Obama Target: Biggest U.S. Firms Park $1.2 Trillion in Profits Offshore

If you limit government to its constitutional role, there would be no need for high corporate taxes.

Big government created the problem. It is fruitless and stupid to think big government will solve it.
Obama targets big corporations. What else is new? The question is how he intends to ruin them. Democrats are all alike. If he can extort money he leaves them alone. Bill Clinton pardoned the most notorious corporate pirate in history for a donation to his library fund.

Shouldn't corporations pay at least the same effective tax as you?
Once he hits those he'll come after your savings, etc etc next...

cheer away

LOL. Look at this, our "Conservatives" cheering for the corperations that are clear tax cheats. All the while they cheer cutting food stamp allotment for a man out of work with a family to support.

One really has to wonder about all these "Conservatives". There oh so patriotic fellows cheer for the idea of states succeding from the Union. They use as avatars a fellow that defected to China and Russia, telling them all about our hacking methods. They cry insufferably about some kid that gets killed by us in the company of top Al Queda leaders, while dismissing the murder of 20 grade school children as nothing important.

One gets the impression that they really hate this nation and all that it stands for, and want to do anything they can to destroy it.
What corporations should do is what they are doing. Move operations out of the US then slowly close US operations. To break the democrat wefare hold the political and economic structure will have to collapse.

We can recover. We just can't recover with a welfare based society.
What corporations should do is what they are doing. Move operations out of the US then slowly close US operations. To break the democrat wefare hold the political and economic structure will have to collapse.

We can recover. We just can't recover with a welfare based society.

Bush sent jobs and factories to socialist countries - like China - who were pleased to hide profits from the IRS.

What was he thinking?

What corporations should do is what they are doing. Move operations out of the US then slowly close US operations. To break the democrat wefare hold the political and economic structure will have to collapse.

We can recover. We just can't recover with a welfare based society.

Bush sent jobs and factories to socialist countries - like China - who were pleased to hide profits from the IRS.

What was he thinking?


Which bill did Bush sign that did that?
they are doing nothing illegal, immoral, or unethical---------the money is offshore because the US govt is determined to punish success and reward failure.

True, the 8 million low wage jobs the subsidiaries of 82 of the 100 largest U.S. companies outsourced, was not illegal - but moral and ethical?

It was the loss of 8 million jobs, not the lost tax revenues, that cut America at the knees.

These top 100 may not be American citizens after all ....

Get back to me when it is illegal, until then go pound sand.

Get back to me when Republicans have filled every one of the 8 million jobs Bush and Republicans outsourced, until then go pound sand

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What corporations should do is what they are doing. Move operations out of the US then slowly close US operations. To break the democrat wefare hold the political and economic structure will have to collapse.

We can recover. We just can't recover with a welfare based society.

Bush sent jobs and factories to socialist countries - like China - who were pleased to hide profits from the IRS.

What was he thinking?


Which bill did Bush sign that did that?

The 2003 tax bill, often referred to as "Bush tax cuts" - in which Bush and Republicans allowed Corporations to keep profits overseas - and avoid taxes.

Bad, very bad ....

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Bush sent jobs and factories to socialist countries - like China - who were pleased to hide profits from the IRS.

What was he thinking?


Which bill did Bush sign that did that?

The 2003 tax bill, often referred to as "Bush tax cuts" - in which Bush and Republicans allowed Corporations to keep profits overseas - and avoid taxes.

Bad, very bad ....


Corporations have always been able to keep overseas earnings, overseas, without paying US taxes. Nothing Bush did in 2003 changed that.

You're wrong, very wrong....
The United States Tax code. Brought to you by:

WASHINGTON—The biggest U.S. companies, including General Electric Co. GE +0.80%and Apple Inc., AAPL -0.56%are parking nearly $1.2 trillion in profits offshore, according to a new report from a liberal advocacy group.

The report by U.S. PIRG, which analyzed the public filings of the top 100 U.S. publicly traded companies, also found that 82 companies maintain subsidiaries in low-tax jurisdictions located abroad.

Big U.S. Companies Park $1.2 Trillion in Profits Offshore, Study Finds - WSJ.com

Bad boys ....

And it is Government's money...HOW? Obama is barking up the wrong tree. Life, Liberty, Persuit of Happiness (Property)...He can't have what doesn't belong to him in the first place. A lesson you Statist shitheads have yet to learn.
WASHINGTON—The biggest U.S. companies, including General Electric Co. GE +0.80%and Apple Inc., AAPL -0.56%are parking nearly $1.2 trillion in profits offshore, according to a new report from a liberal advocacy group.

The report by U.S. PIRG, which analyzed the public filings of the top 100 U.S. publicly traded companies, also found that 82 companies maintain subsidiaries in low-tax jurisdictions located abroad.

Big U.S. Companies Park $1.2 Trillion in Profits Offshore, Study Finds - WSJ.com

Bad boys ....


If the profits were not earned in the US, then they should not be taxed in the US. This is quite simple and should be understood whether your are conservative, liberal, moderate, Democrat, Republican, or Independent.
Which bill did Bush sign that did that?

The 2003 tax bill, often referred to as "Bush tax cuts" - in which Bush and Republicans allowed Corporations to keep profits overseas - and avoid taxes.

Bad, very bad ....


Corporations have always been able to keep overseas earnings, overseas, without paying US taxes. Nothing Bush did in 2003 changed that.

You're wrong, very wrong....
Yep...and the fact it remains offshore is proof enough the Tax Code needs to be scrapped along with the Socialist Utopia these creeps are forcing us into.

If it wouldn't be taxed, it could be brought in and invested in those firms to expand their operations, create jobs...but NO. Agenda of the Socialist prolatariat is of more import to these Statist assholes.

Offshore it will remain until the Taxcode is scrapped once and for all.

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