Official Mueller Report Thread

Russiagate is dead.

Now, let's have a proper investigation into Obamagate. Mueller did not investigate the origin of the fake dossier and the Clinton-DNC collusion with foreign agents to produce it.

I'm sure Barr's investigation will uncover a lot. His report should be very illuminating.

Indeed. The Dems are going to regret their coup attempt.
Special counsel Robert Mueller's team referred 14 investigations to other US attorney's offices, including the prosecution of Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen and Greg Craig, the Skadden Arps attorney who was indicted for lying to DOJ about work he had done for the Ukraine Ministry of Justice.

The other 12 investigations are redacted.

That's because none of them involve Trump.


I have the Mueller report. My baker has the Mueller report. The bus driver was handing out copies as I went to work. I listened to an hour's analysis of it on TV by ABC by a hostile crowd. It brings 2 simple facts to light in even clearer detail:
  1. THERE NEVER WAS ANY BASIS IN THINKING TRUMP CONSPIRED WITH RUSSIA TO AFFECT THE ELECTION. End case. Trump has tried to tell us that from the very beginning that the entire charge of collusion between him and Russia from the Democrats was absurd. All this 'Putin Puppet' BS has been HORSE CRAP.
  2. Trump acted like any Alpha Male CEO businessman would being attacked on DAY ONE by totally false charges; he resisted it, he fought it. He disagreed with it. He knew it was a colossal waste of money and time that would only serve to harm the nation by tying him up from doing what he was elected and sent there to do. While some of those actions were questionable from a purely legal POV, they were understandable and Mueller agreed that they did not rise to the level of deliberate, overt, intentional obstruction of justice.
So now that that is that, the Democrats and Adam Schiff will continue to debase the nation and the office dragging their party down the rabit hole trying to make a federal case out of the fact that reading between the lines that because Mueller said he could not completely, absolutely totally dismiss / exonerate every action Trump did, that somewhere in THERE, if they dig hard enough, they still might find something to drag on into another investigation.

The idiot Left will now try to drag this out for another year and in doing so, utterly prove two things:
  1. The Dems have done absolutely NOTHING with their time in government in the execution of the duties of their office for the country still trying to nullify Trump's election from 2016 knowing that if they let up, he'll be free to investigate and charge them for an ENDLESS number of real, serious crimes, not to mention get reelected.
  2. They are so deep into this now they cannot let up without losing face and by the time the election comes and this nation has had nearly FOUR years of this nothing-burger, so much of the country will have become so sick of the Democrat's desperation, wrangling, witch-hunt and parsing of every little gnat, especially after years of glazing over and dismissing as innocent the MULTITUDE of Hillary atrocities and subversion of the law that this is going to blow up in their face come election time as they have nothing else in their bag than chasing Trump to show the public as any reason at all to vote for them!
And as much as some people may not LIKE Trump, they will find what the Democrats are doing here far more distasteful trying to subvert and coerce the election process even to the point of trying to CHANGE THE ELECTION LAWS AND DEMOGRAPHICS to suit them, that it will only serve to create sympathy for Trump and drive more people to side with him out of a repudiation for the way the Democratic Party has evolved now into an OVERTLY FASCIST INSTRUMENT OF POLITICAL POWER.

Let's face it: all that has truly been proven in these 2+ years is that Democrats are just VERY VERY BAD LOSERS, and they will stop at nothing to try to win.
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Special counsel Robert Mueller's team referred 14 investigations to other US attorney's offices, including the prosecution of Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen and Greg Craig, the Skadden Arps attorney who was indicted for lying to DOJ about work he had done for the Ukraine Ministry of Justice.

The other 12 investigations are redacted.

That's because none of them involve Trump.


I have the Mueller report. My baker has the Mueller report. The bus driver was handing out copies as I went to work. I listened to an hour's analysis of it on TV by ABC by a hostile crowd. It brings 2 simple facts to light in even clearer detail:
  1. THERE NEVER WAS ANY BASIS IN THINKING TRUMP CONSPIRED WITH RUSSIA TO AFFECT THE ELECTION. End case. Trump has tried to tell us that from the very beginning that the entire charge of collusion between him and Russia from the Democrats was absurd. All this 'Putin Puppet' BS has been HORSE CRAP.
  2. Trump acted like any Alpha Male CEO businessman would being attacked on DAY ONE by totally false charges; he resisted it, he fought it. He disagreed with it. He knew it was a colossal waste of money and time that would only serve to harm the nation by tying him up from doing what he was elected and sent there to do. While some of those actions were questionable from a purely legal POV, they were understandable and Mueller agreed that they did not rise to the level of deliberate, overt, intentional obstruction of justice.
So now that that is that, the Democrats and Adam Schiff will continue to debase the nation and the office dragging their party down the rabit hole trying to make a federal case out of the fact that reading between the lines that because Mueller said he could not completely, absolutely totally dismiss / exonerate every action Trump did, that somewhere in THERE, if they dig hard enough, they still might find something to drag on into another investigation.

The idiot Left will now try to drag this out for another year and in doing so, utterly prove two things:
  1. The Dems have done absolutely NOTHING with their time in government in the execution of the duties of their office for the country still trying to nullify Trump's election knowing that if they let up, he'll be free to investigate and charge them for an ENDLESS number of real, serious crimes, not to mention get reelected.
  2. They are so deep into this now they cannot let up without losing face and by the time the election comes and this nation has had nearly FOUR years of this nothing-burger, so much of the country will have become sick of the DEmocrat's wrangling and witch-hunt and parsing of every little gnat, that it is going to blow up in their face as they have nothing else in their bag than chasing Trump to show the public as any reason to vote for them!

What is even funnier is my link is directly to DOJ lol it's their PDF
While you read the report, before you make anymore off the hip comments that are false, consider that Mueller's investigation might be illegal in the first place, from FoxNews:

Tom Del Beccaro: Mueller took many improper actions investigating Trump – Here are a few

Selected excerpts:

"Taking the Job

Mueller never should have taken the job as special counsel.

Federal law, 28 CFR § 45.2, states: “No employee shall participate in a criminal investigation or prosecution if he has a personal or political relationship with: (1) Any person or organization substantially involved in the conduct that is the subject of the investigation or prosecution.”

Mueller, who served for 12 years as FBI director, knew when he took the job of special counsel that his friend and former FBI colleague James Comey – who replaced him as director of the bureau in 2013 – was at the center of the activities related to the Russia investigation. That meant Mueller would have to judge the actions of his friend and longtime associate, along with other FBI officials Mueller who had worked with.

Mueller was interviewed by President Trump for the job of FBI director one day before he took the special counsel position. That made Mueller a witness to any potential obstruction of justice charge, because Trump spoke to him about replacing Comey.

In America, you should not – or rather, cannot – be both a witness and a fact-finder.

Mueller’s decision to take the special counsel position under those circumstances must cast doubt in the mind of any fair-minded person about whether he was taking the position for partisan reasons and whether he wanted to protect Comey and his other friends.

Hiring biased prosecutors

When Mueller became special counsel, he knew divided Americans were and would be throughout his investigation.

The law says that Mueller was not allowed to consider the political affiliation of the prosecutors he hired to help him. Yet he somehow wound up with a raft full of Democrats and Hillary Clinton donors. We were supposed to believe it was sheer coincidence.

Mueller should have avoided all of that by going outside Washington to find his team. He didn’t. The hiring of biased attorneys compromised his efforts from Day One.

One-sided referrals

Mueller referred several cases of potential crimes unrelated to the Russia collusion narrative to federal prosecutors in New York City to investigate and possibly prosecute.

Yet Mueller claims he couldn’t find any unsavory evidence related to the manner in which the Russia investigation was launched by his friend Comey and the FBI. Really?

After all, Comey admitted on TV that he leaked documentation that he took (read: stole) from the FBI. That remains a crime that is in plain sight – but Mueller couldn’t find it."

The Rest HERE
The only thing better than reading osts from the lefties on here is watching MSNBC. Holy shit they’re all on the verge of tears and total freak out. It’s glorious.
Nancy Pelosi has expressed that she has no desire to impeach her friend Donald. Not unless there is a crime on the level of shooting someone in broad daylight on Fifth Avenue. She will probably let the puppies in the various committees do their publicity stunt investigations into Trump's obstruction of justice, but I don't think she will let it rise to the level of impeaching her old friend.

I don't think it has to do with friendships (see how she whipped Trump mercilessly on his wall).

It has to do with impeachment backfiring on Republicans in the 90's.

This maybe is not the same thing, but she is not going there without at least some Republicans on board.
trump has reason to want to obstruct lol HE DIDNT DO WHAT THEY WERE LOOKING IN TO Lol

Why wouldn’t he ask to end to stupid investigation
Mueller provides plenty of fodder for Congress to investigate those cases where there is "substantial evidence" of obstruction by Trump.

I think Volume II will be more interesting reading than Volume I. I will slog my way through the entire report, though.

I don't expect a single Trumpster will do so. They can't comprehend anything longer than a tweet, especially if it has big words in it.

All they can do is whine persistently, and toss out red herrings, tu quoques, and straw men. As usual.

Stop with the bullshit insults, no one is going to pay attention to you if you're going to continually be a dick.

I just finished it. What AMAZES me is that there is so little in it that I haven't already read or seen in the news. I thought the Mueller people didn't leak, so how did it all get on tv?
trump has reason to want to obstruct lol HE DIDNT DO WHAT THEY WERE LOOKING IN TO Lol

Why wouldn’t he ask to end to stupid investigation

Of course he has a reason.

Mueller seems to have cleared Trump on collusion BUT THAT WAS NOT A KNOWN FACT at the time he fired Comey, told Sessions to pack his shit and told McGhan to fire Mueller.
The only thing better than reading osts from the lefties on here is watching MSNBC. Holy shit they’re all on the verge of tears and total freak out. It’s glorious.
I can't even force myself to watch them or CNN anymore, past their youtube clip headlines. We need a show to break each day into 20 minutes called "We Watch MSM So You Don't Have To".
Special counsel Robert Mueller's team referred 14 investigations to other US attorney's offices, including the prosecution of Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen and Greg Craig, the Skadden Arps attorney who was indicted for lying to DOJ about work he had done for the Ukraine Ministry of Justice.

The other 12 investigations are redacted.

That's because none of them involve Trump.


I have the Mueller report. My baker has the Mueller report. The bus driver was handing out copies as I went to work. I listened to an hour's analysis of it on TV by ABC by a hostile crowd. It brings 2 simple facts to light in even clearer detail:
  1. THERE NEVER WAS ANY BASIS IN THINKING TRUMP CONSPIRED WITH RUSSIA TO AFFECT THE ELECTION. End case. Trump has tried to tell us that from the very beginning that the entire charge of collusion between him and Russia from the Democrats was absurd. All this 'Putin Puppet' BS has been HORSE CRAP.
  2. Trump acted like any Alpha Male CEO businessman would being attacked on DAY ONE by totally false charges; he resisted it, he fought it. He disagreed with it. He knew it was a colossal waste of money and time that would only serve to harm the nation by tying him up from doing what he was elected and sent there to do. While some of those actions were questionable from a purely legal POV, they were understandable and Mueller agreed that they did not rise to the level of deliberate, overt, intentional obstruction of justice.
So now that that is that, the Democrats and Adam Schiff will continue to debase the nation and the office dragging their party down the rabit hole trying to make a federal case out of the fact that reading between the lines that because Mueller said he could not completely, absolutely totally dismiss / exonerate every action Trump did, that somewhere in THERE, if they dig hard enough, they still might find something to drag on into another investigation.

The idiot Left will now try to drag this out for another year and in doing so, utterly prove two things:
  1. The Dems have done absolutely NOTHING with their time in government in the execution of the duties of their office for the country still trying to nullify Trump's election knowing that if they let up, he'll be free to investigate and charge them for an ENDLESS number of real, serious crimes, not to mention get reelected.
  2. They are so deep into this now they cannot let up without losing face and by the time the election comes and this nation has had nearly FOUR years of this nothing-burger, so much of the country will have become sick of the DEmocrat's wrangling and witch-hunt and parsing of every little gnat, that it is going to blow up in their face as they have nothing else in their bag than chasing Trump to show the public as any reason to vote for them!

What is even funnier is my link is directly to DOJ lol it's their PDF

Isn't that funny? Maybe I just missed it, but WHEN have you ever seen the DOJ themselves run so fast to release a government report to the people?????

I mean, it was like there was a stack of Mueller reports in the diner next to the jelly rolls as I checked out eating my lunch! They really REALLY want EVERYONE to read this and with no legal background to access it, take it as something really bad for the President!

Like our Leftards here will now reason: "IF IT WASN'T BAD, then why would the DOJ have released it so fast???" :auiqs.jpg:
Barr and Trump have lied about the report exonerating Trump.

From the last page of Mueller's report:

Because we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment, we did not draw ultimate conclusions about the President's conduct. The evidence we obtained about the President's actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment. At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the president clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.
trump has reason to want to obstruct lol HE DIDNT DO WHAT THEY WERE LOOKING IN TO Lol

Why wouldn’t he ask to end to stupid investigation

Of course he has a reason.

Mueller seems to have cleared Trump on collusion BUT THAT WAS NOT A KNOWN FACT at the time he fired Comey, told Sessions to pack his shit and told McGhan to fire Mueller.
It was started by but hurt democrats who have embarrassed America of course oocer the period of 22 months he asked questions..
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Very interesting factoid. Turns out the Internet Research agency was funded by a restaurateur in Russia, not the govt. page 16
Barr and Trump have lied about the report exonerating Trump.

From the last page of Mueller's report:

Because we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment, we did not draw ultimate conclusions about the President's conduct. The evidence we obtained about the President's actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment. At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the president clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.

Ok, sunflower, you'll get this one response and then back on ignore with you. If they had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly DID commit obstruction of justice, they would so state gleefully. They can't, so it's crap. Now, go play with your naval in the corner.
Special counsel Robert Mueller's team referred 14 investigations to other US attorney's offices, including the prosecution of Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen and Greg Craig, the Skadden Arps attorney who was indicted for lying to DOJ about work he had done for the Ukraine Ministry of Justice.

The other 12 investigations are redacted.

That's because none of them involve Trump.


I have the Mueller report. My baker has the Mueller report. The bus driver was handing out copies as I went to work. I listened to an hour's analysis of it on TV by ABC by a hostile crowd. It brings 2 simple facts to light in even clearer detail:
  1. THERE NEVER WAS ANY BASIS IN THINKING TRUMP CONSPIRED WITH RUSSIA TO AFFECT THE ELECTION. End case. Trump has tried to tell us that from the very beginning that the entire charge of collusion between him and Russia from the Democrats was absurd. All this 'Putin Puppet' BS has been HORSE CRAP.
  2. Trump acted like any Alpha Male CEO businessman would being attacked on DAY ONE by totally false charges; he resisted it, he fought it. He disagreed with it. He knew it was a colossal waste of money and time that would only serve to harm the nation by tying him up from doing what he was elected and sent there to do. While some of those actions were questionable from a purely legal POV, they were understandable and Mueller agreed that they did not rise to the level of deliberate, overt, intentional obstruction of justice.
So now that that is that, the Democrats and Adam Schiff will continue to debase the nation and the office dragging their party down the rabit hole trying to make a federal case out of the fact that reading between the lines that because Mueller said he could not completely, absolutely totally dismiss / exonerate every action Trump did, that somewhere in THERE, if they dig hard enough, they still might find something to drag on into another investigation.

The idiot Left will now try to drag this out for another year and in doing so, utterly prove two things:
  1. The Dems have done absolutely NOTHING with their time in government in the execution of the duties of their office for the country still trying to nullify Trump's election from 2016 knowing that if they let up, he'll be free to investigate and charge them for an ENDLESS number of real, serious crimes, not to mention get reelected.
  2. They are so deep into this now they cannot let up without losing face and by the time the election comes and this nation has had nearly FOUR years of this nothing-burger, so much of the country will have become so sick of the Democrat's desperation, wrangling, witch-hunt and parsing of every little gnat, especially after years of glazing over and dismissing as innocent the MULTITUDE of Hillary atrocities and subversion of the law that this is going to blow up in their face come election time as they have nothing else in their bag than chasing Trump to show the public as any reason at all to vote for them!
And as much as some people may not LIKE Trump, they will find what the Democrats are doing here far more distasteful trying to subvert and coerce the election process even to the point of trying to CHANGE THE ELECTION LAWS AND DEMOGRAPHICS to suit them, that it will only serve to create sympathy for Trump and drive more people to side with him out of a repudiation for the way the Democratic Party has evolved now into an OVERTLY FASCIST INSTRUMENT OF POLITICAL POWER.

Let's face it: all that has truly been proven in these 2+ years is that Democrats are just VERY VERY BAD LOSERS, and they will stop at nothing to try to win.


That sounds like a personal problem; hope you can get that down to just one asshole, because having more than one asshole could be a real problem.

The other 12 investigations are redacted because the investigations are ongoing & most all of those 12 investigations involve Trump, Trump family members, or people very close to Trump World; Allen Weisselberg for one.

Again, good luck with all of your assholes.
Barr and Trump have lied about the report exonerating Trump.

From the last page of Mueller's report:

Because we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment, we did not draw ultimate conclusions about the President's conduct. The evidence we obtained about the President's actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment. At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the president clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.

Ok, sunflower, you'll get this one response and then back on ignore with you. If they had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly DID commit obstruction of justice, they would so state gleefully. They can't, so it's crap. Now, go play with your naval in the corner.
Mueller has given Congress plenty to investigate, as I showed from the many quotes from Mueller's report in which he stated quite plainly there was "substantial evidence" Trump obstructed justice.

I guess you have me on ignore because facts scare the bejeesus out of you. :lol:
Very interesting factoid. Turns out the Internet Research agency was funded by a restaurateur in Russia, not the govt. page 16
You left out something.

Yevgeniy Prigozhin "is widely reported to have ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin". Page 12.

Also, the hacking of the DNC was done by Russian intelligence officers. Page 17.

The IRA worked mostly to spread fake news on social media to Trump's Rube Herd.

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