Obama Orders Climate Change Be Considered in Military Planning

Yappy yap yap. And every one of the Scientific Societies, every one of the National Academies of Science of all the nations of the world, and all the major Universities state that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. And you have the balls to believe you know better than all the scientists from the many different nations on this planet that have studied the subject for decades. You are an idiot.

The effects of the warming are already evident in extreme weather events, in the melting of the cryosphere, in the increasing acidity of the oceans.
Again you're battling strawmen and losing.
No one denies global warming exists. We all enjoy the Great Lakes and Yosemite thanks to it.

You mean those toxic algae blooms that have happened in the Great Lakes for the past 3 years due to the lakes being warmer, or are you talking about the fact that the waterfalls in Yosemite are drying up earlier and earlier each year?

THOSE Great Lakes and Yosemite?

Yappy yap yap. And every one of the Scientific Societies, every one of the National Academies of Science of all the nations of the world, and all the major Universities state that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. And you have the balls to believe you know better than all the scientists from the many different nations on this planet that have studied the subject for decades. You are an idiot.

The effects of the warming are already evident in extreme weather events, in the melting of the cryosphere, in the increasing acidity of the oceans.
Again you're battling strawmen and losing.
No one denies global warming exists. We all enjoy the Great Lakes and Yosemite thanks to it.

You mean those toxic algae blooms that have happened in the Great Lakes for the past 3 years due to the lakes being warmer, or are you talking about the fact that the waterfalls in Yosemite are drying up earlier and earlier each year?

THOSE Great Lakes and Yosemite?
Yeah, the Great Lakes and Yosemite that did not exist 12,000 years ago. Fortunately Fred Flinstone never carpooled and we can now enjoy those ice free places.

I guess you missed the part that because it's getting warmer that Yosemite is drying up earlier and earlier each year, as well as the fact that the Great Lakes have turned toxic for several weeks each year for the past 3 years because they were too warm and lots of chemical crap was being dumped into them.
Yeah, a 5 year drought would have nothing to do with it.
It's a good thing Democrats are spending billions on a train to no where instead of desalinization plants.

Oh, you mean the driest period in 1,000 years?
I'm so old I remember when the goal of the military was to destroy the enemy.

Obama orders climate change be considered in military planning
If you weren't such a stupid fuck, the reason would be obvious. A rising sea level is going to displace a lot of people, and there are going to be millions of refugees. Changes in climate mean changes in rainfall patterns, and have the potential to lead to wars over water. It is the job of our military to consider the consequences of whatever is happening in our world, political and physical, and what the results could be in reference to threats to our nation.
Thanks for the Onion news flash. You're hysterical.

Tell us, since most of Florida is less than a hundred feet elevation, has Cape Canaveral moved yet?


USA - Tidal Flood Events in Miami Beach Increased by 400 Percent in 10 Years - FloodList

A new study by a team of scientists has found that tidal flooding in Miami Beach has increased by 400% in the last decade. Rain induced flood events have also increased significantly.

The University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science-led study found that Miami Beach flood events have significantly increased due to an acceleration of sea-level rise in South Florida.

Our analysis indicates that significant changes in flooding frequency occurred after 2006, in which rain-induced events increased by 33% and tide-induced events increased by more than 400%
Only south Florida has rising oceans? How does that work?

BTW - your study uses insurance data to draw it conclusions. Higher housing costs + more homes on the beach = bullshit study.
Again you're battling strawmen and losing.
No one denies global warming exists. We all enjoy the Great Lakes and Yosemite thanks to it.

You mean those toxic algae blooms that have happened in the Great Lakes for the past 3 years due to the lakes being warmer, or are you talking about the fact that the waterfalls in Yosemite are drying up earlier and earlier each year?

THOSE Great Lakes and Yosemite?

Again you're battling strawmen and losing.
No one denies global warming exists. We all enjoy the Great Lakes and Yosemite thanks to it.

You mean those toxic algae blooms that have happened in the Great Lakes for the past 3 years due to the lakes being warmer, or are you talking about the fact that the waterfalls in Yosemite are drying up earlier and earlier each year?

THOSE Great Lakes and Yosemite?
Yeah, the Great Lakes and Yosemite that did not exist 12,000 years ago. Fortunately Fred Flinstone never carpooled and we can now enjoy those ice free places.

I guess you missed the part that because it's getting warmer that Yosemite is drying up earlier and earlier each year, as well as the fact that the Great Lakes have turned toxic for several weeks each year for the past 3 years because they were too warm and lots of chemical crap was being dumped into them.
Yeah, a 5 year drought would have nothing to do with it.
It's a good thing Democrats are spending billions on a train to no where instead of desalinization plants.

Oh, you mean the driest period in 1,000 years?
Calif is in the driest period in a thousand years!? What a hoot. Tell us more.
Again you're battling strawmen and losing.
No one denies global warming exists. We all enjoy the Great Lakes and Yosemite thanks to it.

You mean those toxic algae blooms that have happened in the Great Lakes for the past 3 years due to the lakes being warmer, or are you talking about the fact that the waterfalls in Yosemite are drying up earlier and earlier each year?

THOSE Great Lakes and Yosemite?

Again you're battling strawmen and losing.
No one denies global warming exists. We all enjoy the Great Lakes and Yosemite thanks to it.

You mean those toxic algae blooms that have happened in the Great Lakes for the past 3 years due to the lakes being warmer, or are you talking about the fact that the waterfalls in Yosemite are drying up earlier and earlier each year?

THOSE Great Lakes and Yosemite?
Yeah, the Great Lakes and Yosemite that did not exist 12,000 years ago. Fortunately Fred Flinstone never carpooled and we can now enjoy those ice free places.

I guess you missed the part that because it's getting warmer that Yosemite is drying up earlier and earlier each year, as well as the fact that the Great Lakes have turned toxic for several weeks each year for the past 3 years because they were too warm and lots of chemical crap was being dumped into them.
Yeah, a 5 year drought would have nothing to do with it.
It's a good thing Democrats are spending billions on a train to no where instead of desalinization plants.

Oh, you mean the driest period in 1,000 years?
Oh, you mean the driest period in 1,000 years?


The left never let the facts get in their way.
2014: Obummer.

2004, from your link:
"Climate change over the next 20 years could result in a global catastrophe costing millions of lives in wars and natural disasters.."

It's been 12 years, where are the global catastrophes, millions of dead bodies?

"A secret report, suppressed by US defence chiefs and obtained by The Observer, warns that major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a 'Siberian' climate by 2020. Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world."

Secret report with no links to the report. Fiction. And only 3 more years and the U.K. will be buried in permafrost!

What a hoot, thanks for the links.

They were analyzing the threat even then. This is nothing new and certainly not by Obama's design.
Climate induced migration can magnify tension in the world - especially if it involves the collision of different ethnicities and religions. Also... climate changes can cause access problems to water/food, which again can absolutely cause global tension.

The role of our defense agencies is not simply to assess the Iran threat but to assess any/all potential global problems that can result in human conflict/national security threats (short and long range).

This means our defense agencies also look at things like population growth in 3rd world countries, which itself increases migration pressure to the west (which amplifies ethnic tensions as say whites and Muslims are forced into compressed spaces. Adding a climate variable to this is reasonable when such a variable influences migration and resource competition).

The reason to build long range models of climate based migration & resource competition is that more information about global migration and resource access/competition is generally considered to be better than less information.

Consider what happened in the 70s when it was predicted that US Oil supplies were at their peak. Reagan's defense team, by the 80s, was well aware that the Middle East - based on scientific models of remaining LARGE oil fields - was going to become ground zero for resource competition. This finding was not only vital to our economic survival, but it set the context for the coming global conflict (between the west and Islam). So of course, the Pentagon has scientific models for assessing all the variable that affect access to energy.

FYI: your views & mine are closer than you think when it comes to the idea of "fighting climate change." Even if human activity was amplifying these changes (which I know you don't concede), I believe any government-lead intervention would make things worse. Any attempt to limit carbon emissions must be market based. It must be affordable for Byers and profitable for suppliers, otherwise we will lack the incentive structure for doing it.

However, when it comes to merely creating scientific models for evaluating global migration & conflict patterns, I'm for more rather than less information. Respectfully.
I'll ask again. Where are nations rattling Sabres because of climate change?
WhoTF said anything about that? We're talking about "considering" contingency plans,,,
OP is about military planning and climate change, dufus. Military only plans where war is a possibility. I can guarantee you there is no war plan with Canada.

So what nations show signs of going to war due to climate change?

obozo does not want us dropping bombs that might send evil clouds of debris into the air and destroy the earth for the future of mankind. But its OK for radical muslims to blow up whatever they want including oil wells and nuclear facilities.

said another way, Obama is a dipshit of the highest order.
You waste the pixels posting that shit and you call Obama a dipshit?
American conservatives are the only group of people in the world who does not think climate change is real. Every other country in the world is making worst case contingency plans for the expected impacts climate change will have, in the meantime conservatives would ignore this potential danger no matter the cost just to spite the liberals. It is also a sure thing that on the day it is finally obvious to even the densest denier that the climate is in flux that asshole will open his retarded mouth and blame liberals for the whole thing.

LOL. climate data collected by NASA, NOAA, and others PROVES that the acts of man are not changing the climate of our planet. The polar ice caps are growing, not shrinking as the prophet algore predicted.

Yes, the climate of earth is changing, it has been changing for hundreds of millions of years and will be changing hundreds of millions of years from now. Man has never had anything to do with it.

Now, if you libs want a cause to rant and cry about, why not take on pollution of our air and water? You don't need to create a fake link to climate in order to take on pollution. how about it?
2014: Obummer.

2004, from your link:
"Climate change over the next 20 years could result in a global catastrophe costing millions of lives in wars and natural disasters.."

It's been 12 years, where are the global catastrophes, millions of dead bodies?

"A secret report, suppressed by US defence chiefs and obtained by The Observer, warns that major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a 'Siberian' climate by 2020. Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world."

Secret report with no links to the report. Fiction. And only 3 more years and the U.K. will be buried in permafrost!

What a hoot, thanks for the links.

They were analyzing the threat even then. This is nothing new and certainly not by Obama's design.
Military analyzes an alien attack too, doesn't mean anyone thinks its about to happen.

Now answer the questions. UK is to be covered in permafrost in 3 years, how's that going? Millions are supposed to be dead from climate change, where are the bodies?
Every other country in the world is making worst case contingency plans for the expected impacts climate change will have, in the meantime conservatives would ignore this
Every country in the world is expecting the US taxpayer to foot the bill to stop the warming. Pissing away our resources on a fools errand.
The people who bet on renewables are doing pretty good right now, how's that coal stock doing?
If you had read that correctly you would have noticed that it was more about Wall Street building a bubble around an emerging industry and doing it wrong. It brought up similarities to the dotcom bust that are valid, but here's the question: did the dotcom bust prove the internet was an awful idea that should be abandoned? Did people go running back to telephones, faxes and snail mail to communicate? No, renewable energy will eventually become a mature industry and we will all be better off.

once renewables become financially viable they will take off because of the human profit motive and free enterprise. The government only screws it up and makes it harder for entrepreneurs to come up with the technology and innovation.

Did the govt help Edison, Ford, Curie, Gates, Buffet? Get the govt off the backs of citizens and these things will happen fast.
2014: Obummer.

2004, from your link:
"Climate change over the next 20 years could result in a global catastrophe costing millions of lives in wars and natural disasters.."

It's been 12 years, where are the global catastrophes, millions of dead bodies?

"A secret report, suppressed by US defence chiefs and obtained by The Observer, warns that major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a 'Siberian' climate by 2020. Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world."

Secret report with no links to the report. Fiction. And only 3 more years and the U.K. will be buried in permafrost!

What a hoot, thanks for the links.

They were analyzing the threat even then. This is nothing new and certainly not by Obama's design.
Military analyzes an alien attack too, doesn't mean anyone thinks its about to happen.

Now answer the questions. UK is to be covered in permafrost in 3 years, how's that going? Millions are supposed to be dead from climate change, where are the bodies?

I think algore is storing them under is 20,000 sq ft mansion and in his private jet.
I'll ask again. Where are nations rattling Sabres because of climate change?
WhoTF said anything about that? We're talking about "considering" contingency plans,,,
OP is about military planning and climate change, dufus. Military only plans where war is a possibility. I can guarantee you there is no war plan with Canada.

So what nations show signs of going to war due to climate change?

obozo does not want us dropping bombs that might send evil clouds of debris into the air and destroy the earth for the future of mankind. But its OK for radical muslims to blow up whatever they want including oil wells and nuclear facilities.

said another way, Obama is a dipshit of the highest order.
You waste the pixels posting that shit and you call Obama a dipshit?
American conservatives are the only group of people in the world who does not think climate change is real. Every other country in the world is making worst case contingency plans for the expected impacts climate change will have, in the meantime conservatives would ignore this potential danger no matter the cost just to spite the liberals. It is also a sure thing that on the day it is finally obvious to even the densest denier that the climate is in flux that asshole will open his retarded mouth and blame liberals for the whole thing.

LOL. climate data collected by NASA, NOAA, and others PROVES that the acts of man are not changing the climate of our planet. The polar ice caps are growing, not shrinking as the prophet algore predicted.

Yes, the climate of earth is changing, it has been changing for hundreds of millions of years and will be changing hundreds of millions of years from now. Man has never had anything to do with it.

Now, if you libs want a cause to rant and cry about, why not take on pollution of our air and water? You don't need to create a fake link to climate in order to take on pollution. how about it?
Sure, whatever your bought off HS grad ex cokehead DJ pundits say. Don't worry that climatologists say it 95% chance man made and real duh...
Calif is in the driest period in a thousand years!?

That is all about HUMANS consuming TOO MUCH FRESH WATER from nature. The solution is DESALINATION of ocean water, but because the FRAUD keeps lying and blaming "warming," the desal is stalled...
Calif is in the driest period in a thousand years!?

That is all about HUMANS consuming TOO MUCH FRESH WATER from nature. The solution is DESALINATION of ocean water, but because the FRAUD keeps lying and blaming "warming," the desal is stalled...

desalination plants are producing millions of gallons of fresh water in the mid east every day.

But you are correct that man made global warming is a fraud and a hoax.
Calif is in the driest period in a thousand years!?

That is all about HUMANS consuming TOO MUCH FRESH WATER from nature. The solution is DESALINATION of ocean water, but because the FRAUD keeps lying and blaming "warming," the desal is stalled...
What humans consume, they excrete. They are finally looking at filtering waste water and injecting it into the water table here in Calif.
July 2016 was world's hottest month since records began, says Nasa ...
www.theguardian.com › Environment › Climate change
The Guardian
Aug 16, 2016 - As the string of hottest months continues, 2016 is 'virtually certain' to be the ... the past 14 months have broken the temperature record for each month, ... Hottest ever June marks 14thmonth of record-breaking temperatures.

Brainwashed functional morons everywhere.....

So you think think the earth is only 135 years old, figures you are more stupider then the 6,000 year old earth bible thumpers.
July 2016 was world's hottest month since records began, says Nasa ...
www.theguardian.com › Environment › Climate change
The Guardian
Aug 16, 2016 - As the string of hottest months continues, 2016 is 'virtually certain' to be the ... the past 14 months have broken the temperature record for each month, ... Hottest ever June marks 14thmonth of record-breaking temperatures.

Brainwashed functional morons everywhere.....

So you think think the earth is only 135 years old, figures you are more stupider then the 6,000 year old earth bible thumpers.
They have all kinds of other measurements going back millenia, ice cores tree rings, etc etc, dupe.
July 2016 was world's hottest month since records began, says Nasa ...
www.theguardian.com › Environment › Climate change
The Guardian
Aug 16, 2016 - As the string of hottest months continues, 2016 is 'virtually certain' to be the ... the past 14 months have broken the temperature record for each month, ... Hottest ever June marks 14thmonth of record-breaking temperatures.

Brainwashed functional morons everywhere.....

So you think think the earth is only 135 years old, figures you are more stupider then the 6,000 year old earth bible thumpers.
They have all kinds of other measurements going back millenia, ice cores tree rings, etc etc, dupe.

What was the temperature of Milwaukee 9/20/1235?
July 2016 was world's hottest month since records began, says Nasa ...
www.theguardian.com › Environment › Climate change
The Guardian
Aug 16, 2016 - As the string of hottest months continues, 2016 is 'virtually certain' to be the ... the past 14 months have broken the temperature record for each month, ... Hottest ever June marks 14thmonth of record-breaking temperatures.

Brainwashed functional morons everywhere.....

So you think think the earth is only 135 years old, figures you are more stupider then the 6,000 year old earth bible thumpers.
They have all kinds of other measurements going back millenia, ice cores tree rings, etc etc, dupe.
Tree rings and ice core samples tell you temperature? Since when?
Good, we need a plan to invade Canada when the lower 48 become a barren dessert.

And then of course to capture Antarctica when it becomes the last refuge for humanity itself .........

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