Obama Team Continues Effort to Isolate Fox News


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
East Japip
The open assault on Fox News began last weekend when White House Communications Director Anita Dunn accused the network of being a "wing of the Republican Party."

"What I think is fair to say about Fox -- and certainly it's the way we view it -- is that it really is more a wing of the Republican Party," Dunn said on CNN. "They take their talking points, put them on the air; take their opposition research, put them on the air. And that's fine. But let's not pretend they're a news network the way CNN is."

Despite calls to the White House this week, the administration did not offer a guest for this weekend's "Fox News Sunday" to talk about Dunn's comments, although administration officials appeared on all four Sunday morning shows to speak on various issues.

President Obama has had interviews with all of the other Sunday talk shows except "Fox News Sunday," including a whirlwind weekend in late September where he appeared on all other Sunday talk shows.

Michael Clemente, Fox News' senior vice president of news, said the administration's strategy appears to be misdirected.

"Surprisingly, the White House continues to declare war on a news organization instead of focusing on the critical issues that Americans are concerned about like jobs, health care and two wars. The door remains open and we welcome a discussion about the facts behind the issues," Clemente said in a written statement.

Former Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove said Fox News' commentators have been tough on Obama but the White House appears to be confusing the news and opinion that appears on the network.

"They're conflating the news side and the opinion side in order to -- in order to attack a media outlet. Again, it's undignified for the president of the United States to be doing" Rove said on "Fox News Sunday." He added that it is the administration's practice to attack its critics full-throttle.

"I think this White House is dominated by Chicago- style politics, so if you don't like the questions that are being asked by Major Garrett or Wendell Goler or Chris Wallace, then you try and demonize Fox News," he said.

Though Fox News has won the cable news ratings race consistently for years and is closing in on network news numbers, Axelrod and Emanuel both encouraged other news outlets to not treat Fox News as a news organization.

"The bigger thing is that other news organizations, like yours, ought not to treat them that way, and we're not going to treat them that way." Axelrod told ABC.

Axelrod was quick to point out that though the White House views Fox News as biased, the administration would continue to interact with Fox News. "We're going to appear on their shows. We're going to participate, but understanding that they represent a point of view."

Obama Team Continues Effort to Isolate Fox News - Political News - FOXNews.com

We're in a deep world of shit when the administration starts to handpick news organizations they will "deal" with, and label those organizations they want to eliminate as "biased".

It's a communist trick.
Next comes the targeting of intellectuals, putting goons into positions of power, encouraging "trade" education instead of proper education, limited family size, the replacement of parents with spoon-fed propaganda, re-distribution of wealth, and the movement of industry into the hands of government.

Oh, wait. We're already doing all those things.

Soon enough people will just start disappearing off the street if they don't toe the line..or are suspected of not toeing the line.
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They are too stupid to realize that they're cutting off their nose to spite their face.
It sounds to me like they are just speaking the truth. It is cool for them to give air time to nut jobs like the birthers but God forbid Obama and his admistration fight back.
The open assault on Fox News began last weekend when White House Communications Director Anita Dunn accused the network of being a "wing of the Republican Party."

"What I think is fair to say about Fox -- and certainly it's the way we view it -- is that it really is more a wing of the Republican Party," Dunn said on CNN. "They take their talking points, put them on the air; take their opposition research, put them on the air. And that's fine. But let's not pretend they're a news network the way CNN is."

Despite calls to the White House this week, the administration did not offer a guest for this weekend's "Fox News Sunday" to talk about Dunn's comments, although administration officials appeared on all four Sunday morning shows to speak on various issues.

President Obama has had interviews with all of the other Sunday talk shows except "Fox News Sunday," including a whirlwind weekend in late September where he appeared on all other Sunday talk shows.

Michael Clemente, Fox News' senior vice president of news, said the administration's strategy appears to be misdirected.

"Surprisingly, the White House continues to declare war on a news organization instead of focusing on the critical issues that Americans are concerned about like jobs, health care and two wars. The door remains open and we welcome a discussion about the facts behind the issues," Clemente said in a written statement.

Former Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove said Fox News' commentators have been tough on Obama but the White House appears to be confusing the news and opinion that appears on the network.

"They're conflating the news side and the opinion side in order to -- in order to attack a media outlet. Again, it's undignified for the president of the United States to be doing" Rove said on "Fox News Sunday." He added that it is the administration's practice to attack its critics full-throttle.

"I think this White House is dominated by Chicago- style politics, so if you don't like the questions that are being asked by Major Garrett or Wendell Goler or Chris Wallace, then you try and demonize Fox News," he said.

Though Fox News has won the cable news ratings race consistently for years and is closing in on network news numbers, Axelrod and Emanuel both encouraged other news outlets to not treat Fox News as a news organization.

"The bigger thing is that other news organizations, like yours, ought not to treat them that way, and we're not going to treat them that way." Axelrod told ABC.

Axelrod was quick to point out that though the White House views Fox News as biased, the administration would continue to interact with Fox News. "We're going to appear on their shows. We're going to participate, but understanding that they represent a point of view."

Obama Team Continues Effort to Isolate Fox News - Political News - FOXNews.com


The Obama ream is isolating a lot of people and organizations. I think it is part of his agenda.
Barack Obama: "If you want to know my policies, then judge me by the people with whom I surround myself." Valerie Jarrett, Ezekiel Emanuel, John Holdren, Van Jones, Mark Lloyd, Cass Sunstein, Kevin Jennings, Carol Browner


When we look at whom he surrounds himself whth, we clearly see who he is. I am sorry to say that the picture is depressing.
Depressing for lozercons who do not have a clue on how to be part of the American dream. You guys can do that without screwing everybody else, you know.
Barack Obama: "If you want to know my policies, then judge me by the people with whom I surround myself." Valerie Jarrett, Ezekiel Emanuel, John Holdren, Van Jones, Mark Lloyd, Cass Sunstein, Kevin Jennings, Carol Browner


When we look at whom he surrounds himself whth, we clearly see who he is. I am sorry to say that the picture is depressing.

It's scary.
It sounds to me like they are just speaking the truth. It is cool for them to give air time to nut jobs like the birthers but God forbid Obama and his admistration fight back.

God forbid Obama balls up and goes on Fox and answer the hard questions. No teleprompters allowed.
God forbid Obama balls up and goes on Fox and answer the hard questions. No teleprompters allowed.

What's with the double standard? Why didn't Bush do this in office? Or McCain while running for office? (Now you can't get him off TV.)

I'm not saying Obama shouldn't go on Fox News, I think he should. However, it's his right to go on whatever network he wants.
God forbid Obama balls up and goes on Fox and answer the hard questions. No teleprompters allowed.

What's with the double standard? Why didn't Bush do this in office? Or McCain while running for office? (Now you can't get him off TV.)

I'm not saying Obama shouldn't go on Fox News, I think he should. However, it's his right to go on whatever network he wants.

Can't answer about Bush, never paid attention back then.

He has a right to go on whatever network he wants . . . and he chooses to stay away from the one network that holds opposing views and will ask tough questions? What's that say about him?

From the article:

Axelrod was quick to point out that though the White House views Fox News as biased, the administration would continue to interact with Fox News. "We're going to appear on their shows. We're going to participate, but understanding that they represent a point of view."

:blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: Talk is cheap . . . .

"President Obama's going to talk to all the networks," said former Clinton adviser and administration confidant Terry McAuliffe, who appeared with Rove on Fox News. "He's going to go out there. He loves competition. He loves being engaged in the battle."

It's not a fucking battle, it's not a competition. He is ignoring and insulting a huge part of the population by attacking Fox and making himself look like a whiny wimp by not going on and answering tough questions. He needs to play hardball but insists on staying with the softball team. Throws like a girl and catches like a girl.
Can't answer about Bush, never paid attention back then.

He has a right to go on whatever network he wants . . . and he chooses to stay away from the one network that holds opposing views and will ask tough questions? What's that say about him?

It's not a fucking battle, it's not a competition. He is ignoring and insulting a huge part of the population by attacking Fox and making himself look like a whiny wimp by not going on and answering tough questions. He needs to play hardball but insists on staying with the softball team. Throws like a girl and catches like a girl.

Except Bush and any other Republican does the same. How often do you see John Boehner or Michael Steele going on MSNBC's Rachel Maddow? I would ask that if you're going to focus on Obama that you call out the rest as well. Because otherwise the Republicans are insulting a large portion of the population.

Republicans care to stay on Fox News and take the softball questions. It's called politics and not looking back in the media today. It's not unusual, it's nothing new, and it's only being focused on now because BHO is President.

As you even stated, you weren't paying attention to this during the Bush Administration. But why didn't the Republicans make a big deal out of it? Maybe because they didn't want their leader to be facing the tough questions? Get back to me when it's not a double standard to be calling out Obama on this and not others.
We're in a deep world of shit when the administration starts to handpick news organizations they will "deal" with, and label those organizations they want to eliminate as "biased".

It's a communist trick.

Why is that? I thought good news organizations were supposed to get out and get the info themselves, not rely on it being spoon fed to them by a helpful White House. It's petty, I'll grant you, but not that big a deal for any real reporter capable of gathering real information, is it?
I can remember that the only channel that Cheney allowed anywhere he went was Fox. He simply would not be subjected to anything else. Now BHO tells FOX to 'stuff it', and everybody on the far rights gets huffy? Come on, folks, get real.
Why is that? I thought good news organizations were supposed to get out and get the info themselves, not rely on it being spoon fed to them by a helpful White House. It's petty, I'll grant you, but not that big a deal for any real reporter capable of gathering real information, is it?

It's okay Gold. Fox News is just so use to getting talking points from the White House directly.

McClellan: White House gave FOX commentators talking points | Crooks and Liars

Outrage? What Outrage? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller? :lol:
I'm going to copy/paste a post I made in another similar thread. It seems relevant here:

And it's someone right to go ahead and not speak to a news outlet. Simply because a news outlet exists, should they be forced to give an interview? Should Obama be forced to sit down with World Net Daily? Should President Bush have been forced to sit down with Rachel Maddow and answer whatever questions she damn well pleases?

You can say whatever you want about Obama or anyone else from the Obama Administration not going on Fox News. However, that is their right as Americans and as public officials to do so. The minute you start forcing people to go on certain programs or to do certain things, you're taking away their rights.

Ironically enough, what you're talking about is essentially a political fairness doctrine.

By the way, you can tell me when President Bush was in office when he went on MSNBC. Maybe he did, but I certainly don't remember him doing so.

The end portion may not seem relevant here considering the different turn in conversation. However, the main message stays the same.
Why is that? I thought good news organizations were supposed to get out and get the info themselves, not rely on it being spoon fed to them by a helpful White House. It's petty, I'll grant you, but not that big a deal for any real reporter capable of gathering real information, is it?

It's okay Gold. Fox News is just so use to getting talking points from the White House directly.

McClellan: White House gave FOX commentators talking points | Crooks and Liars

Outrage? What Outrage? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller? :lol:

They all have to one extent or another. FOX just forgot the old saying about biting the hand that feeds them. And since Murdoch isn't known for spending money on actual reporters, jeopardizing the source of information he could get without paid shoe leather was probably a bad business move. Oh well, not my problem.
Can't answer about Bush, never paid attention back then.

He has a right to go on whatever network he wants . . . and he chooses to stay away from the one network that holds opposing views and will ask tough questions? What's that say about him?

It's not a fucking battle, it's not a competition. He is ignoring and insulting a huge part of the population by attacking Fox and making himself look like a whiny wimp by not going on and answering tough questions. He needs to play hardball but insists on staying with the softball team. Throws like a girl and catches like a girl.

Except Bush and any other Republican does the same. How often do you see John Boehner or Michael Steele going on MSNBC's Rachel Maddow? I would ask that if you're going to focus on Obama that you call out the rest as well. Because otherwise the Republicans are insulting a large portion of the population.

Republicans care to stay on Fox News and take the softball questions. It's called politics and not looking back in the media today. It's not unusual, it's nothing new, and it's only being focused on now because BHO is President.

As you even stated, you weren't paying attention to this during the Bush Administration. But why didn't the Republicans make a big deal out of it? Maybe because they didn't want their leader to be facing the tough questions? Get back to me when it's not a double standard to be calling out Obama on this and not others.

Did Bush whine about MSNBC, ABC, NBC, etc. and have his people put out things like: "Axelrod and Emanuel both encouraged other news outlets to not treat Fox News as a news organization. The bigger thing is that other news organizations, like yours, ought not to treat them that way, and we're not going to treat them that way." Axelrod told ABC."??? It not only makes Obama look like a 4 year old, it certainly makes it look as if he simply cannot handle anything other than the soft stuff that the left tosses him.

If the president (any president) is going to go on tv pushing their agenda or answering questions they need to go on all the networks, not the cherry picked ones that coddle them.
FOX shot itself in its collective foot and has only itself to blame. Tough luck.

And the far right wierdos continue to margainalize themselves in the process.

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