"Obamacare is not working"!!! ?

Yep, I did post that the insurance cartel might have conspired to cancel policies rather than have their policies comply with the law, because they hate the law and want it to go away. Since it is reported that most of these "crap" polices are in effect for less than a year, having them cancelled simply means the owners of such a policy needs to go shopping sooner than they might like.
The so-called insurance cartel helped write the bill. Being the case, why would they want it to go away, especially when it forces people to buy pricier policies?

Is making sense anywhere on your list of criteria before you hit the submit button?

The so-called insurance cartel did in fact help write the bill. That is why we have a camel and not a horse. But are they happy with the camel, hell no. The PPACA cuts into their profits and no insurance company likes to pay a nickel more than they absolutely must.

You're knew here, so let me tell you how I respond to morons who feel the need to add a personal attack along with their opinion. Next time my non response will be this:


Look below for its meaning.

Stocks of health insurers have been soaring. I guess that's because investors figure their profits will be cut by ACA and all investors flock to companies with prospects for lower profits, right?
You still didnt address the issue of why they would cancel policies which are profitable to them, or why they are doing it now vs. years ago.
This is because your thought process doesn't go much beyond stimulus-response.
Your saying it has commenced, because the insurance industry has begun to cancel policies. Isn't that magical thinking?

Your second paragraph I could have predicted. Rather than defend American's for Prosperity and the Brothers Koch, you choose to attack me. To your credit you spelled "sycophants" correctly even if used wickedly as a pejorative in an ad hominem.

I posted a fact, I'm not blaming the siblings or the organization they front - I simply pointed out how dishonest is the propaganda they purvey, and the Echo Chamber parrots.

You're saying that policies that are now renewing and will be in effect after obamacare does go into effect next year, as you have one year terms, don't have to comply when it does at that time? Seriously, lame, lame, lame obfuscation.

Work on syntax, it appears emotion clouds your judgment and the clarity of your writing. I said nothing of the kind about how the PPACA will impact current insurance policies in the future. We will see how competition on the exchanges, and the rules in place in a year or so, impact benefits and costs. Of course those States who choose not to play for political purposes - and to the detriment of their citizens - will be the grist for you and others.

The PPACA is flawed, as are most laws passed by the Congress. It will need some clean up, that doesn't make it or its intent a failure - though you hope it does. I wonder who or what makes callous conservatives, greed may explain it but I suspect there is something more. What appears to be hate for those who will benefit from the PPACA seems right below the surface in comments posted on this message board.


How about the most fundamental basic ASSUMPTION that passed ACA FLAW???

I'll go very very slow because it appears BASIC math is something many ACA supporters never comprehend!

Let put it in terms of "FAIRNESS" an operative word frequently used by ACA supporters...

1) Is it FAIR to count 10 million illegals as part of the "uninsured" when even Obama says they aren't covered by ACA?
2) Is it FAIR to count 14 million that when asked by the Census if insured they said no.. EVEN though their poverty level made them eligible for coverage.. Medicaid?
3) Is it FAIR to count 18 million people under 34 that make over $50k and refuse employers' health plans because they spend less then $1,000 a year for health services?

That adds up to 42 million that are :
a) NOT eligible b) simply need to register for Medicaid c) and don't want or need insurance:

So ACA was passed and still ignorant people use "46 million" uninsured as the MAJOR assumption for passages of ACA!

10 million illegals: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
14 million eligible http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf
18 million don't want:CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED: 2009
The so called insurance cartels DID write the bill. Liz Fowler, look her up. The problem with people like Wry, and most LOLberals, is that they absolutely refuse to see any error from other LOLberaols. In this case, because the mistakes amount to a giant, mess. Perhaps the biggest domestic one of the last century, they have to find a reason it is someone elses fault.

This is what leads LOLberals like Wry to concoct a conspiracy theory and run with it openly.

The insurance companies are doing this to undermine ACA and the president because they do not like the bill they wrote. :cuckoo:
We all know that Obamacare is not working, what with the millions of Americans who've lost their health plans. But not to worry. I hear soon that a website will be set up to log complaints related to Obamacare.
Tell me. Why have insurance companies begun cancelling policies?

I don't know, nor do you. I suspect - and it is a possibility - it is collusion among the health insurance cartel, an effort to derail the law which holds them accountable for benefits they do not want to offer.

You are dismissed spanky.

The policies are being cancelled because MOST companies chose to become compliant with the law on Jan as it mandated...god you are stupid.

No, my posts are not stupid. Only assholes like you - and most of the Echo Chamber - who lack the ability to consider alternatives to their belief system, and must attack the person and not their opinion or argument, call the opinions of others stupid, simply because you or they disagree.

If you were intelligent and educated you could form an argument with evidence suggesting my opinion or argument was not likely or even wrong. That you can't leaves me with the opinion that you're a lazy asshole, or too dumb to do so. Now, I know that maybe construed as a false dilemma, and their may be other reasons for you acting like an asshole. Would you care to offer one or two?
We all know that Obamacare is not working, what with the millions of Americans who've lost their health plans. But not to worry. I hear soon that a website will be set up to log complaints related to Obamacare.

What do you mean by the statement, "Obamacare is not working"? Isn't that a bit too broad, since only the signup is in effect, though seriously flawed.

If 30 or 40 million uninsured citizens soon have affordable health insurance, and no one is denied health insurance do to a preexisting condition, nor will some lose their home do to a serous illness or injury, and only 3 or 4 million need to pay more (for better health insurance), I'd consider that a success.

Would you?
We all know that Obamacare is not working, what with the millions of Americans who've lost their health plans. But not to worry. I hear soon that a website will be set up to log complaints related to Obamacare.

What do you mean by the statement, "Obamacare is not working"? Isn't that a bit too broad, since only the signup is in effect, though seriously flawed.

If 30 or 40 million uninsured citizens soon have affordable health insurance, and no one is denied health insurance do to a preexisting condition, nor will some lose their home do to a serous illness or injury, and only 3 or 4 million need to pay more (for better health insurance), I'd consider that a success.

Would you?
Obamacare was supposd to result in 46M citizens who didnt have health insurance having it.
Instead there are millions who did have it who don't anymore
Obamacare was supposed to lower costs. It has raised costs.
Obamacare was not supposed to add one thin dime to the deficit. Instead it is going to add a trillion dollars.
Obamacare promised that if you liked your private health plan you could keep your private health plan. Period.
Instead we learn that it was not only a lie but Obama and the Democrats knew it was a lie when they said it.
Obamacare promised that if you liked your doctor you could keep your doctor.
that was also a lie.
They had 3 years and virtually unlimited funds to build a functional website. The webiste is plagued with problems.

What part of that sounds like it's working to you??
We all know that Obamacare is not working, what with the millions of Americans who've lost their health plans. But not to worry. I hear soon that a website will be set up to log complaints related to Obamacare.

What do you mean by the statement, "Obamacare is not working"? Isn't that a bit too broad, since only the signup is in effect, though seriously flawed.

If 30 or 40 million uninsured citizens soon have affordable health insurance, and no one is denied health insurance do to a preexisting condition, nor will some lose their home do to a serous illness or injury, and only 3 or 4 million need to pay more (for better health insurance), I'd consider that a success.

Would you?

If there were 30MM without health insurance prior to ObamaCare, there are now 35MM.

Great job!

"If you like your plan you can keep it. period"
We all know that Obamacare is not working, what with the millions of Americans who've lost their health plans. But not to worry. I hear soon that a website will be set up to log complaints related to Obamacare.

What do you mean by the statement, "Obamacare is not working"? Isn't that a bit too broad, since only the signup is in effect, though seriously flawed.

If 30 or 40 million uninsured citizens soon have affordable health insurance, and no one is denied health insurance do to a preexisting condition, nor will some lose their home do to a serous illness or injury, and only 3 or 4 million need to pay more (for better health insurance), I'd consider that a success.

Would you?
Obamacare was supposd to result in 46M citizens who didnt have health insurance having it.
Instead there are millions who did have it who don't anymore
Obamacare was supposed to lower costs. It has raised costs.
Obamacare was not supposed to add one thin dime to the deficit. Instead it is going to add a trillion dollars.
Obamacare promised that if you liked your private health plan you could keep your private health plan. Period.
Instead we learn that it was not only a lie but Obama and the Democrats knew it was a lie when they said it.
Obamacare promised that if you liked your doctor you could keep your doctor.
that was also a lie.
They had 3 years and virtually unlimited funds to build a functional website. The webiste is plagued with problems.

What part of that sounds like it's working to you??

"it's working as planned" -- Liberals
We all know that Obamacare is not working, what with the millions of Americans who've lost their health plans. But not to worry. I hear soon that a website will be set up to log complaints related to Obamacare.

What do you mean by the statement, "Obamacare is not working"? Isn't that a bit too broad, since only the signup is in effect, though seriously flawed.

If 30 or 40 million uninsured citizens soon have affordable health insurance, and no one is denied health insurance do to a preexisting condition, nor will some lose their home do to a serous illness or injury, and only 3 or 4 million need to pay more (for better health insurance), I'd consider that a success.

Would you?

Millions have lost their insurance due to obamacare and millions more will lose employer insurance starting next year. Guess that's your idea of raging success. Please leave the rest of us out of this horrid nightmare.
We all know that Obamacare is not working, what with the millions of Americans who've lost their health plans. But not to worry. I hear soon that a website will be set up to log complaints related to Obamacare.

What do you mean by the statement, "Obamacare is not working"? Isn't that a bit too broad, since only the signup is in effect, though seriously flawed.

If 30 or 40 million uninsured citizens soon have affordable health insurance, and no one is denied health insurance do to a preexisting condition, nor will some lose their home do to a serous illness or injury, and only 3 or 4 million need to pay more (for better health insurance), I'd consider that a success.

Would you?
Obamacare was supposd to result in 46M citizens who didnt have health insurance having it.
Instead there are millions who did have it who don't anymore
Obamacare was supposed to lower costs. It has raised costs.
Obamacare was not supposed to add one thin dime to the deficit. Instead it is going to add a trillion dollars.
Obamacare promised that if you liked your private health plan you could keep your private health plan. Period.
Instead we learn that it was not only a lie but Obama and the Democrats knew it was a lie when they said it.
Obamacare promised that if you liked your doctor you could keep your doctor.
that was also a lie.
They had 3 years and virtually unlimited funds to build a functional website. The webiste is plagued with problems.

What part of that sounds like it's working to you??

Thanks for Sharing
We all know that Obamacare is not working, what with the millions of Americans who've lost their health plans. But not to worry. I hear soon that a website will be set up to log complaints related to Obamacare.

What do you mean by the statement, "Obamacare is not working"? Isn't that a bit too broad, since only the signup is in effect, though seriously flawed.

If 30 or 40 million uninsured citizens soon have affordable health insurance, and no one is denied health insurance do to a preexisting condition, nor will some lose their home do to a serous illness or injury, and only 3 or 4 million need to pay more (for better health insurance), I'd consider that a success.

Would you?
Not really. I'm not very fond in receiving a letter from my insurance company telling me that I've lost my health plan. Who knows if and when obamacare will work. In the meantime, those of us who've lost our health plans had better hope that we don't get sick.
Only WC would heap unyielding praise upon a website that doesn't work and a law that raises premiums and deductibles to glorifying success. Lol. Unreal.

it's really too early to know whether it will work in terms of delivering more coverage more affordably overall.

But the problem was it was premised on not just the lie about keeping your insurance, but also a typically left wing leaning ideology that it's good for govt to tell people what to do, e.g. it's right and proper to tell young, healthy, single people they need something more than catastrophic coverage. The folks who actually wrote the law (the staffers) really thought young people would go for that. Ain't gonna happen, and never was.

However, why not use tax money to let people keep those really low benefit, but realitively cheap, family policies and still offer more benefits with the tax money? I think something like that would both be good for the country and polictically popular with the working folks a party aiming to be the maj has to get.
Deconstruction of this mess hit the point of no return 51 days ago with the end of hospital subsidies that keep ERs and therefore hospitals open.
We all know that Obamacare is not working, what with the millions of Americans who've lost their health plans. But not to worry. I hear soon that a website will be set up to log complaints related to Obamacare.

What do you mean by the statement, "Obamacare is not working"? Isn't that a bit too broad, since only the signup is in effect, though seriously flawed.

If 30 or 40 million uninsured citizens soon have affordable health insurance, and no one is denied health insurance do to a preexisting condition, nor will some lose their home do to a serous illness or injury, and only 3 or 4 million need to pay more (for better health insurance), I'd consider that a success.

Would you?
Not really. I'm not very fond in receiving a letter from my insurance company telling me that I've lost my health plan. Who knows if and when obamacare will work. In the meantime, those of us who've lost our health plans had better hope that we don't get sick.
Depends upon who is defining success here.

Consider the distinct possibility that what has happened to you and millions of others, is what the Ocare pimps define as successful.
The so called insurance cartels DID write the bill. Liz Fowler, look her up. The problem with people like Wry, and most LOLberals, is that they absolutely refuse to see any error from other LOLberaols. In this case, because the mistakes amount to a giant, mess. Perhaps the biggest domestic one of the last century, they have to find a reason it is someone elses fault.

This is what leads LOLberals like Wry to concoct a conspiracy theory and run with it openly.

The insurance companies are doing this to undermine ACA and the president because they do not like the bill they wrote. :cuckoo:
Well, of course the insurers had a big hand in writing the bill. Who else would one expect would be called upon, for input on legislation that affects the insurance industry?

Oil and gas producers?
The NEA and AFT?
The NRA and GOA?
The Boy Scouts of America?

Then, when the whole mess blows up in their faces, the very people who shoved this stinking dung heap trough by the most sketchy of political tactics, on a purely partisan vote, in the 11 99/100th hour, turn around and claim it all to be a big conspiracy by the insurers.

No wonder you refer to them as LOLberals. :lol:
We all know that Obamacare is not working, what with the millions of Americans who've lost their health plans. But not to worry. I hear soon that a website will be set up to log complaints related to Obamacare.

What do you mean by the statement, "Obamacare is not working"? Isn't that a bit too broad, since only the signup is in effect, though seriously flawed.

If 30 or 40 million uninsured citizens soon have affordable health insurance, and no one is denied health insurance do to a preexisting condition, nor will some lose their home do to a serous illness or injury, and only 3 or 4 million need to pay more (for better health insurance), I'd consider that a success.

Would you?
Not really. I'm not very fond in receiving a letter from my insurance company telling me that I've lost my health plan. Who knows if and when obamacare will work. In the meantime, those of us who've lost our health plans had better hope that we don't get sick.

I understand, your short answer may have been, "It's all about me, I got mine, fuck the rest of you".
Only WC would heap unyielding praise upon a website that doesn't work and a law that raises premiums and deductibles to glorifying success. Lol. Unreal.

Post my comment where I heaped, "unyielding praise upon a website that doesn't work and a law that raises premiums and deductibles to glorifying success". Since I never praised the web, this post lets everyone know you're a liar.

I hope the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act lives up to its name, and you don't for solely partisan reasons. That makes you not only a liar, but a lying callous conservative.
What do you mean by the statement, "Obamacare is not working"? Isn't that a bit too broad, since only the signup is in effect, though seriously flawed.

If 30 or 40 million uninsured citizens soon have affordable health insurance, and no one is denied health insurance do to a preexisting condition, nor will some lose their home do to a serous illness or injury, and only 3 or 4 million need to pay more (for better health insurance), I'd consider that a success.

Would you?
Not really. I'm not very fond in receiving a letter from my insurance company telling me that I've lost my health plan. Who knows if and when obamacare will work. In the meantime, those of us who've lost our health plans had better hope that we don't get sick.

I understand, your short answer may have been, "It's all about me, I got mine, fuck the rest of you".
It's such a good thing that you're so above petty things like insults.

Imagine if you adhered to your own bumper sticker signature line and didn't post at all. :lol:
What do you mean by the statement, "Obamacare is not working"? Isn't that a bit too broad, since only the signup is in effect, though seriously flawed.

If 30 or 40 million uninsured citizens soon have affordable health insurance, and no one is denied health insurance do to a preexisting condition, nor will some lose their home do to a serous illness or injury, and only 3 or 4 million need to pay more (for better health insurance), I'd consider that a success.

Would you?
Obamacare was supposd to result in 46M citizens who didnt have health insurance having it.
Instead there are millions who did have it who don't anymore
Obamacare was supposed to lower costs. It has raised costs.
Obamacare was not supposed to add one thin dime to the deficit. Instead it is going to add a trillion dollars.
Obamacare promised that if you liked your private health plan you could keep your private health plan. Period.
Instead we learn that it was not only a lie but Obama and the Democrats knew it was a lie when they said it.
Obamacare promised that if you liked your doctor you could keep your doctor.
that was also a lie.
They had 3 years and virtually unlimited funds to build a functional website. The webiste is plagued with problems.

What part of that sounds like it's working to you??

Thanks for Sharing

Translation: I'm too dumb to give a response.
I don't know, nor do you. I suspect - and it is a possibility - it is collusion among the health insurance cartel, an effort to derail the law which holds them accountable for benefits they do not want to offer.

You are dismissed spanky.

The policies are being cancelled because MOST companies chose to become compliant with the law on Jan as it mandated...god you are stupid.

No, my posts are not stupid. Only assholes like you - and most of the Echo Chamber - who lack the ability to consider alternatives to their belief system, and must attack the person and not their opinion or argument, call the opinions of others stupid, simply because you or they disagree.

If you were intelligent and educated you could form an argument with evidence suggesting my opinion or argument was not likely or even wrong. That you can't leaves me with the opinion that you're a lazy asshole, or too dumb to do so. Now, I know that maybe construed as a false dilemma, and their may be other reasons for you acting like an asshole. Would you care to offer one or two?

LOL.....the policies are being cancelled because they chose to become compliant.

It is just that simple.....no "conspiracy" just obeying the law....but that is beyond you.

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