"Obamacare is not working"!!! ?

If ObamaCare hasn't started yet, why was Obama taking credit during the 2012 campaign for the great things he claimed it had already achieved?
Only WC would heap unyielding praise upon a website that doesn't work and a law that raises premiums and deductibles to glorifying success. Lol. Unreal.

it's really too early to know whether it will work in terms of delivering more coverage more affordably overall.

But the problem was it was premised on not just the lie about keeping your insurance, but also a typically left wing leaning ideology that it's good for govt to tell people what to do, e.g. it's right and proper to tell young, healthy, single people they need something more than catastrophic coverage. The folks who actually wrote the law (the staffers) really thought young people would go for that. Ain't gonna happen, and never was.

However, why not use tax money to let people keep those really low benefit, but realitively cheap, family policies and still offer more benefits with the tax money? I think something like that would both be good for the country and polictically popular with the working folks a party aiming to be the maj has to get.

There are several ways that improvements could have been made. The first thing would have been to eliminate any type of mandates on businesses, employees, or private citizens. As far as using other's taxes or exploiting young people to pay other's bills, I don't agree with that.
Only WC would heap unyielding praise upon a website that doesn't work and a law that raises premiums and deductibles to glorifying success. Lol. Unreal.

And he has to blame the obvious failure on someone. In this case the convenient Koch Brothers. I guess Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid had nothign to do with it all.

Yeah, that was an interesting twist, lol. The Koch Bros?? This is too funny.
Well, it appears the OP ran away from his own thread. Perhaps he realized how ridiculous his assertions sound? I mean, you can be certain a LOLberal will never admit they were wrong. Maybe Wry will say his being wrong is a conspiracy between other posters to sabatoge his chances as one fo the dumbest LOLberals on the board. Thoughts?
Well, it appears the OP ran away from his own thread. Perhaps he realized how ridiculous his assertions sound? I mean, you can be certain a LOLberal will never admit they were wrong. Maybe Wry will say his being wrong is a conspiracy between other posters to sabatoge his chances as one fo the dumbest LOLberals on the board. Thoughts?

WC can contrive some sort of meaning to make sense of his own alice in wonderland thoughts. He's quite good at that.
Well, it appears the OP ran away from his own thread. Perhaps he realized how ridiculous his assertions sound? I mean, you can be certain a LOLberal will never admit they were wrong. Maybe Wry will say his being wrong is a conspiracy between other posters to sabatoge his chances as one fo the dumbest LOLberals on the board. Thoughts?
Maybe he had to scamper into his own echo chamber, to find out what Jay Carney tells him to say next.
Yep. That's The Phrase we will all be hearing today and for the next few months. The American's for Prosperity (The Brother's Koch) have put in another 18 Million Dollars to try and pack the Senate with Tea Party darlings by besmirching the effort to provide protections to patients and affordable care.

Guess what. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act isn't working, it hasn't yet commenced. Of course truth and honesty has never been the forte in political discourse and why would we expect this from Messrs. Koch?

But don't be fooled, American's for Prosperity is the group whose purpose is to make the rich richer at the expense of the Middle Class, the Working Poor, the aged, infirm and those children not born with a silver spoon in their mouth and private schools in their future.

Watch, soon the Echo Chamber will pick up the call, and threads will pollute the airways claiming something yet to begin is a failure.

So if dropping 5MM from their insurance is "working" then what's the goal, the complete destruction of the US health care system?
Tell me. Why have insurance companies begun cancelling policies?

I don't know, nor do you. I suspect - and it is a possibility - it is collusion among the health insurance cartel, an effort to derail the law which holds them accountable for benefits they do not want to offer.

Really? So it couldn't possibly have anything to do with the reasons that have been stated? You know, the fact that policies need to be compliant with the law. The ACA, or Obamacare law. You're saying it's a conspiracy amongst insurance companies to undermine president Obama and the democrats? Is that the story you're going with?

Yep, I did post that the insurance cartel might have conspired to cancel policies rather than have their policies comply with the law, because they hate the law and want it to go away. Since it is reported that most of these "crap" polices are in effect for less than a year, having them cancelled simply means the owners of such a policy needs to go shopping sooner than they might like.

If their State choose to establish exchanges they might find out that a policy better than they had might be less costly. We don't know the facts; we do know that Hannity was exposed as a liar (once again) when he did his shows on Oct. 11.


Fox News Sunday Coddles Health Insurance Industry Lobbyists | Blog | Media Matters for America

Of course this is the Limbaugh Rule. Lie, if you get caught don't worry about it, the echo chamber will drown out the exposure.
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I don't know, nor do you. I suspect - and it is a possibility - it is collusion among the health insurance cartel, an effort to derail the law which holds them accountable for benefits they do not want to offer.

Really? So it couldn't possibly have anything to do with the reasons that have been stated? You know, the fact that policies need to be compliant with the law. The ACA, or Obamacare law. You're saying it's a conspiracy amongst insurance companies to undermine president Obama and the democrats? Is that the story you're going with?

Yep, I did post that the insurance cartel might have conspired to cancel policies rather than have their policies comply with the law, because they hate the law and want it to go away. Since it is reported that most of these "crap" polices are in effect for less than a year, having them cancelled simply means the owners of such a policy needs to go shopping sooner than they might like.

If their State choose to establish exchanges they might find out that a policy better than they had might be less costly. We don't know the facts; we do know that Hannity was exposed as a liar (once again) when he did his shows on Oct. 11.


Fox News Sunday Coddles Health Insurance Industry Lobbyists | Blog | Media Matters for America

Of course this is the Limbaugh Rule. Lie, if you get caught don't worry about it, the echo chamber will drown out the exposure.

You might just be completely delusional and well, um...yeah.

Good day, dude.
I don't know, nor do you. I suspect - and it is a possibility - it is collusion among the health insurance cartel, an effort to derail the law which holds them accountable for benefits they do not want to offer.

Really? So it couldn't possibly have anything to do with the reasons that have been stated? You know, the fact that policies need to be compliant with the law. The ACA, or Obamacare law. You're saying it's a conspiracy amongst insurance companies to undermine president Obama and the democrats? Is that the story you're going with?

Yep, I did post that the insurance cartel might have conspired to cancel policies rather than have their policies comply with the law, because they hate the law and want it to go away. Since it is reported that most of these "crap" polices are in effect for less than a year, having them cancelled simply means the owners of such a policy needs to go shopping sooner than they might like.
The so-called insurance cartel helped write the bill. Being the case, why would they want it to go away, especially when it forces people to buy pricier policies?

Is making sense anywhere on your list of criteria before you hit the submit button?
Yep. That's The Phrase we will all be hearing today and for the next few months. The American's for Prosperity (The Brother's Koch) have put in another 18 Million Dollars to try and pack the Senate with Tea Party darlings by besmirching the effort to provide protections to patients and affordable care.

Guess what. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act isn't working, it hasn't yet commenced. Of course truth and honesty has never been the forte in political discourse and why would we expect this from Messrs. Koch?

But don't be fooled, American's for Prosperity is the group whose purpose is to make the rich richer at the expense of the Middle Class, the Working Poor, the aged, infirm and those children not born with a silver spoon in their mouth and private schools in their future.

Watch, soon the Echo Chamber will pick up the call, and threads will pollute the airways claiming something yet to begin is a failure.
Stand back everyone. In the case of seizures, just place a soft object between the persons head and the ground and then just let the convulsions run their course.....
Your saying it has commenced, because the insurance industry has begun to cancel policies. Isn't that magical thinking?

Tell me. Why have insurance companies begun cancelling policies?

I don't know, nor do you. I suspect - and it is a possibility - it is collusion among the health insurance cartel, an effort to derail the law which holds them accountable for benefits they do not want to offer.

You are dismissed spanky.

The policies are being cancelled because MOST companies chose to become compliant with the law on Jan as it mandated...god you are stupid.
Really? So it couldn't possibly have anything to do with the reasons that have been stated? You know, the fact that policies need to be compliant with the law. The ACA, or Obamacare law. You're saying it's a conspiracy amongst insurance companies to undermine president Obama and the democrats? Is that the story you're going with?

Yep, I did post that the insurance cartel might have conspired to cancel policies rather than have their policies comply with the law, because they hate the law and want it to go away. Since it is reported that most of these "crap" polices are in effect for less than a year, having them cancelled simply means the owners of such a policy needs to go shopping sooner than they might like.
The so-called insurance cartel helped write the bill. Being the case, why would they want it to go away, especially when it forces people to buy pricier policies?

Is making sense anywhere on your list of criteria before you hit the submit button?

There you go interjecting facts into this discussion. You wont last long here doing that. You need to say something snappy like:

But Al Gore supported the law too!
It isn't germane. No one cares. But so what?
Really? So it couldn't possibly have anything to do with the reasons that have been stated? You know, the fact that policies need to be compliant with the law. The ACA, or Obamacare law. You're saying it's a conspiracy amongst insurance companies to undermine president Obama and the democrats? Is that the story you're going with?

Yep, I did post that the insurance cartel might have conspired to cancel policies rather than have their policies comply with the law, because they hate the law and want it to go away. Since it is reported that most of these "crap" polices are in effect for less than a year, having them cancelled simply means the owners of such a policy needs to go shopping sooner than they might like.
The so-called insurance cartel helped write the bill. Being the case, why would they want it to go away, especially when it forces people to buy pricier policies?

Is making sense anywhere on your list of criteria before you hit the submit button?

The so-called insurance cartel did in fact help write the bill. That is why we have a camel and not a horse. But are they happy with the camel, hell no. The PPACA cuts into their profits and no insurance company likes to pay a nickel more than they absolutely must.

You're knew here, so let me tell you how I respond to morons who feel the need to add a personal attack along with their opinion. Next time my non response will be this:


Look below for its meaning.
Yep, I did post that the insurance cartel might have conspired to cancel policies rather than have their policies comply with the law, because they hate the law and want it to go away. Since it is reported that most of these "crap" polices are in effect for less than a year, having them cancelled simply means the owners of such a policy needs to go shopping sooner than they might like.
The so-called insurance cartel helped write the bill. Being the case, why would they want it to go away, especially when it forces people to buy pricier policies?

Is making sense anywhere on your list of criteria before you hit the submit button?

There you go interjecting facts into this discussion. You wont last long here doing that. You need to say something snappy like:

But Al Gore supported the law too!
It isn't germane. No one cares. But so what?

And you wonder why I call out your stupidity. Well, you don't 'cause wonder is akin to curiosity and takes some intelligence. But, I digress. See my post above and have someone help you understand.
Yep, I did post that the insurance cartel might have conspired to cancel policies rather than have their policies comply with the law, because they hate the law and want it to go away. Since it is reported that most of these "crap" polices are in effect for less than a year, having them cancelled simply means the owners of such a policy needs to go shopping sooner than they might like.
The so-called insurance cartel helped write the bill. Being the case, why would they want it to go away, especially when it forces people to buy pricier policies?

Is making sense anywhere on your list of criteria before you hit the submit button?

The so-called insurance cartel did in fact help write the bill. That is why we have a camel and not a horse. But are they happy with the camel, hell no. The PPACA cuts into their profits and no insurance company likes to pay a nickel more than they absolutely must.

You're knew here, so let me tell you how I respond to morons who feel the need to add a personal attack along with their opinion. Next time my non response will be this:


Look below for its meaning.
Not my problem that you don't make sense.

But I'm sure that you are relieved in that you believe you have any idea as to what you're trying to say.

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