Obama mans up and apologizes for his misstatement on keeping insurance

A very hollow apology to be sure......especially since his lie is still posted on his ACA website at this minute.


Title I. Quality, Affordable Health Care for All Americans

This Act puts individuals, families and small business owners in control of their health care. It reduces premium costs for millions of working families and small businesses by providing hundreds of billions of dollars in tax relief – the largest middle class tax cut for health care in history. It also reduces what families will have to pay for health care by capping out-of-pocket expenses and requiring preventive care to be fully covered without any out-of-pocket expense. For Americans with insurance coverage who like what they have, they can keep it. Nothing in this act or anywhere in the bill forces anyone to change the insurance they have, period.

Title I. Quality, Affordable Health Care for All Americans | The White House

This is basically a big "FUCK YOU" by Obama.

He was hardly laughing like that in the interview, it took a lot for him to talk about that directly and your article plus the picture is a deliberate attempt to dishonestly portray Obama and what he said.

If you guys were telling the truth, you wouldn't need these Freeper type tactics.
A very hollow apology to be sure......especially since his lie is still posted on his ACA website at this minute.


Title I. Quality, Affordable Health Care for All Americans

This Act puts individuals, families and small business owners in control of their health care. It reduces premium costs for millions of working families and small businesses by providing hundreds of billions of dollars in tax relief – the largest middle class tax cut for health care in history. It also reduces what families will have to pay for health care by capping out-of-pocket expenses and requiring preventive care to be fully covered without any out-of-pocket expense. For Americans with insurance coverage who like what they have, they can keep it. Nothing in this act or anywhere in the bill forces anyone to change the insurance they have, period.

Title I. Quality, Affordable Health Care for All Americans | The White House

This is basically a big "FUCK YOU" by Obama.

He was hardly laughing like that in the interview, it took a lot for him to talk about that directly and your article plus the picture is a deliberate attempt to dishonestly portray Obama and what he said.

If you guys were telling the truth, you wouldn't need these Freeper type tactics.

Check the link.

I got it from his own White House website.

The lie is still posted and the pic is from the page that is came from.

Beneath that pic is a headline and a link taking you to a weekly address made way back in 2009 entitled, Losing Insurance Can Happen To Anybody

How prophetic.

Of course he swears that he won't allow that to happen in the address........

: “In the United States of America,
no one should have to worry that they’ll go without health care
– not for one year, not for one month, not for one day.
And once I sign my health reform plan into law – they won’t.” September 12, 2009.

Epic fail
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Example of blind stupidity support for obashit.

no kidding, Candy and Sarah.... call them the Obama cheerleaders...
clueless women followers of a man...Billy Clinton would love them

Single women overwhelmingly supported Your President; women who have been oppressed (i.e. intimidated by their mate) usually vote in line with their oppressor; like you did.

Women that think of themselves as sex organs supported Obama? Why?
You don't need credibility when people are getting policy cancellation letters and increased rates. All the apologists can do is say it's overblown or not as bad as the Republicans are making it out to be or that Obama didn't really lie, but Ma and Pa Kettle are getting those cancellation letters and the Joneses they're keeping up with are watching their insurance go from a car payment a month to a mortgage payment a month and with less coverage to boot. Spin it all you want, but Obama said that wasn't going to happen and now it is and when called on it effectively all he said was "sucks to be you."
Policies with less benefits are being cancelled and replaced or upgraded with policies with more benefits. Why should anyone be surprised. We've known policies would either be upgraded or replaced since the law was passed. The cost of the policies are based on the ones ability to pay. The wealthy are outraged of course. Cancellation letters before the ACA was certainly a reason to panic but not now. No one will be rejected that applies for coverage.

Those who paid attention knew this. However, most don't pay attention to nuances and Obama didn't spell out that part of it.

When the dust settles, most Americans will be happy about it but the GOP will do what it can to make sure the dust doesn't settle--as it should; politically it's exactly what I would do.

They run the risk, however, of criticizing what is going to be (and is with a lot of Americans) a popular program. Medicare Part D was not funded, had this incredibly stupid Donut Hole but was popular as hell with Seniors. You didn't hear a lot of people running against Med Part D.

People who paid attention know that every single pre-Obamacare plan in America will be cancelled eventually. The result will be higher premiums and less access to health care. Despite this, we have a few idiots that think this proves things are better.
We Dems are right about most things that we care to discuss with you all. That's why your only responses are always just calling people names and saying stuff like oh no you're wrong. That's you and all of your fellow TPers. Obama this, Obama that, etc., etc..

I was joking about Obamacare being bullshit. Crack a smile occasionally, to coin a Ronnie Reagan phrase, ya doom and gloomer.

Then why are you here? To go around beating your chest you are always right and the MILLIONS upset with becoming UNINSURED because of Obama are the one's wrong?
this is why liberals are hated and most of you have no problems giving them the reasons

So, you think I would come here if I thought I was wrong all the time. I don't think you get the concept of this place and places like it.

Does that mean that you would stop posting if I proved you were wrong about Obamacare? Because I can definitely do that, without even working up a sweat.
The worst part is his low information supporters believe absolutely anything he tells them even when it's an absolute lie

The problem is THIS time Obama's defrauded millions of us, and more and more of them will become personally effected by his lies.

I figure by the middle of next year at least 15 million of us will have lost their health insurance and won't be able to find anything that is compatible with what they lost. That is a recipe for disaster for liberals.

According to another member of the "we're so fucked" brigade, the number is 93,000,000


You should get your song and dance together before hitting the road.

That 93 million figure was contingent on the employer mandate. You remember that, don't you? The one Obama delayed for a year?
Oh sure, HaHa. Your wingnuts in the House don't have enough brains or support to repeal Obamacare after like 50 tries so you think Obama should "trash" it.

That's funny.

and that's all you care about isn't it?
you Obama cult worshippers could care less if this law IS NOW hurting the very people it was sold as going to HELP
just because they aren't buying into the lies they were fed of how they would be able TO KEEP WHAT THEY HAD, they are wingNUTS to you people...You all have selective caring for others and if you didn't have that you wouldn't have any caring
You haven't made yourself look good at all in this thread...it's been rather pathetic actually

Do you think I should care about you or your lies? How is Obamacare hurting people? The junk insurance these people had is what is hurting them. Everyone knew Obamacare was to take effect after the first of the year so if your insurance company decided to cancel you now, it's their fault that you are hurting, right?

Glad I could help you with reality once again, Steph.

What makes an insurance policy junk? Because I can show you policies that have been cancelled that cost less than the new plans, have lower deductibles, and lower copays, and better coverage. I can even show you a woman who has had cancer for years, loved her insurance policy, got over $1.2 million in benefits from it, and cannot keep it because you think her plan is junk.
ALL Obama had going for him were words.

That's what his career was built on. Speeches.

When those speeches turn out to be rot, there is nothing left of Obama. He was a phenomenon of style with no substance. But his sycophantic zombie supporters will apparently still follow him to the ends of the earth.

Très bizarre.
If Obama had pushed for single payer there wouldn't be this problem. Anyway, he apologized, now let's see bushcheney apologize for Iraq which cost trillions into the future and hundreds of thousands of lives. You'd think republicans, who consider themselves right to lifers and fiscal conservatives, would demand this.

What rock do ignorant motherfuckers like you and Starkey keep crawling out from under? If Obama had said the words "single payer" one time he would have lost the election in a landslide if Homer Simpson was running against him. He had to lie over and over again just to get by with the nonsense we have as law right now.........:cuckoo:
If Obama had pushed for single payer there wouldn't be this problem. Anyway, he apologized, now let's see bushcheney apologize for Iraq which cost trillions into the future and hundreds of thousands of lives. You'd think republicans, who consider themselves right to lifers and fiscal conservatives, would demand this.

What rock do ignorant motherfuckers like you and Starkey keep crawling out from under? If Obama had said the words "single payer" one time he would have lost the election in a landslide if Homer Simpson was running against him. He had to lie over and over again just to get by with the nonsense we have as law right now.........:cuckoo:

We kept saying single payer was what obama wanted
You don't need credibility when people are getting policy cancellation letters and increased rates. All the apologists can do is say it's overblown or not as bad as the Republicans are making it out to be or that Obama didn't really lie, but Ma and Pa Kettle are getting those cancellation letters and the Joneses they're keeping up with are watching their insurance go from a car payment a month to a mortgage payment a month and with less coverage to boot. Spin it all you want, but Obama said that wasn't going to happen and now it is and when called on it effectively all he said was "sucks to be you."

Policies with less benefits are being cancelled and replaced or upgraded with policies with more benefits. Why should anyone be surprised. We've known policies would either be upgraded or replaced since the law was passed. The cost of the policies are based on the ones ability to pay. The wealthy are outraged of course. Cancellation letters before the ACA was certainly a reason to panic but not now. No one will be rejected that applies for coverage.

that not necessarily so, and in a lot of cases they trade off higher deductibles or co pays higher yearly thresholds in overall out of pocket costs.

I don't know what is so hard for you and those like you ( unless you don't want to) to understand- the law was intended to squeeze the balloon and shift money/costs from one grp. of folks ot another

- the 50 somethings that make more than 4 times the poverty line and don't qualify for subsides were designed to be pushed into other plans that would make them in effect pay more ;

the game being hay we have upgraded your policy you get mental health coverage or maternity/pediatrics or some such ( for them useless coverage) now, it matters not that they may be of sound mind and are past child baring years and don't even dream of having children, the admin knows they will not use this care, so they transfer their payment- the point in this whole Health Care "Reform" is for them via "Reform" a transfer to pay for the subsidies for those who get them....

This is exactly the way it was intended to happen. Now, you may agree with this transfer and "reform" but don't pretend thats not whats being done and willfully. Its the only way to keep Obamacare "budget neutral".

And of course if the folks are happy with what they have, your answer is, well but they will be happier if they just stfu and move on to a plan that we say they need....again if you agree that thats the way gov. should work, fine, but again, don't tell me thats not whats happening and not what was intended , it was.

Oh and And the "wealthy are outraged", I love how you add that to make this the usual class warfare issue, a couple living in SF making over 80K are rich? :rolleyes: so if they get screwed, oh well, they're 'rich', let them squeal.....:lol:
If maternity coverage was optional in the law, women that were post menopausal, on birth control, women who couldn't have children, and women committed to celibacy would reject maternity coverage and rates would be sky high for women that are likely to bear children. This is exactly what happened in the individual insurance plans for singles. In many parts of the country individual insurance that covered maternity was not even offered because of the cost.

The average cost of childbirth including prenatal care in the US was billed at $30,000. For many women without maternity coverage, abortion or skipping prenatal care was the only viable option, both being counter to the goals of the ACA.
Policies with less benefits are being cancelled and replaced or upgraded with policies with more benefits. Why should anyone be surprised. We've known policies would either be upgraded or replaced since the law was passed. The cost of the policies are based on the ones ability to pay. The wealthy are outraged of course. Cancellation letters before the ACA was certainly a reason to panic but not now. No one will be rejected that applies for coverage.

that not necessarily so, and in a lot of cases they trade off higher deductibles or co pays higher yearly thresholds in overall out of pocket costs.

I don't know what is so hard for you and those like you ( unless you don't want to) to understand- the law was intended to squeeze the balloon and shift money/costs from one grp. of folks ot another

- the 50 somethings that make more than 4 times the poverty line and don't qualify for subsides were designed to be pushed into other plans that would make them in effect pay more ;

the game being hay we have upgraded your policy you get mental health coverage or maternity/pediatrics or some such ( for them useless coverage) now, it matters not that they may be of sound mind and are past child baring years and don't even dream of having children, the admin knows they will not use this care, so they transfer their payment- the point in this whole Health Care "Reform" is for them via "Reform" a transfer to pay for the subsidies for those who get them....

This is exactly the way it was intended to happen. Now, you may agree with this transfer and "reform" but don't pretend thats not whats being done and willfully. Its the only way to keep Obamacare "budget neutral".

And of course if the folks are happy with what they have, your answer is, well but they will be happier if they just stfu and move on to a plan that we say they need....again if you agree that thats the way gov. should work, fine, but again, don't tell me thats not whats happening and not what was intended , it was.

Oh and And the "wealthy are outraged", I love how you add that to make this the usual class warfare issue, a couple living in SF making over 80K are rich? :rolleyes: so if they get screwed, oh well, they're 'rich', let them squeal.....:lol:
If maternity coverage was optional in the law, women that were post menopausal, on birth control, women who couldn't have children, and women committed to celibacy would reject maternity coverage and rates would be sky high for women that are likely to bear children. This is exactly what happened in the individual insurance plans for singles. In many parts of the country individual insurance that covered maternity was not even offered because of the cost.

The average cost of childbirth including prenatal care in the US was billed at $30,000. For many women without maternity coverage, abortion or skipping prenatal care was the only viable option, both being counter to the goals of the ACA.


Why would men need maternity care as part of his insurance? Because as far as I can tell we don't have the equipment for that.

Kathleen Sebelius: ?Men often do need maternity care? - Washington Times
For Americans with insurance coverage who like what they have, they can keep it. Nothing in this act or anywhere in the bill forces anyone to change the insurance they have, period.
And that is a true statement. The law did not require insurance companies to update or cancel their current plans to meet the requirements of the ACA.

There are many plans that don't meet ACA requirements and are being grandfathered, not canceled. Other plans are being updated rather than cancelled. Still others are being cancelled and being replaced with ACA compliant plans. These are business decisions made by insurance companies, not the government.
ALL Obama had going for him were words.

That's what his career was built on. Speeches.

When those speeches turn out to be rot, there is nothing left of Obama. He was a phenomenon of style with no substance. But his sycophantic zombie supporters will apparently still follow him to the ends of the earth.

Très bizarre.

yep, he had no experience in anything else but being a blowhard community Agitator....so he became our Country Agitator is all and it hasn't been pretty... but the majority have now woken up to all his BS...hopefully enough so they stop him hurting us anymore
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Policies with less benefits are being cancelled and replaced or upgraded with policies with more benefits. Why should anyone be surprised. We've known policies would either be upgraded or replaced since the law was passed. The cost of the policies are based on the ones ability to pay. The wealthy are outraged of course. Cancellation letters before the ACA was certainly a reason to panic but not now. No one will be rejected that applies for coverage.

that not necessarily so, and in a lot of cases they trade off higher deductibles or co pays higher yearly thresholds in overall out of pocket costs.

I don't know what is so hard for you and those like you ( unless you don't want to) to understand- the law was intended to squeeze the balloon and shift money/costs from one grp. of folks ot another

- the 50 somethings that make more than 4 times the poverty line and don't qualify for subsides were designed to be pushed into other plans that would make them in effect pay more ;

the game being hay we have upgraded your policy you get mental health coverage or maternity/pediatrics or some such ( for them useless coverage) now, it matters not that they may be of sound mind and are past child baring years and don't even dream of having children, the admin knows they will not use this care, so they transfer their payment- the point in this whole Health Care "Reform" is for them via "Reform" a transfer to pay for the subsidies for those who get them....

This is exactly the way it was intended to happen. Now, you may agree with this transfer and "reform" but don't pretend thats not whats being done and willfully. Its the only way to keep Obamacare "budget neutral".

And of course if the folks are happy with what they have, your answer is, well but they will be happier if they just stfu and move on to a plan that we say they need....again if you agree that thats the way gov. should work, fine, but again, don't tell me thats not whats happening and not what was intended , it was.

Oh and And the "wealthy are outraged", I love how you add that to make this the usual class warfare issue, a couple living in SF making over 80K are rich? :rolleyes: so if they get screwed, oh well, they're 'rich', let them squeal.....:lol:

If maternity coverage was optional in the law, women that were post menopausal, on birth control, women who couldn't have children, and women committed to celibacy would reject maternity coverage and rates would be sky high for women that are likely to bear children.


This is exactly what happened in the individual insurance plans for singles. In many parts of the country individual insurance that covered maternity was not even offered because of the cost.


The average cost of childbirth including prenatal care in the US was billed at $30,000. For many women without maternity coverage, abortion or skipping prenatal care was the only viable option, both being counter to the goals of the ACA.

:eusa_eh:dude, your 'information' was totally unnecessary, just spit it out for god sakes.....

what I said is correct; obama set it up for people to have to buy plans made more expensive by being encumbered with coverage they have NO NEED OF, so as to pay for those that get the subsidy (who, btw, may OR may not require it either) ......:rolleyes:
For Americans with insurance coverage who like what they have, they can keep it. Nothing in this act or anywhere in the bill forces anyone to change the insurance they have, period.
And that is a true statement. The law did not require insurance companies to update or cancel their current plans to meet the requirements of the ACA.

There are many plans that don't meet ACA requirements and are being grandfathered, not canceled. Other plans are being updated rather than cancelled. Still others are being cancelled and being replaced with ACA compliant plans. These are business decisions made by insurance companies, not the government.

either you really don't know much about this, or you have just posted a mischaracterization so huge, it reaches the level of a lie or ignorance on a huge scale.
Policies with less benefits are being cancelled and replaced or upgraded with policies with more benefits. Why should anyone be surprised. We've known policies would either be upgraded or replaced since the law was passed. The cost of the policies are based on the ones ability to pay. The wealthy are outraged of course. Cancellation letters before the ACA was certainly a reason to panic but not now. No one will be rejected that applies for coverage.

that not necessarily so, and in a lot of cases they trade off higher deductibles or co pays higher yearly thresholds in overall out of pocket costs.

I don't know what is so hard for you and those like you ( unless you don't want to) to understand- the law was intended to squeeze the balloon and shift money/costs from one grp. of folks ot another

- the 50 somethings that make more than 4 times the poverty line and don't qualify for subsides were designed to be pushed into other plans that would make them in effect pay more ;

the game being hay we have upgraded your policy you get mental health coverage or maternity/pediatrics or some such ( for them useless coverage) now, it matters not that they may be of sound mind and are past child baring years and don't even dream of having children, the admin knows they will not use this care, so they transfer their payment- the point in this whole Health Care "Reform" is for them via "Reform" a transfer to pay for the subsidies for those who get them....

This is exactly the way it was intended to happen. Now, you may agree with this transfer and "reform" but don't pretend thats not whats being done and willfully. Its the only way to keep Obamacare "budget neutral".

And of course if the folks are happy with what they have, your answer is, well but they will be happier if they just stfu and move on to a plan that we say they need....again if you agree that thats the way gov. should work, fine, but again, don't tell me thats not whats happening and not what was intended , it was.

Oh and And the "wealthy are outraged", I love how you add that to make this the usual class warfare issue, a couple living in SF making over 80K are rich? :rolleyes: so if they get screwed, oh well, they're 'rich', let them squeal.....:lol:
If maternity coverage was optional in the law, women that were post menopausal, on birth control, women who couldn't have children, and women committed to celibacy would reject maternity coverage and rates would be sky high for women that are likely to bear children. This is exactly what happened in the individual insurance plans for singles. In many parts of the country individual insurance that covered maternity was not even offered because of the cost.

The average cost of childbirth including prenatal care in the US was billed at $30,000. For many women without maternity coverage, abortion or skipping prenatal care was the only viable option, both being counter to the goals of the ACA.

So sad, people actually paying for what they want instead of being forced to pay for what the government says they have to have.

By the way, I notice you didn't mention all the men that opt out of maternity coverage under the old way. Or did you not know that that mandatory coverage forces you to buy maternity coverage?
For Americans with insurance coverage who like what they have, they can keep it. Nothing in this act or anywhere in the bill forces anyone to change the insurance they have, period.
And that is a true statement. The law did not require insurance companies to update or cancel their current plans to meet the requirements of the ACA.

There are many plans that don't meet ACA requirements and are being grandfathered, not canceled. Other plans are being updated rather than cancelled. Still others are being cancelled and being replaced with ACA compliant plans. These are business decisions made by insurance companies, not the government.

It is a lie, and Obama knew it was a lie when he said it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHCmpzPZJ1s]Obama Admits He Would Break His Promise... Before ObamaCare Passed - YouTube[/ame]

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