Official Mueller Report Thread

Lindsey Grahamā€™s Old Comments About Obstruction Sound Really Awkward Now
The South Carolina Republican had very different views on the matter in 1999, when President Bill Clinton was facing impeachment.

By Ed Mazza

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) has become a staunch defender of President Donald Trump in recent years, but some of his old comments on the issue of obstruction sound a lot different than what heā€™s saying today.

Just last month, Graham used one of Trumpā€™s favorite phrases.

ā€œNo collusion and no obstruction,ā€ Graham said after Attorney General William Barr released his summary of special counsel Robert Muellerā€™s investigation.

But in 1999, Graham maintained a much stricter standard while serving in the House as one of the managers in President Bill Clintonā€™s impeachment proceedings:

Lindsey Graham 1999: He doesnā€™t have to say ā€˜letā€™s obstruct justiceā€™ for it to be a crime.
Lindsey Graham 2019: If the report indicates no collusion found by Mueller, done, over, for me.


6:43 PM - Apr 18, 2019

723 people are talking about this

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Muellerā€™s redacted report spelled out 10 instances in which Trump may have attempted to obstruct justice. Yet Graham didnā€™t seem inclined to revise his views based on those details.

Graham, chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, also said on Thursday that he has no plans to call on Mueller to testify about the investigation.

ā€œHeā€™s done his job,ā€ Graham said, per The Hill. ā€œIā€™m not going to retry the case.ā€

Thatā€™s it? Thatā€™s all you got? Because that is
just pitiful.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection combined with Epic Flaming Butthurt ^^^
So you don't care that Russia violated and interfered with our elections in favor of Trump? You welcomed it?

Oh, I do care. I care about how the hiLIARY campaign, DNC, Perkins Coie, FusionGPS, Obama, the FBI, CIA, DOJ and other Deep State actors conspired with foreign agents in a coup attempt against Trump. We need an investigation into this.
I see now why you support Trump You too only have 1 oar in the water

Your boat sank long ago.
You're on the Titanic
According to a new report from the New York Times, Mueller has farmed out federal indictments to:

1) The SDNY, in Manhattan

2) The EDNY, in Brooklyn

3) The EDVA in Virginia.

4) The U.S. Attorneyā€™s office in Los Angeles

5) The U.S. Attorneyā€™s office in Washington DC

6) The DOJ National Security Division

7) The DOJ Criminal Division

All no-pardon zones.

The entire second half of the report is a laundry list of indictable crimes committed by Donald Trump.

The report was supposed to be about the Russians. But he kept finding so many crimes he had to send them to other places to be prosecuted. Thatā€™s why thereā€™s so many notes in the Mueller report about redactments for ongoing investigations.
^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection combined with Epic Flaming Butthurt ^^^
So you don't care that Russia violated and interfered with our elections in favor of Trump? You welcomed it?

Oh, I do care. I care about how the hiLIARY campaign, DNC, Perkins Coie, FusionGPS, Obama, the FBI, CIA, DOJ and other Deep State actors conspired with foreign agents in a coup attempt against Trump. We need an investigation into this.
I see now why you support Trump You too only have 1 oar in the water

Your boat sank long ago.
You're on the Titanic
According to a new report from the New York Times, Mueller has farmed out federal indictments to:

1) The SDNY, in Manhattan

2) The EDNY, in Brooklyn

3) The EDVA in Virginia.

4) The U.S. Attorneyā€™s office in Los Angeles

5) The U.S. Attorneyā€™s office in Washington DC

6) The DOJ National Security Division

7) The DOJ Criminal Division

All no-pardon zones.

The entire second half of the report is a laundry list of indictable crimes committed by Donald Trump.

The report was supposed to be about the Russians. But he kept finding so many crimes he had to send them to other places to be prosecuted. Thatā€™s why thereā€™s so many notes in the Mueller report about redactments for ongoing investigations.

So you don't care that Russia violated and interfered with our elections in favor of Trump? You welcomed it?

Oh, I do care. I care about how the hiLIARY campaign, DNC, Perkins Coie, FusionGPS, Obama, the FBI, CIA, DOJ and other Deep State actors conspired with foreign agents in a coup attempt against Trump. We need an investigation into this.
I see now why you support Trump You too only have 1 oar in the water

Your boat sank long ago.
You're on the Titanic
According to a new report from the New York Times, Mueller has farmed out federal indictments to:

1) The SDNY, in Manhattan

2) The EDNY, in Brooklyn

3) The EDVA in Virginia.

4) The U.S. Attorneyā€™s office in Los Angeles

5) The U.S. Attorneyā€™s office in Washington DC

6) The DOJ National Security Division

7) The DOJ Criminal Division

All no-pardon zones.

The entire second half of the report is a laundry list of indictable crimes committed by Donald Trump.

The report was supposed to be about the Russians. But he kept finding so many crimes he had to send them to other places to be prosecuted. Thatā€™s why thereā€™s so many notes in the Mueller report about redactments for ongoing investigations.

I lived through your other republican waste GWB I can live though this scum No tears just disappointment in 30% of America
He needs to be impeached. Just imagine the damage he can keep doing with Barr as his Cohn.

LMAO! I love when you clutch your pearls like that. I see a booming economy and progress with international issues...we need MORE damage like that.

The whole globe is booming, not just the US. Too keep tramp in will only come to our ruin.
He needs to be impeached. Just imagine the damage he can keep doing with Barr as his Cohn.

LMAO! I love when you clutch your pearls like that. I see a booming economy and progress with international issues...we need MORE damage like that.

The whole globe is booming, not just the US. Too keep tramp in will only come to our ruin.
And lo and behold ,,our ex allies are turning towards China and Russia to do business at our expense Trump is truly a divider
Oh My God this is terrible
The report depicted a chaotic environment in the White House in which aides scrambled to avoid carrying out orders by Trump that were potentially illegal or self-destructive, and where his press office lied to cover for him.

In all, Mueller and his team cited 10 episodes of potential obstruction.

Former White House counsel Don McGahn told investigators that Trump asked him twice to tell Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to fire Mueller. Fearing that such a firing would trigger another ā€œSaturday Night Massacre,ā€ like the one carried out by President Richard Nixon in 1973, McGahn decided to quit, telling then-White House chief of staff Reince Priebus that the president had asked him to ā€˜do crazy s***.ā€™ā€

According to the report, McGahn took extensive notes of his conversations with the president, which apparently irked Trump.


White House counsel Don McGahn looks on as President Trump speaks during a Cabinet meeting at the White House, Oct. 17, 2018. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
ā€œWhy do you take notes? Lawyers donā€™t take notes,ā€ Trump once told McGahn, according to the report. ā€œI never had a lawyer who took notes. Iā€™ve had a lot of great lawyers, like Roy Cohn. He never took notes.ā€ Cohn, a notorious political fixer, was Trumpā€™s mentor and personal lawyer early in Trumpā€™s real estate career.

McGahn, though, wasnā€™t the only note taker featured in the Mueller report.

Former Attorney General Jeff Sessionsā€™s chief of staff, Jody Hunt, took notes of his conversation with Trump after the president learned that Mueller had been appointed as special counsel.

ā€œOh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency,ā€ Trump exclaimed, according to Huntā€™s notes cited in Muellerā€™s report. ā€œIā€™m f***ed.ā€

And yet after all this: HILLARY IS STILL NOT PRESIDENT!

Thatā€™s it? Thatā€™s all you got? Because that is
just pitiful.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection combined with Epic Flaming Butthurt ^^^
I included a link to the Mueller Report in my signature line.

Have you ever wondered what it feels like to actually "know" stuff instead of just parroting what racists and criminals tell you? I imagine it would be liberating.

Perhaps you should give it a test drive. Actually read something that isn't propaganda? For once?

I've ready quite a bit of the Mueller report. It repeatedly says things to the effect that no evidence was found to justify indicting Trump.

Seriously, you need help.
Now you just flat out lied. I gave you a fĀ„cking link to it? What the hell is wrong with you. Just go read the fĀ„cking thing.
Oh, I do care. I care about how the hiLIARY campaign, DNC, Perkins Coie, FusionGPS, Obama, the FBI, CIA, DOJ and other Deep State actors conspired with foreign agents in a coup attempt against Trump. We need an investigation into this.
I see now why you support Trump You too only have 1 oar in the water

Your boat sank long ago.
You're on the Titanic
According to a new report from the New York Times, Mueller has farmed out federal indictments to:

1) The SDNY, in Manhattan

2) The EDNY, in Brooklyn

3) The EDVA in Virginia.

4) The U.S. Attorneyā€™s office in Los Angeles

5) The U.S. Attorneyā€™s office in Washington DC

6) The DOJ National Security Division

7) The DOJ Criminal Division

All no-pardon zones.

The entire second half of the report is a laundry list of indictable crimes committed by Donald Trump.

The report was supposed to be about the Russians. But he kept finding so many crimes he had to send them to other places to be prosecuted. Thatā€™s why thereā€™s so many notes in the Mueller report about redactments for ongoing investigations.

I lived through your other republican waste GWB I can live though this scum No tears just disappointment in 30% of America

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Butthurt ^^^
And yet after all this: HILLARY IS STILL NOT PRESIDENT!

Thatā€™s it? Thatā€™s all you got? Because that is
just pitiful.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection combined with Epic Flaming Butthurt ^^^
I included a link to the Mueller Report in my signature line.

Have you ever wondered what it feels like to actually "know" stuff instead of just parroting what racists and criminals tell you? I imagine it would be liberating.

Perhaps you should give it a test drive. Actually read something that isn't propaganda? For once?

I've ready quite a bit of the Mueller report. It repeatedly says things to the effect that no evidence was found to justify indicting Trump.

Seriously, you need help.
Now you just flat out lied. I gave you a fĀ„cking link to it? What the hell is wrong with you. Just go read the fĀ„cking thing.

I told the truth. It's hardly a surprise that you don't grok it.
We have a new contender: deanrd

Favorite deranged quote: "the entire second half is a list of indictable crimes"

Seriously, can you read English? That's the most enormous misrepresentation I've seen so far, pure gaslighting. Here's your ribbon:


This report is hundreds of pages long.

It covers everything except Trump's money.

That's because the scope was limited to the Russians. The only reason there is so much Trump is because every time they found a Russian, he was in bed with someone from the Trump campaign.

The entire second half deals with obstruction.

Mueller makes it clear that even though a sitting president can't be indicted, he can be charged with crimes he committed while in office once he's out.

And the entire second half is a list of indictable crimes. Anyone who bothers to read even a part of it knows that to be true.

Just the section on Cohen lists multiple felonies where Trump is an unindicted co conspirator.


More and more of this is coming out before the next election. The question will be what kind of people are Republicans who make such a man president?

According to a new report from the New York Times, Mueller has farmed out federal indictments to:

1) The SDNY, in Manhattan

2) The EDNY, in Brooklyn

3) The EDVA in Virginia.

4) The U.S. Attorneyā€™s office in Los Angeles

5) The U.S. Attorneyā€™s office in Washington DC

6) The DOJ National Security Division

7) The DOJ Criminal Division

All no-pardon zones.

The entire second half of the report is a laundry list of indictable crimes committed by Donald Trump.

The report was supposed to be about the Russians. But he kept finding so many crimes he had to send them to other places to be prosecuted. Thatā€™s why thereā€™s so many notes in the Mueller report about redactments for ongoing investigations.

And right wingers are still waiting for Hillary to go to jail and theyā€™re positive that Obama hacked trumpā€™s phone.
In the meantime, there are still another dozen investigations that are ongoing which we saw in the Mueller report.
Odd that.

LOL! Good point. One irrational group believes Hillary will go to jail any moment. The other irrational group believes Trump will be impeached any moment.

Maybe one of them will be correct some day soon.
No one believes he'll be impeached Republican toadies are deathly afraid of the bully and we need both parties
The GOP Senate will never let it happen no matter how many crimes heā€™s committed or will commit nor how closely he works with the Russians to subvert American democracy.

You are delusional....

If there was any REAL EVIDENCE the GOP, wouldn't hesitate. You forget they hate Trump even more than the left .

Depends on how you define real evidence. Because the Mueller report is a laundry list of indictable crimes and felonies.
Lindsey Grahamā€™s Old Comments About Obstruction Sound Really Awkward Now
The South Carolina Republican had very different views on the matter in 1999, when President Bill Clinton was facing impeachment.

By Ed Mazza

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) has become a staunch defender of President Donald Trump in recent years, but some of his old comments on the issue of obstruction sound a lot different than what heā€™s saying today.

Just last month, Graham used one of Trumpā€™s favorite phrases.

ā€œNo collusion and no obstruction,ā€ Graham said after Attorney General William Barr released his summary of special counsel Robert Muellerā€™s investigation.

But in 1999, Graham maintained a much stricter standard while serving in the House as one of the managers in President Bill Clintonā€™s impeachment proceedings:

Lindsey Graham 1999: He doesnā€™t have to say ā€˜letā€™s obstruct justiceā€™ for it to be a crime.
Lindsey Graham 2019: If the report indicates no collusion found by Mueller, done, over, for me.


6:43 PM - Apr 18, 2019

723 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Muellerā€™s redacted report spelled out 10 instances in which Trump may have attempted to obstruct justice. Yet Graham didnā€™t seem inclined to revise his views based on those details.

Graham, chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, also said on Thursday that he has no plans to call on Mueller to testify about the investigation.

ā€œHeā€™s done his job,ā€ Graham said, per The Hill. ā€œIā€™m not going to retry the case.ā€

How about some more cut and paste bullshit. I can hardly wait.
So you don't care that Russia violated and interfered with our elections in favor of Trump? You welcomed it?

Oh, I do care. I care about how the hiLIARY campaign, DNC, Perkins Coie, FusionGPS, Obama, the FBI, CIA, DOJ and other Deep State actors conspired with foreign agents in a coup attempt against Trump. We need an investigation into this.
I see now why you support Trump You too only have 1 oar in the water

Your boat sank long ago.
You're on the Titanic
According to a new report from the New York Times, Mueller has farmed out federal indictments to:

1) The SDNY, in Manhattan

2) The EDNY, in Brooklyn

3) The EDVA in Virginia.

4) The U.S. Attorneyā€™s office in Los Angeles

5) The U.S. Attorneyā€™s office in Washington DC

6) The DOJ National Security Division

7) The DOJ Criminal Division

All no-pardon zones.

The entire second half of the report is a laundry list of indictable crimes committed by Donald Trump.

The report was supposed to be about the Russians. But he kept finding so many crimes he had to send them to other places to be prosecuted. Thatā€™s why thereā€™s so many notes in the Mueller report about redactments for ongoing investigations.

He needs to be impeached. Just imagine the damage he can keep doing with Barr as his Cohn.

LMAO! I love when you clutch your pearls like that. I see a booming economy and progress with international issues...we need MORE damage like that.

The whole globe is booming, not just the US. Too keep tramp in will only come to our ruin.
And lo and behold ,,our ex allies are turning towards China and Russia to do business at our expense
Trump is truly a divider
"The Cambridge police did a stupid thing"
"Trayvon could have been my son"
Using Sharpton as an advisor on race. Obama divided this country using the race card. And made the police the bad guys. 8 years of rhetoric aimed at tearing America apart. It is over. Hate is all you got left.
I see now why you support Trump You too only have 1 oar in the water

Your boat sank long ago.
You're on the Titanic
According to a new report from the New York Times, Mueller has farmed out federal indictments to:

1) The SDNY, in Manhattan

2) The EDNY, in Brooklyn

3) The EDVA in Virginia.

4) The U.S. Attorneyā€™s office in Los Angeles

5) The U.S. Attorneyā€™s office in Washington DC

6) The DOJ National Security Division

7) The DOJ Criminal Division

All no-pardon zones.

The entire second half of the report is a laundry list of indictable crimes committed by Donald Trump.

The report was supposed to be about the Russians. But he kept finding so many crimes he had to send them to other places to be prosecuted. Thatā€™s why thereā€™s so many notes in the Mueller report about redactments for ongoing investigations.

I lived through your other republican waste GWB I can live though this scum No tears just disappointment in 30% of America

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Butthurt ^^^
Well one thing we can agree on is that the USMB is a very right wing political discussion site. I know people who get banned all the time and are accused of trolling and yet look what you put out.
You posting stuff like this:

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Butthurt ^^^

Any place else would be considered trolling.
So congratulations. You going as low as possible is completely accepted.
Itā€™s all about the political perspective.
Your boat sank long ago.
You're on the Titanic
According to a new report from the New York Times, Mueller has farmed out federal indictments to:

1) The SDNY, in Manhattan

2) The EDNY, in Brooklyn

3) The EDVA in Virginia.

4) The U.S. Attorneyā€™s office in Los Angeles

5) The U.S. Attorneyā€™s office in Washington DC

6) The DOJ National Security Division

7) The DOJ Criminal Division

All no-pardon zones.

The entire second half of the report is a laundry list of indictable crimes committed by Donald Trump.

The report was supposed to be about the Russians. But he kept finding so many crimes he had to send them to other places to be prosecuted. Thatā€™s why thereā€™s so many notes in the Mueller report about redactments for ongoing investigations.

I lived through your other republican waste GWB I can live though this scum No tears just disappointment in 30% of America

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Butthurt ^^^
Well one thing we can agree on is that the USMB is a very right wing political discussion site. I know people who get banned all the time and are accused of trolling and yet look what you put out.
You posting stuff like this:

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Butthurt ^^^

Any place else would be considered trolling.
So congratulations. You going as low as possible is completely accepted.

Any place else would be considered trolling.
Any other place you would considered to stupid to have a conversation.Where is your proof of obstruction? You are speaking from your ass, aren't you?
Your boat sank long ago.
You're on the Titanic
According to a new report from the New York Times, Mueller has farmed out federal indictments to:

1) The SDNY, in Manhattan

2) The EDNY, in Brooklyn

3) The EDVA in Virginia.

4) The U.S. Attorneyā€™s office in Los Angeles

5) The U.S. Attorneyā€™s office in Washington DC

6) The DOJ National Security Division

7) The DOJ Criminal Division

All no-pardon zones.

The entire second half of the report is a laundry list of indictable crimes committed by Donald Trump.

The report was supposed to be about the Russians. But he kept finding so many crimes he had to send them to other places to be prosecuted. Thatā€™s why thereā€™s so many notes in the Mueller report about redactments for ongoing investigations.

I lived through your other republican waste GWB I can live though this scum No tears just disappointment in 30% of America

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Butthurt ^^^
Well one thing we can agree on is that the USMB is a very right wing political discussion site. I know people who get banned all the time and are accused of trolling and yet look what you put out.
You posting stuff like this:

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Butthurt ^^^

Any place else would be considered trolling.
So congratulations. You going as low as possible is completely accepted.
Itā€™s all about the political perspective.

You need the 55 gallon drum version of:


Again with the "might" as if it's fact.

Sad to see your credibility dissolve into nothingness.

Ok one more time, one more time only I will explain it to you:

Mueller considered it inaproriate (as per DOJ guidelines) to make any deregatory determination without bringing charges (which he could not under the same guidelines).

So instead of making what he describes as a tough legal call he simply laid out the facts for Congress to make the determination if this bahaviour adds up to obstruction.

I think it clearly does, I think any reasonable person would consider it obstruciton and I think Congress (if it wants to take this up) can impeach Trump for abuse of his office in this way.

First, since obviously American English is not your first language, I'll try to use simple words. Mueller would not be shy about saying that Congress should investigate an issue as that is not a derogatory determination.

Second, although he did raise QUESTIONS about obstruction, he did not recommend further investigation.

Finally, though he was obviously offended by Trump's attacks, nothing he outlines indicates abuse.

You have NO credibility on this issue. You should really take a break and hope everyone forgets how many stupid things you've posted.
He needs to be impeached. Just imagine the damage he can keep doing with Barr as his Cohn.

LMAO! I love when you clutch your pearls like that. I see a booming economy and progress with international issues...we need MORE damage like that.

The whole globe is booming, not just the US. Too keep tramp in will only come to our ruin.

I'm sure you believe that based on your hate, but there's nothing that proves your claim.
In your opinion who will who has a better chance? Isn't he leading in the Polls?

Any of them. I think Kamala Harris will edge the others out in the end, but time will tell.
Harris could very well be Bidens VP selection

ROTFLMAO! Too bad this is off topic. I am enjoying your slavish devotion to the second oldest white man who might be running.
How old is Trump ?/ Already shrinks have said he's on his way to mental problems

How old is Trump ?

younger than Biden

3+ years...big deal.

And Trump is clearly showing signs of senility. I recall no such charges from respected psychiatrists against Biden.

Donald Trump suffers from psychosis and is a 'very sick man:' Psychiatrist
Opinion | Psychiatrists Warn About Trumpā€™s Mental State

Removed personal attack

And I try not to waste too much time on cowards.

Ta ta.
Last edited by a moderator:
Any of them. I think Kamala Harris will edge the others out in the end, but time will tell.
Harris could very well be Bidens VP selection

ROTFLMAO! Too bad this is off topic. I am enjoying your slavish devotion to the second oldest white man who might be running.
How old is Trump ?/ Already shrinks have said he's on his way to mental problems

How old is Trump ?

younger than Biden

3+ years...big deal.

And Trump is clearly showing signs of senility. I recall no such charges from respected psychiatrists against Biden.

Donald Trump suffers from psychosis and is a 'very sick man:' Psychiatrist
Opinion | Psychiatrists Warn About Trumpā€™s Mental State

And don't bother replying because we both know you are a coward (at least on this site) and we both know why...don't we Moderator WillHaftawaite?

And I try not to waste too much time on cowards.

Ta ta.

Biden is a nut case.
Trump's da man.

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