Official USMB Mafia Game #9: Battle for Cityville

By the way, I think it's you that has me on your mind. Amirite?
Good Morning Nutz !
Did you dream about me?

Why are you wanting me to dream about you? I'm curious, ya know!
It feeds my ego to know I am always on your mind. But, I am a nice you probably shouldn't dream about me...I don't want you to get your sheets all wet and have to extra laundry.

So now we know why you weren't on this morning to pop in and give us your opinion on anything (like it matters).

Nutz has been busy doing laundry! By the way, you seem a little flustered. (You left out a word up there!)
Good Morning Nutz !
Did you dream about me?

Why are you wanting me to dream about you? I'm curious, ya know!
It feeds my ego to know I am always on your mind. But, I am a nice you probably shouldn't dream about me...I don't want you to get your sheets all wet and have to extra laundry.

So now we know why you weren't on this morning to pop in and give us your opinion on anything (like it matters).

Nutz has been busy doing laundry! By the way, you seem a little flustered. (You left out a word up there!)
It's okay, don't have to be flustered...a lot of women dream about me.
Good Morning Nutz !
Did you dream about me?

Why are you wanting me to dream about you? I'm curious, ya know!
It feeds my ego to know I am always on your mind. But, I am a nice you probably shouldn't dream about me...I don't want you to get your sheets all wet and have to extra laundry.

So now we know why you weren't on this morning to pop in and give us your opinion on anything (like it matters).

Nutz has been busy doing laundry! By the way, you seem a little flustered. (You left out a word up there!)
It's okay, don't have to be flustered...a lot of women dream about me.

Oh no you don't go and turn that around on me! You are the one that left out a word when you were typing!!!!

Since you have so many dreaming about you, why are you calling me out for attention? HMMMMMM???????
Did you dream about me?

Why are you wanting me to dream about you? I'm curious, ya know!
It feeds my ego to know I am always on your mind. But, I am a nice you probably shouldn't dream about me...I don't want you to get your sheets all wet and have to extra laundry.

So now we know why you weren't on this morning to pop in and give us your opinion on anything (like it matters).

Nutz has been busy doing laundry! By the way, you seem a little flustered. (You left out a word up there!)
It's okay, don't have to be flustered...a lot of women dream about me.

Oh no you don't go and turn that around on me! You are the one that left out a word when you were typing!!!!

Since you have so many dreaming about you, why are you calling me out for attention? HMMMMMM???????
If I could call you to attention, I wouldn't be chatting with you).
Why are you wanting me to dream about you? I'm curious, ya know!
It feeds my ego to know I am always on your mind. But, I am a nice you probably shouldn't dream about me...I don't want you to get your sheets all wet and have to extra laundry.

So now we know why you weren't on this morning to pop in and give us your opinion on anything (like it matters).

Nutz has been busy doing laundry! By the way, you seem a little flustered. (You left out a word up there!)
It's okay, don't have to be flustered...a lot of women dream about me.

Oh no you don't go and turn that around on me! You are the one that left out a word when you were typing!!!!

Since you have so many dreaming about you, why are you calling me out for attention? HMMMMMM???????
If I could call you to attention, I wouldn't be chatting with you).

You lost me there. 'Call you to attention' - military?
It feeds my ego to know I am always on your mind. But, I am a nice you probably shouldn't dream about me...I don't want you to get your sheets all wet and have to extra laundry.

So now we know why you weren't on this morning to pop in and give us your opinion on anything (like it matters).

Nutz has been busy doing laundry! By the way, you seem a little flustered. (You left out a word up there!)
It's okay, don't have to be flustered...a lot of women dream about me.

Oh no you don't go and turn that around on me! You are the one that left out a word when you were typing!!!!

Since you have so many dreaming about you, why are you calling me out for attention? HMMMMMM???????
If I could call you to attention, I wouldn't be chatting with you).

You lost me there. 'Call you to attention' - military?
Think about it for a while. Put your mind in the gutter and think about it.
I wanted to give Avi a chance to come in and explain his scum accusation against me first. I'm nice that way.
I already did. Your game is off. Everyone has already discussed that at length day one. And then both you and wolf want to give me to noon less than 48 hrs into day two before you will flash lynch me. It's pretty scummy.

but I'm leaning more to wolf. She went out of her way screeching about how wake needs to scan her today. Why? Because she knew he would be dead today without ever being able to do it.

not to mention it took forever to use basic logic and statistics to realize that the town move yesterday was to look for one on the off wagon

vote wolf

I think she is better choice.

my phones giving me issues. If you lynch me give me time to claim and let me talk in twighlight. I've got three other games to worry about too but i don't want town to lose if I'm dead
No, my game isn't 'off', as you claim. Not everyone said that either. You need to come up with more than that to say I'm scum.
OMG you brat!!!!
Speaking of attention...are we voting Avi off the island or do I need to make my case for FA and Wolf.

Since we are trying to find the anti-Town on the wagon, let's hear what you have to say.

I am persuaded by Wake saying Avi is as evil as House and Wolf probably not so much.

FA was not on the wagon at all. If TWO Scum were off wagon, then FA is my vote.

If not, Wake pointed me toward Avi on the wagon.

Regards from Rosie
Rosie...I know you guys say it is impossible...but I think there is 1 scum and 1 traitor left. The rope was around FA's neck...he was accepting his lynch...then when he wasn't lynched, the first thing he did was come back after me...the only one who defended him. Scummy...he thought I would be an easy lynch because I pissed of Wolf et al. And when the thought process of the game changed...he didn't even put up a fight...he just started to agree.

I can't read Avi at all, but I can understand and go with the reasoning behind an Avi lynch.
As for Wolf...I can appreciate Avi's reasoning - but I don't want to give her a negative mark for being an active participant in this game. Is she always active and a controlling force?
Aye's game may very well be off - I think she might be distracted by my beauty.
Yes, Wolf is always active as a town player. When she's played as scum, there's a big difference in her behavior towards others, and believe it or not, she even tries to quit more often in the game.
Aye's game may very well be off - I think she might be distracted by my beauty.

It's that animal magnetism you have! Just so damn intriguing! (and fishing for compliments, are you?)

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