Official USMB Mafia Game #9: Battle for Cityville

I also find it interesting you are turning the heat on me now Avi who is pushing you the hardest, that's scum strategy 101. And your early townread of House still doesn't make sense to me. He hadn't done anything to deserve a townread at that time.

I'm good with my vote unless you can prove a scum case on someone else that is better than the one on you.
My case is weak? Why? Because it's you?

you need a better argument than that.

As for the supposed omgus, I have three people to choose from. Two of which are advocating lynching me. Not sure how to avoid it unless I vote Rosie, who is town
My case is weak? Why? Because it's you?

you need a better argument than that.

As for the supposed omgus, I have three people to choose from. Two of which are advocating lynching me. Not sure how to avoid it unless I vote Rosie, who is town

How do you know Rosie is town. Your case is weak because it basically consists of OMGUS for scumreading you. Again, give better reasons you aren't scum or someone else is. If you lynch me, you will be proving you are scum beyond a reasonable doubt. If there weren't so few of us left, I'd let you do it.
I also don't believe Avi ever said he was willing to be tested by Wake but wanted Wake kept alive. Probably so he can take him out at night. I really think Avi makes the most sense as scum. Regarding lylo, If there are 2 scum left and we mislynch, we are screwed. I think with how powerful House's role was, there's only one other. And that means we aren't in lylo right now.

Of course I didn't say I wanted to be tested by wake. I didn't believe his claim.

Not to mention the way you went on requesting it was over the top. What if there there was a better move than searching you? And don't you think it's a bit convenient that wake ended up dead after you make such a public show about wanting to use his powers on you to "exonerate" you and suddenly you are trying to flash mob me.

You've been playing off this game. You were angry at me town reading house and not you. Granted I was wrong on house, but it's weird behavior.

If you decide to lynch me, ill flip town and I highly suggest you look closely at wolf. But hopefully you won't rush the lynch and will take some time to think it through.

Here's your case:

-Wanting to be checked: Yep, Nutz was insistent on scumreading me and I wanted to shut him up so we could move on to catching actual scum. I didn't want to lynch Wake. I'm more suspicious of those who did because that would be far more advantageous to scum to lynch him rather than kill him overnight. Instead we lynched scum and they had to NK Wake instead.

-I was not angry you were townreading House and not me and I explained that several times already so your insistence on misrepping me is noted. I don't care how you were reading me. I care that your reads were conflicting and made no sense. You were townreading House for being calm which he isn't as town but is as scum and null reading me for being calm who isn't as either town or scum. So your null read on me was justified. Your townread on House was not. Which makes me wonder if you figured out who he was somehow.

Anything else?

The fact that you're voting for me has nothing to do with my suspicion. It's your over the top behavior and the fact that you wanted to rush lynch someone, who by coincidence is me, early on day two when we have plenty of time to talk it out.

You realize that if there are two scum left we are at lylo when I flip town right? So why the rush?
The fact that you're voting for me has nothing to do with my suspicion. It's your over the top behavior and the fact that you wanted to rush lynch someone, who by coincidence is me, early on day two when we have plenty of time to talk it out.

You realize that if there are two scum left we are at lylo when I flip town right? So why the rush?

I was the one who said you needed a chance to speak and it was after that, that several people said to wait. Me being over the top is not unusual at all and you know that. There was no reason not to lynch you when you are the obvious choice. But hey, if you can show someone else is, I'm willing to listen. But if you try to lynch me who is town, that's not helping your lylo argument one bit.

I don't think there are two scum left due to House being able to kill at night. His description was traitor but he had the power of a full scum. He probably couldn't communicate with the other one and may or may not know who it is and idk if he could be recruited or not. Traitor can be any number of things in a game. If there were 3 scum in an 8 player game, it would be very unbalanced. However, it isn't completely impossible either.
Here is Wake musing:

" I really shouldn't have /inned, even though I'm loving this role pm and and completely intent on using it in the future.

Avatar4321 just feels off to me, like he's being deliberate and evil. Can't really explain it, but it just feels super subtle, and gives me that unsavory twinge in my guts when I glance at a handful of his posts. Like he's trying to manipulate us all and maneuver around us. That's just how I feel about it.

House and Avatar (and Silverwolf) are all really good players, and are a friggin' b**** to sort out. I think my edge has dulled a bit due to being so busy elsewhere. House and Avatar are both good at blending in and manipulating their actions to look like Town when Scum. Not sure about Wolfie, and whether or not she still behaves angrily when Scum. It is also true, with all these games she's been playing in the interim, that she's gotten a whole lot better in general, which includes blending in.

I need a drink. Scotch on the rocks."

He didn't mention Aye or Rosie at all. Doncha think he would if he had sensed anti-Town?

No, he didn't so.....Scum is either Avi or Wolf.

Eeny, meenie, miny, moe.

Indeed, let's not lynch so fast. I need more input before deciding between them.

Regards from Rosie
Here is Wake musing:

" I really shouldn't have /inned, even though I'm loving this role pm and and completely intent on using it in the future.

Avatar4321 just feels off to me, like he's being deliberate and evil. Can't really explain it, but it just feels super subtle, and gives me that unsavory twinge in my guts when I glance at a handful of his posts. Like he's trying to manipulate us all and maneuver around us. That's just how I feel about it.

House and Avatar (and Silverwolf) are all really good players, and are a friggin' b**** to sort out. I think my edge has dulled a bit due to being so busy elsewhere. House and Avatar are both good at blending in and manipulating their actions to look like Town when Scum. Not sure about Wolfie, and whether or not she still behaves angrily when Scum. It is also true, with all these games she's been playing in the interim, that she's gotten a whole lot better in general, which includes blending in.

I need a drink. Scotch on the rocks."

He didn't mention Aye or Rosie at all. Doncha think he would if he had sensed anti-Town?

No, he didn't so.....Scum is either Avi or Wolf.

Eeny, meenie, miny, moe.

Indeed, let's not lynch so fast. I need more input before deciding between them.

Regards from Rosie

Nope, that's not how his PR worked at all. He could sense there was ONE anti-town player on his wagon. ONE of me, Aye, Rosie, Avi is scum. I know I'm not. He had not clue WHO it was. So don't even bother trying to insinuate because he brought myself, Avi, and House up that it means anything at all in regards to who is scum because it doesn't. Wake did not know who it was. He only knew that there was one. Go ahead and lynch me but anyone pushing my lynch on bad reasons will show themselves to be scum when I flip town. And the game will likely be lost as well if we lynch a townie with only 6 players left and at least one of them scum.
I agree we should concentrate on Wake's wagon as there is one scum there and we could win the game. I've already said as much. I am also town and anyone paying attention and having played with me at all can see that. Your case is weak and OMGUS Avi. I was the one who said you should get a chance to speak but if you didn't come back by the end of the day there is no need to let the game stall. Scum like to just not respond when their lynch is inevitable so if you didn't, I would of been fine with it because by PoE you are highly likely to be scum. If you push a lynch on me, and succeed, you should be turbolynched tomorrow without a second thought.

Tell me why you think Aye is scum and why you are so quick to dismiss Rosie as scum? Defend yourself or die.

Avatar4321 Please answer the bolded.
I really love how Rosie was perfectly willing to lynch Avi until he said she isn't scum and I asked him to tell me why he is dismissing Rosie as scum and suddenly she has to pick between the two of us on some flawed reasoning that Wake knew who the scum was when he didn't know at all. He only knew there was one. I really wish I could just let this go because I think those pushing me now all of a sudden are looking pretty guilty and my lynch would pretty much be the nail in their coffin. But I would prefer town wins this so go ahead and keep bringing up what you think you have on me and I'll keep shooting it down.

Aye's game has been off. We all know that. Now she wants to rush lynch me as well when it's still early in the day. What's more is it's early enough where I have plenty of timebtobrespond and yet neither her nor wolf want to wait past noon less than two days in. If in was working this morning I would come back to find myself lynched without even an opportunity to claim

My game is off? Nope, not a chance! I'm as town as can be, regardless as to who believes me or not.

You, though, haven't been playing your usual town game. I haven't voted for you yet, because I wanted to give you a fair chance of coming in and defending yourself. I also wanted to give you time to drop in and say 'Give me some time, I've been busy and can't answer right now.'
According to Avi, anyone that suspects him is playing off this game. What he fails to realize is, he has to give a better case on someone else if he wants to avoid the lynch. Not just, they are off for suspecting me or misrepping a person on why they went after him early game for having bad reads.

It's Avi. He's scum. We lynch him, we win. I'm not moving my vote. I he flips town, lynch me tomorrow if scum doesn't kill me overnight. Town will lose, but that's how sure I am that he's scum unless someone else is fooling me hard. I don't see anyone else even close to as scummy as Avi is.
Thank you for saying that...I have been avoiding addressing that issue because if I push that too hard, it makes me look scummy and I am town. There are some other signs...but I am sure you will eventually point them out first. You are my favorite player should lead more.

I thought aye was.

Not to mention it was my vote off wagon argument that helped us hit house. Not my first day at the rodeo here.

I'm not anyone's favorite anything, never have been.

With Wake saying there is one person on his wagon that isn't town aligned, we definitely need to look there today.
I am ok with an Avi vote.

I will check in off and on tomorrow (Monday) to see what he has to say.

I led the House lynch but I am not as confident about this Avi lynch.

And no, I am no hypocrite. I am not bussing anyone.

I am what I am. What I am is Town. I am definitely Town aligned. (See House lynch)

Regards from Rosie
Rosie...who else are you ayeing?

FA not voting and then showing up after Night to accuse you, Nutz, bothers me.

Feels like the revenge for House that was not taken out on me.

So maybe Wolf was right and FA also needed lynching?

Regards from Rosie
Thank you for saying that...I have been avoiding addressing that issue because if I push that too hard, it makes me look scummy and I am town. There are some other signs...but I am sure you will eventually point them out first. You are my favorite player should lead more.

I thought aye was.

Not to mention it was my vote off wagon argument that helped us hit house. Not my first day at the rodeo here.

Considering you didn't want to lynch House, that argument is invalid. The one off the wagon wasn't even what did him in. It was the compromise to avoid a NL talk that did.

Your arguments are too easy to shoot down Avi.
I still vote avi. If he is successful at holding off the vote today, I will have to go into Nutz mode and start talking about my Moonbat theories.
Well, Avi?

I can't see it being Aye and Wolf is arguing well, so why ain't it you ?

Convince me or get my one and only vote.

I am unwilling to compromise because my vote is too valuable and I won't just throw it away.

Why isn't my vote well placed on you?

Regards from Rosie

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