Obama To Republicans: I Didn’t Create Trump, Your Bigotry Towards Me Did

It really is astonishing how the Republican Party operates in its own reality, where facts don’t matter and the truth is whatever they say it is. Eight years of barely disguised racism and partisan obstructionism justified by vague appeals to whatever “real conservatism” might be has left the Republican voter base furious at an establishment that is flagrantly disregarding the demands of their constituents and failing to fulfill their constitutional obligations. The Republican Party has made their own bed in the muck of ignorance and discrimination, and now they must watch as Donald Trump gleefully frolics in it.

“I have been blamed by Republicans for a lot of things, but being blamed for their primaries and who they’re selecting for their party is novel” said the President at a press conference today, undoubtly holding back a roll of his eyes. I don’t think that I was the one to prompt questions about my birth certificate… I don’t remember saying, ‘Hey, why don’t you ask me about that? Why don’t you, you know, question whether I’m American or whether I’m loyal or whether I have America’s best interests at heart. Those aren’t things that were prompted by any actions of mine. And so what you’re seeing within the Republican party is to some degree all those efforts over a course of time, creating an environment where somebody like a Donald Trump can thrive.


The second most things skinned pussy is freaking out and actually addressed what is common knowledge.
Just like Clinton led to Bush, Bush led to Obama, Obama led to Trump. The only ones denying reality is the op and those that agree with him.

Wow, Trump says he's up because republicans hate their representatives.

And why are they mad at them?

They didn't stop Obama's agenda. You know, the agenda dumbfuck racist pieces of shits like you claim Obama couldn't pass because of HIS COLOR.

They did stop his agenda while complaining they didnt stop his agenda. Classic move.

That would be true if it wasn't complete bullshit

The Party of No was accommodating is what you're going with? :eusa_sick:

The second most things skinned pussy is freaking out and actually addressed what is common knowledge.
Just like Clinton led to Bush, Bush led to Obama, Obama led to Trump. The only ones denying reality is the op and those that agree with him.

Wow, Trump says he's up because republicans hate their representatives.
And why are they mad at them?

They didn't stop Obama's agenda. You know, the agenda dumbfuck racist pieces of shits like you claim Obama couldn't pass because of HIS COLOR.

They did stop his agenda while complaining they didnt stop his agenda. Classic move.
That would be true if it wasn't complete bullshit

The Party of No was accommodating is what you're going with? :eusa_sick:
Reality as it stands is what I'm going with.
Iraq withdrawal
Civil unrest across the nation masquerading as justice
Green energy debacle
Onerous regulations on energy
The list goes on. None of which was stopped or defunded.

I now return you to your land of liberal make believe
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I agree on both Bernies popularity as well as Trumps.
Call me silly but I think a really strong ticket, and one that could turn things around in this country would be a Trump/Sanders, or a Sanders/Trump ticket.
They would be unbeatable and between the two if their best ideas became reality, it would be an incredible 8 years of positive change.
Bernie wants free college, Trump steps in and says, ok, but lets find the money first without over taxing people. Trump wants the wall? Bernie steps in and says ok, but lets figure out a way to deport those illegals with minimal harm to them. Lets streamline our immigration process.

What the FUCK is in the water you're drinking???

Bat. Shit. Crazy. on display.

It really is astonishing how the Republican Party operates in its own reality, where facts don’t matter and the truth is whatever they say it is. Eight years of barely disguised racism and partisan obstructionism justified by vague appeals to whatever “real conservatism” might be has left the Republican voter base furious at an establishment that is flagrantly disregarding the demands of their constituents and failing to fulfill their constitutional obligations. The Republican Party has made their own bed in the muck of ignorance and discrimination, and now they must watch as Donald Trump gleefully frolics in it.

“I have been blamed by Republicans for a lot of things, but being blamed for their primaries and who they’re selecting for their party is novel” said the President at a press conference today, undoubtly holding back a roll of his eyes. I don’t think that I was the one to prompt questions about my birth certificate… I don’t remember saying, ‘Hey, why don’t you ask me about that? Why don’t you, you know, question whether I’m American or whether I’m loyal or whether I have America’s best interests at heart. Those aren’t things that were prompted by any actions of mine. And so what you’re seeing within the Republican party is to some degree all those efforts over a course of time, creating an environment where somebody like a Donald Trump can thrive.

Obama's narcissism is clearly on display. The ascension of Trump to major political power figure came about for reasons that have nothing whatsoever to do with The Fragile One (who must be protected from criticism at costs). Nay, the Republican voters are simply fed up with the parade of feckless, out of touch political insiders who refuse to acknowledge they're in a real battle and that the opponent will fight as dirty as need be to win. The voters see candidate after candidate make all sorts of promises to uphold values that are jettisoned before the new paint dries on the office walls. They are basically saying that, while a Trump presidency would be a crap shoot, a Hillary presidency would just be crap, so they vote for a candidate that will, at the very least, serve notice that the power elite cannot ignore the voters any longer. Due to the generally sheepish nature of their voters and the much tighter stranglehold the power elite have on the party, the democrats are not yet at the same point, but Bernie's popularity demonstrates that the same kind of rebellion is brewing.

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