Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

I wonder what "something will happen Day 4 is" is Wake was speaking of.

Anyone have any clues, while we are here waiting?
Bullshit. Your shield power could have saved Rosie.

If I have made the game unejoyable, I am sorry. I am supposed to be teaching people how to play. That being said the woe is me walls you and Grandma are doing are not helpful at all.

There's 1 person that ruined the game. Mertex. She was assisted by players that went along with her because she is the loudest, and/or because they think her alleged role makes her of value to Town. I don't blame them, everyone makes mistakes, I just hope they've learned to stop sheeping her.
Well, I wasn't sheeping her at first. I voted her and was ready to lynch her and even went after her for the way she used her power. BUT, when someone says they are the town doc, with no cc, I can't vote that. However, as doc Mertex, or anyone in that role, needs to kind of lay low to avoid attracting attention. So that they don't get lynched and have to out themselves because that's the quickest way to be NK'd also.
I want to apologize again for being such an ass last night. I had to get out. I'm sorry.

Thanks for voting me off. Fresh-baked cookies for everyone!

Good luck, Town!
Bullshit. Your shield power could have saved Rosie.

If I have made the game unejoyable, I am sorry. I am supposed to be teaching people how to play. That being said the woe is me walls you and Grandma are doing are not helpful at all.

There's 1 person that ruined the game. Mertex. She was assisted by players that went along with her because she is the loudest, and/or because they think her alleged role makes her of value to Town. I don't blame them, everyone makes mistakes, I just hope they've learned to stop sheeping her.

First , I think your apology was cool. Secondly, we need to remember there is probably one person we all won't mesh with in these games. I tend to try and ignore that one person who does the same for me. I hope this does not come off as condescending, it is not meant to be. I just ignore them, make my point if I feel the need and move on. I enjoy playing this game with you Grandma. and I hope you reconsider not playing anymore. you have a good knack for it IMO and you will be missed if you leave for good. :(
After this, not sure where to go for scumreads. Grandma's flip and what happens overnight will tell us something. We'll take it from there.

I'll flip Vanilla Townie.

Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of. But we'll just look for scum that helped lynch you and go from there. Your wagon will be interesting to see. Your lynch happened far too fast to be all town. So don't worry. And feel better.
After this, not sure where to go for scumreads. Grandma's flip and what happens overnight will tell us something. We'll take it from there.

Mertex Gath House Mathblade FA and TN are the only ones I would care to lynch ATM. If Cafe and Wolf are scum well gg to me atm.

We get it, you want to lynch Townies. There's only 3 Mafia left, 2 if Grandma flips Scum, and you've listed 6. You just want to lynch for the fun of it............You probably will turn out to be one half of Ice.....:eek:
@Wake -

I have the rope covered with bright yellow happy faces, the paint's all dry, so it's ready to go.

There's a plate of "special" brownies for the Hangman. :biggrin:

Oh, one more thing, Town - the Day 4 change - last time Avi was killed he became a Mod. This time they'll make him Administrator!!
@Wake -

I have the rope covered with bright yellow happy faces, the paint's all dry, so it's ready to go.

There's a plate of "special" brownies for the Hangman. :biggrin:

Oh, one more thing, Town - the Day 4 change - last time Avi was killed he became a Mod. This time they'll make him Administrator!!

Yeah, and his first rule will be that we can't lynch him in the first 2 days!! LOL
Bullshit. Your shield power could have saved Rosie.

If I have made the game unejoyable, I am sorry. I am supposed to be teaching people how to play. That being said the woe is me walls you and Grandma are doing are not helpful at all.

There's 1 person that ruined the game. Mertex. She was assisted by players that went along with her because she is the loudest, and/or because they think her alleged role makes her of value to Town. I don't blame them, everyone makes mistakes, I just hope they've learned to stop sheeping her.

Gosh, you really don't know when to quit. I thought we were friends, until you started attacking me in the QT. I get it you don't like me, but making it personal is just way to unsportmanlike. I was only doing what I'm supposed to do, defending myself and scum hunting. I think you ruined your own game, but if blaming others makes you feel better, well go for it.

You made your own bed, now lie in it. I really wasn't taking things personally until you started getting really ugly and believe me, I don't need to play with people like you. You're just mad because you don't like to be accused of being Scum and you take insult when you are. I was at L -1 and I didn't lose it like you did, calling everyone names. If that is your definition of a good player, somebody has been feeding you a load of crap. I have better things to do with my time.

And raking everyone over the coals that was seeing you as Scum is really not very Townish. Yes, everyone makes mistakes except you, Miss Player of the Year.
Well, I wasn't sheeping her at first. I voted her and was ready to lynch her and even went after her for the way she used her power. BUT, when someone says they are the town doc, with no cc, I can't vote that. However, as doc Mertex, or anyone in that role, needs to kind of lay low to avoid attracting attention. So that they don't get lynched and have to out themselves because that's the quickest way to be NK'd also.

You know, I'm just going to lay it on the line. I made a mistake stealing Shiatra's ability because I didn't know that it was going to be like the Power I already had, except with a risk. I wouldn't have had to claim if I hadn't been attacked the way I was. It might have been you that said I was being selfish and putting myself above others by not using it. I tried to explain without revealing my power, but you all wouldn't quit. Now you are blaming me for outing my role. Howcome you don't say anything about Rosie? She outed her role as Cop way before I did, and she wasn't being pressured to do so like I was. I get it that most of you don't like me, and that's fine. I thought I was playing for Town to win, but I guess I was wrong.

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