Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)


Vote Count 1.13

tn5421 (4): Sameech, FA_Q2, Sgt_Gath, Avatar4321
Moonglow (3): AyeCantSeeYou, House, Wolfsister77
Grandma (2): tn5421, Mertex
Shaitra (2): RosieS, Grandma
RosieS (1): Shaitra
Mertex (1): ScarletRage

Not Voting (3): MeBelle60, CafeAuLait, , Moonglow

With 16 alive, it takes 9 to lynch!
Deadline is 8/30/14, @1pm central.
Seeking replacement for MeBelle60.

[CafeAuLait] - Neighborize!
Select five other players. You and them will now be Neighbors, and have your very own Neighborhood. This effect lasts until the end of the game. This ability cannot be activated if less than six players are alive.

[Mertex] - Nimble Fingers
Select one player and steal his or her "
" ability. You may not target a player who has already used an "
" ability. You may only activate this ability during Day 1 or 2.

[Grandma] - Invulnerability
Shield yourself from all kill attempts the following Night. This ability may only be used during Day 1.

[House] - Revelation!
Target two players. The Mod publicly reveals their "" abilities for all to see.

[Shaitra] - Human Shield
Gain "1-Shot Meat Shield" status. You may guard one player during the Night, and if he or she would die, you will die instead.

[tn5421] - Elementalism
Select one player, and select either "Ice" or "Fire." That player will be protected from being killed by a Mafia team of that element the following Night. May only be activated during Day 1 or Day 2.

[Sgt_Gath] - Jailer's Keys
Select and give one player "1-Shot Jailkeeper" status. This means your target can jail one person once during the Night. A person that is jailed cannot be killed during that Night, but he or she also isn't able to use any abilities.

[RosieS] - Double Trouble
Target and give one player another chance to use his or her "" ability again. Cannot be used on players who haven't used an "" ability. May only be activated during Day 1 or 2.

[FA_Q2] - Recycle
Take one "" ability that has already been activated, and activate it as your own. You may only use this effect during Days 1 or 2.

[Wolfsister77] - Blockade
Select one player with two or more votes on his or her wagon. Remove two of those votes, and the players who had cast those two votes may not vote for that player again during this Day. This ability may only be activated during Day 1 or 2.

[ScarletRage] - Swapper
Select two other players who haven't used their "" abilities. The Mod will swap them. This power may only be used once, during Days 1, 2, or 3.

1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8 | 1.9
I don't think grandma should be on the table btw - I find her as a scum pick as well but a scum pick that can be lynched tomorrow when she does not have immunity if enough of us agree to lynch her.
tn5421 (4): Sameech, FA_Q2, Sgt_Gath, Avatar4321
Moonglow (2): AyeCantSeeYou, House
Grandma (2): tn5421, Mertex
Shaitra (2): RosieS, Grandma
RosieS (1): Shaitra
Mertex (1): ScarletRage

Not Voting (4): MeBelle60, CafeAuLait, Wolfsister77, Moonglow
With 16 alive, it takes 9 to lynch!
Deadline is 8/30/14, @1pm central.
Seeking replacement for MeBelle60.

[CafeAuLait] - Neighborize!
Select five other players. You and them will now be Neighbors, and have your very own Neighborhood. This effect lasts until the end of the game. This ability cannot be activated if less than six players are alive.
[Mertex] - Nimble Fingers
Select one player and steal his or her "
" ability. You may not target a player who has already used an "
" ability. You may only activate this ability during Day 1 or 2.

[Grandma] - Invulnerability
Shield yourself from all kill attempts the following Night. This ability may only be used during Day 1.
[House] - Revelation!
Target two players. The Mod publicly reveals their "" abilities for all to see.
[Shaitra] - Human Shield
Gain "1-Shot Meat Shield" status. You may guard one player during the Night, and if he or she would die, you will die instead.
[tn5421] - Elementalism
Select one player, and select either "Ice" or "Fire." That player will be protected from being killed by a Mafia team of that element the following Night. May only be activated during Day 1 or Day 2.
[Sgt_Gath] - Jailer's Keys
Select and give one player "1-Shot Jailkeeper" status. This means your target can jail one person once during the Night. A person that is jailed cannot be killed during that Night, but he or she also isn't able to use any abilities.
[RosieS] - Double Trouble
Target and give one player another chance to use his or her "" ability again. Cannot be used on players who haven't used an "" ability. May only be activated during Day 1 or 2.
[FA_Q2] - Recycle
Take one "" ability that has already been activated, and activate it as your own. You may only use this effect during Days 1 or 2.
[Wolfsister77] - Blockade
Select one player with two or more votes on his or her wagon. Remove two of those votes, and the players who had cast those two votes may not vote for that player again during this Day. This ability may only be activated during Day 1 or 2.
[ScarletRage] - Swapper
Select two other players who haven't used their "" abilities. The Mod will swap them. This power may only be used once, during Days 1, 2, or 3.
1.3 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8 | 1.9
FYI - your links in the spoiler are broken - they contain an ' instead of an " at the end of the line (Both work BUT they have to match - if there is an ' then the end must also be ' or the machine gets confused...
Wake, I wanted approval from the playerbase before I asked. No one has said they are ok or not ok with it.
Here's who I think we should remove from the lynching pool for D1:

-Grandman-NK immunity N1, lets let her use it

-Mertex-Meat Shield ability N1, lets let her use it

-Mebelle-lets see what her replacement does

-Cafe-lets give her a break due to her surgery

-TN-should be out but if you insist, there's still enough votes to lynch him, I won't let us NL if he's the only option and my vote is needed

-You can only take my word for it and I may be wrong but my neighbors are pretty townie acting in our hood-we have over 400 posts so that should be something to go by even if I can't prove it-Avi, Sameech, myself, House-I fail to see momentum for them D1

-Sgt_Gath seems pretty relaxed for newbscum-he can be town

-Aye can go either way with me, same for Shaitra, Rosie, FA, SR-I don't see a consensus on them D1 either

-My vote is on Moonglow by PoE-process of elimination

So really the discussion should be, should be lynch Moonglow or are you guys set on TN? This is where the debate needs to be but discussion of other suspects is still good because that info. will be useful to look at D2.
Why is it late at night while I am sleeping you guys can post 100s of post and yet when I am actually sitting at a computer and can play more, you guys are totally silent?:p
You notice that too.

I take forever to get all caught up after I get off work, get charged to discuss and then.... very little. Then I wait and shit starts happening the instant I go to bed.

Wake, I wanted approval from the playerbase before I asked. No one has said they are ok or not ok with it.

I have no problem with it.

@Wake with mebelle essentially being out today, does that affect the lynch number at all? We need 9 votes for a lynch with 16 players, when essentially we have 15.

I just say that because it's tough getting a majority for anyone as is. With one person out it's tougher. Right now I am not terribly optimistic of us avoiding a no lynch without someone coming out and saying "I am scum" and us believing them.
Here's who I think we should remove from the lynching pool for D1:

-Grandman-NK immunity N1, lets let her use it

-Mertex-Meat Shield ability N1, lets let her use it

-Mebelle-lets see what her replacement does

-Cafe-lets give her a break due to her surgery

-TN-should be out but if you insist, there's still enough votes to lynch him, I won't let us NL if he's the only option and my vote is needed

-You can only take my word for it and I may be wrong but my neighbors are pretty townie acting in our hood-we have over 400 posts so that should be something to go by even if I can't prove it-Avi, Sameech, myself, House-I fail to see momentum for them D1

-Sgt_Gath seems pretty relaxed for newbscum-he can be town

-Aye can go either way with me, same for Shaitra, Rosie, FA, SR-I don't see a consensus on them D1 either

-My vote is on Moonglow by PoE-process of elimination

So really the discussion should be, should be lynch Moonglow or are you guys set on TN? This is where the debate needs to be but discussion of other suspects is still good because that info. will be useful to look at D2.
Hose, in particular, looks scummy at the moment.
Here's who I think we should remove from the lynching pool for D1:

-Grandman-NK immunity N1, lets let her use it

-Mertex-Meat Shield ability N1, lets let her use it

-Mebelle-lets see what her replacement does

-Cafe-lets give her a break due to her surgery

-TN-should be out but if you insist, there's still enough votes to lynch him, I won't let us NL if he's the only option and my vote is needed

-You can only take my word for it and I may be wrong but my neighbors are pretty townie acting in our hood-we have over 400 posts so that should be something to go by even if I can't prove it-Avi, Sameech, myself, House-I fail to see momentum for them D1

-Sgt_Gath seems pretty relaxed for newbscum-he can be town

-Aye can go either way with me, same for Shaitra, Rosie, FA, SR-I don't see a consensus on them D1 either

-My vote is on Moonglow by PoE-process of elimination

So really the discussion should be, should be lynch Moonglow or are you guys set on TN? This is where the debate needs to be but discussion of other suspects is still good because that info. will be useful to look at D2.
Hose, in particular, looks scummy at the moment.
I have no problem with it.

@Wake with mebelle essentially being out today, does that affect the lynch number at all? We need 9 votes for a lynch with 16 players, when essentially we have 15.

I just say that because it's tough getting a majority for anyone as is. With one person out it's tougher. Right now I am not terribly optimistic of us avoiding a no lynch without someone coming out and saying "I am scum" and us believing them.
I don't exactly think another rule change is a healthy way of going about this. We always get close to a no lynch early in the game and it never happens. Hell - we came down to seconds last game.

We will consolidate and pick a lynchee by the end of the day - lets just hope we nail scum this time for the what would essentially be the first day one scum kill.
Shit you are right on TN.

FA trust me on Mertex. Please. By now with ourhood you should be able to read me.
I have no problem with it.

@Wake with mebelle essentially being out today, does that affect the lynch number at all? We need 9 votes for a lynch with 16 players, when essentially we have 15.

I just say that because it's tough getting a majority for anyone as is. With one person out it's tougher. Right now I am not terribly optimistic of us avoiding a no lynch without someone coming out and saying "I am scum" and us believing them.
I don't exactly think another rule change is a healthy way of going about this. We always get close to a no lynch early in the game and it never happens. Hell - we came down to seconds last game.

We will consolidate and pick a lynchee by the end of the day - lets just hope we nail scum this time for the what would essentially be the first day one scum kill.

I really wasn't thinking of it as a rule change. It just seems if we have 15 people actually playing with one on the side lines, that the majority is actually 8 and not 9.

Especially since Cafe is pretty much on the side lines as well. When is she back btw?
MeBelle's slot may still be lynched.

Her slot is not voting, currently.

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