Obama WH: Biggest crybabies ever according to Chris Wallace

How were they not taken over?
Who has the power to hire and fire the CEO of corporations? The directors, right? Not if it's GM. Obama fired him.
WHo has the power to set executive compensation? The directors, right? Not if it's the banking industry. Their comp is set by the new Pay Czar.
And on and on.
Get a grip here.

You are an idiot.

Obama does not have the authority to fire people in the private sector.

Is it hard to read facts freshly pulled out of your ass?

I know that I'm right when lefties start cursing me without providing any evidence.
If he doesn't have authority then why did the CEO of GM leave? This was explicitly attributed to pressure from Obama.
Or do you actually read newspapers?

He is gone. We could speculate that the unions pressured Obama to preasure him out. I don't know and neither do you. Saying Obama fired him is rediculous. I am not a lefty.
You are an idiot.

Obama does not have the authority to fire people in the private sector.

Is it hard to read facts freshly pulled out of your ass?

I know that I'm right when lefties start cursing me without providing any evidence.
If he doesn't have authority then why did the CEO of GM leave? This was explicitly attributed to pressure from Obama.
Or do you actually read newspapers?

He is gone. We could speculate that the unions pressured Obama to preasure him out. I don't know and neither do you. Saying Obama fired him is rediculous. I am not a lefty.

Yeah. Maybe it was Michelle.:eusa_liar:
Come on. The order came from Obama. It did not come from the GM board, which is the only body that should make that kind of decision.
Back for another round of hissy fits, I see. Please provide support for your claim that FNC "orchestrated" the protests.

Of course, I have yet to see you support a thing and even go as far as to lie blatantly, but we can always hope that there is a shred of honesty in maybe one of your posts.

It's all completely covered both in other threads on this board, on other boards, in video coverage and on the news.

I'm sick of everyone's attempt to derail MY America, and the America of my children and my ancestors, including the loud and ugly comments on this board. Hsssssssssssssssss. Tough shit. Your kind don't OWN this board yet, bud.
Unless you provide supporting information for your claim, it's just more bullshit from you. You have blatantly lied in this thread, alone; so your record of cred is zero. Even if you did have an ounce of cred, the burden of support is on you. I know logic is a difficult concept for those who are just emotional spewers of nonsense to grasp, but that's just the way it is. Your input, and those who use your style of uncontrolled emotions, is useless.

My kind, those who desire to discuss with at least a touch of intellectual integrity, may not own this board, yet.

First of all, for you and The Rabbi specifically, I did not start this thread. I commented on the comments of others, and I do not lie. So I will ask you to play your own game and find the postings herein where I have "lied." I stated opinions in this thread, and pointed out that FNC's direct participation in the tea parties is evident by all the news reports. I don't intend to start Googling every single one for your benefit. It woud be one thing if they were oh, so difficult to find. If you aren't aware of their existence, you might direct your respective eyeballs away from FNC for a change and tune in elsewhere to see that I am correct.

I'll add that for two newbies whose logged time here is less than a month to come after me in the manner you have is laughable, unless, of course, you have taken the time to read all 4,700 postings I've made. Just because you disagree with my opinions doesn't earn you carte blanche to make idiotic assumptions about my intelligence, my credibility, my honesty, or my integrity when you know little about me. I can count on one hand the board veterans who have been as insulting as you; the others who post here who disagree with me are at least respectful. We all occasionally go off, but I think you need to act like mature adults if your own credibility is to be earned.
Chris Wallace has over 30 years in the news business and is well respected for being fair comments on the over sensitivity of Obama's whitehouse.

YouTube - Chris Wallace commenting on his treatment by the Obama White House

so Wallace isn't the ONLY one who noticed :lol:

WAHHHHH I want my way and I want it now......i got 53% of the popular vote so the rest of you must BOW DOWN AND KISS MY FEET!!!!

What an overwhelming victory that was huh....landslide of 53% gives him the power to act like this.
Chris Wallace has over 30 years in the news business and is well respected for being fair comments on the over sensitivity of Obama's whitehouse.

YouTube - Chris Wallace commenting on his treatment by the Obama White House

so Wallace isn't the ONLY one who noticed :lol:

WAHHHHH I want my way and I want it now......i got 53% of the popular vote so the rest of you must BOW DOWN AND KISS MY FEET!!!!

What an overwhelming victory that was huh....landslide of 53% gives him the power to act like this.
Obama's sunday performance was preaching to the choir, and won't garner support for his health care mess, anymore then his planned Letterman shot will.

He wants to convince people that oppose it, then he needs to speak to them, many of them watch the channel he wants to boycott.

Be that as it may, Obama is busy being the lil Nixon, now whining that people are too rude. Has he been living in a cave the last 20 years? There has never been civility in politics, but there has been hostility for years by both parties towards each other.

He does sound like a childish dolt whining that people are suddenly 'rude' because they won't kiss his ass.
It's all completely covered both in other threads on this board, on other boards, in video coverage and on the news.

I'm sick of everyone's attempt to derail MY America, and the America of my children and my ancestors, including the loud and ugly comments on this board. Hsssssssssssssssss. Tough shit. Your kind don't OWN this board yet, bud.
Unless you provide supporting information for your claim, it's just more bullshit from you. You have blatantly lied in this thread, alone; so your record of cred is zero. Even if you did have an ounce of cred, the burden of support is on you. I know logic is a difficult concept for those who are just emotional spewers of nonsense to grasp, but that's just the way it is. Your input, and those who use your style of uncontrolled emotions, is useless.

My kind, those who desire to discuss with at least a touch of intellectual integrity, may not own this board, yet.

First of all, for you and The Rabbi specifically, I did not start this thread. I commented on the comments of others, and I do not lie. So I will ask you to play your own game and find the postings herein where I have "lied." I stated opinions in this thread, and pointed out that FNC's direct participation in the tea parties is evident by all the news reports. I don't intend to start Googling every single one for your benefit. It woud be one thing if they were oh, so difficult to find. If you aren't aware of their existence, you might direct your respective eyeballs away from FNC for a change and tune in elsewhere to see that I am correct.

I'll add that for two newbies whose logged time here is less than a month to come after me in the manner you have is laughable, unless, of course, you have taken the time to read all 4,700 postings I've made. Just because you disagree with my opinions doesn't earn you carte blanche to make idiotic assumptions about my intelligence, my credibility, my honesty, or my integrity when you know little about me. I can count on one hand the board veterans who have been as insulting as you; the others who post here who disagree with me are at least respectful. We all occasionally go off, but I think you need to act like mature adults if your own credibility is to be earned.
You lied and you have yet to support a thing. You just post emotional rants not based in facts. Your feelings are uninteresting to anyone interested in discussions with intellectual integrity. Your time as a member of USMB is irrelevant to your credibility in discussions with intellecual integrity, unless your thinking that your not being a bot makes you credible. That would not surprise me in the least. Perhaps you could go share your emotions on a forum where that is valued, or on the Oprah show. I have no problems with differing opinions, but with spewing, lies, and lack of support, especially when asked then whining about it? Yeah.
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I'll add that when people start trotting out their credentials they usually have nothing useful to say.
and how about Helen Thomas.............of all people..........telling Gibbs before the first town hall meeting with Obama on Healthcare that, "we've never seen this from any administration".........speaking about how it was not an open forum and the questions were pre-selected!!!

you can even make that sh!t up !!!!!!

Helen Thomas and those in the MSM were angry that bloggers who might actually ask some real questions finally had a shot. If people who actually reported real news and the MSM were truly compare, the MSM would be in big trouble.

Robert, the MSM IS in Big Trouble.

Tribune Co. files for bankruptcy protection - Chicago Tribune

New York Times Profit Tumbles, Ad Revenue Down, Explores Red Sox Sale

Journalism.org- The State of the News Media 2009
Very Nixonian indeed.

The pattern of insulting and belittling protestors is linked to wallace's comment, anything they don't like they attack in the most childish way possible.

Really? Has Obama done anything like this?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubsXg88V41E&feature=related]YouTube - Michael Steele Insults Student's Dead Mother[/ame]

I'm not seeing how Steele insulted the woman's mother, it seemed he was criticizing the fact that she was shouting over him and adding nothing to the debate.

It's a good message actually. One he should direct at any of the idiots who come to any town hall meeting just to say "congressman, you suck" and then storm off like s/he made a point.
Unless you provide supporting information for your claim, it's just more bullshit from you. You have blatantly lied in this thread, alone; so your record of cred is zero. Even if you did have an ounce of cred, the burden of support is on you. I know logic is a difficult concept for those who are just emotional spewers of nonsense to grasp, but that's just the way it is. Your input, and those who use your style of uncontrolled emotions, is useless.

My kind, those who desire to discuss with at least a touch of intellectual integrity, may not own this board, yet.

First of all, for you and The Rabbi specifically, I did not start this thread. I commented on the comments of others, and I do not lie. So I will ask you to play your own game and find the postings herein where I have "lied." I stated opinions in this thread, and pointed out that FNC's direct participation in the tea parties is evident by all the news reports. I don't intend to start Googling every single one for your benefit. It woud be one thing if they were oh, so difficult to find. If you aren't aware of their existence, you might direct your respective eyeballs away from FNC for a change and tune in elsewhere to see that I am correct.

I'll add that for two newbies whose logged time here is less than a month to come after me in the manner you have is laughable, unless, of course, you have taken the time to read all 4,700 postings I've made. Just because you disagree with my opinions doesn't earn you carte blanche to make idiotic assumptions about my intelligence, my credibility, my honesty, or my integrity when you know little about me. I can count on one hand the board veterans who have been as insulting as you; the others who post here who disagree with me are at least respectful. We all occasionally go off, but I think you need to act like mature adults if your own credibility is to be earned.
You lied and you have yet to support a thing. You just post emotional rants not based in facts. Your feelings are uninteresting to anyone interested in discussions with intellectual integrity. Your time as a member of USMB is irrelevant to your credibility in discussions with intellecual integrity, unless your thinking that your not being a bot makes you credible. That would not surprise me in the least. Perhaps you could go share your emotions on a forum where that is valued, or on the Oprah show. I have no problems with differing opinions, but with spewing, lies, and lack of support, especially when asked then whining about it? Yeah.

Again, I challenge you to find a LIE rather than just an opinion. The burden of proof isn't on me, since you made the allegation.

Also, how would you describe your reponse if not an "emotional rant," hypocrite? This is a fucking political forum, where every posting involves one's EMOTIONS together with his/her support of political preferences. So far, I've seen nothing of value posted by you at all except...gasp...RANTS against anyone who opposes your thought process.

Again, I challenge you to find a LIE rather than just an opinion. The burden of proof isn't on me, since you made the allegation.

Also, how would you describe your reponse if not an "emotional rant," hypocrite? This is a fucking political forum, where every posting involves one's EMOTIONS together with his/her support of political preferences. So far, I've seen nothing of value posted by you at all except...gasp...RANTS against anyone who opposes your thought process.


No, this is supposed to be a forum where people bring rational arguments supported by facts. You want emotion, go on Oprah.
First of all, for you and The Rabbi specifically, I did not start this thread. I commented on the comments of others, and I do not lie. So I will ask you to play your own game and find the postings herein where I have "lied." I stated opinions in this thread, and pointed out that FNC's direct participation in the tea parties is evident by all the news reports. I don't intend to start Googling every single one for your benefit. It woud be one thing if they were oh, so difficult to find. If you aren't aware of their existence, you might direct your respective eyeballs away from FNC for a change and tune in elsewhere to see that I am correct.

I'll add that for two newbies whose logged time here is less than a month to come after me in the manner you have is laughable, unless, of course, you have taken the time to read all 4,700 postings I've made. Just because you disagree with my opinions doesn't earn you carte blanche to make idiotic assumptions about my intelligence, my credibility, my honesty, or my integrity when you know little about me. I can count on one hand the board veterans who have been as insulting as you; the others who post here who disagree with me are at least respectful. We all occasionally go off, but I think you need to act like mature adults if your own credibility is to be earned.
You lied and you have yet to support a thing. You just post emotional rants not based in facts. Your feelings are uninteresting to anyone interested in discussions with intellectual integrity. Your time as a member of USMB is irrelevant to your credibility in discussions with intellecual integrity, unless your thinking that your not being a bot makes you credible. That would not surprise me in the least. Perhaps you could go share your emotions on a forum where that is valued, or on the Oprah show. I have no problems with differing opinions, but with spewing, lies, and lack of support, especially when asked then whining about it? Yeah.

Again, I challenge you to find a LIE rather than just an opinion. The burden of proof isn't on me, since you made the allegation.

Also, how would you describe your reponse if not an "emotional rant," hypocrite? This is a fucking political forum, where every posting involves one's EMOTIONS together with his/her support of political preferences. So far, I've seen nothing of value posted by you at all except...gasp...RANTS against anyone who opposes your thought process.

How imbecilic. Here is your lie (in bold, so that you can focus). MM even told you it was a lie. You are so wrought with emotions you can't even remember telling lies. Maybe it's pathological.
I think you're thinking of Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh... NO ONE got into any of his rallies without GOP identification. NOBODY.
I always did.


I don't say things I cannot support. Try doing the same, if you wish to post coherently, that is. Don't like being called a liar? There's a simple solution: Think if you can support what you post, don't emote bullshit.
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You lied and you have yet to support a thing. You just post emotional rants not based in facts. Your feelings are uninteresting to anyone interested in discussions with intellectual integrity. Your time as a member of USMB is irrelevant to your credibility in discussions with intellecual integrity, unless your thinking that your not being a bot makes you credible. That would not surprise me in the least. Perhaps you could go share your emotions on a forum where that is valued, or on the Oprah show. I have no problems with differing opinions, but with spewing, lies, and lack of support, especially when asked then whining about it? Yeah.

Again, I challenge you to find a LIE rather than just an opinion. The burden of proof isn't on me, since you made the allegation.

Also, how would you describe your reponse if not an "emotional rant," hypocrite? This is a fucking political forum, where every posting involves one's EMOTIONS together with his/her support of political preferences. So far, I've seen nothing of value posted by you at all except...gasp...RANTS against anyone who opposes your thought process.

How imbecilic. Here is your lie (in bold, so that you can focus). MM even told you it was a lie. You are so wrought with emotions you can't even remember telling lies. Maybe it's pathological.
I think you're thinking of Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh... NO ONE got into any of his rallies without GOP identification. NOBODY.
I always did.


I don't say things I cannot support. Try doing the same, if you wish to post coherently, that is. Don't like being called a liar? There's a simple solution: Think if you can support what you post, don't emote bullshit.

Ohhhh, good one. What a whopper I told. My bad. :lol:

Got another one?
Again, I challenge you to find a LIE rather than just an opinion. The burden of proof isn't on me, since you made the allegation.

Also, how would you describe your reponse if not an "emotional rant," hypocrite? This is a fucking political forum, where every posting involves one's EMOTIONS together with his/her support of political preferences. So far, I've seen nothing of value posted by you at all except...gasp...RANTS against anyone who opposes your thought process.


No, this is supposed to be a forum where people bring rational arguments supported by facts. You want emotion, go on Oprah.

Yes, good luck with that. So how are we supposed to bring rational arguments when discussing, say the Birther Movement (frequently poste here), or even the teabaggers march on Washington on the 12th? No emotion? Get real. But hey, you and your sidekick are new, so you'll learn that this board (as all others) is 5% fact with "rational" discussion and 95% emotional rants, sans any facts at all.
Again, I challenge you to find a LIE rather than just an opinion. The burden of proof isn't on me, since you made the allegation.

Also, how would you describe your reponse if not an "emotional rant," hypocrite? This is a fucking political forum, where every posting involves one's EMOTIONS together with his/her support of political preferences. So far, I've seen nothing of value posted by you at all except...gasp...RANTS against anyone who opposes your thought process.

How imbecilic. Here is your lie (in bold, so that you can focus). MM even told you it was a lie. You are so wrought with emotions you can't even remember telling lies. Maybe it's pathological.
I always did.


I don't say things I cannot support. Try doing the same, if you wish to post coherently, that is. Don't like being called a liar? There's a simple solution: Think if you can support what you post, don't emote bullshit.

Ohhhh, good one. What a whopper I told. My bad. :lol:

Got another one?
Perhaps next time you'll apply a bit more thought if you are tempted to lie and/or whine. Perhaps not. It's pretty pathetic to lie in writing then whine about being called on it. But now you know my style - I like truth and supportable truth when someone makes a claim. Claims are different than opinions and learning the difference might be in your best interest.
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Again, I challenge you to find a LIE rather than just an opinion. The burden of proof isn't on me, since you made the allegation.

Also, how would you describe your reponse if not an "emotional rant," hypocrite? This is a fucking political forum, where every posting involves one's EMOTIONS together with his/her support of political preferences. So far, I've seen nothing of value posted by you at all except...gasp...RANTS against anyone who opposes your thought process.


No, this is supposed to be a forum where people bring rational arguments supported by facts. You want emotion, go on Oprah.

Yes, good luck with that. So how are we supposed to bring rational arguments when discussing, say the Birther Movement (frequently poste here), or even the teabaggers march on Washington on the 12th? No emotion? Get real. But hey, you and your sidekick are new, so you'll learn that this board (as all others) is 5% fact with "rational" discussion and 95% emotional rants, sans any facts at all.

And obviously an admixture of lies. You were caught in one and couldn't fess up to it. You don't have much credibility with me anymore.

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