Obama Target: Biggest U.S. Firms Park $1.2 Trillion in Profits Offshore

It's not illegal to defer taxes on foreign income

It also not illegal to pay no taxes on foreign income.

That's why the Bush and Republican Tax Law has encouraged companies to send 8 million jobs overseas along with the hearts of their manufacturing operations.

Guess teaparty doesn't have an 'einstein', but at least a high school grad?


How did Republicans do that?
Lower taxes here would encourage companies to stay here.

You know this?

Got a link?

Seems the direct opposite worked for Bush and Republicans for 8 years!


You know this?

Yes. Only morons don't know this.

Oh, there you are.

Seems the direct opposite worked for Bush and Republicans for 8 years!

Bush didn't cut corporate taxes, thanks to morons on the left, like you. Great job!
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They passed the tax bill in 2003


all by themselves?? no dems voted for it???

For the record, the Bush tax cuts cut taxes for everyone that pays taxes--NOT JUST THE RICH.

You mean Bush and Republicans gave me a tax free loophole for my overseas profits?

Gosh, my accountant missed that ....


You mean Bush and Republicans gave me a tax free loophole for my overseas profits?

They did? Link?
How did Republicans do that?

They passed the tax bill in 2003


What was in the tax bill which caused 8 million jobs to go offshore?

The 2003 Bush/Republican Corporate welfare handout that allowed companies to pay no tax on foreign profits.

From the opening post of this thread:

"The report by U.S. PIRG, which analyzed the public filings of the top 100 U.S. publicly traded companies, also found that 82 companies maintain subsidiaries in low-tax jurisdictions located abroad."

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They passed the tax bill in 2003


What was in the tax bill which caused 8 million jobs to go offshore?

The 2003 Bush/Republican Corporate welfare handout that allowed companies to pay no tax on foreign profits.

From the opening post of this thread:

"The report by U.S. PIRG, which analyzed the public filings of the top 100 U.S. publicly traded companies, also found that 82 companies maintain subsidiaries in low-tax jurisdictions located abroad."


The 2003 Bush/Republican Corporate welfare handout that allowed companies to pay no tax on foreign profits.

Why not cut and paste the section of the 2003 bill that did as you claimed?
How did Republicans do that?

They passed the tax bill in 2003


Lower taxes here would encourage companies to stay here.
Did you drop out of math class before 8th grade? Before 6th?

Based on this line of reasoning, let's lower the corporate tax rate to $0, and companies all over the world will move here, and everyone will have a job. Out country will soon have the pollution that China does, and every individual will have to pay taxes that are high enough to pay for the entire American budget for the nation, state, county, and cities. We will pay out of our paychecks for repair of roads and bridges that are destroyed by heavy trucks, and all other expenses that are generated because of commercial activity. This means, of course, that the middle class will be destroyed, and the capitalists will own everything, like they did in 1900. The result would be a dramatic and wide disparaty between the rich and the poor, which was pretty much what caused the French Revelution. Individual taxes would be so high that all of this commercial production would have to find markets overseas, because we would not be afford to be able to buy anything. The jobs of manufacturing Fruit of the Loom underwear and TV sets would come back, but it would all be shipped to nations where people had income to buy it. We would see the rebirth of dynasty families, like the Vanderbilts, Carneges and Morgans.

Mitt Romney would, at last, feel at home in a world that he could identify with.
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They passed the tax bill in 2003


Lower taxes here would encourage companies to stay here.
Did you drop out of math class before 8th grade? Before 6th?

Based on this line of reasoning, let's lower the corporate tax rate to $0, and companies all over the world will move here, and everyone will have a job. Out country will soon have the pollution that China does, and every individual will have to pay taxes that are high enough to pay for the entire American budget for the nation, state, county, and cities. We will pay out of our paychecks for repair of roads and bridges that are destroyed by heavy trucks, and all other expenses that are generated because of commercial activity. This means, of course, that the middle class will be destroyed, and the capitalists will own everything, like they did in 1900. The result would be a dramatic and wide disparaty between the rich and the poor, which was pretty much what caused the French Revelution. Individual taxes would be so high that all of this commercial production would have to find markets overseas, because we would not be afford to be able to buy anything. The jobs of manufacturing Fruit of the Loom underwear and TV sets would come back, but it would all be shipped to nations where people had income to buy it. We would see the rebirth of dynasty families, like the Vanderbilts, Carneges and Morgans.

Mitt Romney would, at last, feel at home in a world that he could identify with.

Based on this line of reasoning, let's lower the corporate tax rate to $0, and companies all over the world will move here

That wouldn't be a bad idea.

Out country will soon have the pollution that China does,

How does the new rate kill the EPA?

and every individual will have to pay taxes that are high enough to pay for the entire American budget for the nation, state, county, and cities.

Huh? You're not making sense.

We will pay out of our paychecks for repair of roads and bridges that are destroyed by heavy trucks, and all other expenses that are generated because of commercial activity.

Where do you think the money to pay for that stuff comes from now? I'll give you a hint, from our paychecks.

This means, of course, that the middle class will be destroyed

Massive job creation will destroy the middle class?

Individual taxes would be so high that all of this commercial production would have to find markets overseas, because we would not be afford to be able to buy anything.

Huge increases in jobs and domestic manufacturing would do that?
Perhaps an econ class should be in your future?
At least read a book. Your library could help.

The jobs of manufacturing Fruit of the Loom underwear and TV sets would come back, but it would all be shipped to nations where people had income to buy it.

You don't buy TV sets or underwear? :cuckoo:

We would see the rebirth of dynasty families, like the Vanderbilts, Carneges and Morgans.

Darn those guys who built huge new industry in the US. They increased production, created jobs and made money. Bastards!!!
"We will pay out of our paychecks for repair of roads and bridges that are destroyed by heavy trucks, and all other expenses that are generated because of commercial activity.

Where do you think the money to pay for that stuff comes from now? I'll give you a hint, from our paychecks."

I don't have time to give you a basic education in economics. It is clear that you could probably do well as a Bulgarian shoe manufacturer, though. Anyway, no, road and bridge repair is paid for mostly by taxing trucks, based on weight, based on the fact that heavy loads do the most damage to roads and bridges. That would be a "corporate tax'.

Anyway, as much fun as it is to read corporate toadies take on the issue of why corporations should get a free ride in America, I have an appointment in Mexico at a dentist for a new crown on one of my teeth , so I bid you farewell, as you continue the good fight for corporations enjoying the benefits of our country, at the expense of the citizens who pay for it.
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"We will pay out of our paychecks for repair of roads and bridges that are destroyed by heavy trucks, and all other expenses that are generated because of commercial activity.

Where do you think the money to pay for that stuff comes from now? I'll give you a hint, from our paychecks."

I don't have time to give you a basic education in economics. It is clear that you could probably do well as a Bulgarian shoe manufacturer, though. Anyway, no, road and bridge repair is paid for mostly by taxing trucks, based on weight, based on the fact that heavy loads do the most damage to roads and bridges. That would be a "corporate tax'.

Anyway, as much fun as it is to read corporate toadies take on the issue of why corporations should get a free ride in America, I have an appointment in Mexico at a dentist for a new crown on one of my teeth , so I bid you farewell, as you continue the good fight for corporations enjoying the benefits of our country, at the expense of the citizens who pay for it.

Anyway, no, road and bridge repair is paid for mostly by taxing trucks, based on weight, based on the fact that heavy loads do the most damage to roads and bridges. That would be a "corporate tax'.

Yeah, when you eliminate the "corporate tax" what makes you feel that would eliminate a road tax or a gas or diesel tax. Try to keep up.

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