Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Also, for your convenience, those potential votes for a replacement will be pseudo-votes. Simply include "Replace: MeBelle60" in one of your posts, if you wish.
Also, for your convenience, those potential votes for a replacement will be pseudo-votes. Simply include "Replace: MeBelle60" in one of your posts, if you wish.

Would the replacement be immune to NK, or would any protection MeBelle60 MIGHT have had transfer over to the replacement?

I'd hate to vote in a replacement that is a defacto easy target just to have them killed before they can play.
Please clarify what you're meaning, Moonglow.

If MeBelle60's slot has any protections, they will transfer. Granted NK immunity would be unfair.
tough decision

The way I see it, we're chasing our tail on accusations and rebuttals,so today seems doomed to a NL regardless.

At least replacing out a lurker will provide some sort of benefit on a day that is otherwise a huge wash.
You may paraphrase everything, including the effect text of your ability. I am fine with the exact name being posted in-thread (should have mentioned this earlier). Whatever you do, do not quote and post your role pm. If you're meaning to discuss your ability in-thread before activating it, you may, so long as you aren't quoting the effect text word-for-word.

tough decision
You may paraphrase everything, including the effect text of your ability. I am fine with the exact name being posted in-thread (should have mentioned this earlier). Whatever you do, do not quote and post your role pm. If you're meaning to discuss your ability in-thread before activating it, you may, so long as you aren't quoting the effect text word-for-word.

tough decision
@Wake I'd like more clarification for this replacement. Is this replacement instead of a vote? Or can we vote and replace as well?
The option on the table allows for eight players to force-replace MeBelle60 Day 1 at the cost of a No-Lynch.

*(Day 1, not today! You've got a little over four days. :))
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So either vote to lynch someone or vote to replace mebelle.

This is the choice. A 4 day extension to lynch someone. Or a force replace of mebelle who is doing nothing and it ends in a NL but a contributing player.

I will go along with the consensus as long as I feel like it is for town's benefit and coming from a town mindset.
i thought the deadline was already extended.

It is unless we replace mebelle with 8 votes. Then the day ends with a NL.

This whole situation would be avoided if people would stop signing up if they can't/won't play.

Lack of activity is harmful to the game. Especially if you are town.

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