Obama's Flawed Vision of America and Americans


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
What is it that identifies Ronald Reagan as the best and most accomplished President in the last hundred years?
His vision for the people of the United States, "a Citty upon a Hill, the eies of all people are uppon us;" (John Winthrop, 1630)

Franklin Roosevelt forfeit the appellation, the 'best,' by reversing the relationship between the people and their government, e.g., a government that supports its people.

It defies credulity that the American people could elect- twice- a counterfeit President, rife with lies and steeped in Leftist ideology.

In very fact, Barack Obama sees his constituency as thugs and rioters, envious of those who have made better life choices, and willing to steal as a way of life.

1. "It turns out, Barack Obama met with Ferguson protestors the day after Election Day.

2. .... militant acts might spill over into violence. “There’s a lot of anger out there,” Mr. Simmons said. “There’s nothing we can do to control that.” …About 50 organizations, including Mr. Simmons’s, have joined forces in a “Don’t Shoot Coalition,” and the level of planning is intense.

3. ...the protesters wanted to be peaceful, but they also wanted to rouse the community. “We’re also committed to having a very determined and a very — I’m choosing my words carefully — yes, militant,” ... “a militant nonviolent direct action.”… “we also definitely want everyone to know we’re committed to nonviolence. We want to disrupt. We want to make the comfortable uncomfortable.”

4. Some of the national leaders met with President Obama on Nov. 5 for a gathering that included a conversation about Ferguson. According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating. He said he hopes that we’re doing all we can to keep peace.”

5. .... the president has seen fit to insert his misguided mitts into issues not fitting for the office of the presidency (such as the Henry Louis Gates affair) while being MIA for months when it comes to taking a stand against lawlessness raging in Ferguson.

6. ...Obama has a bone to pick with white America (and conservative blacks for that matter). He seems to thrive on issues that involve real or imagined unidirectional racial animosity.

If he can mangle a scenario to force the fit that whites-are-evil-and-blacks-are-innocent-victims narrative, he’ll do so. And if his words have negative consequences, so be it. Perhaps even all the better.

7. And so Obama saw fit to meet with Ferguson protestors to let them know he hopes they will stay on course while throwing in a gratuitous expression of hope they can keep the peace." Blog President to Ferguson protestors Stay on course

The lawless President telling lawless protestors to "stay on course," keep rioting!
Fitting for a community provocateur, but not for a President with a true vision of the American people.
So the president admonishes the involved parties to keep the peace,

and the deranged are attacking him for that?


But that's not what he did, is it.

Perhaps you have a better memory than I.....can you recall the last time you told the truth?
Me, neither.
What is it that identifies Ronald Reagan as the best and most accomplished President in the last hundred years?

Pseudo-conservatives? For me it's a toss up. Selling arms to Iran. Diverting those profit to the Contra-Terrorist. Arming Iraq with duel use technology to enable Saddam to build advanced Biological Chemical and Nuclear weapons. Getting 241 Marines killed in Beirut.
It defies credulity that the American people could elect- twice- a counterfeit President, rife with lies and steeped in Leftist ideology.
How stupid are Americans?

Five Gruber videos, No outrage.

Just more idle talk about the NFL and Kim Kardashian. Zuckerberg is right, Americans ARE Dumb Fuckers!

"Obama denies Gruber as yet another video surfaces

The fact that some adviser who never worked on our staff expressed an opinion that I completely disagree with in terms of the voters, is no reflection on the actual process that was run. We had a year-long debate, Ed. I mean, go back and look at your stories. The one thing we can’t is that we did not have a lengthy debate about health care in the United States of America. Or that it was not adequately covered. I would just advise — every press outlet here, go back and pull up every clip, every story, and I think it will — it’s fair to say there was not a provision in the health care law that was not extensively debated and was fully transparent."
Obama denies Gruber as yet another video surfaces RedState

Here is Gruber telling about Obama being present discussing the scam.

What is it that identifies Ronald Reagan as the best and most accomplished President in the last hundred years?

Pseudo-conservatives? For me it's a toss up. Selling arms to Iran. Diverting those profit to the Contra-Terrorist. Arming Iraq with duel use technology to enable Saddam to build advanced Biological Chemical and Nuclear weapons. Getting 241 Marines killed in Beirut.

1. The completely reversed the catastrophic economy of Democrat Carter.
2. He ended the hegemony of the Evil Empire....without firing a shot.

Bonus: he never belittled the entrepreneur with poppycock like "you didn't build that!"
8. "To be fair this is a second hand report from Al Sharpton so one must take it for what it’s worth. But assuming it’s an accurate depiction of Obama’s words, I find it telling that Obama seems invested in protestors staying “on course.”

At best, it’s an ambiguous remark. In light of the violence that has unfolded in Ferguson since Michael Brown was shot (or perhaps I should say since Officer Wilson defended himself should that prove true), it seems that a leader would want to make remarks that were unambiguous and certainly not say something that could be interpreted as support for lawless behavior."
Blog President to Ferguson protestors Stay on course

President Bush saw to it that the killers of James Byrd, Jr., dragged to his death by three whites, were given their just punishment.

He didn't tell them to "stay on course."

But then, he was a real President.
What is it that identifies Ronald Reagan as the best and most accomplished President in the last hundred years?

Pseudo-conservatives? For me it's a toss up. Selling arms to Iran. Diverting those profit to the Contra-Terrorist. Arming Iraq with duel use technology to enable Saddam to build advanced Biological Chemical and Nuclear weapons. Getting 241 Marines killed in Beirut.

1. The completely reversed the catastrophic economy of Democrat Carter.
2. He ended the hegemony of the Evil Empire....without firing a shot.

Bonus: he never belittled the entrepreneur with poppycock like "you didn't build that!"

Carter cannot be blamed for the double-digit inflation that peaked on his watch, because inflation started growing in 1965 and snowballed for the next 15 years. To battle inflation, Carter appointed Paul Volcker as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, who defeated it by putting the nation through an intentional recession. Once the threat of inflation abated in late 1982, Volcker cut interest rates and flooded the economy with money, fueling an expansion that lasted seven years. Neither Carter nor Reagan had much to do with the economic events that occurred during their terms.

Carter ruined the economy Reagan saved it

President Bush(41) was in office when the USSR dissolved.

The You didn't build that" campaign by the GOP shows just how low they are willing to stoop when it is completely obvious "that" was the wonderful United States infrastructure the President was referring too, not the hard work entrepreneurs put into their particular business. Another con job that only conned the cons.

He was a very good public speaker, just like our current president.
So the president admonishes the involved parties to keep the peace,

and the deranged are attacking him for that?


But that's not what he did, is it.

Perhaps you have a better memory than I.....can you recall the last time you told the truth?
Me, neither.

So when you cited in the OP this... "He said he hopes that we’re doing all we can to keep peace.”

You misspoke?
Isn't it odd that when the so-called Rodney King riots occurred in 1992, no one tried to blame George Bush Sr. for instigating them.

They were far worse than anything that's happened in Ferguson.
Isn't it odd that when the so-called Rodney King riots occurred in 1992, no one tried to blame George Bush Sr. for instigating them.

They were far worse than anything that's happened in Ferguson.

Bush didn't tell the rioters to "stay the course."

The community organizer did.
9."... there is Sharpton’s report that Obama said he hopes the protestors can keep the peace. If true, it’s about as weak a statement as the President of the United States could make in light of the situation.

He could have made a strong and unequivocal statement that the law must be obeyed and that violence would not be tolerated.

But he didn’t.
Because he is Barack Obama." Blog President to Ferguson protestors Stay on course

The indelible stain that this man has placed on the nation is shared by those who put him in office.
Isn't it odd that when the so-called Rodney King riots occurred in 1992, no one tried to blame George Bush Sr. for instigating them.

They were far worse than anything that's happened in Ferguson.

Bush didn't tell the rioters to "stay the course."

The community organizer did.

"He said he hopes that we’re doing all we can to keep peace.”

That was from your post. Go argue with yourself.
9."... there is Sharpton’s report that Obama said he hopes the protestors can keep the peace. If true, it’s about as weak a statement as the President of the United States could make in light of the situation.

He could have made a strong and unequivocal statement that the law must be obeyed and that violence would not be tolerated.

But he didn’t.
Because he is Barack Obama." Blog President to Ferguson protestors Stay on course

The indelible stain that this man has placed on the nation is shared by those who put him in office.

You should go argue with all your conservative pals who claim that rebellion is enshrined as a sacred right in the Declaration of Independence.
Isn't it odd that when the so-called Rodney King riots occurred in 1992, no one tried to blame George Bush Sr. for instigating them.

They were far worse than anything that's happened in Ferguson.

Bush didn't tell the rioters to "stay the course."

The community organizer did.

"He said he hopes that we’re doing all we can to keep peace.”

That was from your post. Go argue with yourself.

"JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (KMOX) – Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon signed an executive order activating the Missouri National Guard on Monday afternoon.

According to a news release, the role of the National Guard is to “…support law enforcement during any period of unrest that might occur following the grand jury’s decision concerning the investigation into the death of Michael Brown.”
Nixon Activates Missouri National Guard in Response to Potential 8216 Period of Unrest 8217 CBS St. Louis

Seems that the governor of the state expects the rioters to "stay the course."

Now....where did the protesters get the idea????

Thank you, Obama.

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