Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

Stay tuned for the link as it's just breaking right now.
Now where do the democrats stand?
I'm hoping they are relieved that Trump has been cleared of any wrongdoing.

Mueller deserves the thanks of All Americans. He brought several felons (all hired by Trump) to justice.
Every single American, SHOULD be happy that their president did NOT conspire with a foreign country to steal an American presidential election.

But what about his opponent, Hillary Clinton, the DNC, the Democrat Party, and the deep state holdouts?

They actually did conspire with a foreign country to steal an election, then to subsequently overthrow one. Should we be so forgiving as to just sweep that under the rug?

Mueller disagrees with you…or at least the 4 page summary does. LOL
Coming over the wires right now, there was no collusion or conspiracy, Trump is clean

Just heard bits and pieces from a letter form Barr. Who's interpretation is there is no collusion. That's nice. Now lets see the report, and see what Mueller said. As of right now there is nothing but Barrs interpretation in a short summary. There is nothing even remotely close to Trump is clean.That is your interpretation.
In case anyone here is keeping score, Trump wins yet again and the lefttards lose yet again. This is a very one sided game indeed. Can it be that Trump alone is smarter than all of the dumb democommies combined? From the looks of their most recent recruits like AOC, apparently so.

Trump has been called a "very stable genius" by those in the know.

I remember during Wrestlemania 23, it looked pretty bleak for a few moments and Jim Ross commented "This is a world Donald Trump is unfamiliar with, this is not real estate, this is the WWE"

Mr. Trump immediately turned the tables, delivered his patented Hostile Takeover, won the match and then shaved Mr. McMahon's head.

Trump is head and shoulders above Mueller, Nadler and the rest of his enemies here.
Stay tuned for the link as it's just breaking right now.
Now where do the democrats stand?
I'm hoping they are relieved that Trump has been cleared of any wrongdoing.

Naw, I never really expected the government to admit the Russians skunked them.
So we spent 25 million dollars and Mueller found nothing!
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Quite a bit of “nothing”….LOL


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So, are all of the Dems crying in their beer right now? I'm not smiling...just hopeful that Congress starts the work of the country. It's been too long.
Coming over the wires right now, there was no collusion or conspiracy, Trump is clean

Just heard bits and pieces from a letter form Barr. Who's interpretation is there is no collusion. That's nice. Now lets see the report, and see what Mueller said. As of right now there is nothing but Barrs interpretation in a short summary. There is nothing even remotely close to Trump is clean.That is your interpretation.

LOL, your track record on all of this shit is abysmal.
You lost.

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