Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)


Notice how "the whole time" becomes "the whole last couple of votes" after it's shown that she lied about having her vote on me the whole time? Her only argument for me being scum is I called her scummy and didn't immediately vote for her.

Feels more like you aggravated her into making a factual mistake in the heat of the moment in a game with over 1700 posts already just to have something to hang your vote on. Not saying you are scum, but just don't see it as a gotcha moment so much as a grudge moment.

But why is she getting so upset about being noted as potential scum? Rosie is usually more calm than that.

No idea. I'm not Rosie. Maybe she is scum. Maybe she is a PR. Maybe she is tired of being killed by scum. Maybe she took that "Say Nothing Negative for 24 hours" challenge circulating facebook and it didn't take. Whatever she is, I just need something more anti-town than a factual inconsistency of no importance to make me suspicious. I am not in the "Lynch All Liars" Fan Club. Sometimes prevarications are very much pro-town in my experience.
Interesting. Sam is defending Rosie. Reaction noted.
Something else I've noticed in doing an ISO on Rosie. In game 4, she called herself town several times on day 1. I don't believe she's stated that in this game yet. She also hasn't posted as much in this game as in others so far. Scum do tend to go quiet to try and keep from making mistakes.

I'd rather have her quiet than playing like Mertex and TN at the moment. Not being critical--it is your vote to do with what you like-- so much as just passing time waiting for Wake to answer my question. Rosie is always on most people's FoS list. This is a WIFOMy intense set up, so sometimes discussing these things might trigger some new thought or angle to look at stuff. I am pretty much at an analytical impasse at this point TN was my single best candidate followed by a couple used to be my candidates, followed by meh maybe's.
LOL! Shaitra just made a big mistake. Falsely accusing me of calm!! What a scummy thing to say!


I think I'd rather be accused of friendliness and niceness, TYVM.

Too Funny !

Too Scummy!

Regards from Rosie
No idea. I'm not Rosie. Maybe she is scum. Maybe she is a PR. Maybe she is tired of being killed by scum. Maybe she took that "Say Nothing Negative for 24 hours" challenge circulating facebook and it didn't take. Whatever she is, I just need something more anti-town than a factual inconsistency of no importance to make me suspicious. I am not in the "Lynch All Liars" Fan Club. Sometimes prevarications are very much pro-town in my experience.
Interesting. Sam is defending Rosie. Reaction noted.[/QUOTE]

Your grasping at straws is also noted. "Oh nosomebody wants to have a discussion. We can't have that or town might actually win this time. MAY DAY MAY DAY MAY DAY!!"
LOL! Shaitra just made a big mistake. Falsely accusing me of calm!! What a scummy thing to say!


I think I'd rather be accused of friendliness and niceness, TYVM.

Too Funny !

Too Scummy!

Regards from Rosie

Rosie, I have resolved myself that the only way to figure you out is to either let scum tell us by killing you or the process of elimination of everybody else LOL. I don't even try any more. If you are here on Day 3, I will be suspicious. Until then, you are just you.
Something else I've noticed in doing an ISO on Rosie. In game 4, she called herself town several times on day 1. I don't believe she's stated that in this game yet. She also hasn't posted as much in this game as in others so far. Scum do tend to go quiet to try and keep from making mistakes.

I'd rather have her quiet than playing like Mertex and TN at the moment. Not being critical--it is your vote to do with what you like-- so much as just passing time waiting for Wake to answer my question. Rosie is always on most people's FoS list. This is a WIFOMy intense set up, so sometimes discussing these things might trigger some new thought or angle to look at stuff. I am pretty much at an analytical impasse at this point TN was my single best candidate followed by a couple used to be my candidates, followed by meh maybe's.

I can understand that. So you believe TN is town now? Or just not lynchable at the moment?
LOL! Shaitra just made a big mistake. Falsely accusing me of calm!! What a scummy thing to say!


I think I'd rather be accused of friendliness and niceness, TYVM.

Too Funny !

Too Scummy!

Regards from Rosie

Rosie, I have resolved myself that the only way to figure you out is to either let scum tell us by killing you or the process of elimination of everybody else LOL. I don't even try any more. If you are here on Day 3, I will be suspicious. Until then, you are just you.

Yeah, abnormality and eccentricity are true descriptors.

But I am rather consistent and I have an ok ear for truthiness. : -)

The only time I have backed off is Avatar's change. Bingo on that one!

Not to worry. If Scum whack me early or late, I will still flip Town.

Shaitra thinks she has someone on the other team and will not back off despite being wrong.

I don't care which team Shaitra is on, it is one of the two Scum ones.

Regards from Rosie
Avatar, I've been getting a town feel from TN, Wolf, Sgt_Gath, and House. I'm leaning town on you but you haven't contributed much yet in the way of analysis. I'd like to see more from you.

I'll give you some reads when I have more time
Yeah, abnormality and eccentricity are true descriptors.

But I am rather consistent and I have an ok ear for truthiness. : -)

The only time I have backed off is Avatar's change. Bingo on that one!

Not to worry. If Scum whack me early or late, I will still flip Town.

Shaitra thinks she has someone on the other team and will not back off despite being wrong.

I don't care which team Shaitra is on, it is one of the two Scum ones.

Regards from Rosie

I think you like to be unexpected so no matter what people expect, you try to be different. Just some things you have no control over like your alignment. You seem to have a lot of fun in these games, or at least they appeal to that side of you, so you have a leg up on some players here, myself included 95% of the time.

I think you are as wrong about her as she is about you, but time will tell.

Salutations from Sam :cow:
reads right now

leaning scum on TN and mertex. Mebelle because she is quoted and less helpful even for her.

I've been suspicious of Rosie but that last exchange between shaitra and Rosie seems more like her.

town reads on wolf, Sam, aye, and cafe.

I've had moonglow on my scum list for his game play but I tend to think hr is town this game. So I guess it's a back and forth.

the rest im fairly null. Maybe slight leans one way or another
reads right now

leaning scum on TN and mertex. Mebelle because she is quoted and less helpful even for her.

I've been suspicious of Rosie but that last exchange between shaitra and Rosie seems more like her.

town reads on wolf, Sam, aye, and cafe.

I've had moonglow on my scum list for his game play but I tend to think hr is town this game. So I guess it's a back and forth.

the rest im fairly null. Maybe slight leans one way or another

Well, unless you're Scum, you're making a mistake in thinking I'm Scum. I'm voting for MeBelle because she has been of no help. In Game 4, she wasn't paying attention, came in at the last minute and cast a vote without even bothering to talk to the other mason, or even asking him if he agreed since they both knew they were Town. Very scummy move and she was Town. Can't expect anything better, especially if she is Scum.
reads right now

leaning scum on TN and mertex. Mebelle because she is quoted and less helpful even for her.

I've been suspicious of Rosie but that last exchange between shaitra and Rosie seems more like her.

town reads on wolf, Sam, aye, and cafe.

I've had moonglow on my scum list for his game play but I tend to think hr is town this game. So I guess it's a back and forth.

the rest im fairly null. Maybe slight leans one way or another

Well, unless you're Scum, you're making a mistake in thinking I'm Scum. I'm voting for MeBelle because she has been of no help. In Game 4, she wasn't paying attention, came in at the last minute and cast a vote without even bothering to talk to the other mason, or even asking him if he agreed since they both knew they were Town. Very scummy move and she was Town. Can't expect anything better, especially if she is Scum.

Scum need a lot more town help to get wagons going. Dividing scum into two pairs makes it even harder for them to get one going. In a way, non-playing town benefits us in that it makes it harder for scum to get a mislynch. Isn't Mebelle being killed at the end of the day with or without your vote? Seems kind of pointless to vote for someone who is effectively already dead.
... I'm voting for MeBelle because she has been of no help. In Game 4, she wasn't paying attention, came in at the last minute and cast a vote without even bothering to talk to the other mason, or even asking him if he agreed since they both knew they were Town. Very scummy move and she was Town. Can't expect anything better, especially if she is Scum.

MeBelle's online now.

@MeBelle60 - could you clarify Mertex's quote please?
Mertex, that's not exactly the truth, now is it.
That is exactly what happened. MeBelle popped in and voted. Link me to any post she made before she voted where she even mentioned that is what she was going to do.

Why do you insist on lying? I know players here are going to believe you over me, and that's fine. Vote me off, and find out who is the one that is lying. I dare you.
... I'm voting for MeBelle because she has been of no help. In Game 4, she wasn't paying attention, came in at the last minute and cast a vote without even bothering to talk to the other mason, or even asking him if he agreed since they both knew they were Town. Very scummy move and she was Town. Can't expect anything better, especially if she is Scum.

MeBelle's online now.

@MeBelle60 - could you clarify Mertex's quote please?

Yeah, with a link to where she told tn or anyone, what she was going to do.

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