Obama To Republicans: I Didn’t Create Trump, Your Bigotry Towards Me Did

Typical narcissistic, asinine statement from Obama.

Trump has little, if anything, to do with the outgoing liar in chief and is more a general blowback from the electorate towards the shitbags in DC. Same is true of Sanders.

Obama cant catch a break. You just said exactly what he said AND said he was stupid for sharing your opinion. The Obama Derangement Syndrome is strong

Can't catch a break? He has gotten nearly everything he wanted.

Yes, that makes sense. He's gotten all the racism he could ever ask for
Typical narcissistic, asinine statement from Obama.

Trump has little, if anything, to do with the outgoing liar in chief and is more a general blowback from the electorate towards the shitbags in DC. Same is true of Sanders.

Obama cant catch a break. You just said exactly what he said AND said he was stupid for sharing your opinion. The Obama Derangement Syndrome is strong

I did? he said trump is the result of the bigotry directed towards him. I said it's a general blowback, which Obama twisted into it being all about him.

Only thing strong here seems to be your morning whiskey on the rocks. And, hey, good for you....

The reason he had to mention himself is because its impossible to respond to allegations that its YOUR fault without talking about yourself but he also added ....Here I'll quote it for you: "And so what you’re seeing within the Republican party is to some degree all those efforts over a course of time, creating an environment where somebody like a Donald Trump can thrive."

Point taken that he was responding to allegations that it's somehow HIS fault, because that makes no sense, however, spinning it that it's instead bigotry towards him again shines the light on himself and paints him somehow as the victim, which he's been doing from Day 1.

It's Bush's fault, it's racist, blah, blah, blah. He wanted the job, he got the job and it doesn't come with a crying towel. He came marching in talking about fundamentally changing America, so I have to wonder if he thought people would just nod and agree or what. Besides all that, the last thing people look for in a leader is someone who is constantly painting themselves as a victim.
We created Trump because we are sick of the lying radical Muslim from Kenya in Washington. If the shoe fits...........

It really is astonishing how the Republican Party operates in its own reality, where facts don’t matter and the truth is whatever they say it is. Eight years of barely disguised racism and partisan obstructionism justified by vague appeals to whatever “real conservatism” might be has left the Republican voter base furious at an establishment that is flagrantly disregarding the demands of their constituents and failing to fulfill their constitutional obligations. The Republican Party has made their own bed in the muck of ignorance and discrimination, and now they must watch as Donald Trump gleefully frolics in it.

“I have been blamed by Republicans for a lot of things, but being blamed for their primaries and who they’re selecting for their party is novel” said the President at a press conference today, undoubtly holding back a roll of his eyes. I don’t think that I was the one to prompt questions about my birth certificate… I don’t remember saying, ‘Hey, why don’t you ask me about that? Why don’t you, you know, question whether I’m American or whether I’m loyal or whether I have America’s best interests at heart. Those aren’t things that were prompted by any actions of mine. And so what you’re seeing within the Republican party is to some degree all those efforts over a course of time, creating an environment where somebody like a Donald Trump can thrive.

Figures the Narcissist would claim it's ALL about HIM...which it isn't.

Oh, the rise of Trump's popularity is in part about him, as the thought of having a President who actually likes this country and who will make American citizens a higher priority than Mexican Drug Cartels, violent criminal illegals, and terrorists...who will again restore respect for and adherence to the Constitution and Rule of law, is extremely appealing.

Trump was 'created, mostly however as the result of the same, frustration, and wrath Liberal politicians felt in 2014, when Democrats abandoned their politicians, securing an historic, record-setting defeat.

Conservatives have had it with the non-represrntative, liberal agenda-mirroring GOP Establishment policies/actions. Trump is the 'tip of the spear', the instrument of the 'rebellion' in opposing that GOP Establishment.
Typical narcissistic, asinine statement from Obama.

Trump has little, if anything, to do with the outgoing liar in chief and is more a general blowback from the electorate towards the shitbags in DC. Same is true of Sanders.

Obama cant catch a break. You just said exactly what he said AND said he was stupid for sharing your opinion. The Obama Derangement Syndrome is strong

I did? he said trump is the result of the bigotry directed towards him. I said it's a general blowback, which Obama twisted into it being all about him.

Only thing strong here seems to be your morning whiskey on the rocks. And, hey, good for you....

The reason he had to mention himself is because its impossible to respond to allegations that its YOUR fault without talking about yourself but he also added ....Here I'll quote it for you: "And so what you’re seeing within the Republican party is to some degree all those efforts over a course of time, creating an environment where somebody like a Donald Trump can thrive."

Point taken that he was responding to allegations that it's somehow HIS fault, because that makes no sense, however, spinning it that it's instead bigotry towards him again shines the light on himself and paints him somehow as the victim, which he's been doing from Day 1.

On day 1 Republicans vowed to block everything he did. So is stating reality playing the victim?

It's Bush's fault, it's racist, blah, blah, blah. He wanted the job, he got the job and it doesn't come with a crying towel.

Its not about who wanted the job. Or crying, those events happened and I guess as long as you dont say those things happened you're ok..or something.

He came marching in talking about fundamentally changing America, so I have to wonder if he thought people would just nod and agree or what. Besides all that, the last thing people look for in a leader is someone who is constantly painting themselves as a victim.

I dont think blindly agreeing with him is the same as accusing him of not being American or hating America. You guys bury the lead a lot to make a separate point

It really is astonishing how the Republican Party operates in its own reality, where facts don’t matter and the truth is whatever they say it is. Eight years of barely disguised racism and partisan obstructionism justified by vague appeals to whatever “real conservatism” might be has left the Republican voter base furious at an establishment that is flagrantly disregarding the demands of their constituents and failing to fulfill their constitutional obligations. The Republican Party has made their own bed in the muck of ignorance and discrimination, and now they must watch as Donald Trump gleefully frolics in it.

“I have been blamed by Republicans for a lot of things, but being blamed for their primaries and who they’re selecting for their party is novel” said the President at a press conference today, undoubtly holding back a roll of his eyes. I don’t think that I was the one to prompt questions about my birth certificate… I don’t remember saying, ‘Hey, why don’t you ask me about that? Why don’t you, you know, question whether I’m American or whether I’m loyal or whether I have America’s best interests at heart. Those aren’t things that were prompted by any actions of mine. And so what you’re seeing within the Republican party is to some degree all those efforts over a course of time, creating an environment where somebody like a Donald Trump can thrive.


Heres another guy who saw race mentioned in his mind and blames Obama for it :badgrin:

Erick Erickson Demands GOPers Apologize For Impeaching Bill Clinton

After Donald Trump’s ascent to presumptive presidential nominee, conservative pundit Erick Erickson demanded Republicans apologize to Bill Clinton for vilifying and impeaching the former President for the same behavior they’ve glorified in Trump.

In a Friday blog post on The Resurgent, headlined, “Republicans, Apologize to Bill Clinton,” Erickson recapped Clinton’s extramarital affair while in office and his eventual impeachment by House Republicans before comparing him to the presumptive GOP nominee.

“On the campaign trail, Trump was more a pathological liar than Bill Clinton ever was,” he wrote, noting the billionaire “smeared” his opponents’ wives and families, pushed 9/11 conspiracy theories, and “peddled malignant, false stories” about rival Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) father.

“Republicans owe Bill Clinton an apology for impeaching him over lies and affairs while now embracing a pathological liar and womanizer,” Erickson wrote. “That apology will not be forthcoming. In fact, for years Republicans have accused the Democrats of gutter politics and shamelessness. Now the Republicans themselves have lost their sense of shame.”

Erickson, a ringleader of the now-unmoored #NeverTrump movement, closed the post by concluding the angry Republican electorate has made “a terrible miscalculation.”
When has Trump lied under oath?
Obama can cram it up his ass how about that.
you frustrated bro ...? :2up:

LOL dude the fool is getting his pink slip in a few months never to return to power its party time :eusa_dance:
OK that is a triumph denying him a third term...as a liberal I was concerned you were having a "sad" :crybaby:

We denied the fool a legacy, mission accomplished! :muahaha:
Can you say O-Care woooo hooooooooooo
Typical narcissistic, asinine statement from Obama.

Trump has little, if anything, to do with the outgoing liar in chief and is more a general blowback from the electorate towards the shitbags in DC. Same is true of Sanders.

Obama cant catch a break. You just said exactly what he said AND said he was stupid for sharing your opinion. The Obama Derangement Syndrome is strong

Can't catch a break? He has gotten nearly everything he wanted.

Yes, that makes sense. He's gotten all the racism he could ever ask for
Really? He became president dumbass. His personality and his hatred for america is why he is disliked. He did get just about everything he wanted, so his failure as a president is blamed on nobody but himself.
Obama can cram it up his ass how about that.
you frustrated bro ...? :2up:

LOL dude the fool is getting his pink slip in a few months never to return to power its party time :eusa_dance:
OK that is a triumph denying him a third term...as a liberal I was concerned you were having a "sad" :crybaby:

We denied the fool a legacy, mission accomplished! :muahaha:
Can you say O-Care woooo hooooooooooo

Ahahaha you mean Obamacare the thing that destroyed the Democratic party and lost them both the House and the Senate :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Typical narcissistic, asinine statement from Obama.

Trump has little, if anything, to do with the outgoing liar in chief and is more a general blowback from the electorate towards the shitbags in DC. Same is true of Sanders.

Obama cant catch a break. You just said exactly what he said AND said he was stupid for sharing your opinion. The Obama Derangement Syndrome is strong

Can't catch a break? He has gotten nearly everything he wanted.

Yes, that makes sense. He's gotten all the racism he could ever ask for
Really? He became president dumbass.

Whoa wait....Repeat that?

His personality and his hatred for america is why he is disliked.

See? There you go...his hatred of America. How? JUST DOES!!

He did get just about everything he wanted, so his failure as a president is blamed on nobody but himself.

Yeah, Congress and the Senate gave him everything! Weeeee:eusa_dance:
Typical narcissistic, asinine statement from Obama.

Trump has little, if anything, to do with the outgoing liar in chief and is more a general blowback from the electorate towards the shitbags in DC. Same is true of Sanders.

Obama cant catch a break. You just said exactly what he said AND said he was stupid for sharing your opinion. The Obama Derangement Syndrome is strong

I did? he said trump is the result of the bigotry directed towards him. I said it's a general blowback, which Obama twisted into it being all about him.

Only thing strong here seems to be your morning whiskey on the rocks. And, hey, good for you....

The reason he had to mention himself is because its impossible to respond to allegations that its YOUR fault without talking about yourself but he also added ....Here I'll quote it for you: "And so what you’re seeing within the Republican party is to some degree all those efforts over a course of time, creating an environment where somebody like a Donald Trump can thrive."

Point taken that he was responding to allegations that it's somehow HIS fault, because that makes no sense, however, spinning it that it's instead bigotry towards him again shines the light on himself and paints him somehow as the victim, which he's been doing from Day 1.

On day 1 Republicans vowed to block everything he did. So is stating reality playing the victim?

It's Bush's fault, it's racist, blah, blah, blah. He wanted the job, he got the job and it doesn't come with a crying towel.

Its not about who wanted the job. Or crying, those events happened and I guess as long as you dont say those things happened you're ok..or something.

He came marching in talking about fundamentally changing America, so I have to wonder if he thought people would just nod and agree or what. Besides all that, the last thing people look for in a leader is someone who is constantly painting themselves as a victim.

I dont think blindly agreeing with him is the same as accusing him of not being American or hating America. You guys bury the lead a lot to make a separate point
They said they would block his agenda, and that was a lie. So his failures are his fault.
you frustrated bro ...? :2up:

LOL dude the fool is getting his pink slip in a few months never to return to power its party time :eusa_dance:
OK that is a triumph denying him a third term...as a liberal I was concerned you were having a "sad" :crybaby:

We denied the fool a legacy, mission accomplished! :muahaha:
Can you say O-Care woooo hooooooooooo

Ahahaha you mean Obamacare the thing that destroyed the Democratic party and lost them both the House and the Senate :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Gogt Big O back in the WH 2012 oh yeah in your face disgrace
Typical narcissistic, asinine statement from Obama.

Trump has little, if anything, to do with the outgoing liar in chief and is more a general blowback from the electorate towards the shitbags in DC. Same is true of Sanders.

Obama cant catch a break. You just said exactly what he said AND said he was stupid for sharing your opinion. The Obama Derangement Syndrome is strong

I did? he said trump is the result of the bigotry directed towards him. I said it's a general blowback, which Obama twisted into it being all about him.

Only thing strong here seems to be your morning whiskey on the rocks. And, hey, good for you....

The reason he had to mention himself is because its impossible to respond to allegations that its YOUR fault without talking about yourself but he also added ....Here I'll quote it for you: "And so what you’re seeing within the Republican party is to some degree all those efforts over a course of time, creating an environment where somebody like a Donald Trump can thrive."

Point taken that he was responding to allegations that it's somehow HIS fault, because that makes no sense, however, spinning it that it's instead bigotry towards him again shines the light on himself and paints him somehow as the victim, which he's been doing from Day 1.

On day 1 Republicans vowed to block everything he did. So is stating reality playing the victim?

It's Bush's fault, it's racist, blah, blah, blah. He wanted the job, he got the job and it doesn't come with a crying towel.

Its not about who wanted the job. Or crying, those events happened and I guess as long as you dont say those things happened you're ok..or something.

He came marching in talking about fundamentally changing America, so I have to wonder if he thought people would just nod and agree or what. Besides all that, the last thing people look for in a leader is someone who is constantly painting themselves as a victim.

I dont think blindly agreeing with him is the same as accusing him of not being American or hating America. You guys bury the lead a lot to make a separate point

"On day 1 Republicans vowed to block everything he did. So is stating reality playing the victim?"

Boo-hoo, DC is a tough town....here's your towel. I don't necessarily agree with pub's position, although I do see that what he was promising in terms of obamacare, carbon credits etc was/is anathema to republicans. Had he set out with more moderate positions or maybe set out to focus on the economy instead of focusing on the healthcare and then crying that he didn't realize it was as bad as it was, the situation may have been different. Maybe not, but just blaming the other side for not co-operating when you've staked out positions you know to be well outside what they're willing to accept isn't reasonable either, IMO.

"Its not about who wanted the job. Or crying, those events happened and I guess as long as you dont say those things happened you're ok..or something."

Sure it is. He knew the landscape and, as previously indicated, impacted it himself so whining about it like it's all the other guy's fault is just that - whining
Obama cant catch a break. You just said exactly what he said AND said he was stupid for sharing your opinion. The Obama Derangement Syndrome is strong

I did? he said trump is the result of the bigotry directed towards him. I said it's a general blowback, which Obama twisted into it being all about him.

Only thing strong here seems to be your morning whiskey on the rocks. And, hey, good for you....

The reason he had to mention himself is because its impossible to respond to allegations that its YOUR fault without talking about yourself but he also added ....Here I'll quote it for you: "And so what you’re seeing within the Republican party is to some degree all those efforts over a course of time, creating an environment where somebody like a Donald Trump can thrive."

Point taken that he was responding to allegations that it's somehow HIS fault, because that makes no sense, however, spinning it that it's instead bigotry towards him again shines the light on himself and paints him somehow as the victim, which he's been doing from Day 1.

On day 1 Republicans vowed to block everything he did. So is stating reality playing the victim?

It's Bush's fault, it's racist, blah, blah, blah. He wanted the job, he got the job and it doesn't come with a crying towel.

Its not about who wanted the job. Or crying, those events happened and I guess as long as you dont say those things happened you're ok..or something.

He came marching in talking about fundamentally changing America, so I have to wonder if he thought people would just nod and agree or what. Besides all that, the last thing people look for in a leader is someone who is constantly painting themselves as a victim.

I dont think blindly agreeing with him is the same as accusing him of not being American or hating America. You guys bury the lead a lot to make a separate point
They said they would block his agenda, and that was a lie. So his failures are his fault.

Yeah like this:

Senate GOP: No hearings for Supreme Court nominee - CNNPolitics.com
In an unprecedented move, Senate Republicans vowed to deny holding confirmation hearings for President Barack Obama's Supreme Court nominee -- even promising to deny meeting privately with whomever the President picks.

Typical narcissistic, asinine statement from Obama.

Trump has little, if anything, to do with the outgoing liar in chief and is more a general blowback from the electorate towards the shitbags in DC. Same is true of Sanders.

Obama cant catch a break. You just said exactly what he said AND said he was stupid for sharing your opinion. The Obama Derangement Syndrome is strong

Can't catch a break? He has gotten nearly everything he wanted.

Yes, that makes sense. He's gotten all the racism he could ever ask for
Really? He became president dumbass.

Whoa wait....Repeat that?

His personality and his hatred for america is why he is disliked.

See? There you go...his hatred of America. How? JUST DOES!!

He did get just about everything he wanted, so his failure as a president is blamed on nobody but himself.

Yeah, Congress and the Senate gave him everything! Weeeee:eusa_dance:
His apology tours he has gone on.
He will fundamentally change america.
His father hated Britain and America.
His mentor was Bill Ayers.
Just to name a few.
LOL dude the fool is getting his pink slip in a few months never to return to power its party time :eusa_dance:
OK that is a triumph denying him a third term...as a liberal I was concerned you were having a "sad" :crybaby:

We denied the fool a legacy, mission accomplished! :muahaha:
Can you say O-Care woooo hooooooooooo

Ahahaha you mean Obamacare the thing that destroyed the Democratic party and lost them both the House and the Senate :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Gogt Big O back in the WH 2012 oh yeah in your face disgrace

After voters figured out that Obama lied his ass off in 2012 Democrats in congress screamed at Obama in 2014 to take the blame for Obamacare. Democrats were getting screamed at by their constituents. So Obama went on national tv and took the blame but to no avail, voters bitch slapped the hell out of Democrats in 2014. Suck on it lib, Obamacare the gift that keeps on giving and Dem's own it 100% we love that. :eusa_dance:

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