Obama To Republicans: I Didn’t Create Trump, Your Bigotry Towards Me Did

Obama can cram it up his ass how about that.
Typical narcissistic, asinine statement from Obama.

Trump has little, if anything, to do with the outgoing liar in chief and is more a general blowback from the electorate towards the shitbags in DC. Same is true of Sanders.

Is Obama, or his treatment by others, somehow to blame for Sanders also in his own egocentric universe I wonder. Everything is due to the man who was 'who you've been waiting for' and the guy who was going to stop the seas from rising. Blech, what a turd....
Typical narcissistic, asinine statement from Obama.

Trump has little, if anything, to do with the outgoing liar in chief and is more a general blowback from the electorate towards the shitbags in DC. Same is true of Sanders.

Obama cant catch a break. You just said exactly what he said AND said he was stupid for sharing your opinion. The Obama Derangement Syndrome is strong
Typical narcissistic, asinine statement from Obama.

Trump has little, if anything, to do with the outgoing liar in chief and is more a general blowback from the electorate towards the shitbags in DC. Same is true of Sanders.

Obama cant catch a break. You just said exactly what he said AND said he was stupid for sharing your opinion. The Obama Derangement Syndrome is strong

I did? he said trump is the result of the bigotry directed towards him. I said it's a general blowback, which Obama twisted into it being all about him.

Only thing strong here seems to be your morning whiskey on the rocks. And, hey, good for you....
Typical narcissistic, asinine statement from Obama.

Trump has little, if anything, to do with the outgoing liar in chief and is more a general blowback from the electorate towards the shitbags in DC. Same is true of Sanders.

Obama cant catch a break. You just said exactly what he said AND said he was stupid for sharing your opinion. The Obama Derangement Syndrome is strong

Can't catch a break? He has gotten nearly everything he wanted. Palease. He's been splendifferously successful.

He's a whiny little bitch. PERIOD.
Typical narcissistic, asinine statement from Obama.

Trump has little, if anything, to do with the outgoing liar in chief and is more a general blowback from the electorate towards the shitbags in DC. Same is true of Sanders.

Is Obama, or his treatment by others, somehow to blame for Sanders also in his own egocentric universe I wonder. Everything is due to the man who was 'who you've been waiting for' and the guy who was going to stop the seas from rising. Blech, what a turd....
I agree on both Bernies popularity as well as Trumps.
Call me silly but I think a really strong ticket, and one that could turn things around in this country would be a Trump/Sanders, or a Sanders/Trump ticket.
They would be unbeatable and between the two if their best ideas became reality, it would be an incredible 8 years of positive change.
Bernie wants free college, Trump steps in and says, ok, but lets find the money first without over taxing people. Trump wants the wall? Bernie steps in and says ok, but lets figure out a way to deport those illegals with minimal harm to them. Lets streamline our immigration process.
What a moron...He even wants to take credit for creating Trump because he's black when that had nothing to do with it.
RINOs supporting the leftist twat Barry created Trump.
Trump's a democrat. But I agree the real reason for trump lies with the Gop itself. The last real conservative candidate was Forbes.

--- who interestingly also tried to buy his way to the Presidency, but found himself not obnoxious enough.
Dear Barry,

Please stick your fuckin' race cards up your ass.
Thank you.


P.S. The ineptness of the Republican party, Democrats, independents, and others fed up with your stupidity, divisiveness, coddling of racists, etc., etc., etc. is why Trump will be tasked with fixing your fuckups while making America great again.

P.P.S. Nice ears!
Typical narcissistic, asinine statement from Obama.

Trump has little, if anything, to do with the outgoing liar in chief and is more a general blowback from the electorate towards the shitbags in DC. Same is true of Sanders.

Is Obama, or his treatment by others, somehow to blame for Sanders also in his own egocentric universe I wonder. Everything is due to the man who was 'who you've been waiting for' and the guy who was going to stop the seas from rising. Blech, what a turd....
I agree on both Bernies popularity as well as Trumps.
Call me silly but I think a really strong ticket, and one that could turn things around in this country would be a Trump/Sanders, or a Sanders/Trump ticket.
They would be unbeatable and between the two if their best ideas became reality, it would be an incredible 8 years of positive change.
Bernie wants free college, Trump steps in and says, ok, but lets find the money first without over taxing people. Trump wants the wall? Bernie steps in and says ok, but lets figure out a way to deport those illegals with minimal harm to them. Lets streamline our immigration process.

Yeah great idea. The two candidates whose values, philosophies and personal approaches are more unlike each other in every way than anyone in the history of humanity. What a great plan.

Gotta wonder what brand of coffee some wags are drinking in the morning....
Typical narcissistic, asinine statement from Obama.

Trump has little, if anything, to do with the outgoing liar in chief and is more a general blowback from the electorate towards the shitbags in DC. Same is true of Sanders.

Obama cant catch a break. You just said exactly what he said AND said he was stupid for sharing your opinion. The Obama Derangement Syndrome is strong

I did? he said trump is the result of the bigotry directed towards him. I said it's a general blowback, which Obama twisted into it being all about him.

Only thing strong here seems to be your morning whiskey on the rocks. And, hey, good for you....

The reason he had to mention himself is because its impossible to respond to allegations that its YOUR fault without talking about yourself but he also added ....Here I'll quote it for you: "And so what you’re seeing within the Republican party is to some degree all those efforts over a course of time, creating an environment where somebody like a Donald Trump can thrive."

It really is astonishing how the Republican Party operates in its own reality, where facts don’t matter and the truth is whatever they say it is. Eight years of barely disguised racism and partisan obstructionism justified by vague appeals to whatever “real conservatism” might be has left the Republican voter base furious at an establishment that is flagrantly disregarding the demands of their constituents and failing to fulfill their constitutional obligations. The Republican Party has made their own bed in the muck of ignorance and discrimination, and now they must watch as Donald Trump gleefully frolics in it.

“I have been blamed by Republicans for a lot of things, but being blamed for their primaries and who they’re selecting for their party is novel” said the President at a press conference today, undoubtly holding back a roll of his eyes. I don’t think that I was the one to prompt questions about my birth certificate… I don’t remember saying, ‘Hey, why don’t you ask me about that? Why don’t you, you know, question whether I’m American or whether I’m loyal or whether I have America’s best interests at heart. Those aren’t things that were prompted by any actions of mine. And so what you’re seeing within the Republican party is to some degree all those efforts over a course of time, creating an environment where somebody like a Donald Trump can thrive.

What is even more astonishing is how many people believe that there is only one dysfunctional, corrupt political party...
Now, was he standing up there talking about being an American, in front of a Canadian flag?
Dont most presidents, when speaking to the public or the media as the case may be, choose to have the American flag behind them?
Yep, total respect for the country shown at all times.
You gotta be fucking kidding!
Dear Barry,

Please stick your fuckin' race cards up your ass.
Thank you.


P.S. The ineptness of the Republican party, Democrats, independents, and others fed up with your stupidity, divisiveness, coddling of racists, etc., etc., etc. is why Trump will be tasked with fixing your fuckups while making America great again.

P.P.S. Nice ears!

HHAHAHAHAHA He never even mentioned race. Airball!
Typical narcissistic, asinine statement from Obama.

Trump has little, if anything, to do with the outgoing liar in chief and is more a general blowback from the electorate towards the shitbags in DC. Same is true of Sanders.

Is Obama, or his treatment by others, somehow to blame for Sanders also in his own egocentric universe I wonder. Everything is due to the man who was 'who you've been waiting for' and the guy who was going to stop the seas from rising. Blech, what a turd....
I agree on both Bernies popularity as well as Trumps.
Call me silly but I think a really strong ticket, and one that could turn things around in this country would be a Trump/Sanders, or a Sanders/Trump ticket.
They would be unbeatable and between the two if their best ideas became reality, it would be an incredible 8 years of positive change.
Bernie wants free college, Trump steps in and says, ok, but lets find the money first without over taxing people. Trump wants the wall? Bernie steps in and says ok, but lets figure out a way to deport those illegals with minimal harm to them. Lets streamline our immigration process.

It will never happen, but in principle I agree. Not necessarily Trump/Sanders, but a ticket that actually covers a broader range of the electorate than Dem or Republican.

The way the system is set up now, it's almost impossible, however, as donors on both sides need to know who to bribe for maximum effectiveness of their bribe money. An administration that worked for the general benefit would just never do, as those people are not donating for general benefit, but for very specific benefits.

We need to bridge the gap instead of the incessantly throwing rocks at each other, as that's getting us nowhere but further down the hole. the pols love it, as it keeps them in office, but it does us no good and is horrible for the country as a whole when the nation is basically The Hatfields vs the McCoys.
Now, was he standing up there talking about being an American, in front of a Canadian flag?
Dont most presidents, when speaking to the public or the media as the case may be, choose to have the American flag behind them?
Yep, total respect for the country shown at all times.

He was probably in canada on another apology tour.
What does he have to apologize to Canada for? Did an illegal slip through their border or something?

It's just in Barry's nature. He hates America and feels the need to trash us at every opportunity.

Like here for example ---

Amazing, the power of Doublethink....

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