah and Obama know what's better for the individual than the inidviduals themselves. And who didn't know Obama's minions would start blaming inisurance companies? Problem is, these people liked their plans just fine and they lost their plans because Obama stuck his nose in their business. Additionally lied about it for two years to boot, yay Obama........ :thup:
and that's all you care about isn't it?
you Obama cult worshippers could care less if this law IS NOW hurting the very people it was sold as going to HELP
just because they aren't buying into the lies they were fed of how they would be able TO KEEP WHAT THEY HAD, they are wingNUTS to you people...You all have selective caring for others and if you didn't have that you wouldn't have any caring
You haven't made yourself look good at all in this thread...it's been rather pathetic actually

Do you think I should care about you or your lies? How is Obamacare hurting people? The junk insurance these people had is what is hurting them. Everyone knew Obamacare was to take effect after the first of the year so if your insurance company decided to cancel you now, it's their fault that you are hurting, right?

Glad I could help you with reality once again, Steph.

Awesome, again, Sarah and Obama know what's better for the individual than the inidviduals themselves. And who didn't know Obama's minions would start blaming inisurance companies? Problem is, these people liked their plans just fine and they lost their plans because Obama stuck his nose in their business. Additionally lied about it for two years to boot, yay Obama........ :thup:

I'm sure these junk insurance policy holders liked the cost of the premium but the hospital and doctors probably didn't like their plan when they needed a hospital stay. The ones who had the junk, cheap policies are the ones who were driving costs up for all the rest of us when hospitals and doctors had to write off the bills.

You just don't get how this works. You have to have enough insurance for unexpected illnesses. THESE companies didn't want to upgrade your policies because it would cost them if you had to go to the hospital. THEY are the ones you are mad at.

ACA isn't going anywhere.
Barack Incognito is only sorry he has to apologize at all. We are all ingrates undeserving of his great leadership if we're going to be so petty as to take him oh so literally
The worst part is his low information supporters believe absolutely anything he tells them even when it's an absolute lie

The problem is THIS time Obama's defrauded millions of us, and more and more of them will become personally effected by his lies.

I figure by the middle of next year at least 15 million of us will have lost their health insurance and won't be able to find anything that is compatible with what they lost. That is a recipe for disaster for liberals.

What do you care, I thought you worked for the government and they won't lose their health care.
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If Obama had pushed for single payer there wouldn't be this problem. Anyway, he apologized, now let's see bushcheney apologize for Iraq which cost trillions into the future and hundreds of thousands of lives. You'd think republicans, who consider themselves right to lifers and fiscal conservatives, would demand this.
If Obama had pushed for single payer there wouldn't be this problem. Anyway, he apologized, now let's see bushcheney apologize for Iraq which cost trillions into the future and hundreds of thousands of lives. You'd think republicans, who consider themselves right to lifers and fiscal conservatives, would demand this.

Single-payer will eventually happen as more and more Americans want government to wipe their asses for them, but Obama was smart enough to know that at the time most Americans would not have supported a wholesale takeover of the healthcare insurance industry.

Of course Dims and Obama have never been concerned what the majority think anyway, but nonetheless single-payer was not going to pass in 2010.
A very hollow apology to be sure......especially since his lie is still posted on his ACA website at this minute.


Title I. Quality, Affordable Health Care for All Americans

This Act puts individuals, families and small business owners in control of their health care. It reduces premium costs for millions of working families and small businesses by providing hundreds of billions of dollars in tax relief – the largest middle class tax cut for health care in history. It also reduces what families will have to pay for health care by capping out-of-pocket expenses and requiring preventive care to be fully covered without any out-of-pocket expense. For Americans with insurance coverage who like what they have, they can keep it. Nothing in this act or anywhere in the bill forces anyone to change the insurance they have, period.

Title I. Quality, Affordable Health Care for All Americans | The White House

This is basically a big "FUCK YOU" by Obama.
Those who paid attention knew this. However, most don't pay attention to nuances and Obama didn't spell out that part of it.

When the dust settles, most Americans will be happy about it but the GOP will do what it can to make sure the dust doesn't settle--as it should; politically it's exactly what I would do.

They run the risk, however, of criticizing what is going to be (and is with a lot of Americans) a popular program. Medicare Part D was not funded, had this incredibly stupid Donut Hole but was popular as hell with Seniors. You didn't hear a lot of people running against Med Part D.

liberals and crystal balls...most Americans will be happy with it...they just KNOW THAT
show them just how happy you are people at the voting booth when the time comes
vote the bastards in the Democrat party OUT...they are a Danger to your lives, families and Freedoms
the Obama Stooges in this thread is shining

Ask President Romney about your ability to predict things....:lol:

oh dear gawd...are you a child?
Obama cult member for sure... as for the rest of you crystal ball predictions I hope you end up eating every smug word of it

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