Official USMB Mafia Game #9: Battle for Cityville

What if I don't wanna?

The little chain on those might come in handy once I get my hands around your neck.
Now I am getting excited.

Somehow, I just knew you would!
Actually, I am more of a cuddler...but I will try almost anything once with the right person. Something tells me you get off on abusing men.

No, not into abusing anyone. It's more fun to get even.
I also don't believe Avi ever said he was willing to be tested by Wake but wanted Wake kept alive. Probably so he can take him out at night. I really think Avi makes the most sense as scum. Regarding lylo, If there are 2 scum left and we mislynch, we are screwed. I think with how powerful House's role was, there's only one other. And that means we aren't in lylo right now.

Professional gaming is a thing in Cityville. This is supported because the town is home to several software development companies.

Vote Count~2.2

Avatar4321-Wolfsister77, Nutz (L-2)
No Lynch-

Not Voting: AyeCantSeeYou, Avatar4321, RosieS
With 6 Alive It's 4 to Lynch

Deadline is: Tuesday, March 3rd, @8pm

Mod Note: I'm watching UEFA League Soccer to make up for the lack of Football on t.v.
I must be confused on how vigilante works then. I thought that you got the shot when you died, not anytime you decided to use it.

Lulz did not post that there was a limitation to his shot. As though he could use it every night!
That would lead credence to the idea that there were only 2 scum - that ability alone would be far more powerful than even Wake's. Hmmmm....

It looks like if we mis lynched day one we would have been at lylo.

I think you are confusing vigilante with venegful. A venegful will be able to shoot someone when they are lynched. A vigilante either can submit a kill during the day by PMing the mod or posting something like dayvig: House in bold or they are a vigilante that can kill at night like scum do which is usually a town role but in this case, not. There wasn't a limit specified on House's ability which means he could probably shoot every night. More than likely his shot was prevented with his lynch but I'm not sure about this. It's hard to say for sure until we can ask post game how it works. I doubt the mod will tell us now.
Thanks for the clarification.

That makes sense then and it does make some sense that there are 2 of then then because the ability to kill 2 per night is massive in a game this small.

That also weakens the case against nutz. I can go along with Avatar but only after he gets the chance to speak.

Avatar4321 where are you?
I realize we are waiting for Avi and he was busy yesterday but there's no point in stalling the game out either. If he doesn't post by the end of the day, I'm cool with moving forward.

Avi-FA-Rosie-Nutz-Aye-order of lynchability, IMO
I agree.
If we haven't heard from him by noon central time, I will put my vote in then.
OK, House pushed Aye and Nutz the hardest in the game by far. He also pushed Rosie some but not a lot and he pushed FA a little. He defended Wake the most by far which is typical of scum because he probably knew Wake wasn't lying and knew he was a PR and he could get the towncred from it when Wake flipped and also knew he could take Wake out at night instead. He defended me some but not a lot but I am not surprised he didn't want to go after me since I know his playstyle the most of anyone here. He rarely interacted with Avi at all and didn't vote for him ever that I could see.

Wake was right about one anti-town player on his wagon. We know House was the scum off the wagon. If there's more than 2 then one of FA or Nutz is the other. BUT, we know for sure that there is ONE ON Wake's wagon which consisted of Aye, Rosie, me, Avi. I know it isn't me. Aye is highly unlikely, she's not scummy and House pushed her hard, Rosie is less likely due to her and House pushing each other some but not impossible to believe. However, Avi and House rarely interacted and House didn't vote for him at all. IMO, Avi is the scum on Wake's wagon and is scum this game. I suspected him at a few points in the game and still do.

Vote: Avatar

I'm about 90% sure if we lynch Avi, it's a scum lynch.

You'd be wrong. I'm not scum.

Besides I was town reading house. Wouldn't the traitor need the scum to target him to be recruited? If I was the scum I would think he would be provoking me. Or am I wrong

I really don't know because the traitor role is completely new to me. And if you've already covered it apologize. I am just trying to catch up
I am ok with an Avi vote.

I will check in off and on tomorrow (Monday) to see what he has to say.

I led the House lynch but I am not as confident about this Avi lynch.

And no, I am no hypocrite. I am not bussing anyone.

I am what I am. What I am is Town. I am definitely Town aligned. (See House lynch)

Regards from Rosie
Rosie...who else are you ayeing?

FA not voting and then showing up after Night to accuse you, Nutz, bothers me.

Feels like the revenge for House that was not taken out on me.

So maybe Wolf was right and FA also needed lynching?

Regards from Rosie

It's made me wonder myself. But the logic is sound, if there are two scum and house was a traitor the scum didn't know about, then logic dictates one would still have to be offwagon and we have one of two players to choose from off wagon at this point.
I am ok with an Avi vote.

I will check in off and on tomorrow (Monday) to see what he has to say.

I led the House lynch but I am not as confident about this Avi lynch.

And no, I am no hypocrite. I am not bussing anyone.

I am what I am. What I am is Town. I am definitely Town aligned. (See House lynch)

Regards from Rosie
Rosie...who else are you ayeing?

FA not voting and then showing up after Night to accuse you, Nutz, bothers me.

Feels like the revenge for House that was not taken out on me.

So maybe Wolf was right and FA also needed lynching?

Regards from Rosie
Thank you for saying that...I have been avoiding addressing that issue because if I push that too hard, it makes me look scummy and I am town. There are some other signs...but I am sure you will eventually point them out first. You are my favorite player should lead more.

I thought aye was.

Not to mention it was my vote off wagon argument that helped us hit house. Not my first day at the rodeo here.
You mean wake, not house right? Why would two target if there is one group of scum? Or are you suggesting a third party?

Interesting thought. The assumption is that nutz is scum but didn't know that house is a traitor. That's my understanding of the traitor role but who knows if we have some sort of variant or modified traitor?
'Doh - there I go again mixing up those names. Yes, I meant they might have both targeted wake.

Two would target because that information could not be communicated. House had no communication with the scum team if I understand the role of mafia traitor. The scum would not have known who house targeted and he would not have known who they were going to target.

Either that or someone blocked the mafia kill and the house kill went through without town having any protective roles. I doubt that a doc or jail keeper would have targeted anyone else. Though there is the mod point about not targeting ones self - as though someone tried???

How could house kill someone while he was dead from the lynch before the night began?
He was a 'mafia traitor VIGILANTE"

That means house had a kill coming. I expected 2 dead for the night kill after I seen the flip. We only have one.

Well, I can say that in a game I was in the vigilante kill went through and killed someone overnight even though the vigilante was NK'd by scum. The mod explained that the vigilante kill over-rode the NK due to how actions are resolved. This tells me if House PM'd the kill to the mod during the day, that it would still happen regardless. If he is a vigilante that has to submit a night action, then his lynch would of kept him from being able to kill.
I must be confused on how vigilante works then. I thought that you got the shot when you died, not anytime you decided to use it.

Lulz did not post that there was a limitation to his shot. As though he could use it every night!
That would lead credence to the idea that there were only 2 scum - that ability alone would be far more powerful than even Wake's. Hmmmm....

It looks like if we mis lynched day one we would have been at lylo.
That would be vengeful that kills when killed
I also don't believe Avi ever said he was willing to be tested by Wake but wanted Wake kept alive. Probably so he can take him out at night. I really think Avi makes the most sense as scum. Regarding lylo, If there are 2 scum left and we mislynch, we are screwed. I think with how powerful House's role was, there's only one other. And that means we aren't in lylo right now.

Of course I didn't say I wanted to be tested by wake. I didn't believe his claim.

Not to mention the way you went on requesting it was over the top. What if there there was a better move than searching you? And don't you think it's a bit convenient that wake ended up dead after you make such a public show about wanting to use his powers on you to "exonerate" you and suddenly you are trying to flash mob me.

You've been playing off this game. You were angry at me town reading house and not you. Granted I was wrong on house, but it's weird behavior.

If you decide to lynch me, ill flip town and I highly suggest you look closely at wolf. But hopefully you won't rush the lynch and will take some time to think it through.
Finished catching up.

You guys are seriously going to rush lynch me when we aren't even two full days into day 2?

While I am persuaded by the argument we might have a scum in the off wagon, we know there is one among the four on wagon group. If we get the right one it could finish the game. I think that should be where we focus today. If I was more certain we had one off wagon, I'd say we had better odds.

So what we know is we have at least one more scum to find. It's not me.

So we have to find scum on wakes wagon.

I know it's not me.

So that leaves wolf, Rosie, and aye.

Right now I'm leaning, wolf, aye, Rosie from scummiest to least.

I've made most of my case for wolf already.

Aye's game has been off. We all know that. Now she wants to rush lynch me as well when it's still early in the day. What's more is it's early enough where I have plenty of timebtobrespond and yet neither her nor wolf want to wait past noon less than two days in. If in was working this morning I would come back to find myself lynched without even an opportunity to claim
I agree we should concentrate on Wake's wagon as there is one scum there and we could win the game. I've already said as much. I am also town and anyone paying attention and having played with me at all can see that. Your case is weak and OMGUS Avi. I was the one who said you should get a chance to speak but if you didn't come back by the end of the day there is no need to let the game stall. Scum like to just not respond when their lynch is inevitable so if you didn't, I would of been fine with it because by PoE you are highly likely to be scum. If you push a lynch on me, and succeed, you should be turbolynched tomorrow without a second thought.

Tell me why you think Aye is scum and why you are so quick to dismiss Rosie as scum? Defend yourself or die.

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