Obama: religious schools block lasting peace in Northern Ireland

Here is more religious bigotry and extremism from an Israeli rabbi:

Israeli Rabbi Indicted for Inciting Racism ? Forward.com

Ginzburgh’s book claims that the land of Israel belongs only to the children of Israel and that no non-Jew has the right to live in the area unless he is a convert or a righteous gentile. The book contains calls for the Arabs to be expelled from Israel and for the land to be “cleansed” of foreigners. It also calls on readers not to employ or trade with Arabs.

What does any of this have to do with Obama trashing Catholic schools in Ireland?
No, they don't. And again, you're trying to conflate Jews with Muslims. That's your dishonest agenda, and we can all see it. Hatred of Jews and non-Muslims is the NORM in Muslim majority societies, whereas there is no such equivalence in the Jewish world.

Yes, many Orthodox Jews have bigoted and extremist ideas.

Not all, but many. You're in total denial if you can't acknowledge this.

Or you know this is true, but simply don't want non-Jews to know this.

Its very arrogant to suggest that Muslims can be extremists, Christians can be extremists, but somehow......Orthodox Jews are immune from religious extremism and bigotry.

I never said Orthodox Jews were immune from bad ideas. They are human being, and therefore fallible. What I am rejecting is this label of "extremism" from you, when you would attach the same label to the Osama bin Ladens of the world. The worst orthodox Jew still isn't hijacking passenger airliners and flying them into high-rise buildings.

This assertion that many orthodox Jews are "bigoted and extremist" is also absurd, and quite telling of your own views. Not that it wasn't quite obvious before, but your hatred of Jews and Israel is now more apparent.
Here are some of the religious bigotry and extremism, from the revered rabbi Ovadia Yosef in Israel:

Ovadia Yosef - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In an October 2010 sermon, Yosef stated that "The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews". He said that Gentiles served a divine purpose: "Why are Gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why Gentiles were created."[36] In the same article on the Jerusalem Post, according to the journalist who interviewed him, Yosef compared Gentiles to donkeys whose life has the sole purpose to serve the master: “In Israel, death has no dominion over them... With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant... That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew."

"Gentiles were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel."[37]

Yosef's quote was in reference to the Sabbath, where Jews are prohibited from engaging in work. Obviously that context was dropped in order to create a false narrative of Yosef's imagined antipathy towards Gentiles.
I never said Orthodox Jews were immune from bad ideas. They are human being, and therefore fallible. What I am rejecting is this label of "extremism" from you, when you would attach the same label to the Osama bin Ladens of the world. The worst orthodox Jew still isn't hijacking passenger airliners and flying them into high-rise buildings.

This assertion that many orthodox Jews are "bigoted and extremist" is also absurd, and quite telling of your own views. Not that it wasn't quite obvious before, but your hatred of Jews and Israel is now more apparent.

The views of Avadia Yosef are extremist and bigoted.

As are those of the other rabbi I reported on.

These men do not exist in a vacuum.

Clearly, many Orthodox Jews hold extremist views. Just as many religious Muslims hold extremist views.

Are Jews committing terrorism because of these views? No, and I didn't suggest they were.

However it is ignorant of you to make believe Jewish extremism is some sort of wacky anomoly. With all religious belief comes extremism, and Orthodox Jews are not exempt from this.
Here is more religious bigotry and extremism from an Israeli rabbi:

Israeli Rabbi Indicted for Inciting Racism ? Forward.com

Ginzburgh’s book claims that the land of Israel belongs only to the children of Israel and that no non-Jew has the right to live in the area unless he is a convert or a righteous gentile. The book contains calls for the Arabs to be expelled from Israel and for the land to be “cleansed” of foreigners. It also calls on readers not to employ or trade with Arabs.

Oh great, a link to the communist Forward. I agree with most of the above sentiment. The land of Israel belongs to Jews. I also agree that Arabs must be removed as Jews were removed from Muslim-majority lands. It's time to return the favour and complete the population exchange in line with many examples of historical precedent. There's a big country called Jordan to our east where the "Palestinians" already comprise 80% of the population. Let them join their co-nationalists. I also prefer to do business with Jews over non-Jews, and when it comes to Israel this particularly relates to the Arabs who are overwhelmingly our enemies. Why should I support them if I have a Jewish alternative? To pursue some nonsensical communist vision of egalitarianism?
There's nothing bigoted about Yosef said. Again, he was referring to Shabbat. What about you, why do you hate Jews so much? Where did your bigotry and racism come from? Is it because you are a Marxist and want to unify humanity through the communist manifesto? I'm curious.
Yosef's quote was in reference to the Sabbath, where Jews are prohibited from engaging in work. Obviously that context was dropped in order to create a false narrative of Yosef's imagined antipathy towards Gentiles.

Oh, so his bigoted and hateful ideas are ok because they are only for the sabbath?

wow, you really are trying hard to make excuses for bigotry.

shame on you.
There's nothing bigoted about Yosef said...

There's nothing bigoted and extremist about saying that Gentiles were created for the sole purpose of serving and working for Jews?

wow. just wow.

are you a Jewish Supremacist?
Why is it that when Rabbis are accused of bigotry and extremism, with proof of their bigoted and extremists beliefs, someone comes along and accuses such acusations of being anti-Semitism?

Its anti-Semitic to expose bigotry and extremism of Orthodox Jews, in a thread that accuses all Muslim religious schools of being bigoted and extremist? Wow.
What about the 105 historically black colleges and universities we have in america that are almost exclusively black? If he opposes segregation why not scream about schools like Howard University right in DC?

Obama: 'If Catholics Have Their Schools and Buildings and Protestants Have Theirs ... That Encourages Division' | CNS News

June 19, 2013 - 12:36 PM

(CNSNews.com) - Likening religious schools to segregation--a racist system that forced blacks to attend different schools and use different facilities than whites in the American South--President Barack Obama told a town hall meeting for youth in Belfast, Northern Ireland on Monday that there should not be Catholic and Protestant schools because such schools cause division.

"Because issues like segregated schools and housing, lack of jobs and opportunity--symbols of history that are a source of pride for some and pain for others--these are not tangential to peace; they’re essential to it," said Obama. "If towns remain divided--if Catholics have their schools and buildings, and Protestants have theirs--if we can’t see ourselves in one another, if fear or resentment are allowed to harden, that encourages division. It discourages cooperation.
Why are you dodging the question? I'm asking you why you hate Jews. There must be some reason(s). Why can't you be honest about who you are and how you feel?
There's nothing bigoted about Yosef said. Again, he was referring to Shabbat...

I'm asking you why you hate Gentiles. There must be some reason(s). Why can't you be honest about who you are and how you feel?

I have Gentile friends and family members who I love. Why do you hate Jews? Are you jealous of Jewish achievement? Is if because of your communist ideology that you hate minority groups that don't fall in line?
I have Gentile friends and family members who I love. Why do you hate Jews? Are you jealous of Jewish achievement? Is if because of your communist ideology that you hate minority groups that don't fall in line?

Why do you hate Gentiles? Why do you believe its ok for Rabbis to say that the sole purpose Gentiles exist is to serve and work for Jews?

Is it because you believe in Jewish Supremacy and that non-Jews were created to make you happy?
Reading comprehension can be improved with practice, assuming you're willing to learn.
I have Gentile friends and family members who I love. Why do you hate Jews? Are you jealous of Jewish achievement? Is if because of your communist ideology that you hate minority groups that don't fall in line?

Why do you hate Gentiles? Why do you believe its ok for Rabbis to say that the sole purpose Gentiles exist is to serve and work for Jews?

Is it because you believe in Jewish Supremacy and that non-Jews were created to make you happy?

I knew I couldn't expect any honesty from you. Perhaps hating Jews gives you some sense of purpose in life. Sad.
I knew I couldn't expect any honesty from you. Perhaps hating Jews gives you some sense of purpose in life. Sad.

Says the guy who lives to hate Gentiles.

Your defense of anti-Gentile comments by Orthodox Rabbis should make you hang your head in shame. But instead you defend and excuse them.
Only the Haredi Jews preach extremism. They have been denounced by the rest of Judaism. A little tidbit.

Wrong. Many Orthodox Jews believe in and preach extremism and bigotry towards non-Jews.

Ive heard Orthodox Jews call other Jews "Goys" simply because they use profanity.

Ive hearrd Orthodox Jews say that when the Messiah comes, all Gentiles will be slaves to the Jews.

Ive heard Orthodox Jews say that the Germans are the descendents of the Amalakites and are too be forever punished.

Ive heard Orthodox Jews say that blacks are the descendents of Ham and Cain, and are forever punished by God and have the mark of Cain.

It goes on and on.

Are you serious?

"I've heard" does not qualify as a substantive explanation. Prove it. Your bigoted interpretation of the Jewish people is proof enough you have no idea what you're talking about. Only seriously malinformed individuals such as yourself give in to social stereotypes of other people.
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Only the Haredi Jews preach extremism. They have been denounced by the rest of Judaism. A little tidbit.

Wrong. Many Orthodox Jews believe in and preach extremism and bigotry towards non-Jews.

Ive heard Orthodox Jews call other Jews "Goys" simply because they use profanity.

Ive hearrd Orthodox Jews say that when the Messiah comes, all Gentiles will be slaves to the Jews.

Ive heard Orthodox Jews say that the Germans are the descendents of the Amalakites and are too be forever punished.

Ive heard Orthodox Jews say that blacks are the descendents of Ham and Cain, and are forever punished by God and have the mark of Cain.

It goes on and on.

Are you serious?

"I've heard" does not qualify as a substantive explanation. Prove it. Your bigoted interpretation of the Jewish people is proof enough you have no idea what you're talking about. Only seriously malinformed individuals such as yourself give in to social stereotypes of other people.

He's lying. He hasn't heard anything. He makes it up and then runs to Google to try and prove his claims. He hates Jews, while obfuscating for Islam and its relationship with contemporary terrorism.

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