Official Mueller Report Thread

Russiagate is dead.

Now, let's have a proper investigation into Obamagate. Mueller did not investigate the origin of the fake dossier and the Clinton-DNC collusion with foreign agents to produce it.

A perfect example of a Trump supporter ^^^, and one who would stand and support any banana republic despot. "Lock her up" is passé, Lock all of the political opponents up is the new reality, now that Trump's Megalomania has become acceptable with his base.

How typical that you support a coup attempt and want it covered up.
I really believe the fun is going to start first with the Horowitz report and then with the report on FISA abuse.

Heads are going to roll.

Andrew McCarthy pointed out something that I never thought about. Mueller never used the FISA court nor did
he ever comment on it. The 3 ensuing FISA warrants the FBI used Spying warrants when they knew they had no
evidence of collusion...just the Steele Dossier.

Mueller was smart enough not to fall into that trap, but he would have had to know that since Sept of 2017 there
was no collusion. He may get called to the deck on why he wasted all that money.
And right wingers are still waiting for Hillary to go to jail and they’re positive that Obama hacked trump’s phone.
In the meantime, there are still another dozen investigations that are ongoing which we saw in the Mueller report.
Odd that.

We already know that Obama was behind the spying of the Trump campaign
Trump campaign benefited from Russian help Will Trumps pal Putin try again ? Trump Tried to fire Muller intimidate witnesses,,,He's a slmebag and as it's good friday I'm being kind
According to a new report from the New York Times, Mueller has farmed out federal indictments to:

1) The SDNY, in Manhattan

2) The EDNY, in Brooklyn

3) The EDVA in Virginia.

4) The U.S. Attorney’s office in Los Angeles

5) The U.S. Attorney’s office in Washington DC

6) The DOJ National Security Division

7) The DOJ Criminal Division

All no-pardon zones.

The entire second half of the report is a laundry list of indictable crimes committed by Donald Trump.

The report was supposed to be about the Russians. But he kept finding so many crimes he had to send them to other places to be prosecuted. That’s why there’s so many notes in the Mueller report about redactments for ongoing investigations.
I really believe the fun is going to start first with the Horowitz report and then with the report on FISA abuse.

Heads are going to roll.

Andrew McCarthy pointed out something that I never thought about. Mueller never used the FISA court nor did
he ever comment on it. The 3 ensuing FISA warrants the FBI used Spying warrants when they knew they had no
evidence of collusion...just the Steele Dossier.

Mueller was smart enough not to fall into that trap, but he would have had to know that since Sept of 2017 there
was no collusion. He may get called to the deck on why he wasted all that money.
And right wingers are still waiting for Hillary to go to jail and they’re positive that Obama hacked trump’s phone.
In the meantime, there are still another dozen investigations that are ongoing which we saw in the Mueller report.
Odd that.

LOL! Good point. One irrational group believes Hillary will go to jail any moment. The other irrational group believes Trump will be impeached any moment.

Maybe one of them will be correct some day soon.
No one believes he'll be impeached Republican toadies are deathly afraid of the bully and we need both parties
The "creepy Joe" meme was the first shot across his bow from the other Democrats and it seems to have made him pause. If he gets in, I don't see him getting the nomination.
In your opinion who will who has a better chance? Isn't he leading in the Polls?

Any of them. I think Kamala Harris will edge the others out in the end, but time will tell.
Harris could very well be Bidens VP selection

That would be a massive mistake IMO.
Why ? It'd help with womens vote and Biden won't blow campaign stops like Hill did

Because Cali is already a blue state and Harris is a polarizing figure. She is a lifetime politician and is not and will never be a mom. How would she identify with women who are or want to be mothers?
I really believe the fun is going to start first with the Horowitz report and then with the report on FISA abuse.

Heads are going to roll.

Andrew McCarthy pointed out something that I never thought about. Mueller never used the FISA court nor did
he ever comment on it. The 3 ensuing FISA warrants the FBI used Spying warrants when they knew they had no
evidence of collusion...just the Steele Dossier.

Mueller was smart enough not to fall into that trap, but he would have had to know that since Sept of 2017 there
was no collusion. He may get called to the deck on why he wasted all that money.
And right wingers are still waiting for Hillary to go to jail and they’re positive that Obama hacked trump’s phone.
In the meantime, there are still another dozen investigations that are ongoing which we saw in the Mueller report.
Odd that.

LOL! Good point. One irrational group believes Hillary will go to jail any moment. The other irrational group believes Trump will be impeached any moment.

Maybe one of them will be correct some day soon.
No one believes he'll be impeached Republican toadies are deathly afraid of the bully and we need both parties
The GOP Senate will never let it happen no matter how many crimes he’s committed or will commit nor how closely he works with the Russians to subvert American democracy.
I really believe the fun is going to start first with the Horowitz report and then with the report on FISA abuse.

Heads are going to roll.

Andrew McCarthy pointed out something that I never thought about. Mueller never used the FISA court nor did
he ever comment on it. The 3 ensuing FISA warrants the FBI used Spying warrants when they knew they had no
evidence of collusion...just the Steele Dossier.

Mueller was smart enough not to fall into that trap, but he would have had to know that since Sept of 2017 there
was no collusion. He may get called to the deck on why he wasted all that money.
And right wingers are still waiting for Hillary to go to jail and they’re positive that Obama hacked trump’s phone.
In the meantime, there are still another dozen investigations that are ongoing which we saw in the Mueller report.
Odd that.

LOL! Good point. One irrational group believes Hillary will go to jail any moment. The other irrational group believes Trump will be impeached any moment.

Maybe one of them will be correct some day soon.
No one believes he'll be impeached Republican toadies are deathly afraid of the bully and we need both parties
The GOP Senate will never let it happen no matter how many crimes he’s committed or will commit nor how closely he works with the Russians to subvert American democracy.

You are delusional....

If there was any REAL EVIDENCE the GOP, wouldn't hesitate. You forget they hate Trump even more than the left .

In your opinion who will who has a better chance? Isn't he leading in the Polls?

Any of them. I think Kamala Harris will edge the others out in the end, but time will tell.
Harris could very well be Bidens VP selection

That would be a massive mistake IMO.
Why ? It'd help with womens vote and Biden won't blow campaign stops like Hill did

Because Cali is already a blue state and Harris is a polarizing figure. She is a lifetime politician and is not and will never be a mom. How would she identify with women who are or want to be mothers?
She has two children from her husband’s previous marriage. Just because children aren’t biologically yours doesn’t mean they’re not yours.
If they call her mom then in their eyes she’s mom.
Dossier is not stolen material and Steele is a private person, not a representative of a hostile government. There is absolutely nothing illegal here. Stop talking about shit you are obviously too stupid to talk about.

Don't you just love it when a hapless idiot dumbfuck like Antonio comes along as libtards ALWAYS do talking about how stupid OTHER people are as they shove their foot in their OWN mouth?
  • Dossier is not stolen material. WHERE DID I EVER SAY IT WAS, IDIOT? Strawman augment.
  • Steele is a private person, not a representative of a hostile government, WHERE DID I EVER SAY ANY DIFFERENT, Kumquat?
    And what difference does it make? Strawman argument.
  • There is absolutely nothing illegal here. WHERE DID I EVER SAY IT WAS ILLEGAL, Beanbrain?
    Strawman argument. But the circumstances around how it was used fraudulently in the FISA court may be, and it certain bears at least equal investigation into election tampering as the alleged efforts by Trump to garner useful info from Russians that might help against Hillary. We're talking about one SUSPECTED act and one KNOWN. I know that is a bit much for your grade-school education.
I really believe the fun is going to start first with the Horowitz report and then with the report on FISA abuse.

Heads are going to roll.

Andrew McCarthy pointed out something that I never thought about. Mueller never used the FISA court nor did
he ever comment on it. The 3 ensuing FISA warrants the FBI used Spying warrants when they knew they had no
evidence of collusion...just the Steele Dossier.

Mueller was smart enough not to fall into that trap, but he would have had to know that since Sept of 2017 there
was no collusion. He may get called to the deck on why he wasted all that money.
And right wingers are still waiting for Hillary to go to jail and they’re positive that Obama hacked trump’s phone.
In the meantime, there are still another dozen investigations that are ongoing which we saw in the Mueller report.
Odd that.

LOL! Good point. One irrational group believes Hillary will go to jail any moment. The other irrational group believes Trump will be impeached any moment.

Maybe one of them will be correct some day soon.
No one believes he'll be impeached Republican toadies are deathly afraid of the bully and we need both parties
The GOP Senate will never let it happen no matter how many crimes he’s committed or will commit nor how closely he works with the Russians to subvert American democracy.

You are delusional....

If there was any REAL EVIDENCE the GOP, wouldn't hesitate. You forget they hate Trump even more than the left .

Depends on how you define real evidence. Because the Mueller report is a laundry list of indictable crimes and felonies.
I really believe the fun is going to start first with the Horowitz report and then with the report on FISA abuse.

Heads are going to roll.

Andrew McCarthy pointed out something that I never thought about. Mueller never used the FISA court nor did
he ever comment on it. The 3 ensuing FISA warrants the FBI used Spying warrants when they knew they had no
evidence of collusion...just the Steele Dossier.

Mueller was smart enough not to fall into that trap, but he would have had to know that since Sept of 2017 there
was no collusion. He may get called to the deck on why he wasted all that money.
And right wingers are still waiting for Hillary to go to jail and they’re positive that Obama hacked trump’s phone.
In the meantime, there are still another dozen investigations that are ongoing which we saw in the Mueller report.
Odd that.

LOL! Good point. One irrational group believes Hillary will go to jail any moment. The other irrational group believes Trump will be impeached any moment.

Maybe one of them will be correct some day soon.
No one believes he'll be impeached Republican toadies are deathly afraid of the bully and we need both parties
The GOP Senate will never let it happen no matter how many crimes he’s committed or will commit nor how closely he works with the Russians to subvert American democracy.

You are delusional....

If there was any REAL EVIDENCE the GOP, wouldn't hesitate. You forget they hate Trump even more than the left .

Oh My God this is terrible
The report depicted a chaotic environment in the White House in which aides scrambled to avoid carrying out orders by Trump that were potentially illegal or self-destructive, and where his press office lied to cover for him.

In all, Mueller and his team cited 10 episodes of potential obstruction.

Former White House counsel Don McGahn told investigators that Trump asked him twice to tell Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to fire Mueller. Fearing that such a firing would trigger another “Saturday Night Massacre,” like the one carried out by President Richard Nixon in 1973, McGahn decided to quit, telling then-White House chief of staff Reince Priebus that the president had asked him to ‘do crazy s***.’”

According to the report, McGahn took extensive notes of his conversations with the president, which apparently irked Trump.


White House counsel Don McGahn looks on as President Trump speaks during a Cabinet meeting at the White House, Oct. 17, 2018. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
“Why do you take notes? Lawyers don’t take notes,” Trump once told McGahn, according to the report. “I never had a lawyer who took notes. I’ve had a lot of great lawyers, like Roy Cohn. He never took notes.” Cohn, a notorious political fixer, was Trump’s mentor and personal lawyer early in Trump’s real estate career.

McGahn, though, wasn’t the only note taker featured in the Mueller report.

Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s chief of staff, Jody Hunt, took notes of his conversation with Trump after the president learned that Mueller had been appointed as special counsel.

“Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency,” Trump exclaimed, according to Hunt’s notes cited in Mueller’s report. “I’m f***ed.”
I really believe the fun is going to start first with the Horowitz report and then with the report on FISA abuse.

Heads are going to roll.

Andrew McCarthy pointed out something that I never thought about. Mueller never used the FISA court nor did
he ever comment on it. The 3 ensuing FISA warrants the FBI used Spying warrants when they knew they had no
evidence of collusion...just the Steele Dossier.

Mueller was smart enough not to fall into that trap, but he would have had to know that since Sept of 2017 there
was no collusion. He may get called to the deck on why he wasted all that money.
And right wingers are still waiting for Hillary to go to jail and they’re positive that Obama hacked trump’s phone.
In the meantime, there are still another dozen investigations that are ongoing which we saw in the Mueller report.
Odd that.

LOL! Good point. One irrational group believes Hillary will go to jail any moment. The other irrational group believes Trump will be impeached any moment.

Maybe one of them will be correct some day soon.
No one believes he'll be impeached Republican toadies are deathly afraid of the bully and we need both parties
The GOP Senate will never let it happen no matter how many crimes he’s committed or will commit nor how closely he works with the Russians to subvert American democracy.

You are delusional....

If there was any REAL EVIDENCE the GOP, wouldn't hesitate. You forget they hate Trump even more than the left .

IMO they fear him more than hate him
The "creepy Joe" meme was the first shot across his bow from the other Democrats and it seems to have made him pause. If he gets in, I don't see him getting the nomination.
In your opinion who will who has a better chance? Isn't he leading in the Polls?

Any of them. I think Kamala Harris will edge the others out in the end, but time will tell.
Harris could very well be Bidens VP selection

ROTFLMAO! Too bad this is off topic. I am enjoying your slavish devotion to the second oldest white man who might be running.
How old is Trump ?/ Already shrinks have said he's on his way to mental problems

How old is Trump ?

younger than Biden
And right wingers are still waiting for Hillary to go to jail and they’re positive that Obama hacked trump’s phone.
In the meantime, there are still another dozen investigations that are ongoing which we saw in the Mueller report.
Odd that.

LOL! Good point. One irrational group believes Hillary will go to jail any moment. The other irrational group believes Trump will be impeached any moment.

Maybe one of them will be correct some day soon.
No one believes he'll be impeached Republican toadies are deathly afraid of the bully and we need both parties
The GOP Senate will never let it happen no matter how many crimes he’s committed or will commit nor how closely he works with the Russians to subvert American democracy.

You are delusional....

If there was any REAL EVIDENCE the GOP, wouldn't hesitate. You forget they hate Trump even more than the left .

Oh My God this is terrible
The report depicted a chaotic environment in the White House in which aides scrambled to avoid carrying out orders by Trump that were potentially illegal or self-destructive, and where his press office lied to cover for him.

In all, Mueller and his team cited 10 episodes of potential obstruction.

Former White House counsel Don McGahn told investigators that Trump asked him twice to tell Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to fire Mueller. Fearing that such a firing would trigger another “Saturday Night Massacre,” like the one carried out by President Richard Nixon in 1973, McGahn decided to quit, telling then-White House chief of staff Reince Priebus that the president had asked him to ‘do crazy s***.’”

According to the report, McGahn took extensive notes of his conversations with the president, which apparently irked Trump.


White House counsel Don McGahn looks on as President Trump speaks during a Cabinet meeting at the White House, Oct. 17, 2018. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
“Why do you take notes? Lawyers don’t take notes,” Trump once told McGahn, according to the report. “I never had a lawyer who took notes. I’ve had a lot of great lawyers, like Roy Cohn. He never took notes.” Cohn, a notorious political fixer, was Trump’s mentor and personal lawyer early in Trump’s real estate career.

McGahn, though, wasn’t the only note taker featured in the Mueller report.

Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s chief of staff, Jody Hunt, took notes of his conversation with Trump after the president learned that Mueller had been appointed as special counsel.

“Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency,” Trump exclaimed, according to Hunt’s notes cited in Mueller’s report. “I’m f***ed.”

And yet after all this: HILLARY IS STILL NOT PRESIDENT!

And right wingers are still waiting for Hillary to go to jail and they’re positive that Obama hacked trump’s phone.
In the meantime, there are still another dozen investigations that are ongoing which we saw in the Mueller report.
Odd that.

LOL! Good point. One irrational group believes Hillary will go to jail any moment. The other irrational group believes Trump will be impeached any moment.

Maybe one of them will be correct some day soon.
No one believes he'll be impeached Republican toadies are deathly afraid of the bully and we need both parties
The GOP Senate will never let it happen no matter how many crimes he’s committed or will commit nor how closely he works with the Russians to subvert American democracy.

You are delusional....

If there was any REAL EVIDENCE the GOP, wouldn't hesitate. You forget they hate Trump even more than the left .

Oh My God this is terrible
The report depicted a chaotic environment in the White House in which aides scrambled to avoid carrying out orders by Trump that were potentially illegal or self-destructive, and where his press office lied to cover for him.

In all, Mueller and his team cited 10 episodes of potential obstruction.

Former White House counsel Don McGahn told investigators that Trump asked him twice to tell Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to fire Mueller. Fearing that such a firing would trigger another “Saturday Night Massacre,” like the one carried out by President Richard Nixon in 1973, McGahn decided to quit, telling then-White House chief of staff Reince Priebus that the president had asked him to ‘do crazy s***.’”

According to the report, McGahn took extensive notes of his conversations with the president, which apparently irked Trump.


White House counsel Don McGahn looks on as President Trump speaks during a Cabinet meeting at the White House, Oct. 17, 2018. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
“Why do you take notes? Lawyers don’t take notes,” Trump once told McGahn, according to the report. “I never had a lawyer who took notes. I’ve had a lot of great lawyers, like Roy Cohn. He never took notes.” Cohn, a notorious political fixer, was Trump’s mentor and personal lawyer early in Trump’s real estate career.

McGahn, though, wasn’t the only note taker featured in the Mueller report.

Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s chief of staff, Jody Hunt, took notes of his conversation with Trump after the president learned that Mueller had been appointed as special counsel.

“Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency,” Trump exclaimed, according to Hunt’s notes cited in Mueller’s report. “I’m f***ed.”
In the report it says the McGahn who was trumps lawyer quit because Trump kept asking him to do illegal things and even asked him to create false documents and make them part of the White House record. He just couldn’t take it anymore.
McGann knew that if he stayed he would end up in prison. Trump expects loyalty from everyone but is loyal to no one.
LOL! Good point. One irrational group believes Hillary will go to jail any moment. The other irrational group believes Trump will be impeached any moment.

Maybe one of them will be correct some day soon.
No one believes he'll be impeached Republican toadies are deathly afraid of the bully and we need both parties
The GOP Senate will never let it happen no matter how many crimes he’s committed or will commit nor how closely he works with the Russians to subvert American democracy.

You are delusional....

If there was any REAL EVIDENCE the GOP, wouldn't hesitate. You forget they hate Trump even more than the left .

Oh My God this is terrible
The report depicted a chaotic environment in the White House in which aides scrambled to avoid carrying out orders by Trump that were potentially illegal or self-destructive, and where his press office lied to cover for him.

In all, Mueller and his team cited 10 episodes of potential obstruction.

Former White House counsel Don McGahn told investigators that Trump asked him twice to tell Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to fire Mueller. Fearing that such a firing would trigger another “Saturday Night Massacre,” like the one carried out by President Richard Nixon in 1973, McGahn decided to quit, telling then-White House chief of staff Reince Priebus that the president had asked him to ‘do crazy s***.’”

According to the report, McGahn took extensive notes of his conversations with the president, which apparently irked Trump.


White House counsel Don McGahn looks on as President Trump speaks during a Cabinet meeting at the White House, Oct. 17, 2018. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
“Why do you take notes? Lawyers don’t take notes,” Trump once told McGahn, according to the report. “I never had a lawyer who took notes. I’ve had a lot of great lawyers, like Roy Cohn. He never took notes.” Cohn, a notorious political fixer, was Trump’s mentor and personal lawyer early in Trump’s real estate career.

McGahn, though, wasn’t the only note taker featured in the Mueller report.

Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s chief of staff, Jody Hunt, took notes of his conversation with Trump after the president learned that Mueller had been appointed as special counsel.

“Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency,” Trump exclaimed, according to Hunt’s notes cited in Mueller’s report. “I’m f***ed.”

And yet after all this: HILLARY IS STILL NOT PRESIDENT!

That’s it? That’s all you got? Because that is
just pitiful.
In your opinion who will who has a better chance? Isn't he leading in the Polls?

Any of them. I think Kamala Harris will edge the others out in the end, but time will tell.
Harris could very well be Bidens VP selection

ROTFLMAO! Too bad this is off topic. I am enjoying your slavish devotion to the second oldest white man who might be running.
How old is Trump ?/ Already shrinks have said he's on his way to mental problems

How old is Trump ?

younger than Biden
In the scheme of things ,what's a year or so matter I just believe trump is losing it I'll judge Biden if he wins

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