Objective Test: Who Are You Prejudiced Against? Or, are you afraid? https://implicit.harvard.edu/

I think I was sad. They said so. Prolly from trying to figure out E from I.
You have to put in your email to take the test? If so, no thanks. I get enough spam as it is.
They had other tests. Might mess with them to see how dumb those are as well.
Yeah they switch the two back and forth. Sometimes "E" is African Americans and Good, and sometimes it is "I" is for African Americans and Bad. And vice versa. You gotta really pay attention to that.

Yep. I took the thing three times with about 45 minutes to an hour of separation between each iteration. I got two different summary results, although they were adjacent to one another. What do I think of that? Um...I think using a metronome will have a dramatic impact on one's results. That's about it.
I took one test. The Christian/Islam one. Meh. Weird test.
Anyone having to take a test to find out if they're racist is..well..dumb.
That's true too, except there are people that I knew were racist by what they said, yet they could not see it, and did not think it of themselves.

I should take the race one next, but not tonight......too late.
Yeah they switch the two back and forth. Sometimes "E" is African Americans and Good, and sometimes it is "I" is for African Americans and Bad. And vice versa. You gotta really pay attention to that.

Yeah, wonder what the purpose of E I or I E is supposed to prove...
Dang it. I should have posted my results..grrrrr
When people take IAT tests they tend to score differently each time they take the test.
Which is not good for a test.
Perhaps in the future it will be fine tuned but for now its unreliable.

The test itself is nearly 20 years old when it was just about race. It has been fine tuned and I'm sorry you did not like the answer it gave you. I've been using the test for those 20 years and the people who complain are the ones that receive an answer they refuse to believe. I've had people walk out of a class.
I'll take a test and post the results when OP does. :dance:

I said to NOT post results. The results, in their formal form, are very easy to edit making it a futile effort. I've taken it a number of times over the years and the results are all very similar. I have a slight preference to whites. No surprise.

Like I said, the results are easy to edit.
You have to put in your email to take the test? If so, no thanks. I get enough spam as it is.

You do NOT have to put in your email. Just don't hit the button that says register or whatever. Hit the one that leaves you anonymous.
Anyone having to take a test to find out if they're racist is..well..dumb.

I've had numerous people who claimed they had never been a racist show they were very prejudiced. Many racist actions are unintentional. Things you say or do without thinking.

How you score is not as important. What is in your heart, and how you behave are what matters. Having an unbiased view of who and what you are allows you to learn and perhaps change your behavior.

I have been teaching Fair Housing and Diversity courses all over Florida and the country for 20 years.
I got a DNF.

That usually means you got too many wrong answers. Try again and concentrate.
First of all, it was an opinion poll asking my how I would describe myself. There are no wrong answers in an opinion poll.

Furthermore, in regards to concentration, I take that to an extreme. I have mental concentration mastered to such an extent that I can almost instantly control my autonomic body functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature.

You don't even know what it means to concentrate. You have no fucking clue.
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