Official Mueller Report Thread


It is April 2019. Just leave him alone and let him finish his term and then if you want try to elect someone to beat him. This squabbling only costs us more tax $$ and divides the country even more, which is what Russia truly wants.
Biden declares next week Russia and republicans don't want that Either does PC
Why wouldn't Republicans want him declaring?

He trips over his tongue more than Ford tripped over his own feet

The "creepy Joe" meme was the first shot across his bow from the other Democrats and it seems to have made him pause. If he gets in, I don't see him getting the nomination.
In your opinion who will who has a better chance? Isn't he leading in the Polls?

Any of them. I think Kamala Harris will edge the others out in the end, but time will tell.

It is April 2019. Just leave him alone and let him finish his term and then if you want try to elect someone to beat him. This squabbling only costs us more tax $$ and divides the country even more, which is what Russia truly wants.
Biden declares next week Russia and republicans don't want that Either does PC
Why wouldn't Republicans want him declaring?

He trips over his tongue more than Ford tripped over his own feet
Yes he has in the past ,,,,but more than trump? I don't think so And is he a vile lying bully like trump ?? Who we know you favor

Yes he has in the past

and you expect the future to be different?

but more than trump?

Trump misspeaks?

I thought he lied.

Who we know you favor

At this point, I don't favor anyone
Really Fooled me and trump not only lies he misspeaks Doesn't know countries,rulers and knows very little of how gov't runs

Boom! Barr publicly shits himself yet again. Gets caught misrepresenting the report.
Dirty Bob Mueller tries to reverse the burden of proof:

The most remarkable thing about Dirty Bob Mueller’s 448-page report is how blithely the prosecutor reversed the burden of proof on the issue of obstruction.

The president could have shut down the investigation at any time, but he didn’t. He could have asserted executive privilege to deny the special counsel access to key White House witnesses, such as McGahn. To the contrary, numerous witnesses were made available voluntarily (there was no need to even subpoena them to the grand jury), and well over a million documents were disclosed, including voluminous notes of meetings between the president and his White House counsel.

Most important, the special counsel found that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, and that the president’s frustration was that the investigation was undermining his ability to govern the country. The existence of such a motive is a strong counter to evidence of a corrupt intent, critical because corrupt intent must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt in an obstruction case.

Idiot, Trump ordered McGhan to fire Mueller - not very co-operative, is it now?

Mueller can’t convict Trump as per DOJ guidelines, nor can he provide deregulatory statements about criminality since he is not bringing charges. So what they felt they are down to is simply presenting the evidence.

All Mueller had was "likely" and "might". He could not point at one specific instance of obstruction. You're still wasting our time with your whining.
If special counsel Mueller believed there was an obstruction offense, he should have had the courage of his convictions and recommended charging the president. Since he wasn’t convinced there was enough evidence to charge, he should have said he wasn’t recommending charges. Period.

Anything else was — and is — a smear. Worse than that, it flouts the Constitution.
It is April 2019. Just leave him alone and let him finish his term and then if you want try to elect someone to beat him. This squabbling only costs us more tax $$ and divides the country even more, which is what Russia truly wants.
Biden declares next week Russia and republicans don't want that Either does PC
Why wouldn't Republicans want him declaring?

He trips over his tongue more than Ford tripped over his own feet

The "creepy Joe" meme was the first shot across his bow from the other Democrats and it seems to have made him pause. If he gets in, I don't see him getting the nomination.
In your opinion who will who has a better chance? Isn't he leading in the Polls?

Any of them. I think Kamala Harris will edge the others out in the end, but time will tell.
Harris could very well be Bidens VP selection
“ORANGE MAN BAD!” “Living inside a media-generated echo chamber where everyone shares their simplistic worldview, the Trump-haters tune in nightly to their MSNBC/CNN religious revival and are catechized, so to speak, with the latest reiteration of the Orange Man Bad gospel.”
It is April 2019. Just leave him alone and let him finish his term and then if you want try to elect someone to beat him. This squabbling only costs us more tax $$ and divides the country even more, which is what Russia truly wants.
Biden declares next week Russia and republicans don't want that Either does PC
Why wouldn't Republicans want him declaring?

He trips over his tongue more than Ford tripped over his own feet
Yes he has in the past ,,,,but more than trump? I don't think so And is he a vile lying bully like trump ?? Who we know you favor

Yes he has in the past

and you expect the future to be different?

but more than trump?

Trump misspeaks?

I thought he lied.

Who we know you favor

At this point, I don't favor anyone
Really Fooled me and trump not only lies he misspeaks Doesn't know countries,rulers and knows very little of how gov't runs
Does he know how many letters are in the word J-O-B-S?

Did he campaign for Obama America?
Boom! Barr publicly shits himself yet again. Gets caught misrepresenting the report.
Dirty Bob Mueller tries to reverse the burden of proof:

The most remarkable thing about Dirty Bob Mueller’s 448-page report is how blithely the prosecutor reversed the burden of proof on the issue of obstruction.

The president could have shut down the investigation at any time, but he didn’t. He could have asserted executive privilege to deny the special counsel access to key White House witnesses, such as McGahn. To the contrary, numerous witnesses were made available voluntarily (there was no need to even subpoena them to the grand jury), and well over a million documents were disclosed, including voluminous notes of meetings between the president and his White House counsel.

Most important, the special counsel found that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, and that the president’s frustration was that the investigation was undermining his ability to govern the country. The existence of such a motive is a strong counter to evidence of a corrupt intent, critical because corrupt intent must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt in an obstruction case.

Idiot, Trump ordered McGhan to fire Mueller - not very co-operative, is it now?

Mueller can’t convict Trump as per DOJ guidelines, nor can he provide deregulatory statements about criminality since he is not bringing charges. So what they felt they are down to is simply presenting the evidence.
If they had an obstruction case, they would have made it

Did you read what you quoted before copying and posting stupid nonsence?
Prosecutors either bring charges or they keep silent. Dirty Bob Mueller didn't do his job.

In his report, Dirty Bob Mueller punted. If he had been satisfied that there was no obstruction crime, he said, he would have so found. He claimed he wasn’t satisfied. Yet he was also not convinced that there was sufficient proof to charge. Therefore, he made no decision, leaving it to Attorney General William Barr to find that there was no obstruction.

This is unbecoming behavior for a prosecutor and an outrageous shifting of the burden of proof: The constitutional right of every American to force the government to prove a crime has been committed, rather than to have to prove his or her own innocence.

This is exactly why prosecutors should never speak publicly about the evidence uncovered in an investigation of someone who isn’t charged. The obligation of the prosecutor is to render a judgment about whether there is enough proof to charge a crime. If there is, the prosecutor indicts; if there is not, the prosecutor remains silent.

Mueller said he couldn't exonerate and proved he couldn't bring a charge. So, he left the question open so the Left could have hope.
Biden declares next week Russia and republicans don't want that Either does PC
Why wouldn't Republicans want him declaring?

He trips over his tongue more than Ford tripped over his own feet

The "creepy Joe" meme was the first shot across his bow from the other Democrats and it seems to have made him pause. If he gets in, I don't see him getting the nomination.
In your opinion who will who has a better chance? Isn't he leading in the Polls?

Any of them. I think Kamala Harris will edge the others out in the end, but time will tell.
Harris could very well be Bidens VP selection


Is she clean and articulate enough for him??
Russiagate is dead.

Now, let's have a proper investigation into Obamagate. Mueller did not investigate the origin of the fake dossier and the Clinton-DNC collusion with foreign agents to produce it.

A perfect example of a Trump supporter ^^^, and one who would stand and support any banana republic despot. "Lock her up" is passé, Lock all of the political opponents up is the new reality, now that Trump's Megalomania has become acceptable with his base.

Don't post before your medication kicks don't make sense until it does.
Biden declares next week Russia and republicans don't want that Either does PC
Why wouldn't Republicans want him declaring?

He trips over his tongue more than Ford tripped over his own feet

The "creepy Joe" meme was the first shot across his bow from the other Democrats and it seems to have made him pause. If he gets in, I don't see him getting the nomination.
In your opinion who will who has a better chance? Isn't he leading in the Polls?

Any of them. I think Kamala Harris will edge the others out in the end, but time will tell.
Harris could very well be Bidens VP selection

That would be a massive mistake IMO.
Biden declares next week Russia and republicans don't want that Either does PC
Why wouldn't Republicans want him declaring?

He trips over his tongue more than Ford tripped over his own feet

The "creepy Joe" meme was the first shot across his bow from the other Democrats and it seems to have made him pause. If he gets in, I don't see him getting the nomination.
In your opinion who will who has a better chance? Isn't he leading in the Polls?

Any of them. I think Kamala Harris will edge the others out in the end, but time will tell.
Harris could very well be Bidens VP selection
Who cares?
Dirty Bob Mueller tries to reverse the burden of proof:

The most remarkable thing about Dirty Bob Mueller’s 448-page report is how blithely the prosecutor reversed the burden of proof on the issue of obstruction.

The president could have shut down the investigation at any time, but he didn’t. He could have asserted executive privilege to deny the special counsel access to key White House witnesses, such as McGahn. To the contrary, numerous witnesses were made available voluntarily (there was no need to even subpoena them to the grand jury), and well over a million documents were disclosed, including voluminous notes of meetings between the president and his White House counsel.

Most important, the special counsel found that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, and that the president’s frustration was that the investigation was undermining his ability to govern the country. The existence of such a motive is a strong counter to evidence of a corrupt intent, critical because corrupt intent must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt in an obstruction case.

Idiot, Trump ordered McGhan to fire Mueller - not very co-operative, is it now?

Mueller can’t convict Trump as per DOJ guidelines, nor can he provide deregulatory statements about criminality since he is not bringing charges. So what they felt they are down to is simply presenting the evidence.
If they had an obstruction case, they would have made it

Did you read what you quoted before copying and posting stupid nonsence?
Prosecutors either bring charges or they keep silent. Dirty Bob Mueller didn't do his job.

In his report, Dirty Bob Mueller punted. If he had been satisfied that there was no obstruction crime, he said, he would have so found. He claimed he wasn’t satisfied. Yet he was also not convinced that there was sufficient proof to charge. Therefore, he made no decision, leaving it to Attorney General William Barr to find that there was no obstruction.

This is unbecoming behavior for a prosecutor and an outrageous shifting of the burden of proof: The constitutional right of every American to force the government to prove a crime has been committed, rather than to have to prove his or her own innocence.

This is exactly why prosecutors should never speak publicly about the evidence uncovered in an investigation of someone who isn’t charged. The obligation of the prosecutor is to render a judgment about whether there is enough proof to charge a crime. If there is, the prosecutor indicts; if there is not, the prosecutor remains silent.

Mueller said he couldn't exonerate and proved he couldn't bring a charge. So, he left the question open so the Left could have hope.
He certainly gave them a hoop to jump through and they will, right over the cliff.
Biden declares next week Russia and republicans don't want that Either does PC
Why wouldn't Republicans want him declaring?

He trips over his tongue more than Ford tripped over his own feet

The "creepy Joe" meme was the first shot across his bow from the other Democrats and it seems to have made him pause. If he gets in, I don't see him getting the nomination.
In your opinion who will who has a better chance? Isn't he leading in the Polls?

Any of them. I think Kamala Harris will edge the others out in the end, but time will tell.
Harris could very well be Bidens VP selection

ROTFLMAO! Too bad this is off topic. I am enjoying your slavish devotion to the second oldest white man who might be running.
I really believe the fun is going to start first with the Horowitz report and then with the report on FISA abuse.

Heads are going to roll.

Andrew McCarthy pointed out something that I never thought about. Mueller never used the FISA court nor did
he ever comment on it. The 3 ensuing FISA warrants the FBI used Spying warrants when they knew they had no
evidence of collusion...just the Steele Dossier.

Mueller was smart enough not to fall into that trap, but he would have had to know that since Sept of 2017 there
was no collusion. He may get called to the deck on why he wasted all that money.
And right wingers are still waiting for Hillary to go to jail and they’re positive that Obama hacked trump’s phone.
In the meantime, there are still another dozen investigations that are ongoing which we saw in the Mueller report.
Odd that.
Why wouldn't Republicans want him declaring?

He trips over his tongue more than Ford tripped over his own feet

The "creepy Joe" meme was the first shot across his bow from the other Democrats and it seems to have made him pause. If he gets in, I don't see him getting the nomination.
In your opinion who will who has a better chance? Isn't he leading in the Polls?

Any of them. I think Kamala Harris will edge the others out in the end, but time will tell.
Harris could very well be Bidens VP selection

ROTFLMAO! Too bad this is off topic. I am enjoying your slavish devotion to the second oldest white man who might be running.
How old is Trump ?/ Already shrinks have said he's on his way to mental problems
Why wouldn't Republicans want him declaring?

He trips over his tongue more than Ford tripped over his own feet

The "creepy Joe" meme was the first shot across his bow from the other Democrats and it seems to have made him pause. If he gets in, I don't see him getting the nomination.
In your opinion who will who has a better chance? Isn't he leading in the Polls?

Any of them. I think Kamala Harris will edge the others out in the end, but time will tell.
Harris could very well be Bidens VP selection

That would be a massive mistake IMO.

It'd be a TERRIBLE mistake for Harris to be part of Biden's losing ticket. It'd ruin her future chances.
Why wouldn't Republicans want him declaring?

He trips over his tongue more than Ford tripped over his own feet

The "creepy Joe" meme was the first shot across his bow from the other Democrats and it seems to have made him pause. If he gets in, I don't see him getting the nomination.
In your opinion who will who has a better chance? Isn't he leading in the Polls?

Any of them. I think Kamala Harris will edge the others out in the end, but time will tell.
Harris could very well be Bidens VP selection

That would be a massive mistake IMO.
Why ? It'd help with womens vote and Biden won't blow campaign stops like Hill did
I really believe the fun is going to start first with the Horowitz report and then with the report on FISA abuse.

Heads are going to roll.

Andrew McCarthy pointed out something that I never thought about. Mueller never used the FISA court nor did
he ever comment on it. The 3 ensuing FISA warrants the FBI used Spying warrants when they knew they had no
evidence of collusion...just the Steele Dossier.

Mueller was smart enough not to fall into that trap, but he would have had to know that since Sept of 2017 there
was no collusion. He may get called to the deck on why he wasted all that money.
And right wingers are still waiting for Hillary to go to jail and they’re positive that Obama hacked trump’s phone.
In the meantime, there are still another dozen investigations that are ongoing which we saw in the Mueller report.
Odd that.

We already know that Obama was behind the spying of the Trump campaign
I really believe the fun is going to start first with the Horowitz report and then with the report on FISA abuse.

Heads are going to roll.

Andrew McCarthy pointed out something that I never thought about. Mueller never used the FISA court nor did
he ever comment on it. The 3 ensuing FISA warrants the FBI used Spying warrants when they knew they had no
evidence of collusion...just the Steele Dossier.

Mueller was smart enough not to fall into that trap, but he would have had to know that since Sept of 2017 there
was no collusion. He may get called to the deck on why he wasted all that money.
And right wingers are still waiting for Hillary to go to jail and they’re positive that Obama hacked trump’s phone.
In the meantime, there are still another dozen investigations that are ongoing which we saw in the Mueller report.
Odd that.

LOL! Good point. One irrational group believes Hillary will go to jail any moment. The other irrational group believes Trump will be impeached any moment.

Maybe one of them will be correct some day soon.

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