Obama Target: Biggest U.S. Firms Park $1.2 Trillion in Profits Offshore

Bush sent jobs and factories to socialist countries - like China - who were pleased to hide profits from the IRS.

What was he thinking?


Which bill did Bush sign that did that?

The 2003 tax bill, often referred to as "Bush tax cuts" - in which Bush and Republicans allowed Corporations to keep profits overseas - and avoid taxes.

Bad, very bad ....


Corporations were already allowed to keep their overseas profits overseas, so that bill did nothing with regard to overseas profits.

Didnt the 2003 bill allow an "amnesty" where companies could repatriate funds with lower tax rates?

Should we compare the recovery after the 2001 recession with Obama's recovery?


Didnt the 2003 bill allow an "amnesty" where companies could repatriate funds with lower tax rates?

Should we compare the recovery after the 2001 recession with Obama's recovery?


Obama is out on the road pushing the 'New Standard', and we had better be satisfied...or else.
Bush sent jobs and factories to socialist countries - like China - who were pleased to hide profits from the IRS.

What was he thinking?


Which bill did Bush sign that did that?

The 2003 tax bill, often referred to as "Bush tax cuts" - in which Bush and Republicans allowed Corporations to keep profits overseas - and avoid taxes.

Bad, very bad ....


The U.S. doesn't need their cash, we need the jobs brought home .... which is what the President is working on.

So please tell us is it the jobs that you claim are lost or the taxes lost, like your thread claims?

And while you are at it, please explain how the tax cuts moved profits overseas, if anything, it would cause them to comeback. You are not anywhere near logical.
Which bill did Bush sign that did that?

The 2003 tax bill, often referred to as "Bush tax cuts" - in which Bush and Republicans allowed Corporations to keep profits overseas - and avoid taxes.

Bad, very bad ....


The U.S. doesn't need their cash, we need the jobs brought home .... which is what the President is working on.

So please tell us is it the jobs that you claim are lost or the taxes lost, like your thread claims?

And while you are at it, please explain how the tax cuts moved profits overseas, if anything, it would cause them to comeback. You are not anywhere near logical.

Libturds like driveby think tax increases are good for the economy, so you'll have to excuse him for this much more minor bit of sophistry.
The 2003 tax bill, often referred to as "Bush tax cuts" - in which Bush and Republicans allowed Corporations to keep profits overseas - and avoid taxes.

Bad, very bad ....


The U.S. doesn't need their cash, we need the jobs brought home .... which is what the President is working on.

So please tell us is it the jobs that you claim are lost or the taxes lost, like your thread claims?

And while you are at it, please explain how the tax cuts moved profits overseas, if anything, it would cause them to comeback. You are not anywhere near logical.

Libturds like driveby think tax increases are good for the economy, so you'll have to excuse him for this much more minor bit of sophistry.
As a matter of course (for him) they are...as he sits by his mailbox and waits for that Gubmnint check. He posts shit like this because his livelyhood is under duress by those of us supporting his dumbass.
What corporations should do is what they are doing. Move operations out of the US then slowly close US operations. To break the democrat wefare hold the political and economic structure will have to collapse.

We can recover. We just can't recover with a welfare based society.

If by holding the economy hostage to regain their subsidies back then you're on the right track.
What corporations should do is what they are doing. Move operations out of the US then slowly close US operations. To break the democrat wefare hold the political and economic structure will have to collapse.

We can recover. We just can't recover with a welfare based society.

Bush sent jobs and factories to socialist countries - like China - who were pleased to hide profits from the IRS.

What was he thinking?


Which bill did Bush sign that did that?

Bush didn't need to sign a bill, just look the other way or ignore.
What corporations should do is what they are doing. Move operations out of the US then slowly close US operations. To break the democrat wefare hold the political and economic structure will have to collapse.

We can recover. We just can't recover with a welfare based society.

If by holding the economy hostage to regain their subsidies back then you're on the right track.

What subsidies have ended?
WASHINGTON—The biggest U.S. companies, including General Electric Co. GE +0.80%and Apple Inc., AAPL -0.56%are parking nearly $1.2 trillion in profits offshore, according to a new report from a liberal advocacy group.

The report by U.S. PIRG, which analyzed the public filings of the top 100 U.S. publicly traded companies, also found that 82 companies maintain subsidiaries in low-tax jurisdictions located abroad.

Big U.S. Companies Park $1.2 Trillion in Profits Offshore, Study Finds - WSJ.com

Bad boys ....


If the profits were not earned in the US, then they should not be taxed in the US. This is quite simple and should be understood whether your are conservative, liberal, moderate, Democrat, Republican, or Independent.

Because it's a US company.
WASHINGTON—The biggest U.S. companies, including General Electric Co. GE +0.80%and Apple Inc., AAPL -0.56%are parking nearly $1.2 trillion in profits offshore, according to a new report from a liberal advocacy group.

The report by U.S. PIRG, which analyzed the public filings of the top 100 U.S. publicly traded companies, also found that 82 companies maintain subsidiaries in low-tax jurisdictions located abroad.

Big U.S. Companies Park $1.2 Trillion in Profits Offshore, Study Finds - WSJ.com

Bad boys ....


Exhibit A: Communists run the Democrat Party
WASHINGTON—The biggest U.S. companies, including General Electric Co. GE +0.80%and Apple Inc., AAPL -0.56%are parking nearly $1.2 trillion in profits offshore, according to a new report from a liberal advocacy group.

The report by U.S. PIRG, which analyzed the public filings of the top 100 U.S. publicly traded companies, also found that 82 companies maintain subsidiaries in low-tax jurisdictions located abroad.

Big U.S. Companies Park $1.2 Trillion in Profits Offshore, Study Finds - WSJ.com

Bad boys ....


Exhibit A: Communists run the Democrat Party

That's it? Dems are commies?
On a message board, we can pretend be whatever we want to be - but ignorance does show through

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If the profits were not earned in the US, then they should not be taxed in the US. This is quite simple and should be understood ....

It is 'understood' as the Bush Tax Law wanted it to be understood - "tax evasion"

If the profits were not earned in the US, then they should not be taxed in the US. This is quite simple and should be understood ....

It is 'understood' as the Bush Tax Law wanted it to be understood - "tax evasion"


That's how it was before Bush was elected, before the Bush tax cuts and since the Obamessiah was elected.
WASHINGTON—The biggest U.S. companies, including General Electric Co. GE +0.80%and Apple Inc., AAPL -0.56%are parking nearly $1.2 trillion in profits offshore, according to a new report from a liberal advocacy group.

The report by U.S. PIRG, which analyzed the public filings of the top 100 U.S. publicly traded companies, also found that 82 companies maintain subsidiaries in low-tax jurisdictions located abroad.

Big U.S. Companies Park $1.2 Trillion in Profits Offshore, Study Finds - WSJ.com

Bad boys ....


Seems the teabaggers missed something!

It's not illegal to defer taxes on foreign income

It also not illegal to pay no taxes on foreign income.

That's why the Bush and Republican Tax Law has encouraged companies to send 8 million jobs overseas along with the hearts of their manufacturing operations.

Guess teaparty doesn't have an 'einstein', but at least a high school grad?


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