Official USMB Mafia Game #2: Enter the Godfather

This is cracking me up!!

It's hilarious. :doubt:

I'm not amused.

Thing is, when the game is being played I'm fine.

When unrelated game stuff is thrown around in here and flames and garbage and it turns into high school mean girls club or the FZ complete with Rat helping to disrupt things, I'm not.

That's not what I signed up for.

I don't get this way on the rest of the board because I choose not to. I don't have a choice here if I play this game and people choose to act this way.

That's what sucks for me.

So I've cast my vote and I will not contribute to any more non game related garbage.

Good. That's what you have to do. Ignore the nonsensical and stick with the game. There is no rule against what she is doing, but the only way we can deal with it is to get rid of it. There are enough Townies to realize that it is not helping us. Those that don't agree can remain suspect.
you and wolfie are quite the little team there arent you ....

and for the 3rd and last time...rat came with me...when i ask him if he would play to replace a player not knowing wake already had someone.....i am sorry for his brutal use of the thanks button.....i never knew the cosmic harm rat was capable of....
Ya'll remember now, scum don't like it when someone keeps going after them. They eventually start acting out, like we have seen here already. They want everyone to go by their rules.
Ok. Btwn Aya and Mebelle I will go with the majority for a lynch

Neither one of them seems to really care for the game, they are playing their own version and just having fun at towns expense.

Fact is oner both are town, but I want them gone

I need to get a vote count....brb

We already have three for Aye. We need you and Luissa to vote for Aye.

Then TN can come in and hammer.

Then maybe we won't have to wade through pages and pages of cutsie pie posters and size 8 posts....and all that nonsense that doesn't help Town at all.

If I'm lynched, I did my part getting the scum to run.

Scum on the run, Scum on the run......

Nah, Aye you've helped nothing.

You're not leading anything so you're no Godfather, you're obviously town. You're not aiding town so I doubt your a PR. You're just a VT who thinks you're some kind if savant
you and wolfie are quite the little team there arent you ....

and for the 3rd and last time...rat came with me...when i ask him if he would play to replace a player not knowing wake already had someone.....i am sorry for his brutal use of the thanks button.....i never knew the cosmic harm rat was capable of....

Thanks for that.

It's been super helpful.
you and wolfie are quite the little team there arent you ....

and for the 3rd and last time...rat came with me...when i ask him if he would play to replace a player not knowing wake already had someone.....i am sorry for his brutal use of the thanks button.....i never knew the cosmic harm rat was capable of....

Thanks for that.

It's been super helpful.

you are more than welcome.....
you and wolfie are quite the little team there arent you ....

and for the 3rd and last time...rat came with me...when i ask him if he would play to replace a player not knowing wake already had someone.....i am sorry for his brutal use of the thanks button.....i never knew the cosmic harm rat was capable of....

I find it funny I was asked to change my sig line, and now Rat is thanking posts. Lol
I wonder if the same person has made the same request they did of me?
I am changing my vote from Strollingbones. I might regret it later, but after this morning I feel even better about a suspicion I already had. [MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION] vote=Wolfsister77
Lucky for me, it has been a slow day... But I really need to finish some work now. Lol

I am comfortable with my vote. wolf has been after me since the beginning. I know I am townie, so that screams scum to me.

May the odds forever be in your favor. Peace.
I am reviewing thread currently. Please bear with me guys. :smiliehug:

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