Official USMB Mafia Game #9: Battle for Cityville

Or maybe I was calling you lame and changed my mind!

At least you knew to change it to something nicer. LOL

Or is it you don't know when you're wrong?
Or maybe I was calling you lame and changed my mind!

At least you knew to change it to something nicer. LOL

Or is it you don't know when you're wrong?
I am a winner. I am always right! And don't you forget that, toots.


In summary: I think Avi is the scum on Wake's wagon. If we lynch him and the game ends in a town win, great.

If it continues and he flips scum, we lynch FA and get the town win.

I don't think Nutz, Aye, or Rosie are scum. I think Avi is more likely than FA.

This is my final opinion on what we should do pending other's input including Avi and FA.

I think we can win this pretty quickly unless I competely f'd up and Rosie is scum or Aye or Nutz are fooling me hard.
In summary: I think Avi is the scum on Wake's wagon. If we lynch him and the game ends in a town win, great.

If it continues and he flips scum, we lynch FA and get the town win.

I don't think Nutz, Aye, or Rosie are scum. I think Avi is more likely than FA.

This is my final opinion on what we should do pending other's input including Avi and FA.

I think we can win this pretty quickly unless I competely f'd up and Rosie is scum or Aye or Nutz are fooling me hard.
I would vote FA first...but Avi is acceptable.
Vote: Nutz
Sorry nutsz, I know you advocated for me on the last day but you are now confirmed scum.

The wagon that was checked, as I recall, was Avatar, Wolf, Aye and RosieS. Assuming that there are 3 scum, that leaves one scum OFF the wagon as Avatar was saying yesterday. The players off the wagon are: Me, Nutz, Wake (confirmed town and dead) and house (confirmed scum and dead).

So only me or Nutz left.

I believe there are three scum because the power house had was not only very strong and I have a feeling that this game is VERY PR heavy but also because of House's role. As I understand it, the mafia traitor knows who the scum are BUT THEY DO NOT KNOW HE IS SCUM. That would leave the scum chat awfully empty with just 2 and also leave the scum really weak against such powerful PR roles. By default, the other 2 scum would have to have been off the wagon.

I am town. That only leaves Nutz.

I would advocate that we either lynch him or me. If you go for me then you can take care of him after I flip town unless someone can point out where my logic has gone awry.

I also note that only one town died last night. Either they both targeted house or a protective role succeeded. As far as who the scum on the wagon is, I don't know. I was leaning Avatar but he is the one that has been pushing the fact that the sensor shot did identify that there was a scum off the wagon - the very thing that has confirmed (for me at least) nutz is scum.

You mean wake, not house right? Why would two target if there is one group of scum? Or are you suggesting a third party?

Interesting thought. The assumption is that nutz is scum but didn't know that house is a traitor. That's my understanding of the traitor role but who knows if we have some sort of variant or modified traitor?
'Doh - there I go again mixing up those names. Yes, I meant they might have both targeted wake.

Two would target because that information could not be communicated. House had no communication with the scum team if I understand the role of mafia traitor. The scum would not have known who house targeted and he would not have known who they were going to target.

Either that or someone blocked the mafia kill and the house kill went through without town having any protective roles. I doubt that a doc or jail keeper would have targeted anyone else. Though there is the mod point about not targeting ones self - as though someone tried???

How could house kill someone while he was dead from the lynch before the night began?
He was a 'mafia traitor VIGILANTE"

That means house had a kill coming. I expected 2 dead for the night kill after I seen the flip. We only have one.

Well, I can say that in a game I was in the vigilante kill went through and killed someone overnight even though the vigilante was NK'd by scum. The mod explained that the vigilante kill over-rode the NK due to how actions are resolved. This tells me if House PM'd the kill to the mod during the day, that it would still happen regardless. If he is a vigilante that has to submit a night action, then his lynch would of kept him from being able to kill.
I must be confused on how vigilante works then. I thought that you got the shot when you died, not anytime you decided to use it.

Lulz did not post that there was a limitation to his shot. As though he could use it every night!
That would lead credence to the idea that there were only 2 scum - that ability alone would be far more powerful than even Wake's. Hmmmm....

It looks like if we mis lynched day one we would have been at lylo.
You mean wake, not house right? Why would two target if there is one group of scum? Or are you suggesting a third party?

Interesting thought. The assumption is that nutz is scum but didn't know that house is a traitor. That's my understanding of the traitor role but who knows if we have some sort of variant or modified traitor?
'Doh - there I go again mixing up those names. Yes, I meant they might have both targeted wake.

Two would target because that information could not be communicated. House had no communication with the scum team if I understand the role of mafia traitor. The scum would not have known who house targeted and he would not have known who they were going to target.

Either that or someone blocked the mafia kill and the house kill went through without town having any protective roles. I doubt that a doc or jail keeper would have targeted anyone else. Though there is the mod point about not targeting ones self - as though someone tried???

How could house kill someone while he was dead from the lynch before the night began?
He was a 'mafia traitor VIGILANTE"

That means house had a kill coming. I expected 2 dead for the night kill after I seen the flip. We only have one.

Well, I can say that in a game I was in the vigilante kill went through and killed someone overnight even though the vigilante was NK'd by scum. The mod explained that the vigilante kill over-rode the NK due to how actions are resolved. This tells me if House PM'd the kill to the mod during the day, that it would still happen regardless. If he is a vigilante that has to submit a night action, then his lynch would of kept him from being able to kill.
I must be confused on how vigilante works then. I thought that you got the shot when you died, not anytime you decided to use it.

Lulz did not post that there was a limitation to his shot. As though he could use it every night!
That would lead credence to the idea that there were only 2 scum - that ability alone would be far more powerful than even Wake's. Hmmmm....

It looks like if we mis lynched day one we would have been at lylo.

Will you vote Avi?
At least you knew to change it to something nicer. LOL

Or is it you don't know when you're wrong?
I am a winner. I am always right! And don't you forget that, toots.


"Respect My Authori-tay"

What if I don't wanna?

The little chain on those might come in handy once I get my hands around your neck.
I am ok with an Avi vote.

I will check in off and on tomorrow (Monday) to see what he has to say.

I led the House lynch but I am not as confident about this Avi lynch.

And no, I am no hypocrite. I am not bussing anyone.

I am what I am. What I am is Town. I am definitely Town aligned. (See House lynch)

Regards from Rosie
Scum did not know house was scum.

They could have easily been unwittingly on his wagon.
'Doh - there I go again mixing up those names. Yes, I meant they might have both targeted wake.

Two would target because that information could not be communicated. House had no communication with the scum team if I understand the role of mafia traitor. The scum would not have known who house targeted and he would not have known who they were going to target.

Either that or someone blocked the mafia kill and the house kill went through without town having any protective roles. I doubt that a doc or jail keeper would have targeted anyone else. Though there is the mod point about not targeting ones self - as though someone tried???

How could house kill someone while he was dead from the lynch before the night began?
He was a 'mafia traitor VIGILANTE"

That means house had a kill coming. I expected 2 dead for the night kill after I seen the flip. We only have one.

Well, I can say that in a game I was in the vigilante kill went through and killed someone overnight even though the vigilante was NK'd by scum. The mod explained that the vigilante kill over-rode the NK due to how actions are resolved. This tells me if House PM'd the kill to the mod during the day, that it would still happen regardless. If he is a vigilante that has to submit a night action, then his lynch would of kept him from being able to kill.
I must be confused on how vigilante works then. I thought that you got the shot when you died, not anytime you decided to use it.

Lulz did not post that there was a limitation to his shot. As though he could use it every night!
That would lead credence to the idea that there were only 2 scum - that ability alone would be far more powerful than even Wake's. Hmmmm....

It looks like if we mis lynched day one we would have been at lylo.

Will you vote Avi?

Lynch-or-Lose - MafiaWiki
Lynch-or-Lose, or LyLo, is a game state wherein the Town must lynch scum during the present Day phase or they will lose the game (often by being endgamed by scum). It is also called Lynch-right-or-lose.

It is generally easy to tell when a game is in LyLo because there will only be one more Town player alive than the number of scum. For instance, if there are five players alive and two of them are scum (thus three of them are Town), the game is in LyLo. This can be adjusted for the presence of multiple killing groups, but the premise remains the same.
You mean wake, not house right? Why would two target if there is one group of scum? Or are you suggesting a third party?

Interesting thought. The assumption is that nutz is scum but didn't know that house is a traitor. That's my understanding of the traitor role but who knows if we have some sort of variant or modified traitor?
'Doh - there I go again mixing up those names. Yes, I meant they might have both targeted wake.

Two would target because that information could not be communicated. House had no communication with the scum team if I understand the role of mafia traitor. The scum would not have known who house targeted and he would not have known who they were going to target.

Either that or someone blocked the mafia kill and the house kill went through without town having any protective roles. I doubt that a doc or jail keeper would have targeted anyone else. Though there is the mod point about not targeting ones self - as though someone tried???

How could house kill someone while he was dead from the lynch before the night began?
He was a 'mafia traitor VIGILANTE"

That means house had a kill coming. I expected 2 dead for the night kill after I seen the flip. We only have one.

Well, I can say that in a game I was in the vigilante kill went through and killed someone overnight even though the vigilante was NK'd by scum. The mod explained that the vigilante kill over-rode the NK due to how actions are resolved. This tells me if House PM'd the kill to the mod during the day, that it would still happen regardless. If he is a vigilante that has to submit a night action, then his lynch would of kept him from being able to kill.
I must be confused on how vigilante works then. I thought that you got the shot when you died, not anytime you decided to use it.

Lulz did not post that there was a limitation to his shot. As though he could use it every night!
That would lead credence to the idea that there were only 2 scum - that ability alone would be far more powerful than even Wake's. Hmmmm....

It looks like if we mis lynched day one we would have been at lylo.

It's up to the game mod as far as how the shot is used. It could be that he only had one shot on a certain day or night, that he would have to be NK'd to use it, etc, etc, etc. To guess at this point that he would get a shot in every night is far fetched at the least.

The little chain on those might come in handy once I get my hands around your neck.
Now I am getting excited.

Somehow, I just knew you would!
Actually, I am more of a cuddler...but I will try almost anything once with the right person. Something tells me you get off on abusing men.
I must be confused on how vigilante works then. I thought that you got the shot when you died, not anytime you decided to use it.

Lulz did not post that there was a limitation to his shot. As though he could use it every night!
That would lead credence to the idea that there were only 2 scum - that ability alone would be far more powerful than even Wake's. Hmmmm....

It looks like if we mis lynched day one we would have been at lylo.

I think you are confusing vigilante with venegful. A venegful will be able to shoot someone when they are lynched. A vigilante either can submit a kill during the day by PMing the mod or posting something like dayvig: House in bold or they are a vigilante that can kill at night like scum do which is usually a town role but in this case, not. There wasn't a limit specified on House's ability which means he could probably shoot every night. More than likely his shot was prevented with his lynch but I'm not sure about this. It's hard to say for sure until we can ask post game how it works. I doubt the mod will tell us now.

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