Obama Orders Climate Change Be Considered in Military Planning

Are you saying fossil fuels are a gift from God? What then is sunlight and wind? A commie plot?
I'm for all the above, renewables are decades away from being reliable and adequate... This is not fucking Star Trek
I see, so you think we should not lead development in a new emerging world-wide technology market? Just let China build all the factories and hold all the patents on technologies we know for a fact we will need in the future? That's right, let's just sit on our ass and buy it from the Chinese like we do everything else.
Not using resources that are easily at hand is retarded, renewables are decades away from being reliable and adequate. But no, fucking tree huggers want to destroy grear paying jobs On some fucked up theory some suck ass kiss ass politician came up with.
Fossil fuels are harder to gain access to than sunlight and wind, it also seems to be in places where people hate us. No one is ever going fight a war for sunlight or put an embargo on the wind.
Well Barrys EPA BULLSHIT shut down most of Wyomings coal fields. Super easy access to, outstanding paying jobs, and in the area where no one gives a shit. Now those people are looking for jobs that don't pay worth a shit. Renewable energy jobs don't pay jack shit.
LOL coal. The industry has been in decline since long before you ever even heard of Obama.
I'm for all the above, renewables are decades away from being reliable and adequate... This is not fucking Star Trek
I see, so you think we should not lead development in a new emerging world-wide technology market? Just let China build all the factories and hold all the patents on technologies we know for a fact we will need in the future? That's right, let's just sit on our ass and buy it from the Chinese like we do everything else.
Not using resources that are easily at hand is retarded, renewables are decades away from being reliable and adequate. But no, fucking tree huggers want to destroy grear paying jobs On some fucked up theory some suck ass kiss ass politician came up with.
Fossil fuels are harder to gain access to than sunlight and wind, it also seems to be in places where people hate us. No one is ever going fight a war for sunlight or put an embargo on the wind.
Well Barrys EPA BULLSHIT shut down most of Wyomings coal fields. Super easy access to, outstanding paying jobs, and in the area where no one gives a shit. Now those people are looking for jobs that don't pay worth a shit. Renewable energy jobs don't pay jack shit.

Actually, from what I've heard from others, the wind farms up here in the TX panhandle pay a pretty decent wage.

And if you're working on a wind farm instead of working in a coal mine, you don't have to worry about cave in's or contracting black lung.

And...............you might want to check out solar panel prices sometime. You can pick one up for around 30 bucks in the stores that will charge your cell phone in about 2 hours.

You can pick up panels that will provide enough power for an average size house for around 9,000, and that is with battery storage.
That's fine It should be personal choice, if someone wants to burn all the fossil fuels They want to and can afford it fine. If someone wants to live off 100% renewable shit that's fine too. Pro-choice man
I'm for all the above, renewables are decades away from being reliable and adequate... This is not fucking Star Trek
I see, so you think we should not lead development in a new emerging world-wide technology market? Just let China build all the factories and hold all the patents on technologies we know for a fact we will need in the future? That's right, let's just sit on our ass and buy it from the Chinese like we do everything else.
Not using resources that are easily at hand is retarded, renewables are decades away from being reliable and adequate. But no, fucking tree huggers want to destroy grear paying jobs On some fucked up theory some suck ass kiss ass politician came up with.
Fossil fuels are harder to gain access to than sunlight and wind, it also seems to be in places where people hate us. No one is ever going fight a war for sunlight or put an embargo on the wind.
Well Barrys EPA BULLSHIT shut down most of Wyomings coal fields. Super easy access to, outstanding paying jobs, and in the area where no one gives a shit. Now those people are looking for jobs that don't pay worth a shit. Renewable energy jobs don't pay jack shit.
LOL coal. The industry has been in decline since long before you ever even heard of Obama.
No reason not to use coal, it makes a lot of people a lot of money including all the employees starting out it's easy to make six figures.
I see, so you think we should not lead development in a new emerging world-wide technology market? Just let China build all the factories and hold all the patents on technologies we know for a fact we will need in the future? That's right, let's just sit on our ass and buy it from the Chinese like we do everything else.
Not using resources that are easily at hand is retarded, renewables are decades away from being reliable and adequate. But no, fucking tree huggers want to destroy grear paying jobs On some fucked up theory some suck ass kiss ass politician came up with.
Fossil fuels are harder to gain access to than sunlight and wind, it also seems to be in places where people hate us. No one is ever going fight a war for sunlight or put an embargo on the wind.
Well Barrys EPA BULLSHIT shut down most of Wyomings coal fields. Super easy access to, outstanding paying jobs, and in the area where no one gives a shit. Now those people are looking for jobs that don't pay worth a shit. Renewable energy jobs don't pay jack shit.

Actually, from what I've heard from others, the wind farms up here in the TX panhandle pay a pretty decent wage.

And if you're working on a wind farm instead of working in a coal mine, you don't have to worry about cave in's or contracting black lung.

And...............you might want to check out solar panel prices sometime. You can pick one up for around 30 bucks in the stores that will charge your cell phone in about 2 hours.

You can pick up panels that will provide enough power for an average size house for around 9,000, and that is with battery storage.
That's fine It should be personal choice, if someone wants to burn all the fossil fuels They want to and can afford it fine. If someone wants to live off 100% renewable shit that's fine too. Pro-choice man
Ridiculous, no one gets to choose where their power comes from. Even people with solar have to sell it all to the utility and then buy it back.
Not using resources that are easily at hand is retarded, renewables are decades away from being reliable and adequate. But no, fucking tree huggers want to destroy grear paying jobs On some fucked up theory some suck ass kiss ass politician came up with.
Fossil fuels are harder to gain access to than sunlight and wind, it also seems to be in places where people hate us. No one is ever going fight a war for sunlight or put an embargo on the wind.
Well Barrys EPA BULLSHIT shut down most of Wyomings coal fields. Super easy access to, outstanding paying jobs, and in the area where no one gives a shit. Now those people are looking for jobs that don't pay worth a shit. Renewable energy jobs don't pay jack shit.

Actually, from what I've heard from others, the wind farms up here in the TX panhandle pay a pretty decent wage.

And if you're working on a wind farm instead of working in a coal mine, you don't have to worry about cave in's or contracting black lung.

And...............you might want to check out solar panel prices sometime. You can pick one up for around 30 bucks in the stores that will charge your cell phone in about 2 hours.

You can pick up panels that will provide enough power for an average size house for around 9,000, and that is with battery storage.
That's fine It should be personal choice, if someone wants to burn all the fossil fuels They want to and can afford it fine. If someone wants to live off 100% renewable shit that's fine too. Pro-choice man
Ridiculous, no one gets to choose where their power comes from. Even people with solar have to sell it all to the utility and then buy it back.
You missed my point, it should be up to the people of each state what type of energy they want to use… The 10th amendment that the federal government seems to ignore would help on this.
You know what I saw on the BBC last night? They were talking about China and what they were doing about climate change and pollution.

One of their solutions was to build THOUSANDS of windmills all over the country and plug them into the grid, so that's what they did.

Only thing is, they kept all of the coal plants running, and even built more.

Today? They have to shut off parts of their grid because they are producing too much power, and 15 percent of the grid is shut off at any one time so they don't overload it.

Know what the first one to get shut down is whenever the grid is full? The brand new windmills they just bought (which are now producing power from a free source rather than coal which has to be bought).

Face it................until the older generation lets go of fossil fuels, we're going to continue to use them, even though wind and solar have come down to competitive levels with LNG and coal.
We have the same problem here. Our grid is antiquated to the point of absurdity yet we have so much excess generation capability that some systems have to pay wind farms to idle their machines or give it away for free because we have no means to store energy or transmit it very far. We need a better electrical grid but modernization could make energy generation way too cheap to so how do we pay for a modern grid?
Well the tree huggers should pay for a new grid then if they think it's the right thing...
It ain't just the "tree huggers". Anyone who sells energy would like to be able to sell it anywhere there is a market for it, there is just a debate on how to recoup an investment that could make electrical power cheap as hell. I know you don't care if it's clean energy but do you have something against cheap energy?
Like I said I am for all the above, but the EPA makes cheap energy expensive for no reason other than theories.
If someone wants to use all the energy they want and can afford it fine. If someone wants to save on all energy they want fine. It's a personal thing none of the governments business…

Many people in Louisiana - a red state - agree with you.

"Government ain't the boss of me!"

But then they had historic floods, and they begged the federal government for help.

Even worse: Individual home owners who didn't have flood insurance begged government for relief.

People tend to hate government until they need it.

But to your point. The government has a role to play in energy when it impacts national security. They also spend trillions of dollars stabilizing the middle east so our economy and its citizens can have reliable energy. To say government has nothing to do with global energy access is false - unless you want to hire an army and stabilize the middle east yourself.

Government is a an incompetent disorganized mess, but it seems like you lack basic information about what it does for you, especially the Pentagon.
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I see, so you think we should not lead development in a new emerging world-wide technology market? Just let China build all the factories and hold all the patents on technologies we know for a fact we will need in the future? That's right, let's just sit on our ass and buy it from the Chinese like we do everything else.
Not using resources that are easily at hand is retarded, renewables are decades away from being reliable and adequate. But no, fucking tree huggers want to destroy grear paying jobs On some fucked up theory some suck ass kiss ass politician came up with.
Fossil fuels are harder to gain access to than sunlight and wind, it also seems to be in places where people hate us. No one is ever going fight a war for sunlight or put an embargo on the wind.
Well Barrys EPA BULLSHIT shut down most of Wyomings coal fields. Super easy access to, outstanding paying jobs, and in the area where no one gives a shit. Now those people are looking for jobs that don't pay worth a shit. Renewable energy jobs don't pay jack shit.
LOL coal. The industry has been in decline since long before you ever even heard of Obama.
No reason not to use coal, it makes a lot of people a lot of money including all the employees starting out it's easy to make six figures.

The market has spoken. Big coal, instead of trying to make themselves cleaner and more efficient, had to be forced every step of the way to quit polluting so much and to make their workers safer. They never really even tried to not be the most polluting thing on the planet. Things never last forever, innovate or die has been the rule in business forever.
Fossil fuels are harder to gain access to than sunlight and wind, it also seems to be in places where people hate us. No one is ever going fight a war for sunlight or put an embargo on the wind.
Well Barrys EPA BULLSHIT shut down most of Wyomings coal fields. Super easy access to, outstanding paying jobs, and in the area where no one gives a shit. Now those people are looking for jobs that don't pay worth a shit. Renewable energy jobs don't pay jack shit.

Actually, from what I've heard from others, the wind farms up here in the TX panhandle pay a pretty decent wage.

And if you're working on a wind farm instead of working in a coal mine, you don't have to worry about cave in's or contracting black lung.

And...............you might want to check out solar panel prices sometime. You can pick one up for around 30 bucks in the stores that will charge your cell phone in about 2 hours.

You can pick up panels that will provide enough power for an average size house for around 9,000, and that is with battery storage.
That's fine It should be personal choice, if someone wants to burn all the fossil fuels They want to and can afford it fine. If someone wants to live off 100% renewable shit that's fine too. Pro-choice man
Ridiculous, no one gets to choose where their power comes from. Even people with solar have to sell it all to the utility and then buy it back.
You missed my point, it should be up to the people of each state what type of energy they want to use… The 10th amendment that the federal government seems to ignore would help on this.
If you think about it long enough you just might realize why that's a silly idea. Hint: We have a national power grid. I'm going to bed.
You know what I saw on the BBC last night? They were talking about China and what they were doing about climate change and pollution.

One of their solutions was to build THOUSANDS of windmills all over the country and plug them into the grid, so that's what they did.

Only thing is, they kept all of the coal plants running, and even built more.

Today? They have to shut off parts of their grid because they are producing too much power, and 15 percent of the grid is shut off at any one time so they don't overload it.

Know what the first one to get shut down is whenever the grid is full? The brand new windmills they just bought (which are now producing power from a free source rather than coal which has to be bought).

Face it................until the older generation lets go of fossil fuels, we're going to continue to use them, even though wind and solar have come down to competitive levels with LNG and coal.
We have the same problem here. Our grid is antiquated to the point of absurdity yet we have so much excess generation capability that some systems have to pay wind farms to idle their machines or give it away for free because we have no means to store energy or transmit it very far. We need a better electrical grid but modernization could make energy generation way too cheap to so how do we pay for a modern grid?
Tax the rich and giant corps their fair share and work on it for 20 years. This is what greedy idiot Reaganism has got us. Trump and the New bs GOP want to double down.
Fossil fuels are harder to gain access to than sunlight and wind, it also seems to be in places where people hate us. No one is ever going fight a war for sunlight or put an embargo on the wind.
Well Barrys EPA BULLSHIT shut down most of Wyomings coal fields. Super easy access to, outstanding paying jobs, and in the area where no one gives a shit. Now those people are looking for jobs that don't pay worth a shit. Renewable energy jobs don't pay jack shit.

Actually, from what I've heard from others, the wind farms up here in the TX panhandle pay a pretty decent wage.

And if you're working on a wind farm instead of working in a coal mine, you don't have to worry about cave in's or contracting black lung.

And...............you might want to check out solar panel prices sometime. You can pick one up for around 30 bucks in the stores that will charge your cell phone in about 2 hours.

You can pick up panels that will provide enough power for an average size house for around 9,000, and that is with battery storage.
That's fine It should be personal choice, if someone wants to burn all the fossil fuels They want to and can afford it fine. If someone wants to live off 100% renewable shit that's fine too. Pro-choice man
Ridiculous, no one gets to choose where their power comes from. Even people with solar have to sell it all to the utility and then buy it back.
You missed my point, it should be up to the people of each state what type of energy they want to use… The 10th amendment that the federal government seems to ignore would help on this.

Not as easy as you think..................there are lots of by products that are produced by burning fossil fuels. And, I don't really think that the states are going to be able to prevent their pollution from traveling into other states. We can't even stop pollution from going interstate because of our rivers.

What would your solution be if a coal fired powerplant in Kentucky ended up polluting water that flowed through Tennessee?
Plenty of money to be made in alt energy. What's so great about pollution?
Fossil fuel bigots, not burning stuff for energy just seems wrong to them.
Fossil fuels were put on this earth to burn, quit your whining
Are you saying fossil fuels are a gift from God? What then is sunlight and wind? A commie plot?
I'm for all the above, renewables are decades away from being reliable and adequate... This is not fucking Star Trek

No the far left has yet to figure out how to tax the "renewable" energies.

The taxes collected on gas goes to pay for the roads, if you get rid of fossil fuels, what will pay for the roads?
Silly ass. Simple and reliable formula. Whenever you license your vehicle, you pay a road tax based on mileage and weight. With appropriate penalties for altering the mileage meter. Now what was so hard about figuring out that?
Fossil fuel bigots, not burning stuff for energy just seems wrong to them.
Fossil fuels were put on this earth to burn, quit your whining
Are you saying fossil fuels are a gift from God? What then is sunlight and wind? A commie plot?
I'm for all the above, renewables are decades away from being reliable and adequate... This is not fucking Star Trek

No the far left has yet to figure out how to tax the "renewable" energies.

The taxes collected on gas goes to pay for the roads, if you get rid of fossil fuels, what will pay for the roads?
Silly ass. Simple and reliable formula. Whenever you license your vehicle, you pay a road tax based on mileage and weight. With appropriate penalties for altering the mileage meter. Now what was so hard about figuring out that?
How about we cut taxes and just grow revenue.....
Ah yes, cut taxes and grow revenue. The last Republican President tried that. And we saw how well it worked in 2008. And President Clinton raised taxes in 1993, you people stated that he would ruin the economy, and the economy took off with a roar.
Fossil fuel bigots, not burning stuff for energy just seems wrong to them.
Fossil fuels were put on this earth to burn, quit your whining
Are you saying fossil fuels are a gift from God? What then is sunlight and wind? A commie plot?
I'm for all the above, renewables are decades away from being reliable and adequate... This is not fucking Star Trek

No the far left has yet to figure out how to tax the "renewable" energies.

The taxes collected on gas goes to pay for the roads, if you get rid of fossil fuels, what will pay for the roads?
Silly ass. Simple and reliable formula. Whenever you license your vehicle, you pay a road tax based on mileage and weight. With appropriate penalties for altering the mileage meter. Now what was so hard about figuring out that?

Yes we know the far left wants to know every action you make in your vehicle.

And that is also an invasion of privacy, but who cares about that when you are pushing a religious agenda!
Well Barrys EPA BULLSHIT shut down most of Wyomings coal fields. Super easy access to, outstanding paying jobs, and in the area where no one gives a shit. Now those people are looking for jobs that don't pay worth a shit. Renewable energy jobs don't pay jack shit.

Actually, from what I've heard from others, the wind farms up here in the TX panhandle pay a pretty decent wage.

And if you're working on a wind farm instead of working in a coal mine, you don't have to worry about cave in's or contracting black lung.

And...............you might want to check out solar panel prices sometime. You can pick one up for around 30 bucks in the stores that will charge your cell phone in about 2 hours.

You can pick up panels that will provide enough power for an average size house for around 9,000, and that is with battery storage.
That's fine It should be personal choice, if someone wants to burn all the fossil fuels They want to and can afford it fine. If someone wants to live off 100% renewable shit that's fine too. Pro-choice man
Ridiculous, no one gets to choose where their power comes from. Even people with solar have to sell it all to the utility and then buy it back.
You missed my point, it should be up to the people of each state what type of energy they want to use… The 10th amendment that the federal government seems to ignore would help on this.

Not as easy as you think..................there are lots of by products that are produced by burning fossil fuels. And, I don't really think that the states are going to be able to prevent their pollution from traveling into other states. We can't even stop pollution from going interstate because of our rivers.

What would your solution be if a coal fired powerplant in Kentucky ended up polluting water that flowed through Tennessee?
You're arrogant to think that man can change the environment.
Actually, from what I've heard from others, the wind farms up here in the TX panhandle pay a pretty decent wage.

And if you're working on a wind farm instead of working in a coal mine, you don't have to worry about cave in's or contracting black lung.

And...............you might want to check out solar panel prices sometime. You can pick one up for around 30 bucks in the stores that will charge your cell phone in about 2 hours.

You can pick up panels that will provide enough power for an average size house for around 9,000, and that is with battery storage.
That's fine It should be personal choice, if someone wants to burn all the fossil fuels They want to and can afford it fine. If someone wants to live off 100% renewable shit that's fine too. Pro-choice man
Ridiculous, no one gets to choose where their power comes from. Even people with solar have to sell it all to the utility and then buy it back.
You missed my point, it should be up to the people of each state what type of energy they want to use… The 10th amendment that the federal government seems to ignore would help on this.

Not as easy as you think..................there are lots of by products that are produced by burning fossil fuels. And, I don't really think that the states are going to be able to prevent their pollution from traveling into other states. We can't even stop pollution from going interstate because of our rivers.

What would your solution be if a coal fired powerplant in Kentucky ended up polluting water that flowed through Tennessee?
You're arrogant to think that man can change the environment.

What's a city, a dam, farm land, cleared forests , drained swamps, over hunting and fishing, irrigation, etc. We change the environment every day.
I'm so old I remember when the goal of the military was to destroy the enemy.

Obama orders climate change be considered in military planning
If you weren't such a stupid fuck, the reason would be obvious. A rising sea level is going to displace a lot of people, and there are going to be millions of refugees. Changes in climate mean changes in rainfall patterns, and have the potential to lead to wars over water. It is the job of our military to consider the consequences of whatever is happening in our world, political and physical, and what the results could be in reference to threats to our nation.
Thanks for the Onion news flash. You're hysterical.

Tell us, since most of Florida is less than a hundred feet elevation, has Cape Canaveral moved yet?


USA - Tidal Flood Events in Miami Beach Increased by 400 Percent in 10 Years - FloodList

A new study by a team of scientists has found that tidal flooding in Miami Beach has increased by 400% in the last decade. Rain induced flood events have also increased significantly.

The University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science-led study found that Miami Beach flood events have significantly increased due to an acceleration of sea-level rise in South Florida.

Our analysis indicates that significant changes in flooding frequency occurred after 2006, in which rain-induced events increased by 33% and tide-induced events increased by more than 400%
2014: Obummer.

2004, from your link:
"Climate change over the next 20 years could result in a global catastrophe costing millions of lives in wars and natural disasters.."

It's been 12 years, where are the global catastrophes, millions of dead bodies?

"A secret report, suppressed by US defence chiefs and obtained by The Observer, warns that major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a 'Siberian' climate by 2020. Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world."

Secret report with no links to the report. Fiction. And only 3 more years and the U.K. will be buried in permafrost!

What a hoot, thanks for the links.

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