Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

I would like to consider that someone in Central might also have targeted Rosie and not just her own neighborhood. Our neighborhood had no clue Rosie was a PR and definitely did not know she was a cop. If Avi knew, he didn't tell us. I'm doubting East or West knew unless someone from Central mentioned it there. Is it possible to exlude these two neighborhoods by someone letting us know from each if Rosie's PR or being an investigative was mentioned? It looks like both South and Central knew.

From South, if Mertex is doc-that leaves Grandma and Rosie.

b]Central-Cafe-who is in another hood with TN at least[/b], FA who is in West with SR, mathblade-which means both these neighborhoods could know and I'd like to exclude them. Grandma again, Aye again, Avi who's gone and if he knew didn't say anything, Sameech who if he knew didn't say anything.

So West and East-did anyone there know about Rosie?

Also, can Aye or Grandma explain why you felt it necessary to talk about Rosie to Central?

I still can't believe Rosie said she was a cop to a neighborhood where you don't know if there's scum there or not.

I'm not in anyones neighborhood, try again please.

Post 2670 CLEARLY states that the meat shield would have saved Rosie. The post was made by WAKE. I think he would know.

Why are you lying, Mertex?

Why did you quote the mod, then?

Vote: Grandma
OK, I guess I went to bed too early.

Hugs Grandma because I know how frustrating this game can be.

One of the reasons I jailed Aye last night was to try and narrow down who from that neighborhood was scum. While I believe Mertex plays very anti-town, I don't have any good reason to not believe she is town. That leaves Grandma as the scum in that neighborhood. I believe Grandma is at L-1 (or pretty darn close). I will hammer this afternoon if nothing else comes up.
I literally had no idea I was supposed to be in a hood until now.

Is this fucking reality?

note: made my first post in the neighborhood for the lols
I do believe Sameech is scum. Since each scum team has to get the other team killed in order to win the game, outing an opposing player would be within his win condition. Also, Sam is claiming a lesser investigative role like tracker or watcher. My question to the more experienced players is would the info yielded from both roles allow Sam to know so certainly that Avatar was scum? My reading of the two roles isn't clear.
I do believe Sameech is scum. Since each scum team has to get the other team killed in order to win the game, outing an opposing player would be within his win condition. Also, Sam is claiming a lesser investigative role like tracker or watcher. My question to the more experienced players is would the info yielded from both roles allow Sam to know so certainly that Avatar was scum? My reading of the two roles isn't clear.

Watcher, I don't know. Tracker, would tell him if Avi visited Rosie. If so, that's a guilty. Since she was killed.

Are you around by chance. Can you read the thread and confirm what post 30 says in Central?

Post 30 is made by Grandma and she's saying that Mertex claiming she was in a neighborhood bugged her, made her think it was a trick for people to think Mertex is town, and then Grandma asks if Mertex is even in a neighborhood.
VC Incoming. At work; will try to get one in here soon.
TN just hammerred Grandma I think.

Are you sure? I though after your unvote she was back at L-2?

No, Cafe voted for Grandma after that, so tn voting for her was the hammer.

I too am tired of this game. I've been maligned and told I am being destructive to the game. I realize that maybe I went over the top when everyone was attacking me for not using the damn shield but I knew that my Doc power provided the same protection without risk. So, I became testy, but, damn, I'm not the only one that has become testy, so why all of a sudden I'm the only one that is disruptive and anti-town. I even apologized to Wolf for what I said, but Grandma has not apologized to me. She told me in the QT that if I played in another game she wouldn't, and she even posted that here. But, nobody even noticed or gave a damn.

Grandma called us all idiots, fuckers and demanded to be Mod-killed. Though some considered that anti-town, they still wouldn't vote for her and one even unvoted her. If I went after Grandma unmercifully is because she was doing the same to me right from the start of the game. Because I mentioned that I was in a hood, she found that scummy, then she goes and reveals that I am in a hood and lied about me in order to get the whole Town against me, but that is not scummy? That is supposed to be okay? Then everyone jumps in and starts accusing me of saying that I'm the best player because I don't want to be killed when all I said was that I was more valuable alive than dead. All that shit forced me to claim that I was the Doctor and all I'm getting is a bunch of crap from everyone. Rosie outs her PR role and gets herself killed and I get chastised for not protecting her by Grandma, but nobody (except Cafe) finds that odd. I out my PR in order to save myself and I get crucified for doing so, and some, Gath, Grandma, SR and maybe others still claim that I'm lying.

So, now if Grandma flips town, I'm going to be the scapegoat, and rightly so. But, after reading some of the Wiki Mafia hints, as a Townie I'm not supposed to give up when I think someone is Scum, and Grandma's lying and conniving sure made me think she is Scum. So, you all do what you want, I'm not sure now how to play the game nor do I care to. I won't drop out because I'm not a quitter and that is not my win condition, plus I'm surely going to be killed by Scum, they don't pass up an opportunity to kill a PR, they just haven't been able to coordinate. But, I sure won't be playing again. I'm sure Grandma is a more "valuable" player and all she has to do is say you made her cry after she called you an idiot and a fucker, and that's okay, that is pro-town. Go figure.
TN just hammerred Grandma I think.

Are you sure? I though after your unvote she was back at L-2?

No, Cafe voted for Grandma after that, so tn voting for her was the hammer.

I too am tired of this game. I've been maligned and told I am being destructive to the game. I realize that maybe I went over the top when everyone was attacking me for not using the damn shield but I knew that my Doc power provided the same protection without risk. So, I became testy, but, damn, I'm not the only one that has become testy, so why all of a sudden I'm the only one that is disruptive and anti-town. I even apologized to Wolf for what I said, but Grandma has not apologized to me. She told me in the QT that if I played in another game she wouldn't, and she even posted that here. But, nobody even noticed or gave a damn.

Grandma called us all idiots, fuckers and demanded to be Mod-killed. Though some considered that anti-town, they still wouldn't vote for her and one even unvoted her. If I went after Grandma unmercifully is because she was doing the same to me right from the start of the game. Because I mentioned that I was in a hood, she found that scummy, then she goes and reveals that I am in a hood and lied about me in order to get the whole Town against me, but that is not scummy? That is supposed to be okay? Then everyone jumps in and starts accusing me of saying that I'm the best player because I don't want to be killed when all I said was that I was more valuable alive than dead. All that shit forced me to claim that I was the Doctor and all I'm getting is a bunch of crap from everyone. Rosie outs her PR role and gets herself killed and I get chastised for not protecting her by Grandma, but nobody (except Cafe) finds that odd. I out my PR in order to save myself and I get crucified for doing so, and some, Gath, Grandma, SR and maybe others still claim that I'm lying.

So, now if Grandma flips town, I'm going to be the scapegoat, and rightly so. But, after reading some of the Wiki Mafia hints, as a Townie I'm not supposed to give up when I think someone is Scum, and Grandma's lying and conniving sure made me think she is Scum. So, you all do what you want, I'm not sure now how to play the game nor do I care to. I won't drop out because I'm not a quitter and that is not my win condition, plus I'm surely going to be killed by Scum, they don't pass up an opportunity to kill a PR, they just haven't been able to coordinate. But, I sure won't be playing again. I'm sure Grandma is a more "valuable" player and all she has to do is say you made her cry after she called you an idiot and a fucker, and that's okay, that is pro-town. Go figure.
Mertex I am sorry you feel that way. My first two forum games were pretty rough. People called me insane and a bunch of other things I would rather not repeat. Each forum is different though and a friend of mine on the first forum encouraged me to stick around. You may want some time off or a different forum or never play again and I respect that please just know I don't think of you negatively.
I have no idea if this is the hammer or not, but I did want to get my vote on record.

Vote: Grandma
TN just hammerred Grandma I think.

Are you sure? I though after your unvote she was back at L-2?

No, Cafe voted for Grandma after that, so tn voting for her was the hammer.

I too am tired of this game. I've been maligned and told I am being destructive to the game. I realize that maybe I went over the top when everyone was attacking me for not using the damn shield but I knew that my Doc power provided the same protection without risk. So, I became testy, but, damn, I'm not the only one that has become testy, so why all of a sudden I'm the only one that is disruptive and anti-town. I even apologized to Wolf for what I said, but Grandma has not apologized to me. She told me in the QT that if I played in another game she wouldn't, and she even posted that here. But, nobody even noticed or gave a damn.

Grandma called us all idiots, fuckers and demanded to be Mod-killed. Though some considered that anti-town, they still wouldn't vote for her and one even unvoted her. If I went after Grandma unmercifully is because she was doing the same to me right from the start of the game. Because I mentioned that I was in a hood, she found that scummy, then she goes and reveals that I am in a hood and lied about me in order to get the whole Town against me, but that is not scummy? That is supposed to be okay? Then everyone jumps in and starts accusing me of saying that I'm the best player because I don't want to be killed when all I said was that I was more valuable alive than dead. All that shit forced me to claim that I was the Doctor and all I'm getting is a bunch of crap from everyone. Rosie outs her PR role and gets herself killed and I get chastised for not protecting her by Grandma, but nobody (except Cafe) finds that odd. I out my PR in order to save myself and I get crucified for doing so, and some, Gath, Grandma, SR and maybe others still claim that I'm lying.

So, now if Grandma flips town, I'm going to be the scapegoat, and rightly so. But, after reading some of the Wiki Mafia hints, as a Townie I'm not supposed to give up when I think someone is Scum, and Grandma's lying and conniving sure made me think she is Scum. So, you all do what you want, I'm not sure now how to play the game nor do I care to. I won't drop out because I'm not a quitter and that is not my win condition, plus I'm surely going to be killed by Scum, they don't pass up an opportunity to kill a PR, they just haven't been able to coordinate. But, I sure won't be playing again. I'm sure Grandma is a more "valuable" player and all she has to do is say you made her cry after she called you an idiot and a fucker, and that's okay, that is pro-town. Go figure.

Mertex, This game can be hell. How many times have I threatened to quit or acted like an idiot-my words-melting down over the stress? I play this game because I love figuring things out and solving puzzles, I love researching things which is one reason I come to this political forum although it appears most don't even bother fact checking anyway-LOL. I love how it makes my brain think and I find it absolutely fascinating. The advice Wake gave me is, the game is not the problem, it's the people and all the personalities that can be, especially when some of them are working for an evil purpose-scum trying to get to you or town thinking you are scum. It's no fun to be attacked as either. My biggest issue is not game related aggression. Yes, I am too thin-skinned about criticism regarding my gameplay which I apologized to my neighbors for because that's part of the game and should be fine. The problem I've had in these games is when personal stuff was used against me that had nothing to do with the game. However, Part of that was my fault and my reaction to it that was over the top. Frankly, I enjoy playing as scum but it's far more stressful for me. Playing town, when everyone knows I'm town, and working with other townies to catch scum, is really fun if frustrating for being so darn clueless, LOL.

Anyway, rambling speech over. Just know that it is nothing personal and I'm very sorry you and Grandma feel the way you do. I took a break and didn't play game 4 for a reason. A break is a good thing.
I literally had no idea I was supposed to be in a hood until now.

Is this fucking reality?

note: made my first post in the neighborhood for the lols

LOL-One of your neighbors was suspicious of you for not posting there. :biggrin:

We have over 600 posts in ours. When the game's over, someone can read it if they have insomnia and need something to help them sleep. Like lots of WIFOM and wolfie melting. Good times!! :wink:
TN just hammerred Grandma I think.

Are you sure? I though after your unvote she was back at L-2?

No, Cafe voted for Grandma after that, so tn voting for her was the hammer.

I too am tired of this game. I've been maligned and told I am being destructive to the game. I realize that maybe I went over the top when everyone was attacking me for not using the damn shield but I knew that my Doc power provided the same protection without risk. So, I became testy, but, damn, I'm not the only one that has become testy, so why all of a sudden I'm the only one that is disruptive and anti-town. I even apologized to Wolf for what I said, but Grandma has not apologized to me. She told me in the QT that if I played in another game she wouldn't, and she even posted that here. But, nobody even noticed or gave a damn.

Grandma called us all idiots, fuckers and demanded to be Mod-killed. Though some considered that anti-town, they still wouldn't vote for her and one even unvoted her. If I went after Grandma unmercifully is because she was doing the same to me right from the start of the game. Because I mentioned that I was in a hood, she found that scummy, then she goes and reveals that I am in a hood and lied about me in order to get the whole Town against me, but that is not scummy? That is supposed to be okay? Then everyone jumps in and starts accusing me of saying that I'm the best player because I don't want to be killed when all I said was that I was more valuable alive than dead. All that shit forced me to claim that I was the Doctor and all I'm getting is a bunch of crap from everyone. Rosie outs her PR role and gets herself killed and I get chastised for not protecting her by Grandma, but nobody (except Cafe) finds that odd. I out my PR in order to save myself and I get crucified for doing so, and some, Gath, Grandma, SR and maybe others still claim that I'm lying.

So, now if Grandma flips town, I'm going to be the scapegoat, and rightly so. But, after reading some of the Wiki Mafia hints, as a Townie I'm not supposed to give up when I think someone is Scum, and Grandma's lying and conniving sure made me think she is Scum. So, you all do what you want, I'm not sure now how to play the game nor do I care to. I won't drop out because I'm not a quitter and that is not my win condition, plus I'm surely going to be killed by Scum, they don't pass up an opportunity to kill a PR, they just haven't been able to coordinate. But, I sure won't be playing again. I'm sure Grandma is a more "valuable" player and all she has to do is say you made her cry after she called you an idiot and a fucker, and that's okay, that is pro-town. Go figure.
Bullshit. Your shield power could have saved Rosie.

If I have made the game unejoyable, I am sorry. I am supposed to be teaching people how to play. That being said the woe is me walls you and Grandma are doing are not helpful at all.
TN just hammerred Grandma I think.

Are you sure? I though after your unvote she was back at L-2?

No, Cafe voted for Grandma after that, so tn voting for her was the hammer.

I too am tired of this game. I've been maligned and told I am being destructive to the game. I realize that maybe I went over the top when everyone was attacking me for not using the damn shield but I knew that my Doc power provided the same protection without risk. So, I became testy, but, damn, I'm not the only one that has become testy, so why all of a sudden I'm the only one that is disruptive and anti-town. I even apologized to Wolf for what I said, but Grandma has not apologized to me. She told me in the QT that if I played in another game she wouldn't, and she even posted that here. But, nobody even noticed or gave a damn.

Grandma called us all idiots, fuckers and demanded to be Mod-killed. Though some considered that anti-town, they still wouldn't vote for her and one even unvoted her. If I went after Grandma unmercifully is because she was doing the same to me right from the start of the game. Because I mentioned that I was in a hood, she found that scummy, then she goes and reveals that I am in a hood and lied about me in order to get the whole Town against me, but that is not scummy? That is supposed to be okay? Then everyone jumps in and starts accusing me of saying that I'm the best player because I don't want to be killed when all I said was that I was more valuable alive than dead. All that shit forced me to claim that I was the Doctor and all I'm getting is a bunch of crap from everyone. Rosie outs her PR role and gets herself killed and I get chastised for not protecting her by Grandma, but nobody (except Cafe) finds that odd. I out my PR in order to save myself and I get crucified for doing so, and some, Gath, Grandma, SR and maybe others still claim that I'm lying.

So, now if Grandma flips town, I'm going to be the scapegoat, and rightly so. But, after reading some of the Wiki Mafia hints, as a Townie I'm not supposed to give up when I think someone is Scum, and Grandma's lying and conniving sure made me think she is Scum. So, you all do what you want, I'm not sure now how to play the game nor do I care to. I won't drop out because I'm not a quitter and that is not my win condition, plus I'm surely going to be killed by Scum, they don't pass up an opportunity to kill a PR, they just haven't been able to coordinate. But, I sure won't be playing again. I'm sure Grandma is a more "valuable" player and all she has to do is say you made her cry after she called you an idiot and a fucker, and that's okay, that is pro-town. Go figure.

Mertex, This game can be hell. How many times have I threatened to quit or acted like an idiot-my words-melting down over the stress? I play this game because I love figuring things out and solving puzzles, I love researching things which is one reason I come to this political forum although it appears most don't even bother fact checking anyway-LOL. I love how it makes my brain think and I find it absolutely fascinating. The advice Wake gave me is, the game is not the problem, it's the people and all the personalities that can be, especially when some of them are working for an evil purpose-scum trying to get to you or town thinking you are scum. It's no fun to be attacked as either. My biggest issue is not game related aggression. Yes, I am too thin-skinned about criticism regarding my gameplay which I apologized to my neighbors for because that's part of the game and should be fine. The problem I've had in these games is when personal stuff was used against me that had nothing to do with the game. However, Part of that was my fault and my reaction to it that was over the top. Frankly, I enjoy playing as scum but it's far more stressful for me. Playing town, when everyone knows I'm town, and working with other townies to catch scum, is really fun if frustrating for being so darn clueless, LOL.

Anyway, rambling speech over. Just know that it is nothing personal and I'm very sorry you and Grandma feel the way you do. I took a break and didn't play game 4 for a reason. A break is a good thing.

This can be frustrating at times. My scumgameon other sites is good enough where I am policy lynched as town if I live to the point where I am the most help.

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